Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-17

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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES ! CHURCHILL DOWNS | 1 TUESDAY, MAY 17 * ©"■""" Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 — .26 ""■■ Starts from Bahr Stall Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00 p. m. 1st Churchill Sheperdsville Purse. Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Maid-_ . ens. Fillies. Special Weights. Ruddy Light, June 5/S Mile 2, 1923— :59— 2— 112. Index Post iBest atDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70360* 4 Cynara 115.. 70509* 10 Terry Lass.... 115.. 70608* 8 Dominant Miss CD 115 1:01% 115.. 70407* 9 Dusky Lass... 115X 70509* 6 Miss Cameron. 115.. 70701 17 Bright Emblem CD 110 1:02 115.. 70512 1 Nervous Lad v. 115.. 70608 2 Elmira . . .CD 115 1:03% 115.. 70608 3 Reeds Choice. . CD 115 1:03% 115.. 70407 5 Lotus Bud.... 115.. 70560 7 Patricia Grev.. 115.. Index Post -Best atDistance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 11 Little Connelly 115.. 12 Bonnie Marita. 115.. 70560 13 Bettina H 115.. 14 Ladv of Grace. 115., 15 Nest Egg 115.. 70560 16 Three Bees.... 115.. 70751 18 Glamorous CD 115 1:03% 115.. 70509 19 Tabby 115.. 20 Miss Justice.. 115.. J. B. Respess entry — Lotus Bud. Bright Emblem. Thomas and T. C Piatt entry — Miss Cameron, Dominant Miss. H. Oots entry — Terry Lass, Lady of Grace. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931 sfcFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. Scratches are shown In Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. Only 13 noises allowed to start* The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr Cdds Wt. St. * iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company Cynara 1 1 CC Ch. f, 2 M. by Mad Hitter— Sky Blue, by All Gold. Work- Mav 14 12 -48%ft ** Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. "Whitney. May 5-32*CD 4£ f :54% ft 10 110 5 3 3* 3" ElstonG* Allw 6 T.srPerll3.M.Careful 116,B.EmbrmllO May 3-32CD 4i f :55% ft 2310 116 3 6 54i 61 ElstonG* Maid 12 St.Jescall6.JustUmrll6,Bubbl-0.116 z Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won . . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. Krd. ffin. 1932 record.. 2 0 0 1 $ 75 Terry LaSS 1 1 K Ch. f, 2 M, by Terry— Rail On. by On Watch. Work: Mav 14— 5-8. .. .1:05ft ■»■ 1 O Trainer. H. Wells. Owner, H. Oots. May 9-32*CD 4£ f :55% ft 37-10 115 4 2 2* 21 RoseM5 2000 9 Lonwinll5,M.Cameronll5,DryBelle 115 Apr.25-325Lex 4* f :57% sy 8 115 3 1 3J 91 RoseM* Maid 7 DonsB.115,OswgoPrincessll5,Spill 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-x 1932 record.. 2 0 1 1 $ 175 Dominant 3HSS 11 B. f, 2 M, by Dominant— Sans Tache, by Ethelbert. Work- Mav 15 12 50%ft -*•-*-"- Trainer. J. P. Bailee. Owner, T. C, Piatt. Mayll-32CD § 1:01% ft 76 115 5 5 5! 31 RoseM* Maid 12 GdScoutll5.S.Blanchell5,P.Crker 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. VVon.- . , Starts. 1st. 2iid. Srd. Won.— 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 % 50 Dusky LaSS X 1 1 B. f, 2 M, by Pharamond n.— Kutbrown Maid, by Stalwart. Work: Mav 15—3 8.. :37%ft * 1 ° Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, B. M. Eastman. May 6-32.0 4 f :55 ft 6 116 1 3 2l 3*i MeyerC10 Maid 12 SueTry 116,BtinaH. 116,Stimowav 116 Apc30-321CD 4 f :58% hy 10 116 8 4 46J 2* MeyerC1* Maid 10 Two Slipper 116,EIegy 116,GoEasy 116 FebL26-32*Hia § :34% hy 65 106 12 9"* 7U TurnerC8 300015 BiihesOrphanll5,Ipral 118,Modesto 117 Feb.l6-32*Hia § :35% ft 98 117 6 8*i 44 RenickJ10 250018 MsBroomin.JnBrwnin.NunsVVyin Feb. 4-322Hia 2£ f :29% ft 328 113 7 7"J 8* FronkVV* Allw 17 DarkLove 119,FoulTip xlo.LastBid U3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -» 1932 -ecord. .5 0 1 1 $ 275 MISS Cameron 1 1 FC B. f. 2 M. by Macaw-Lina Clark, by Delhi. Work- Mav 15—1-2 50%ft -*--*■*-* Trainer. J. P. Sallee. Owner. T. Piatt. May 9 -32*C.D 4 f :55% ft 37 115 3 4 4* 34 LandoltC7 2000 9 Lonwinll5.T,rvLassll5.DrmvBelle 115 fttay 3-32.0 4| f :55% ft 77 1161111 81 7°i HorvathK10 Maid 12 St.Jescall6,JustUmrll6,Bubblg0.116 Apr25 325Lex 4£ f :57% sv 10 115 2 5 54 54 FronkW* Maid 7 DorisB.115.0sw.Pncssll5,TryLass 115 Apr21-322Lex 4 :56% gd 21 116 7 10 1014 914 Jame S1 2000 10 Prestige 116, GoEasy 116, Waucela 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ?rd. Wnn. 1932 record.. 4 0 0 1 $ 50 Bright Emblem 11 B. f, 2 M. by Busy American— Bonnie Crest, by Dick Welles. -LJ.U Trainer. C. H. Trotter. Owner, J. B. Respess. Mayl3-32CD § 1:01% ft 7 110 9 85 44McDm4L* 4000 12 Fl.Thrull3,CstPatrol 113,Sw.Flag 109 May 5-324CD 4 f :54% ft 90 110 4 4 5T 44 GoolerW* Allw 6 T.Slipperll3,M.Careful 116,Cynara 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1932 record.. 2 0 0 0 J 50 NerTOHS Lady 1 "I CC B. f, 2 M. ty Ladkin — Hysteria, by Transvaal. Work- Mav 15—3 8 . -37%ft -*--*-*- Trainer, F. P. letellier. Owner. A. J. Stalling. %URJ Ul :55% ft 47-10 115 2 4 54 610 BakerFJ* 200010 J.UmberllO,H.ExPrvell5,M.Friskv 115 May 3-32CD 4j f :55% ft 51 116 8 4 44 5=i LandoltC* Maid 12 St.Jescall6,JustUmrll6,Bubbrg0.116 Mar 9-324.G g :35% ft 437 116 9 8 8* 84 CavensJ* Maid 12 GirlGatell6,MissDht 116,MaonT 116 Feb24 32SF.G | :35% gd 32f 113 11 11 11* 11" GuerraJ* 2500 12 Gloritonell3,LaContsall3,CSquarell3 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1932 record.. 4 Ellllira 11 Ch. f, 2 M, by Noel— Little Indian, by Guy Fortune. Work: Mav 14—5 8... 1:04ft -L-L*- Trainer. D. R. Riddle. Owner, M. M. Riddle. Mayll-32CD £ 1:01% ft 15f 115 12 12 11" 10i PichonL13 Maid 12 G.Scoutll5,S.Blanchell5,Dom.Miss 115 i— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, Wou.-» 1932 record. . 1 . Reeds Choice 11 Blkl • * 1 h Annihilator— Panini, by Pandion. Work: Mav 10— 3 8 :36ft X±*J Trainer, E. Kaiier. Owner, t. F. ONeill. Mayll 32C.D g 1:01% ft 15f 115 9 10 8" 84 MoranW* Maid 12 G.Scoutll5,S.Blanchell5,Dom.Miss 115 May 5 32C.D 4£ f :55 ft 20f 113 11 10 12" 11" ClellandO 250012 Chatwinkll6,HclenBab 113,Founfn 113 Apr.23 32Lex 4£ f :55 ft 187 113 10 12 1224 12" LandoltC* Maid 12 FlashgThrull6,Bedightll6,MiCara 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 3 Lotas Bod 11 ■.