Daily Racing Form Charts: Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-09

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PIMLICO PIMLICO, MD., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1932— Pimlico 1 mile. Sixth day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 12 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clean Stewards, A. G. Weston, G. Brown, Jr., and F. J. Bryan. Judges, J. B. Campbell, J. P. Turner and H. P. Conkling. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary, F. J. Bryan. Racing starts at 2:00 p m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds ; **7 pounds ; ***10 pounds. rTA/IKA FIRST RACE— 2 Miles. Beelzebub, April 30, 1931—3:4644—6—148. Twenty-fifth Run-4 U40U njng GREENSPRING VALLEY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. ,000 added. 4-year- May-7-32-Pim 0ids and upward. Net value to winner ,080; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 00. Index Horses EqtA Wt PPSt 4 8 12 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 70251 INCEPTION ws 6 140 2 5 5l 5s 21 2» 11 CollinsW R McKinney 230 100 608663CRUMPLER w 7 148 9 7 4* 44 V V 27 HrowayA Mrs F A Clark 3725-100 70251 BEELZEBUB wb 7 155 5 3 21 3l 34 34 31 BhouseF E R Bradley +265-100 70201CAHANEMORE w 8 139 7 4 1" 24 44 44 4k SimsM J Simpson Jr 6590-100 702513TOTALISATOR • 6 133 3 9 10 7» 7" 5* 5* TdykeF J P White 650-100 66090 BAROMETER w 4 134 6 10 91 10 8" 7» 64 WolkeE E R Bradley + 60298IRIDESCENT w 5 142 1 1 8,k 8* 6* 6k 710 LambertJ Mrs J H Whitney 870-100 65214 SILVERSKIN w 4 142 8 6 3* 1* 51 8" 820 ScottA T Hitchcock 730-100 437022WAR EAGLE wb 8 140 10 8 64 6* 9 9 9 SlateF Foxcatcher Farms Stable 2620 100 702012NIGHT RETREAT w 5 140 4 2 T 9* P. up. AlbrightE J J Nesbitt 2070 100 fCoupled as E. R. Bradley entry. time, 3:4414 new track record. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . INCEPTION .60 .40 .60 230—100 120—100 80—100 CRUMPLER 24.80 10.40 1140—100 420—100 E. R. BRADLEY ENTRY 3.00 50—100 Winner— Ch. g, by Sporting Blood— Chrysalis II., by Marajax trained by W. A. Harris; bred by Mr. T. C. Gerry. WENT TO POST— 1:59. AT POST— 3* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. INCEPTION, kept close to the leaders from the start and jumping boldly, responded well when challenging and, withstanding a hard drive, outlasted CRUMPLER. The latter displaced SILVERSKIN at the tenth fence, saved ground and held on resolutely. BEELZEBUB continued gamely in the final drive. CAHANEMORE showed a good performance. TOTALISATOR made up ground. BAROMETER raced evenly. IRIDESCENT was held safe. SILVERSKIN tired badly after a mile. WAR EAGLE struck himself and would not extend himself thereafter. NIGHT RETREAT was pulled up going to the twelfth fence. Overweight — Barometer, 1 pound. rTA/l K.~l SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Dignus, May 13, 1926— :53%— 2— 111. Questionnaire 4 JM:iJ JL Purse. Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Net value to winner May-7-32-Pim 00; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 703023STAR PORTER wb 118 5 3 1°* 14 l" WkmanR R Parr 155 100 MAROONED w 118 8 4 3" 2" 2* SmithJ Le Mar Stock Farm Stable 2080 100 70090 LOUGH PORT w 118 2 2 22 3* 3* HainesR C J Eisenhardt 1435 100 CONSIDERATE w 118 1 1 4» 4" 4" CalhanH M L Schwartz 1145-100 70137 POLLY F. w 115 4 7 7"k 62 51 McTagtJ P H Faulconer +1195-100 BLUE EMPEROR w 118 12 5 5" 51 61 LewisM J O Keene 400-100 69913 PORT WEATHER wb 115 7 6 63 T 74 OMalleyJ Mrs D C Sands 11805-100 70058 STEP LIVELY w 115 9 9 8k 8s 82 PetzJ C T Grayson 1810 100 GAMMA DELTA w 118 3 8 101 