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— — — MMMM — — — i— — S. S. Sentry "AMERICAS SUREST" YESTERDAYS CHURCHILL PARLAY: PRINCE ATHELING, .44, WON GLORITONE, .36, WON THURSDAYS WINNLNG PARLAY: LUCKY DRIFT, 2.30, WON TEWSENELDA, 0.34, WON Limit Win Parlay at Aurora CONNECTIONS are SHOOTING the WORKS on two MORE SPEED MARVELS that have been BURNING UP the TRACKS in their SECRET MORNING WORKOUTS. DON T FAIL TO BE WITH ME TODAY FREE! FREE! FREE! PREAKNESS WINNER to all subscribers today. This also includes out-of town subscribers. This is the Real McCoy. for Parlay and Special Located Opp. Hotel Sherman IF YOU CANT CALL AT MY OFFICE IN PERSON before goint; to the track, PHONE DEARBORN 8697 and we will send messenger at once. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire . IMMEDIATE SERVICE. 155 N. CLARK ST., ROOM 414 CHICAGO, ILL. READ THIS CAREFULLY! 1 am not a "tipster," but a man who has made a lifelong study of turf speculation. When I say this method of turf play which I am offering you will make you independent, I have proof to back up what I . say. In my research work on this method I checked back on its performance for a period of four years, 1928, 29, 30, 31. During that time it never even came close to failing in doing exactly what I claim it will do. Do you know of any other method ever offered the public which will stand such a test? This method will yield you an income averaging better than 5 monthly the year around on a capital of 0. Only a small part of the capital is ever in play and it is practically safe to start with a capital of 0. Two plays to win are made each day and may be placed the night before. It is so simple anyone able to read can operate it. My price for this method is certainly reasonable— 0 by telegraph or money order and you are getting something which will lift you out of the "rut" and make you a consistent winner. This method is absolutely foolproof. All orders sent by air mail. WILLIAM E. JACKSON 1270 Broadway Suite 216 New York City JX 1/ 1/ DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR SATURDAY: CHURCHILL— H-6-25-7-19. AURORA— E-24-9-25 7. Fridays Kelly Code Releases at Churchill Downs: TRINCHERA, .54, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. WmfWBKPBESSm 145 W. 45th St. Bryant 9-2761 New York City "Greatest Racing, Sporting, Financial, Theatrical Weekly in the World" 16 Pages Illustrated— Now in Its 8th Year All Stands — 15c — Everywhere WINNERS— FREE CODE TODAY— WINNERS Buy The New York Press at Nearest Newsstands See key code on page 9. Write for sample copy. FREE Price. 35c — On Sale Everywhere — Pr ce i 5c TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: PIMLICO— December-York-Memphis-Omaha SUrREME FLASH Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— Sept.-9-18-18-25. TODAYS PARLAY: PIMLICO— Helmet-21-29. CHURCHILL— Stick-5-36. JOHN W. CROMWELL TURFWEEKXY TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: PIMLICO— Bndle-11-7-23-13. AURORA— Fast-16-2. Todays Reynolds Special: AURORA— Waco-78-89. BURGOO KING, 3.24, WON was lflvt Saturdays spe. ial. Todays Cwb- Special: No. 587. New bwk on sale. .t."» cents, all mrntnih STANDARD TUHF GUIDE 514 Congress Bank Bldgr. Chicago. 111. ■