€,"■ M, by Busy American— lady Delhi, by Delhi. X X U Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, J. B. Bespess. May 6 32C.D 4i f :55 ft 17 116 10 10 10u 74 GoolerW* Maid 12 SueT,ryll6,BtinaH. lDskyLass 116 t Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Patricia Grey 11 0r • • * M by 8tefan th« Great— Finnltine, by The Finn. Work: Mav 15 — 12 :49ft **** Trainer, W. Lewis. Owner, W. F. Axton. Mryl4 32C.D g 1:01% ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 Maid 12 SpnLady 112,F.Fleet 115,A.Vdsehnll5 Mayl0 32*C.D 44 f :54% ft 21 109 9 7 ll14 11" NealE* Allw 11 O.Sabathll5,St.Jsicall2,Absolutn 112 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 Little Connelly 11 Br. f, 2 M, by Hephaistos— Folly Connelly, by Disguise. A. X O Trainer, J. O. Goode. Owner, L. A. lyne. r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* Bonnie Miirita 11 Br. f, 8 M, by Black Toney— Strangeways, by Cudgel. Work: Mav 15— 5 8. .l:03%ft **** Trainer, J. G, Chinn. Owner, J. G. Chinn. i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Hot I ilia II. 1 "1 Blk f 2 M- by Nocturnal— Our Betsy, by Huon. Work: Apr. 27—12 . :49%ed ■»** Trainer, C. H. Ferguson. Owner. A. L. Ferguson. MaylO 32C.D 4J f :54% ft 14 109 11 6 6 64 ClellandO" Allw 11 O.Sabathll5,St.Jsicall2,Absolutn 112 May 6 32C.D 4£ f :55 ft 23 116 5 8 61 24 RoseM4 Maid 12 SueTryll6,DkyLassll6,Stimoway 116 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 200 Lady of Grace 11 B. f, 2 M, by Waygood— The Vengeance, by The Finn. X X O Trainer, H. Wells. Owner, H. Oots. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* If est Egg 11 Br. f. 2 M, by Hildur— Annie Gilmore, by Dick Welles. Work: Mav 9— 5 8. . .l:07%ed **«* Trainer, W. G. Sparks. Owner, J. W. Bell. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Three Bees 11 B. f, 2 M, by Justice F — Mamie Smith, by George Smith. Work: Apr. 25—3 8.. :35%ft LIU Trainer, D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. MaylO 32C.D 4 f :54% ft 31 111 5 5 3 fl BurlevF* Allw 11 O.Sabathll5,St.Jsicall2,AbsoIutn 112 May 6 32C.D 44 f :55 ft 13 5 116 2 7 74 104 LandoltC Maid 12 Suerryll6,BtinaH. lDskyLass 116 Apr27-32*HdG 44 f :55 ft 52 114 12 15 16° 191 GilbertJ" Stks 16 Cattail 117,Paint Box 117,Cruising 117 Aprl8 322HdG 44 f :54% ft 6 110 1 5 74 651 BejshakJ* Allw 12 Snaplockll2.LucilleK.119,SrgtHill 118 Aprl2 324Bow £ :49 si 7f 110 5 8 8° 6" MorsonR* Allw 16 Acautaw 115,Cattail 113,MsBrirt 112 Apr. 4 32 Bow £ :48% ft 11 116 4 3 2* 2U MorsonR8 Maid 12 Shavingsll6,FloraCanterll6,HalfS*t 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 0 1 0 $ 200 Glamorous "11 Br. f, 2 M, by Nocturnal— Glamour, by Galloper Light. Work: Apr. 22—12.. :55%ft **** Trainer, A. 8. Lewis. Owner, Ridgeview Stock Farm Stable. Mayl4 32C.D g 1:01% ft 11 115 3 2 9" ll12 AllenCE7 Maid 12 SpnLady 112,F.Fleet 115,A.Wdsehnll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, 1932 record. . 1 Tahhy 11 Ch. f, 2 M, by St. Henry— Kitten, by Plaudit. Work- Mav 13 — 5 8 1 01 % ft xXtJ Trainer, H. D. Simpson. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. May 9 322C.D 44 f :55% ft 21 5 115 6 6 54 53J SimpsonR4 2000 9 Lonwinll5,TryLassll5,M.Cameron 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 1 Miss Justice 11 Ch. f, 2 M, by Justice F.— Black Silk, by Ornament. Work: Mav 16 12.. :49%ft -*--*-*- TTainer, W. Reed. Owner, C. Nuckols. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—* 2nd Churchill Magnolia Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. 6*/2 Furlongs Gallant Knight, May 16, 1931— 1 :16y5— 4— 114. NOTE— Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,500. Weight, 113 pounds. Winners, 2 pounds extra for each race won since April 29. Index Post /Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 706101 1 Dis Dat 115X4000 70754 3 Crystal Prince. Haw 108 1 :22%sy 116X 4500 70610 7 D%ak 114X3500 Index Post /—Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70559 5 Zean 113X 70610 2 Thundertone . 114X 3500 70261 4 I Pass M... 116.. 4500 70702 6 Louie DearM 113.. 3000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. 5jsFalr mud runner. XGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets t , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; ♦apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dla. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. *4Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pce.Sts. Best Company DlS Dat X 1 1 P B. c, 3, by Dis Done — Waif, by Greenback. Work- Mav 16 1-2 -47%ft -*--*-*- Trainer. 8. B. Ott. Owner. French Lies Springs Stable. Mayll 323C.D 1 1:38% ft 3-2 111*5 1 21 3 HauptJ10 4000 10 Cath.Foxll0,LyCouvinl07,Hbnro 111 May 5 323C.D 1 1:37% ft 5 114 6 2 21 2* WallsP* 4000 8 Hoops 114, Dyak 116, Habanero 109 May 2-32*C.D I 1:13% ft 5 115 8 3 2 24 AllenCE* 4000 12 Trinchera 115,Zeanll3,Barashkova 115 Oct27 31Hav 3 1:16% hy 17-5 106 3 2 21 24 NeelJ1 Allw 5 Tdcastrll4,PcessA.O.106£,H.Prof 106 Oct24 313Haw 5±f 1:09% si 5 105 4 4 2 2*1 NeelJ4 Allw 7 ISav 102,CrystalPrce HO.Playdale 105 Octl9 31Haw i 1:14% ft 6 108 5 7 54 3"! NeelJ4 Allw 9 MsMarrlll.Bertjohnin.WdlyLad 114 Octl5 314Haw 3 1:18% hy 61 94 4 3 34 36i NeelJ" Allw 6 ListollO.GuideRightllO.WorldlyLad 97 Octl2-31Haw J 1:16% si 3 110 3 3 2 2* NeelJ Allw 8 TadcterllO,WorldlyLadll5,Newgro 112 Start*, lRt. 2nd. 3rd. vwm — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .21 2 5 6 ,400 1932 record .. 3 0 2 1 $ 450 Crystal Prince X 1 1 fi B. g, 3, hy Prince of Bourbon— Crystal Maid, by Pirate ef X X U Work: Mav 13—1-2.. :49%ft Pen2ance. Trainer, R. White. Owner, P. C. Thompson. Mavl4 324C.D 11:38 ft 6 111 7 3 21 24 CorbettC* 5000 7 L.Brdctll3,P.a.Poetryl21,Minton 111 May 7-325C.D U 2:05% ft 6if 126 8 12 1217 12" CorbettC* Stks 20 BeooKgl26,EcVmicl26,Stepfchit 126 May 3-32C.D 1 1:38% ft 63f 115 10 9 84 44 FischerR* Allw 11 Ad.PostllS.P.HotspurllS.CdCheck 115 Apt30-32*C.D 6i f 1:21% hy 76 115 5 6 6" 6" AllenCE* Allw 7 BngBIazell8,Sazerac 115,B.Angon 115 Mail9-325F.G lg 1:53% ft 16 116 9 7 64 64 PichonL Stks 9 LyToml20,OnHrth 116,P.Hotspur lib Marl5 325F.G 1 1:40% ft 19 106 3 6 6* 6* ArnoldG1 Allw 7 P.Hotspurl06,Ren,sancell2,Sprstl 107 lUUttjG 1 1:42% m 29-10 106 2 3 311 411 ArnoldG1 Allw 5 Renaiscell2,Hoopsll2,Batter.Ram 106 Mar 9 325F.G 1 1:39% ft 19 104 6 5 44 44 ArnoldG* Allw 6 BarHunter 108,Playtime 106,Abdel 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , _ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 3U 3 18 ,863 1932 record. .19 2 13 ,200 Dyak X 1 1 A B. c, 8, by Dodge — Quality, by The Manager. Work- Mav 10 — 3 8 -38%ft -»--,-: Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. Mayll-32*C.D 1 1:38% ft 24 5 116 13 5* 74 FronkW8 4000 10 Cath.Fox 110,LyCouvin 107,DisDat 111 May 5-32C.D 1 1:37% ft 29-10 116 1 4 44 37 FronkW" 5000 8 Hoops 114, Dis Dat 114, Habanero 109 MarlT 32Trp j 1:11 ft 13 1061 1 2 21 2! CorbettC* Allw 7 PoLopezlOO.PlayfolelOO.MyPchase 105 Febl9 328Hia 11:38 ft 19-10 111 5 3 4 44 FronkW* Allw 5 BayAngonll5,Brkmockl08,Playfole 113 Feb 6-32*Hia J 1:24 ft 10 114 5 5 4* 3* AllenCE* Allw 6 Cathop 117,Blackmock 107,OnSir 114 JarL27-32*Hia 1:24% ft 62 109 6 4 1* 1« AllenCE* Allw 8 