92 94 BejshakJ H T Archibald + 70090 POST BRIGADE w 118 6 11 ll8 102 10* LoumanH A L Getz + 69605 SWEET SIXTEEN wb 115 11 10 9 ll4 ll5 ElstonH R Small 5615 100 DARTHEA w 115 10 12 12 12 12 HanfordB W M Jeffords 730-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%. :48. :54%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS .. STAR PORTER .10 .60 .70 155—100 80—100 35—100 MAROONED 16.60 8.90 730—100 345—100 LOUGH PORT 6.30 215—100 Winner — Ch. c, by The Porter— Starella, by Star Shoot trained by E. Trueman; bred by Mr. E. B. McLean. WENT TO POST— 2:35. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. STAR PORTER, quick to start and showing good speed, raced LOUGH PORT into defeat and, holding on gamely, just lasted to withstand MAROONED. The latter was placed to punishment near the end and was wearing down the winner. LOUGH PORT forced a good early pace and held on well. CONSIDERATE raced evenly throughout. POLLY F. finished gamely on the outside. BLUE EMPEROR was unable to reach the leaders. The others were outrun. Scratched— 70302 Coligny, 118; Teaberry, 115; Cutie Face, 115; Little Goblin, 115; Ilchester, 118; 70203 Stealingaway, 118. • WAi KO THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Con Amore, Nov. 7, 1931— 1:10%— 4— 120. Purse ,300. 3-4 If-tOf year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, May-7-32-Pim 50. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000. 2 pounds extra; if for ,500, 4 pounds extra. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt ft ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 70031 WISE COUNT wb 3 116 3 1 l1 l1 1* 1* WkmanR C E Grogan 420 100 704043MEXICO w 3 114 5 3 41 31 34 2" ElstonH S W Labrot 390-100 703042*VOLTAGREEN wb 4 118 1 5 2" 24 21 3s GilbertJ Nevada Stock Farm Stable 135 100 702043MARLENE w 3 109 6 6 51 54 4« 4» MeadeD A Pelleteri 390 100 69784 FRESHET w 4 115 7 4 6* 61 51 51 SmithJ R S Clark 13005 100 66202 MISS KILUNA wb 3 1061 4 7 7 7 6» 65 CalhanH F J Hughes 16755-100 63007 SOUTHTOUR w 3 105 2 2 3* 4b 7 7 HebertS Mrs W W Vaughan 4495 100 Time, :2V/S, :47%, VMY5. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . WISE COUNT 0.40 .70 .40 420—100 185—100 70—100 MEXICO 5.20 2.90 160—100 45—100 VOLTAGREEN 2.40 20—100 Winner — B. g, by Wise Counsellor — Grace Troxler, by Tea Caddy trained by E. Trueman; bred by Mr. F. Spatola. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:13. AT POST— 6 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. WISE COUNT, racing in his best form and away fastest of all, was steadied along while saving ground and drew away smartly in the final drive. MEXICO, rated close to the leaders, went around VOLTAGREEN and outlasted the latter. VOLTAGREEN, close to WISE COUNT for five-eighths, tired after moving into the stretch. MARLENE was held safe. SOUTHTOUR had early speed. Overweight — Miss Kiluna, I51 pounds. FTfyi ETO FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Waterway. Nov. 13. 1931— 1:44%— 3— 106. Purse ,300. 4 vFOO 3-year-olds and upward. Claimina. Net value to winner 00; second, 50; third, May-7-32-Pim 50. Claiming price, ,500; if "for more. 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt ft ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 70140*BUBOLA w 4 110 1 2 21 2"* 31 1" ll GilbertJ C O Ferguson 210 100 703063*JOLLY PILOT w 3 114 3 5 1* 11 l1 2* 24 ArthurV Audley Farm Stable 170-100 70171 DOUBLE O. wb 6 120 6 7 7" 8 4s 34 34 WkmanR J J Farrell 2455-100 70306*GENERAL LEJEUNE wb 3 112 4 6 4" 3" 2* 41 41 SmithE C C Smithson. 