Blackmockl07,Cathopll3,Fredrick 113 Sepll-31L.F 1 1:13% ft 12 113 3 6 6* 44 FronkW1 Allw 8 Br.a.Bold HS.ChrQunllO.Marmn 113 , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 1 2 3 $ 1.675 1932 record. .6 1 1 2 $ 1,300 Zean X 11*- Ch- g 3 by Golden Broom — Fenmouse, by Rock Sand. Work- Mav 15 — 7-8 .135% ft -*- -*■ *-* Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner, Shandon Farm Stable. Ma 10 322C.D i 1:13% ft 11 113 2 5 3* 44 Morrison R 200012 PlBoundl21,B.Looneyl22,Br.Down 108 May2 325C.D 3 1:13% ft 18 113 9 8 34 34 MorsonR11 300012 Trinchera 115,DisDat 115,Barhkovall5 Apt26 32*Lex fc 1:13 m 6 108 1 3 3* 3 RoseM* 3500 7 GoldStepll6,PllBoundll8,Plumage 110 Apr.22 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 31-10 113 2 7 44 44 GarnerW* 1500 10 AbeFurstll3,GoldenLightl03,Votan 108 Aptl6 324.ex fcl:10%gd 74 105 7 6 84 94 TildenR* Hdcp 10 Tannery 112, JoeyBibb 110,BtyDerrl08 Nov.ll-31!IHF iclM ft41-10ell6 2 2 54 64 McCoyJ* Stks 7 Mintonll9,O.Fancyl22,Unencbered 116 Oct28 31Lat 3 1:16% m 23-10 112 6 2 1 1* MorsonR* 2500 12 Lonell 109,MtineeGirl 110i,ChuChul04 Octl9 31*Lat 3 1:13% ft 6ie 116 4 3 8* 84 MorsonR Allw 10 Tex.Knitl06,Screamll6,Ucumbed 116 , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, 1931 record. .12 3 11 ,000 1932 record .. 5 0 0 2 $ 150 Thnndertone X lid. Ch. c, 3, by Thunderer— Grace of Ogden. by Ogden. Work: Mav 15— 5-8. .1:03% ft X X * Trainer, C. E. Gross. Owner, C. H. Knebelkamp. May 11 32C.D 11:38% ft 61 116 6 2 4 54 LandoltC* 4000 10 Cath.Fox 110,L*yCouvin 107,DisDat 111 May 2 32C.D 3 1:13% ft 38 115 7 7 64 54 TmkerH 4000 12 Trinchera 115, Dis Dat 115, Zean 113 Febl7 324F.G 3 1:13% sy 49 10 111* 4 4 34 2 TinkerH 3250 7 FIauntll5,Stimutor 114,SleSinger 115 Jaa26 32"F.G l 1:52 m 7 10 109 2 1 1* 1* TinkerH* 3000 8 PssCsaderl00,L.Maryl03,Warfide 111 Jan.19 32M.P 1 1:38% ft 29 111 6 10 9" 91* LandoltC11 Allw 12 LkyTomll2,Sprgstl 112,CoriBelIe 106 Det30 31»JP 1 1:44% gd 910 109 5 5 5* 6"* TinkerH* Allw 6 CpD,glasll2,Sim.Singerl06,Chicon 106 Decl8 31M.P 1 1:46% hy 29-10 106 1 1 1* 1* TinkerH* 3750 8 JackB.102.DnaDearl06,Sandwrack 106 Starti. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .23 4 5 1 ,516 1932 record. . 5 1 1 0 $ 850 I Pass 1 1 fi Ch. c. 3 M. by Thunderer— Two No Trumps, by Ballot. Work- Mav 15— lm 145% ft A X Trainer. J. G. Chinn, Owner, Plunkett and Chinn. May3 325C.D 1 1:38% ft 63f 108 3 11 ll14 ll23 CorbettC* Allw 11 Ad.Postll5,P.Hotspurll5,C*dCheck 115 Apt23 32Lex fc 109% ft 27 10 108 3 2 34 34 McCrosnC* Allw 8 PyLehmann 110,WaIterD.115,Easy 115 Aprl9 32*Lex fc 1:10% ft 11-10 110 7 3 2 21 KernW Maid 12 Bny.Maureenl05,VotanllO,GeorgeJr.llO , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Start* 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , 1932 record.. 3 0 1 1 $ 150 IiOnie Dear 11 B. o, 3 M, by Upset— Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Work- Mav 16 — 12 53ft -*--*-- Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. Mayl3 32C.D 3 1:11% ft 152 108 6 5 54 54 CorbettC 3000 6 Silverdalell9,Tantivy 115,BackLog 118 Mar 7-31Mia a| 3% ft 44ellll9 10" 94 MorsonR* Allw 10 Mannerslll,DonRrdll8,StinPrsure 115 Mar 4-31Mia a | :32% ft 11 5e 113 11 9" 10" MorsonR1* Allw 12 Frederick 113,DonRed 122,Impeach 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x 1931 record. . 2 1932 record. . 1 3rd Churchill Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Ruddy Lighi, % Mile June 2 1923— :59— 2— 112. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; If for more, 1 pound extra for each 50 to ,000. Weight, 116 pounds. Maidens allowed 5 pounds. Index Post /-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70512 15*Just Umber... 110.. 2000 70409 6 Arouse 118.. 2000 70357 2 Chatwink .... 118. . 2000 70512 7 High Explosive M 108.. 1500 70512 20*Miss Frisky M 103X 1500 70066 19 Last StandM 111X 1500 70795 1 Infinette M. 110. . 2000 70039 3 Jane Boggess.. 113.. 1500 70307 4 Palatine M.. 113.. 2000 70409 5 Merovech M. 111.. 1500 70409 8 Deenie 116X 1500 Index Post /-Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Pric« 70660 9#Laura ClayC.D 106 1:01% 108. . 1500 70357 10 Zelleen M... 110. . 2000 68877 11 Prince Macaw M 113.. 2000 70509 12 Dreamy Belle M 110.. 2000 70145 13*Field Goal M 108.. 2000 70660 14 Helen Bab. CD 106 1:01 115.. 2000 70512 16 Captains Lady M 108.. 1500 70307 17 St. VincentM 111.. 1500 18 Sweeprush .... Ml 113.. 2000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. ♦Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud «-unner. Brackets , won last start; figures • or * 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Ola. Time Tr. Odda Wt. St, %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company Jnst Umber 1 1 fi B. f, 2, by Justice F.— Umber, by Tryster. Work- Mav 16—3 8 -39%ft **" Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner, Mrs. J. J. Troxler. May 9 32C.D 4* f :55% ft 8 5 110* 4 2 1 1 ElstonG5 2000 10 H.Explveltt.M.FriskyllS.CtsLady 115 May 3-32C.D 4| f :55% ft 7 116 7 2 V 21 EllswthW* Maid 12 St.Jessicall6,Bubbling0.116,GoEasyll6 Fob.24 32F.G g :35% gd 37-10 113 7 5 3* 4 FinnertyR4 2500 12 Gloritonell3,LaContsan3,C SquarelL3 Feb. 3-32F.G g :36% ft 19 10 116 4 2 34 34 GarnerW4 Maid 12 Cru.Testll6.CySquaren6.M Delit 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 4 1 1 1 $ 900 ArOTJSe IIS B. c, 2, by Hildur— Wake Up, by Jim Gaffney. Work- Mav 14—5-8 104% ft **0 Trainer, J. J. Flanigan. Owner, J. J. Flanigan. May 6-32C.D 4* f :55" ft 31 111 5 11* l1 PascumaA* 2500 12 DrmyBellellO,Daudet 112, Speckle 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 1 1 0 0 $ 700 Chatwink 118 B. g, 2, by Chatterton — Chewink, by Celt. Work: Mav 16—3 8.. :36%ft X * ° Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner. C. C. Van Meter. May 5-32C.D 4£ f :55 ft 27-10 116 111* 1* FisherH" 250012 HlenBab 113,Fountain 113,Zelleen 116 May 2 32C.D 4i f :55 ft 9-5 116 6 9 84 44FisherJ* Maid 11 Pr.Westendll6,VennieH.116,Iredell 116 Apc22 324.ex 4i f :56% ft 11-10 116 111* 2" FisherH1 2000 11 CstPatrol 116,RgeWisell6,Kayvanll6 Aprl9-324Lex £ :49% ft 8-5 113 112 2 FisherH 4000 6 BostnW*trsll5,SymJkll2,SwtFlagll3 Aprl6-32«Lex £ :48% gd 10 110 3 2 3* 44 FisherH* Allw 9 ChuckB. 