485-100 700332*STONE MARTIN w 4 120 5 8 8 51 T 55 5" RoussellV O Blank 925-100 70356 STEPPING SISTER wb 3 107 2 1 34 4l 51 72 61 DhertyF E J Booth 2495-100 70255 TRAFFIC JUDGE w 3 112 8 3 52 7" 6k 61 72 RobsonW R P Watts 13400-100 63066TAIR THORN w 6 110 7 4 6l 6" 8 8 8 SerioJ H G Bedwell 7315 100 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:13%, 1:40%, 1:47]. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , BUBOLA .20 .00 .50 210—100 50—100 25—100 JOLLY PILOT 2.90 2.70 45—100 35—100 DOUBLE 0 5.30 165—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Bubbling Over — Mazola, by McGee trained by W. H. Denham; bred by Mr. W. E. Hupp. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:49i. AT POST— 7 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. BUBOLA came gamely in the closing half-mile, wore down JOLLY PILOT and, under urging, was gradually drawing clear. JOLLY PILOT saved ground, shook off GENERAL LEJEUNE, but could not withstand the rush of the winner. DOUBLE O., forced to race on the outside, came through on the inside in the stretch and closed gamely. GENERAL LEJEUNE tired after challenging midway of the far turn. STONE MARTIN was poorly handled. STEPPING SISTER showed early speed. Scratched— 70253Chosen Pal, 110; 70165 Hernobs, 107. f7fAK/i FIFTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Big Blaze, Nov. 13, 1924— 1:58%— 3— 118. Twenty-eighth • W±9J± Running DIXIE HANDICAP. 5,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to May-7-32-Pim winner 4,550; second, S2.500; third, ,000; fourth, 00. Index Horses DqtA WtPPSt % % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 70168GALLANT KNIGHT wb 5 121 6 1 P 14 l2 1* l5 SchutteH Audley Farm Stable 285100 70254*SUN MEADOW wb 4 118 8 8 6k 21 24 2* 2s WkmanR K E Hitt 320 100 701682AEGIS wb 4 112 3 3 5l 61 3l 3* 31 HanfordB W M Jeffords 1160100 66810MATE w 4 128 1 7 31 4" 4" 41 4l BwkMrG A C Bostwick 255 100 69997 BLENHEIM wb 4 109 4 4 21 31 5B 5s 51 MillsH Wheatley Stable 2450 100 70168FLAGSTONE w 4 112 5 5 7* 74 64 64 64 StevensF Linton Farms Stable 760 100 70353 ANNIMESSIC wb 4 105 7 2 8 8 71 711 715 PeggC J F Adams 6130-100 70205ROYAL RUFFIN wb 4 109 2 6 4" 5"* 8 8 8 ElstonH Braedalbane Stable 3925 100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:12%, 1:38, 1:58 new track record. Track fast. , J2 MUTUELS PAID , —OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GALLANT KNIGHT .70 .50 .70 285—100 75—100 35—100 SUN MEADOW 3.90 3.10 95—100 55—100 AEGIS .-. 4.29 110—100 Continued on twelfth page.. PIMLICO Continued from third vnge. Winner— Br. h, by Bright Knight —Ethel Gray, by Hessian trained by K. Spencc; bred by Audley Farm. WENT TO POST— 4:30. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. GALLANT KNIGHT began clear and, taking an easy lead going to the first turn, was taken under restraint in the closing three eighths. SUN MEADOW, away slowly, worked his way up on the outside, challenged resolutely midway around the tar turn, but was held sale. AEGIS, knocked off stride soon after the start, worked his way up gamely, but could not menace the first two. MATE broke out at the start, impeded ROYAL BIFFIN and AEGIS, saved much ground throughout, but tired. BLENHEIM had no mishaps. FLAGSTONE was held safe. ANMMESSK was taken up sharply leaving the back stretch when FLAGSTONE and ROYAL RUFFIN were interfered with. Overweight — Annimcssic. 2 pounds. f7fA.KK SIXTH RACE— M INK. ICon AWre~Nov. 7, 1931—1:10—4—120. Mount Washing- • % „t*t* ton Handicap. Purse S1,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000: May-7-32 Pirn second, 00; third. 