112,DryRidge 112,SunIow 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 5 1 2 0 $ 925 High ExplOSlTe 1 1UO OS B. f, 2 M, by Sir Peter — Lady of the Decoration, by 0a Work: Mav 14-12.. :49%ft Watcb- Trainer, F. L. Snyder. Owner, M. F. Williams. May 9-32C.D 4£ f :55% ft 13 115 5 5 34 2* BurleyF* 2000 10 J.Umberll0,M.Friskyll5,CtsLady 115 Man30 32St.J £ :50% ft 38 113 12 4 34 3! McLarenJ11 Maid 12 Jesting 113,SocialBee 113,DarkWar 113 Mar25 32St.J £ :49% ft 33 107 11 9 74 54 DePmaR* 2500 12 Romacll2,Principalityll0,ToyTown 107 Mar 7-32Trp £ :48% ft 61 114 8 8 84 7* KummerE* Maid 12 Stambul 116,HildurRock 116, Woco 116 Feb.26-322Hia § :34% hy 33 11115 13" 13" CorbettC 300015 BilliesOrphanll5,Ipral 118,Modesto 117 Feb24 32Hia g :35% si 64 115 5 64 4 KummerE* Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115, Tussle 115 Feb.10 32Hia 2£ f :29 ft 112 114 16 15" 154 DePremaR* 2500 18 M.Driftll9,L.Bcadalell4,Os Prici 114 , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 11 0 1 1 $ !60 Miss Frisky X 1 1*1*3 Ch. f, 2 M, by Noah — Ides, by Archaic. Work- Mav 16 3-8 -37%ft *"*** Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, J. O. Whitlow, May 9-325C.D 4£ f :55% ft 21 115 1 1 2* 3" CorbettC1 2000 10 J.l,mberllO,H.Expivell5,Ct?L.,dy 115 Apr26-324.ex 4£ f :59% m 13-5 108 4 1 21 2* CorbettC 2000 8 RidgeWelll,LastStd 111, R II lash 101 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1932 record.. 2 0 1 1 % 150 Last Stand X 111 Ch. j, a M, by Ladkin— Little E., by Eternal. Work- Mav 11 3 8 -36%ft ■k****™ Trainer, T. F. Devereaux. Owner, P. J, ONeill. May 9-32H;.D 4£ f -.54% ft * 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 Allw 12 Red Whisk 115,Levaal 115.1n High 110 Apr.26-32Lex 4£ f :59% m 24 111 3 2 3 32 GrayH5 2000 8 RidgeWelll,MissFkvl08,Rlf lash 109 Apt20-322Lex £ :49 ft 17f 116 5 6 6* 9" GrayH11 Maid 12 HastyPeter 116,Sunlow 116,Bedight 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 0 0 1 $ 50 Infinette 110 Ch. f, 8 M, by Infinite — Minette, by Friar Rock. Work- Mav 15 1-2 -51ft " and-L" Trainer, H. W. 8teele. Owner, K. B. Moody. Apr20-327Lex £ :48%Yt 28 112 3 3 3* 414 JohnsonJ* Allw 6 BsOrpnllO.GlGrdtellO.AdldeA. 110 ,. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 1 Jane BoggeSS 1 1 Q B. f, 2, by Upset — Mammy, by Sempronius. Work: Mav 15— 5-8. .l:04%ft XXand Trainer, J. Howard. Owner. J. Howard. Mayl2-323C.D 1 1:01 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 1500 12 HelnBabl06,Thr.Omondll4,HopulitlH Apr25-324Lex 4£ f :56% sy 12-5 108 1 1 21 5" CorbettC1 180010 PrestigellO,MomsPollyl05£,Kay van 106 Aprl9-322Lex £ :49 ft 33-10 116 111* 14 CorbettC* Maid 12 Stimo,yll6,AbsoIutnll6,SpartanLyll6 Mar.25-32St.J £ :49% ft 5 107 8 11 10* 7*1 CorbettC* 2500 12 Romacll2,Principalityll0,ToyTown 107 Feh22-32Hia g :36 ft 14-5f 119 5 9* 76 CorbettC1* Maid 18 BunD.119,Shavingsll9,RlPurchase 119 Febl6 322Hia g :35% ft 51 11712 124 84 CorbettC 2500 18 MsBroomll7,JnBrvnll7,NunsWyll7 FebJ.O-32Hia 2£ f :29 ft 11 114 4 3 64 CorbettC 2500 18 M.Driftll9,L.Bcadalell4,Os PriYs 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1932-ecord.. 6 1 0 0 $ 450 Palatine 1 1 Q Ch. c, 8 M, by Prince Pal— My Colleen, by Pebbles. Work- Mav 9 3-8 -39%ed Trainer, C. E. Gross. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. Mayl2-32"C.D f 1:61* ft 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 2000 12 HelnBabl06,Thr.Omondll4.Hopulitll4 May 4-32C.D 4£ f :54% ft 54 116 6 8 7" 7" LandoltC* Maid 12 Opinionll6,SunGros 116,Hild. Rock 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Merovech 111 B, ■;, 8 M, by Pharamond II.— Abstention, by Sweepor. Work: Mav 14— 5-8. .l:05%ft XXX Trainer, F. S. Page. Owner, F. S. Page. Mayl2-323C.D §1:01 ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 1500 12 HelnBabl06,Thr.Omondll4.Hopulitll4 May 6-323C.D 4£ f :55 ft 13-5 111 8 3 4" 6s HardyL11 2500 12 Arouselll.DreamyBelle HO.Daudet 112 Mar.ll-323F.G g :35% gd 13-5 118 3 1 2k 24 MorrisonR* Maid 12 PntBoxll8,FrndJohn 118,Catwalk 118 Feh26-323F.G g :35% ft 43-10e 118 13 2 24 MorrisonR11 Maid 11 ModnAcell8,PntBox 118,B.Tinker 118 Feb.lO-32F.G g 5% ft 29-10 118 12 1 2"* BurkeJH Maid 12 SphWayll8,MonksBelall5,SymJk 118 Jan29-321F.G g :36% gd 25f 118 2 3 3* 34 MorsonR" Maid 12 Rigaudll8.Span.Wayll8.Pr.Di.nset 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 0 3 1 $ 375 Deepie X 1 1 f C*1 c 2 "*y Deep Thoughts — Lobelia, by Dr. Leggo. Work- Mav 16 1-2 -51ft Trainer, B. Emrie. Owner, N. W, Buck. May 6-323C.D 4£ f :55*ft 15 116 210 815 7* BakerFJ1 2500 12 Arouselll.DreamyBelle HO.Daudet 112 MarlSA.C 4£ f :55% si 31 108*4 1 l4 l4 CochlinJ5 100012 St.Falconl08,J.Patsie HO.MgieLou 110 Mar.lO-32A.C 4£ f :54% ft 15 112 2 2 3 54 ArnoldL* 1550 9 MissPotr.eroll5,Beesonll4,.JoePtsie 105 Feh28 324A.C £ :47% ft 29 118 5 4 4* 104 KnightM11 Stksl2 LindenTreellS.SnorkyllS.MdwBoy 115 Feh24-32A.C £ :49 ft 8-5 117 6 2 2* 44 ColtilettiF1* 150012Manora 108, Bonsilla 115, Eva B. 116 Feb.lO-32A.C g :37% m 10 117 4 1 11 14 CollinsJ* 800 10 St.Falcon 117,GayleneC. 108,Zodo 108 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 2 0 0 $ 600 Laura Clay 1 OS B, f, 2, by Angon — Flara, by Torchbearer. Work- Mav 16 3 8 " -35%ft -*-"k"0 Trainer, J. J. Keith. Owner, J. T. Ireland, Mayl2 323C.D 1 1:01 ft 15 106*3 3 2 4s HauptJ" 1500 12 HelnBabl06,Thr.Omondll4.Hopulitll4 Apr25-324Lex 4£ f :56% sy 6 106* 3 4 44 48 xlerndezJ4 180010 Prestigell0,MomsPollvl05£,Kawan 106 Aprl8 32Lex i :49% ft 16-5 106 1 1 1* l1 HerndezJ1 2000 8 MomsPlyl06,GonDeeds 113,GoEasylLl Marll 32Trp :48% ft 21 116 1 1 21 34 GreenbgH* Maid 12 GonPcessll6,ToyTonll6,SoclBee 116 Feb.24 323Hia g :35 si 7 115 1 44 94 GreenboreS* Maid 13 FoulTip 115, Mintogee 115, Jesting 115 Jan20-321Hav 4 :23 si 10 115 5 2 24 GrcenbgS* Allw 11 O.Sabathll5,W Walkerll8,Fly.Girl 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 6 1 1 1 $ 525 Zelleen 110 B. f, 2 M. by Lee O. Cotner — Be Quick, by Golden Maxim. Work- Mav 15 3 8 35%ft -*--*-" Trainer, R. W. Collins. Owner, Collins and Hardy. Mayl2 323C.D g 1:01* ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 1750 12 HelnBabl06,Thr.Omondll4.Hopuiitll4 May 5-32C.D 4£ f -.55 ft 20f 116 3 7 74 4 MoranW4 2500 12 Chatwinkll6,HelenBah 113,Fount*n 113 Feb.10 322Hia 2£ f :29 ft 292 114 8 16" 164 PollardJ* 2500 18 M.Driftll9.L.Bcadalell4.0s.PriVs 114 Feb. 8-32JHia 2£ f :28% ft 172 119 18 16* 15" PollardJ10 Maid 18 Mintwina 119.Modestoll9.Fretwork 119 Feb 2-322Hia 2£ f :29% ft 12 5f 111 14 14" 134 PollardJ1* 2500 18 M.Driftlll.L.Bcadalelll.S.Precus 112 z Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W«n.