00. linlix Hors«-w Kiit A Wt ll St Jt jjj Sir Kin Jim-Ih-vw Owners Kgniv. Odils Str t 70304VACII.LATi: w 5 102 4 2 11 11 ll 1 GilbertJ H D Bonsteel 155 100 70204VISHNU wb3 106 3 6 3" 3,k 22 2"k Smith.J Nevada Stock Farm Stable 1005 100 70089:CON AMORE w 5 126 7 1 4 54 51 31 WkmanR J W Y Martin 280 100 70254 LADDER v.b 4 112 2 4 55 43 31 41 HanfordB Mereworth Stud Stable 405 100 70168 SNOBFUL v,b3 99 5 7 7 7 6i 52 HebertS W W Vaughan 4680 100 7C003JAZ AGE wb 4 104 6 3 2 21 4,k 6" RenickJ J Parmalee 1215100 70167 ELECTION DAY w 3 100 1 5 61 6" 7 7 SmithE K E Hitt 4635 100 Time. :22-»5, :46?5. 1:1 14s. Track fast. r— MUTUELS PAID — , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS VACILLATE .10 .30 .30 155—100 65—100 15—100 VISHNU 6.40 3.20 220—100 60—100 CON AMORE . 2.50 25—100 Winner — B. m, by Volta— Compose, by Honey wood trained by H. G. Bedwell; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. WENT TO POST— 5:05. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good III of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. VACILLATE, hurried to the front, raced JAZ AGE into submission and, continuing gamely, outlasted VISHNU. The fatter, rushed into contentien, moved u; last entering the stretch, but swerved in behind the v. nner in the 1-ist eighth and had to !»e taken up lharply in the final sixteenth to go to the outside. CON AMORE dropped back leaving the hack stretch, hut closed streagry. LADDER raced well placed early, then tired. SNOBFUL eras outrun. JAZ ACE quit after a fast five eighths. Overweight — Vacillate, 1 pound, Election Day, 5. 704e»R SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Tred AvonTNov. 3, 1931— 1:42 5— 3—108.7 • ,T* Pursc SI. 300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, May-7-32-Pim S250 : third, 50. Claiming price, ,500: if for ,000, 2 pounds extra; if for ,500, 4 pounds extra. Index Horse* Kpt A Wt 11St 4 jft % Sir Fin J.wkpy Owners E iniv. O.lda Strt 70256BAR HUNTER wb4]4 4 3 2" 2 2 21 lh SmithJ E R Bradley 60 100 69690GAY BIRD wb4 115 2 4 11 11 l1 11 2 GilbertJ O Blank 1155100 70WSISTF.R ZOE wb 7 110 7 6 43 31 3 31 3 SmithE H C Murnan 2000 100 70256 WILLIAM T. v. 7 120 1 1 64 6 5" 4" 41 Elstonll W E Caskey Jr 795100 70170IMPISH v.b 4 122 5 7 7 7 7 7 51 SpshireE J Parmalee 660 100 7030S-MOHN F. j.b4 115 3 2 3 43 4s 54 6 RoussellV J P White 1775-100 ItDttPLAYDALE w 3 110 6 5 51 5 6« 6h 7 Lewis.M Coldstream Stud Stable 2370100 Time, :24, :483s. 1:13%. 1:3925. 1:44%. Track fast. f — S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . BAR HUNTER .20 .80 .50 60—100 40—100 25—108 GAY BIRD 5.20 3.40 160—100 70—100 SISTER ZOE 5.00 150—100 Winner— B. c, by Black Servant— Bit of White, by Sunstar trained by W. Hurley; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:41. AT POST-1 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. BAR HUNTER a keen factor and handling his weight well, was put to severe punishment approaching the stretch and, coming gamely near the end, was up to win in the final twenty yards. GAY BIRD, sheering good speed and rated in front under mild urging, saod ground and fought it out gamely. SISTER ZOE, following close up, held on gamely. WILLIAM T. finished fa*t. IMPISH, slow to get going, finished reso-lutelv. JOHN F. had no excuses. "Scratched— 702563Avalon, 117. Corrected weight — William T., 120. » OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT PIMLICO Saturday— 3 Races, 26.00; 5 Races, 73.70; 7 Races, 18.60 ■ — - *

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932050901/drf1932050901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1932050901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800