-, 1932 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 25 Prince Macaw 1 1 Q Br- c 2 M- *Dy Macaw — Mary Ann. by Omar Khayyam. Work: Mav 15— 5 8. .1:03% ft ***• Trainer, P. Reuter. Owner. J. Marscb. Mavl2 32C.D gl:01 ft 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 2000 12 HornBabl06,Thr.Omondll4.Hopuritll4 FcbL24 32F.G g :35% gd 35 116 10 8 8" 84 RobleH" 2500 12 Gloritonell3.LaContsall3,C.Squarell3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 1 Dreamy Belle 110 B. f, a M, by Paicines or Sir Peter— Belle of Stonewall, by Work: Mav 14—1-2 :53ft X XKJ Ben BTUsh- Trainer, J. J. Oreely. Owner, Shandon Farm Stable, May 9 322C.D 4£ f :55% ft 21-10 115 5 3 34 44 GarnerW 2000 9 Lonwinll5.TrvLassll5.M.Camcron 115 May 6-323C.D 4£ f :55 ft 71 110 6 2 2 2 GarnerW* 2500 12 Arouse 111. Daudet 112, Speckle 111 Apr.25 322Lex 4 f :57% sy 21 115 4 4 44 44 GarnerW Maid 7 Absolutionll5,Patsvettell5.Infinelle 115 Apr21 32Lex 4£ f :56% gd 25 116 5 2 2 34 GarnerW" 200011 GdenDeedsll6.MornsPollylll.Spill 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record., ,4 0 1 1 $ 275 Field Ooal 1 fQ Br «• 2 M, by Busy American— Babe K., by Leonardo II. Work: Mav 15— 5 8. .1:03% " ft *VO Trainer, R. Goose. Owner. Laffoon and Yeiser. May 2 32C.D 4i f :55 ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 Maid 11 Fr.Westendll6,VenmeH. 116.1redell 116 Apr.29 322C.D 4£ f :55 ft 4 110 1 5 64 54 ElstonG Allw 12 LeBruverell5,Fountnl07,StarBrooklll, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Helen Bah "1 1 FC Br. f. 2, by Sun Pal— Bab, by Meridian. Work: Mav 10—3 8.. :38%ft A * *- Trainer, 3. McGes. Owner, L. C. Young. Mayl2-32" .1 | 1:01 ft 2310 106*4 5 3 1* ElstonG* 2000 12 Thr.Omondll4.Hopuntll4,LaCIay 106 May 5-32C.D 4£ :55 ft 7 113 9 6 3* 2" MeycrC5 2500 12 Chatwink 116,Fountain 113,Zelleen 116 , SUrtt. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 1 1 0 | 800 Captains Lady 1 AO Br. f, 2 M, by Captain Alcock — Shining Mark, by Friar Rock. Work: Mav 16 — 3-8.. 39%ft *•"** Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, Dixiana. May 9-32H:.D 4i f :55% ft 25 115 3 6 6*1 4* McCrosnC* 200010 J. Umborll0,H.Explvell5,M.Frisky 115 Apc26 324Lex 4J f :59% m 13 5 109 2 5 I" 1" McCrosnC* 2000 7 BlkNosol08,MyBlaze 112i,Chicaloo 110 Apc21-324.ex 4 :56% gd 9 116 o 4 6*1 4» McCrosnC1 2000 10 Prestige lib, GoEasy 116, Waucela 116 Apd8 32TLex £ :49% ft 10 112 2 8 7l* 6*i McCrosnC3 2250 8 L.Clayl06,MomsPollyl06,GonDeeds 113 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ffnn.-v 1932 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 25 St. VhlOeilt 111 B. g. 2 M, by Boniface— Briardale, by Ormondale. Work- Mav 16 1-2 -54%ft ■*-■*--*■ Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner. L. C. Ewald. May 4 32C.D 4i f :54% ft 65e 116 7 5 1018 10" GlennJ* Maid 12 Opinionll6,SunGros 116,Hild.Rock 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ffon.-v 1932 record . . 1 Swee* ril »!i 11* B. c, 8 M, by Sweep — Rushwater. by The Commoner. Work: Mav 14-5-8. .l:04%ft ■L±° Trainer, 3. C. Shea. Owner. J. T. Xooney. , Starts. 1st. 2ud. 3rd. Won.— » , Harts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 4th Churchill Purse 00 3. Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Don % Mile Leon- May 19- 1931—1:11—3—105. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 t© ,500. Non-winners since April 29. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 115 pounds. No apprentice allowance. Index Post r-Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70753 1 Best V u.A.P 110 1:10%. 5 115X 2500 70752 5 Smear ....Bow 115 1:11% 4 115X 2500 70010* 9 Birthday Gift. CD 107 1:12% 4 115.. 2500 70609 2 Doris Jean.Was 103 1:12% 4 112.. 3500 70508 3 Town LimitL.F 104 1:13% 4 110X 2500 Index Post r-Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Pric« 70752 6 More PowerA.P 115 1:13% 4 115.. 2500 70408 4 Dont Touch... M CD 113 1:15% 3 108. . 2500 70661 7 Evergold M. J.P 110 l:17%h 3 110.. 3500 66322 8 Old Depot. L.F 108il:15 3 108X 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. *Fair mud runner. xGSood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dig. Time Tr. Odda Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.C1 Pee Sts. Best Company Best Man X 1 1 Blki h • by Mad Hatter— Bridesmaid, by Chicle. Work- Mav 13 1-2 -50ft -*--*-*- Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner. H. M. Woolf. Mvl4-32*C.D a 1:12% ft" 21 120 1 4 44 64 AllenCE11 2500 11 Gr.Princel22,Predictll3,EastrTime 113 May 7-32.0 a 1:12% ft 4-5 115 5 2 2* 24 AllenCE7 2000 8 Tobereaum.UIeMattllS.BderdashllO May 3-32C.D J 1:13% ft 11-5 115 10 5 54 2J AllenCE* 2000 12 SisAgnesllO.TnLimit UO.Hamilton 115 Apc25-322HdG $ 112% ft 6 117 2 9 9" 9" AllenCE" 30G0 12 BrightBird 110, Blimp 112, Babble 112 Apc22-322HdG J 1:12% ft 91 117 3 4 54 51 AllenCE* 4000 6 S.Daldsonll7,Avalonll7,UncovVd 115 Aprl6 32*HdG * 1:14% ft 32f 117 9 6 6 54 AllenCE5 4000 12 Voltagrnl07.Reg.BaddunllO,Fiddlerll7 Mar21324St J g 1:13% ft 12 98 6 8 74 10" ClancyM1 Hdcp 10 JazAgell6,F].BearerllO,StrtSinger 106 Mac 3 32*Trp 5i f 1:04% ft 20 100 2 6 6 7*1 MontgyR Hdcp 7 Panetianl20,Vacillatel20,FgBearer 110 Starts, lat, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1931 record. .12 4 4 2 ,466 1932 record.. 8 0 2 0 $ 400 Smear X 11 3. g, 4, by Mad Hatter — Paintbrush, by Broomstick. Work- Mav 11 3 4 116%ft " •*--*■*- Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Mayl4-322C.D 1 1:12% ft 81 120 7 5 44 44 ElstonG4 2500 12 Tobereaul22,Valdostal22,Par.Bnd 122 Mac 2-324F.G J 1:13% ft 4-5 113*2 5 5* 54 ElstonG7 3000 7 GdPrincell7,GtinEvenll9,MySvs 110 Feb.25-324F.G $ 1:13 ft 21-10 110* 2 4 5* 34tElstonG* 3000 8 Fiddler 115,Burgoo 112, High Foot 115 fPIaced second through disqualification. Feb23 323F.G 3 1.-14% si 13.10 118 5 2 24 24 FinnertvR 3500 6 St DVldsnll3,O.Hborll7,B.Orge 115 JarL29 32FG i 1:14% gd 11-10 10B 5 5 54 5* ElstonG* Allw 6 PreFthinglOO.BarHterlOS.Pietro 100 Jao25 32*FG | 1:14% si 64 103 7 7 54 44 ElstonG* Stks 7 SpanishPlayll7,SfBoardlll,Hyman 102 *an.4 32*J.P 3 1:13% ft 13-5 112 6 7 6* 64 ElstonG* Allw 8 BrdMeadow«sll5,Nyack 112,F:ddIer 115 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts 1st. 2tm1. 3rd. Won.s 1931 record. .15 4 3 3 #4,220 1932 record .. 7 0 2 0 $ 325 Birthday Gift 11 Ch "• 4 by Braradale or Cherokee — Florence L., by Celt. Work- Mav 12 3-8 35ft *"*■*■* Trainer, K. Ramsey. Owner, H. H. Fierce. Apr29-324CD J ldS*** 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 2 2500 6 GinEvenl22,D.Morris 120,SisAgnes 115 Apc23-324Lex fc 1:09% ft 5 117 3 1 2* 21 McCrosnC* 3500 9 Lanierll5,O.Harbor 115,MkyCloud 112 AptLex fcl:ll gd 6 116 7 1 1* 54 McCrosnC1 3000 12 PnIBnd 113,Lanierll3,DickMorris 116 JuI.1131*Lat lA 1:46% ft 47 105*4 8 8" 81* ColvinCM* 2500 9 PrincessPeggyl08,SpudriO,BestAce 11C Jul 9-31*Lat J 1:12% ft 12 110 5 5 84 7* YeltonR* 3000 12 L.Ebonyl07,R.WaterllO,PssPeggy 105 JuL4 312Lat 3 1:15% gd 81 105*11 8 64 64 ColvinCM* 2500 12 HrgerJimllO,UncIeMattll6,Fudge 110 Jull312Lat 3 1:12% ft 15 105 6 . 64 74 ColvinCM* 2500 12 SisAgnesl07,Perkins 112,DonAlvaro 105 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woa.-« . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 7 0 0 1 $ 125 1932 record .. 2 0 1 0 $ 100 Doris Jean IIP B. f, 4, by Westy Hogan— Mabel G., by Marta Santa. Work- Mav 7 7-8 l-28%ft •"--*-" Tra ner. J. Lowenstein. Owner, J. Lowenstein. Ma 1132T.D 6 f 1:19% ft 10 110 6 6 6* 74 PoolE* Allw 7 Sundot 115,Tantivy 115,St.Market 115 Jua25-31Was j| 1:12% ft 31-10 10613 3 31 1 JonesR* Allw 12 M.Jonesl05i.Lerosl07,SndsGlory 110 Jun.l7-314Was 3 1:11% ft 17 103 2 4 54 44 JamesE8 Allw 8 CnAmorell2,L.FingersllO,Agcourt 112 May26-314Vas 3 1:12% ft 61 103 3 4 64 94 JamesE10 Allw 10 GoldStepll3,ChyS weep 113,Tbereaull3 Mayl9 31JCD 1 1:11% ft 7-5 107 1 1 2i 2s YeltonR Allw 7 AllHail 109,CapPrincell2,Hopefieldl09 Nov.12 30"Lat 31:14% m31-10 110 3 3 34 24 HanfordB* Hdcp 5 B,kCometl06,BkLogll5,MthaJones 115 Oct28 SOHaw 3 1:12% gdl7-10 114 3 11* ll HanfordB1 Hdrp 5 Trylt 112, RedChili 107, DandyDan 95 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 4 110 ,350 1932 record .. 1 Town Limit X 110 B. f, 4, by Clulhowee — Goss.p Avenue, by Bulse, Work- Mav 14—3 4 114%ft -"--"-" Trainer, W. Crump. Owner. J. W. Parnsn. May 9-32C.D 6A f 1:20% ft 33-10 108 4 4 44 4s* FowlerG4 1500 12 Valdostall3.MyHobbv 108,Gunfire 113 May 3-322C.D 3 1:13% ft 53 110 5 3 3* 34 FowlerG* 2000 12 SisAgnes 110,BestManll5,Hamilton 115 Novll-31IHF fc 1:09% ft 20 102 9 10 101S 10* ElstonG* 1700 10 DkMorrisll0,Unc.Mattll2,JysEnd 107 Oct27-31Lat l" 1:45% ft 11-5 103*2 2 21 2" TurnerC* 2000 8 Squall 103,Miss Chilla 109£, Belen 108 Oct21-315Lat 1 ,1, 1:47 ft 4 107*1 1 31 34 TurnerC7 2500 12 Majel 110, Claret 107, Squall 102 Octl2-312Lat 3 1:13% ft 61 109 6 6 7*1 84 NealE8 2500 11 Glardial07.SnMaskll5,HyHieovr 112 Oct 3116%hy 6 106* 2 3 34 44 MontgyR* 3000 8 DkMorrisll6,UleHenryll4,Brshot 110 Oct.5 312Lat 31:13 ft 21-10 102*4 5 54 3*1 ElstonG* 2500 12 JysEndl07,Hamiltonll0,H.Hieover 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 19 2 2 5 ,725 1932 record. . 2 0 0 1 $ 100 More Power 11 Br" g 4 ty sP°rtin8r Blood— Evil, by Bock View. Work- Mav 10—7-8 l*30ft "*" Trainer, F. Swain. Owner, F. Grabner. Mayl4-322CD J 1:12% ft 23f 120 12 11 1014 9n FischerR5 2500 12 Tobereaul22,Valdostal22,Par.Bnd 122 Octl4-312Haw 3 1:17% m 11 114 10 7 91* 9" CorbettC10 1500 12 PegcyJ.110.MvSweetsl07,OverShady 9b Oct 7-31sHaw 31:14%gd 9 107 7 1 1 1" CorbettC5 1500 7 SamCole 108,Mardie 104,Mderation 113 Oct 2-31Haw 1| 1:54% ft 11 107 4 3 8* 8" CunhamL4 1500 8 F.Dearborn] 12,DeImonicol07,W. Jo 109 5ep.28 3rHaw 1 1:50% gd 21 112 2 3 3* 4 HanfordB* 1500 3 T.Ticklelll.BrkBuIl 112,Blamerss 103 Augl3-3rHaw 1,V, 1:48% ft 51110 1 6 64 64 JonesR 1500 12 Sun fire 115,Outcry 102,GreyGull 105 Ai« 5-31THaw Ik 1:52% ft 24 5 110 3 2 44 44 ChvettaF* 2000 7 WiseLeellO,TigerFlowersll2,Annan 115 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. «nn-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.-, 1931 record.. 12 2 10 ,275 1932 record .. 1 Dont ToDCll 108 B. g, 3 M, by Blondin— Nitouche, by Touch Me Not. Work: Mav 14— 5-8. .. .1:02ft ±yj° Trainer. W. L. Hoag. Owner, W. L. Hoag. Mayl3-327C.D l,1,. 1:49% ft 113 SCRATCHED. jst P. 18 1500 12 Pr.Singl08,BlowFlyl03,Mas.McGee 108 May 6-322C.D bj f 1:20% ft 27 108 6 4 8" 107 LandoltC1 Allw 12 Etiwndal09,Tweenv 107,GrdUnion 108 Apn29-32CD 1:14 ft 36f 113 3 1 64 94 LandoltC* 1500 12 M.ofHonorll0,SthSeasll5,Etiwandall3 Oct 3 1:13% ft 28f 115 2 9 11" ll21 EllswthW11 Maid 11 LateDtell2,MksFoxll2,GdUnion 115 Sep.l8-31LF 3 1:16% si 15f 115 10 2 4* 64 GroosP1* 2500 12 LazyMary 107,BrushDown 112,Peal 112 Sep 8-31 L.F 3 1:12% ft 23f 113 4 2 5* 122* SmithJ4 250012 DisDatll5,Zode 115,PrinceHerbert 113 JuL31-3rLat 31:14 ft 14f 115 2 8 10* 102* FischerR10 2500 12 Hoops 115, Vesee 115, Teedup 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. ird. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. . 6 1932 record. . 2 E?erg0ll 110 Ch. g, 3 M. by Ladkin— Golden lassie II., by Golden Sun. Work: Mav 7— 5 8. . .l:01%ft -*■-*■" Trainer, A. E. Brown. Owner, Shandon Farm Stable. Mayl2-324C.D 6j f 1:20% ft 13 11512 L. rider. GarnerW11 2000 12 W.Advoc*tell5,Zevar 115,FryLass 109 Jan.l9-32M.P 11:38% ft 27 108 2 8 10" 10" GarnerW1 Allw 12 LkyTomll2.SPrgstl 112.CoriBolle 106 Jan.l4-32M.P 3 1:17% hy 14 110 9 6 64 74 GarnerW* 1500 9 MaaMaterl06,BtKnotlll,W.Seller 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 Old Depot X " OR B. c, 3, by My Play— Xenora, by Atwell. Work: Mav 14— 3-4. .l:15%ft -L~0 Trainer, S. B. Ott. Owner, French Lick Springs Stable. Oct24-31Haw6ifl:25%sl 14 105 6 3 21 l1 DickevA1* 250012 DondavllO.LyHehtsllO.MarthaD. 108 Octl5-3rHaw 1 109% hy 25 109 9 9 84 84 RobleH9 2000 12 Adsml09,SpgMaudiel09,BnPeppr 104 Oct 5-31Haw 3 1:15% ft 5 110*7 5 3 l1 NeelJ 2000 12 GdenLiditll2,Zenkall2,CicQueen 112 SepL24-31LF 11:26 ft 15 110*7 5 44 34 NeelJ* 2500 12 RVlRiotll2,BrshDwn 112,Darter 112 Sep. 7-31L.F 3 1:13% ft 62 1081 4 3 54 64 YeltonR* 250C 12 Ruffian HO.Lejoy 112,SimpleSinger 110 Aug27-31L.F 5; f 1:07% ft 6e 115 5 3 44 4* YeltonR1 Maid 11 Menelek 115, Precede 112, On Sir 115 Au»21-31lHaw5ifl:08%ft 33f 115 7 8 8" 9" LaidleyO8 Maid 12 Triassic 112.Vishnu 115,Discobo!us 115 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .11 2 0 1 $ 1,850 5th Churchill Western Parkway Purse. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and i »«., Upward. Claiming. Twenty Grand, Oct. 16, 1930 — 1 Mile 1:36—2-122. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,000. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 115 pounds. No apprentice allowance. Index Post •-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70754 4 LADY BROADCAST .. .Was 110 1:37% 6 113X 6000 70702 3 Silverdale .A.P 112 1:38 6 118® 6000 70609 5 Ridgevie-.v .D.P 105U:37% 4 111X 5000 Index Post •-Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70705* 6 Street Singer . Hia 104 1:37% 4 113X6000 70754 2 Scotlands Glory . . .CD 110 1:38% 4 115. . 4500 1 Zone M 4 116.. 5000 The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest woik-out and racing record for this and previous year: Datt Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt St. %8tr. Fin. Jockey P.P.CI.Pce Sts. B»s» Company Lady Broadcast X 1 1 Q Ch. m, «. by Messenger— Couscons, by St. Bris. Work: Mav 13-3-4. .. .1:16ft 110 Tra,ner- B- A- JonE»- 0wner H "* W°°lf- . Mayl4-324C.D 11:38 ft 19-10 113 1 4 11 14 AllenCE1 5000 7 Cry.Prcelll.P.a.Poetryl21,Minton 10, „. ,„ 111 Apr30 325C.D lrtl:50%hy 7 111 5 5 5n 5* AllenCE4 Stks 7 Pittsbgherll2,SpshPlay 115,Canfh lOf Apr.23 325HdG 1 1:45 ft 15 110 7 7 71* 6*1 AllenCE* Hdcp 7 Li,tningBoItlll.Aegisl04,HappyScotl0; Marl3 32sHav U 2:05% hy 2 124 3 3 21 14 AllenCE* Stks 5 Burn. Up 112,Kincsenl20.FteYouth 115 Fcb.29 324Trp 1 1:38% ft 33-10 118 6 6 6*1 44 AllenCE* Hdcp 6 Uluniu HO.Waterway 114,FullDress 97 Jan.28 325Hia 11:37% ft 7-10 111 6 3 2* 11 AllenCE4 Allw 6 DVgMackll4,Aldershotll3,JohnF. 11 JanSFHia 1 16% ft 13 117 7 8 814 8* AllenCE* Stks 8 ReptancellO.LitBoltllO.Van.Pool 12 Jan.l8 324Hia 1 1:37% ft 1-2 108 2 2 21 1" AllenCE* Allw 6 Raccoonl08,DancingMackl08,Islam 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ?rd. VV..n. 1931 record.. 10 3 1 1 ,950 1932 record .. 8 4 0 0 2,650 Silverdale ® IIS Ch. h. 6. by The Porter— Margaret Ogden, by OgdeB. Work- Mav 16—3 8 -36Vfft -» -»-O Trainer. F. P. Letellier. Owner, Mrs. M. B. Price. Mavl3-32*C.D 2 1:11% ft 7-20 119 111* 1* AmbroseE* 5000 6 Tantivy 115,BackLog 118,GoldTip 10* May 7-32*C.D 2 1:11% ft 6 5 120 5 2 1* 14 GarnerM* 4500 6 ChySwpll5,ByAngonll5,MksFt IK Mar 9 32*F G 11:39% ft 19 10 113 2 4 6™ 6" Burke J H4 Allw 6 BarHunter 108,Playtime 106,Abdel 101 Mar2 32iFG J 1:12% ft 12 117 111* 14 BurkeJH* Allw 5 Sergt Dsonl05,Tbereaul08,Espca 102 Feb.20 32FG 1 138% *d41-10 117 5 3 4*J 5*1 BurkeJH* Stks 6 SpsbPlayl20,Wotan 114,LuckyTom 11C Fcbl3 32sFG ljJal:47%ft 8 5 116 3 1 1* 1* BurkeJH* 5000 6 M Swperl09,P.a Poetryll6,GIidelia 10S Feh6 324FG 11:39% ft 11-5 110 111* 24 BurkeJH* Allw 5 B.Meadowsl06.Wotanl08.Span.Play Hi Fchl324F.G 1 1:13 ft S3 10 118 3 1 14 14 BurkeJH* 4500 8 ChySweepll0,M.Swperll0,Fiddler 115 , Starts. l«t. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Stnrts. 1«t. 2nd. Srd. W»n — 1931 record. .15 5 4 0 8,990 1932 record .. 9 5 10 ,085 Ridgevlew X 111 Ch. f, 4, by Prince of TTmbria — BangerUlo, by Danger Bock Work- Mav 6 3 8 39ft -*■-*■-*■ Trainer. A. S. lewis. Owner, Ridgeview Stock Farm Stable. Mayll-32"C.D 6£ f 1:19% ft 19-5 -110 4 3 44 4*1 GarnerW* Allw 7 Sundot 115,Tantivy 115,St. Market 115 Apr20 32*Lex fc 19% ft 5 104 1 2 2* 14 ElstonG* Hdcp 5 Click 106,StrtSingerl07,Pat. Marian 105 Nov.ll-31IHF 1A 1:43% ft 24-5 108 2 3 3* 24 ElstonG1 Hdcp 7 Wotan HO.BettyDerr 109,Culloden 111 Nov. 2 31*Lat l" 1:42% ft 41-10 104 3 3 31 3 RileyHR1 Hdcp 7 Jim.Moranll3,D.Leon 105,Cul!oden 10S Oct30 31*Lat l1JRl:45%gd 71 101 2 1 l4 1* ElstonG* Hdcp 6 P.Marian 103,CousinJo 109,Th.Fyrn 102 Oct24 31sLat 1T0 1:46% m 23-5 108 1 4 2* 24 DupuyM* 5000 5 LadyDnl06i,LkyDanllO,DixieKg 112 Oct20 31Lat 1**1:43% ft 31 101 1 6 44 42i SchutteH4 Allw 7 Blot 109,RaIRufrinl08,PciaMarian 106 Oct 6 314Lat J 1:12% ft 14 5 107* 6 6 44 3 MontgyR* 5000 6 DickMorris 109, Fudge 104, Rusty 111 stnrts- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. •*"•• Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -* 1931 record.. 20 4 5 6 ,394 1932 record. . 2 1 0 0 $ 475 Street Singer X IIS Ch. o, 4, by Friar Bock — Sweet Music, by HarmonKon. Work: Mav 16—12.. :50%ft ■»*0 Trainer. J. Howard. Owner. J. Howard. Mayl3-32*C.D 11:37 ft 27 105 4 3 34 3" CorbettC5 Hdcp 5 Pr.Athelgl08,Span.Plavll9,Pl.Play 110 May4 32sC.D 11:38 ft 5 115 6 6 54 44 CorbettC* Allw 6 P.Athelgil5,S.Marketll5,This.Ace 10£ Apr.20 32"Lex fc 1:09% ft 10 107 4 4 4*1 34 CorbettC* Hdcp 5 Ridgeviewl04,Click 106,Pat.Marian 105 Mar26 324St.J 1 1:40% ft 3 107 7 6 54 4* CorbettC* Hdcp 7 Chatford 100,UIuniull6,BurningUp 10S Mar21 324St.J 3 1:13% ft 21-10 106 7 7 54 31 CorbettC* Hdcp 10 JazAgell6.Fl.Bearerll0,Fort.Youth 11C Mar.l4-324Trp | :59% ft 35 102 7 7 7*1 T RenickS* Hdcp 7 JazAse 108,FngHeels 124,SiIv Cord 104 Feh. 6 32"Hia 1 1:50% ft 27-10e 1071 6 8 87 8* HanfordB" Stks 10 LingBoltllO,Kincsenl09,Waterway 105 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record.. 18 4 15 ,240 1932 record. .11 114 ,600 Scotlands Olor? 11 Ch* c *• by Paicines — Blt ° Glory. by Black Toney. Work- Mav 12— lm . .1-42% ft *4" Trainer, J. P. Jones. Owner. C. W. Hay. Mavl4-324C.D 11:38 ft 18 118 3 2 54 6" RoscM4 5000 7 L.Brdctll3.Crv.Prcelll,P.a.Ptryl21 May 7-32*C.D f 1:11% ft 20 122 6 6 6* 6" LandoltC* 5500 6 Silvdalel20,Ch,ySwpll5,ByAngon 115 .Iul.27-314Lat | 1:12% ft 61 108 4 6 74 74 MeyerC* Allw 7 FairyRingl08,Skirl 112,BigBusiness 115 Jul.14 314Lat 2 1:12% ft 91 110 3 3 3* 34 YeltonR1 Allw 5 D.Leonll2,BackLog llO.Streakolite 108 Jul 8-314Lat 3 1:13 ft 19 lOe 109 9 4 4i 11 YeltonR* Allw 11 ClesBtsl09,S.Percival 107,Empire 105 Jua25 315Was 3 1:12% ft 6 110 8 6 44 44 AllenCE* Allw 12 DorisJeanl06£.MaJonesl05.Leros 107 Jun.2 31Was V* 1:43% ft 26 114 6 4 44 54 YeltonR1 Allw 6 P*tsburgherll4,S.Lassiel07,SwpAH 112 Maj-30 31Was 3 1:18% m 23-10 114 3 3 44 4« YeltonR* Allw 5 Overlay 106£, Ilium HO.CampPrince 110 Stsrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 1? 3 0 1 ,900 1932 record .. 2 Zone 1 "I £ Blk- c- * **• " y Zev — Inchcape Belle, by Inchcape. Work- Mav 11 — 5 8 103ft ■*-*■" Trainer. P. Renter. Owner, J. Marsch. May 6-325C.D 6f 1:20% ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 Allw 12 EtiwndalOg.Tweeny 107,Gr,dUnion lOfj , Marts. 1st. : -id. ard. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 6th Churchill purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Lady 1 1-16 Miles Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. NOTE — Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 115 pounds. Winners two or more times since April 29, 3 pounds extra. Non-winners since April 29 allowed 2 pounds. Index Post Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70209 2 Bather .. .Hav 112 1:44% 6 113X2500 70312* 3 Chene Lat 103 1:46% 4 108 X 2500 70662 1 Reverberate .. L.F 111 1:45% 4 108X2500 70358 4*Plumage ..Lat 103 l:47%sy 4 103X 2500 Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 68910 5 Broad Axe. L.F 112 1:46% 9 113X 2500 70457 7 Son O Sweep.. Lat 106 1:46% 4 113X2500 70753 6 Thistle Arious. 7 113.. 2500 70706 8 Wood RiverF.G 112 1:51% 5 118X 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. JfcFair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with atest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «4Str. Fin. Jockey P.P CI Pee Sts. Best Company Bather X 1 1 Q B. gr, 6, by Baigneur — Anna Bay, by Peep o Day. Work- Mav 15 lm 146%ft -»•-*-O Trainer, T. L. Pierce. Owner, W. M. Ingram. May 2-323C.D 1 1:38% ft 12-5 115 6 3 3* 34 MorsonR* 3000 10 GettinEvenll7,Chenel05,Cstockr 115 Apr.23 -325Lex 1 1:45 ft 31 109 3 3 31S 318 LandoltC Hdcp 3 Tannery 113, Joey Bibb 110 Fetx20 329Hav 3 1:11% ft 2 116 1 3 34 22 DupuyM4 Hdcp 6 Fort.Youthl08,Malolol30,S.Mission 116 Jaa28 325Hav lj 1:44% ft 2 112 5 1 1* 11 CurranW* Stks 8 BningUpllFteYthllO.JkCIlins 118 Jan£5 325Hav l 1:45% ft 3 113 3 1 1* 2* McCrYnC1 Hdcp 8 JkCollinsl08,TleFyrnl07,FeYouth 112 Dec25 31»Hav l50 1:41% ft 3 108 1 1 14 14 McCrosnC* Stks 7 For.Yth 115,JohnF. 105.This.Ann 109 Oct27 314Lat 11:46% ft 6 113 5 1 l1 31 PooIE" 3500 10 Pse a. Poetryll8,Sunfirell3,Chene 103 Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. in -, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 3 1 0 1 ,525 1932 record .. 5 12 2 ,975 Chene X 1 AO B. f, 4, by Dis Done — Acorn, by Peter Pan. Work- Mav 14 lm 144%ft " -»-vO M. Goldblatt. Owner. C w Whitney. May 4-32«C.D l,*g 1:46% ft 4 104* 5 3 2* 24 ElstonG5 3500 5 P.a.Poetrvll5,LvDanl09,Chokkee 115 May 2-32C.D 1 1:38% ft 9 105* 9 6 2* 24 ElstonG4 3000 10 GtinEvenll7,Batherll5,Cstockery 115 MarlO 325F.G 1 1:40% ft 21 105 6 1 24 24 ElstonG4 Allw 6 Reverberate 109,Claret 105,Engled 105 Mar 7-325F.G 1 1:41% gd 14-5 105 5 4 4* 44 ElstonG* Allw 6 B.Orangel07,St.Donson HO.B.Ace 107 Fcb29 32"F.G 1 1:47% ft 61 102* 4 11* 1* ElstonG* 3000 6 Finnicl08,BrsMonkey 108,ComeOn 113 Febl8-325F.G 1 1:48% il 23-5 102 6 4 410 37 NeelJ* Hdcp 7 Wotanl20,Rnsancell0,M Sweeper 110 Feb.13 32"F.G lr"5l:47 ft 10 107 5 5 4* 34 FinnertyR* 3400 5 Choskeel07,BsMkeyllO,StneMn 116 Feb. 4-325F.G 1 1:40% It 71 102 2 3 54 5l° ElstonG* Allw 7 BrH,terl07,P.AthUngl05,W.Win 108 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 24 5 3 2 .36? 1932 record. .11 14 4 ,725 Reverberate X 1 AS Ch • i by Thunderer — Flora McFlimsey, by Ballot. Work- Mav 11— lm 145ft *"0 Trainer. W. Sims. Owner, B. C. Thatcher. Mayl2-323C.D 1ft 1:47% ft 33-10 112 8 911" 9n LandoltC12 2500 12 B.Mkevlig.B.BnessllS.F.Drborn 116 May 3-32*C.D 1and 1:47% ft 49-10 108 7 3 34 3« BakerFJ1 2500 7 BrassMonkevll3,Blot 108,StopGap 111 Manl6-325F.G 1 1:47% ft 39 10 107 4 4 4* 34 HemdezJ* Allw 7 LckyDanl05.Frumperl07,Get.Even 109 Marl0-32*F.G 1 1:40% ft 23-10 109 1 2 14 l4 LandoltC* Allw 6 Chene 105, Claret 105, Englewood 105 Mar 2-32*F.G 1£ 1:53% ft 27 10 107 4 2 1* 2* HernandezJ 2750 6 Claret 103,Englewood 109, Titus 112 Feb20 32*F.G 11:47% gd23 10 103*2 4 44 47 LewisM1 3500 6 W.HeYoullO.StoneMartin 108,Blot 110 Febll-324F.G It 1:47 ft 8-5 110* 4 3 1 1* LewisM1 2750 8 W.Child 108,J.Wachs 116,DnaDear 108 Feb. 5-32*F.G lA 1:48% ft 9 5 113*10 4 21 1* LewisM* 2800 12 Andral04.M.N.Conlanl07,Tr,sftion 109 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Vnn — , 1931 record. .25 6 5 2 ,800 1932 record. .12 3 13 ,350 Plumage X 1 H*-l B. f, 4, by Ballot — Glyn. by Delhi. Work- Mav 15 3-4 l-17ft *VO Trainer, C. S. Ormsby. Owner, S. S. Combs. Mavl2-325C.D 1and l:47%ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 2500 12 B.Mkeyll9,B.B-nessll5,F.Drborn 116 May 5-322C.D 2 1:13% ft 15 115 81010" 87 FisherH* 2500 10 JsieCareyll5,Pnshalal03,Cath.Fox 110 Apr26-32«Lex fc 1:13 m 61 110 6 4 4* 4 ElstonG* 3500 7 GoIdStepll6,ParnellBoundll8,Zean 108 Mad5 32FG ii-13 ft 34 105 3 6 714 716 RobleH* Allw 7 Sariettal06,CheySweep 113,Tweenyl02 Mac 7-325F.G 1 1:41% gd 71 105 4 6 6" 64 NeelJ Allw 6 B.Orangel07,St Donson 110.B Ace 107 Mar 3-32*F.G 3 1:13% gd 3 2 108 6 6 6,c 5,J3 GarnerW4 Allw 6 DrPrincesslOS.MySwts 106,Harlem 106 Feb22 324.G 11:42 si 23 10 111 3 2 24 2" GarnerW4 Allw 7 Petabit 104,Harleml04,BerniceVan 104 Feb.l9 324F.G 31:14 m 3 106 1 5 34 2" LewisM* Allw 7 Weideleenl05,MySwts 106,E.Bolla 106 Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. wnn -. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .19 6 1 1 $ 7.840 1932 record. .9 0 2 0 $ 250 Broad Axe X 1 1 *R B. g;, 9, by Battle-axe— Golden Heart, by Cerasns. Work- Mav 14—3-4 117ft -»--*■"- Trainer. W. L. Hoag. Owner, Mrs. F. J. Uhlein. Mavl4 32C.D 141:53% ft 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 14 1500 8 Agapantsll3,Deemstr 115,LaFeria 108 Feb25 32F.G l 1:48% ft 33-10 113 7 5 84 64 GarnerW6 100012 Hal Rileyll3,LkPiecell3,Bunyora 113 , Feb.l9 327F.G 1 1:56% m 71 110 6 3 4* 5a ThomasH7 1600 9 LenaM. 107.LaFeria 105,HighStorm 112 Feb.9 32F.G l| 1:55% ft 71 112 9 3 44 2* RemillardP8 2000 10 SpgBluesll2.BereVanllO.AIbazano 11 Feb.4 323F.G 1 1:55% gd 13-5 112 1 2 1* l" GarnerW* 2000 12 SpgBluesll2, Respond 112,TeaGreenll2 Jaa30 324F.G 1 A 1.50% si 17 110 4 4 3* 4? ThomasH4 2000 7 Finnic 108,Galahad HO.TeaGreen 105 Jaa6 32J.P 1 1:50 m 49-10 11310 7 1014 9* ThomasH" 1250 12 PlyBird lOl.FngWings 104,DonT. 106 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 18 0 1 1 $ 500 1931 record. . 6 1 1 0 $ 750 Son O Sweep X 1 1 *-£ B. g, 4, by Sweep — Floral Park, by Burgomaster or Hamburg. Work- Mav 1 — 3 8 -38%sl ***** Trainer, A. S. Lewis. Owner, E. G. Drake. May 7-32C.D f. 1:12% ft 26 115 4 5 5 54 EllsorthW* 2000 8 Tobereaull5,BestManll5,UleMatt 115 May 2 323C.D 1 1:38% ft 59 113 5 9 10" 10" EllsworthW* 2500 10 Gettin Even 117,Chene 105,Bather 115 Apr.26 326Lex fc 1:13 in 22 115 7 7 T2* 621 EllswthW1 3500 7 GoldSteplland,ParnellBoundll8,Zean lUtt Oct26-31*Lat ljs 1:46% g.l 12 106*2 2 31 34 TinkerH5 3000 8 BkCloud 113,Suitor 113,JneysEnd 109 0ct2431Lat J 1:14% m 15 109*5 7 74 4 MontgyR* 3000 10 Hamiltonll3,B.Looneyll2,U. Henry 111 0ctl4 31*Lat l11gl:50%m 71 107*4 2 1* 14 MartinR* 2000 9 M.Chillal08£. Ken. Bill 109,PyPennvl04 OctlO 317Lat lA 1:48% si 25 103* 2 1 ll 14 MartinR* 2000 10 StarPlayll3,BterTwistl08,Un.Orby 103 Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .17 5 0 5 ,393 1932 record. . 3 Thistle AriODS *| 1 O Ch. g, 7, by Hilarious— Lucinda, by Martinet. Work: Mav 13—3 8.. :37%ft ± -*" " Trainer, T. Sanford. Owner. G. Collins. M.0 14 32C.D j 1:12% ft 50f 120 11 11 108 10" KcrnW" 250011 Gr.Princel22,Prodictll3,East,rTime 113 Au5l3 30D.P li 1:54% ft 21 110 7 2 2" 2 FutrcllJ lbOO 10 Fairyman llO.Bunker llO.Athens 107 I Auj 9 30Lat lv B 2:02 ft 9 5 114 3 6 54 4J WallisV 1800 9 McapMrvii,108.Elbethl05,Frvm.inllO . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Brd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Wood River X 1 1 Q B. h, 6. by Ballot— Battle of Flowers, by Picton. Work: Mav if— la. .l:49%ft -*--*■ O Trainer. O. Viau. Owner. O. Viau. M. 13 32V.D I,*. 2:00 ft 31 115 2 2 1* ll RoseM* 1500 7 TeaCr,kerll3,Cullodnll6.B.ofI.ilies 104 May 4 32C.D 1 1:54*4 ft 7 113 9 3 1* Pi RoseM1 150011 LaFeria 105,Hie,hStorm 108,Recede 110 Apr.26 327Lex 1£ 2:00% m 3 4 117 3 2 1* 1* RoseM* 1000 6 Runar 112. Chatson 115, Big Bo 115 Apr.20 324I.ex 1 1:53% ft 23 10 113 3 3 1"* 1* RoseM* 1200 6 Trudgeoitll3.M.O.;denl08.V.Prince 113 Mad7-32"F.G 14 1:57 ft 17-10 107*1 5 51 41 ElstonG4 100012 TeaGrnll2,Bie,Gunll2,Rejuvenafn 113 Mar.l4 32»FG 1J 1:55% ft 7 110 4 9 5* 3s PrimroseW* 1000 12 PollvvogllO.Kinibaltonl05,BkFool 110 Fek22 327FG 1A 1:50 gd 3 2 112 4 7 6" 3" RemillardP* 200012 BlueI.awll2,Louisvillel07,Aristocrt 112 J.m.30 32F.G 1| 2:26 si 18 5 105 2 4 31 21 BattistaJ1 2000 11 Fortune 105,Cockrill 105.Louisville 105 Dcc6 30*JP 11207% ft 2 107 3 3 3 31 MeadeD* 2200 7 Delmonico 107,Spanflow 104,Sharonl04 Dec2 307J.P r°l:46 gd 8 106 2 6 51 21 MeadeD 1500 10 VltMeterl02.S,taSophial04,Lunacy 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won .-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. :ird. Won.-. 1932 record.. 8 4 1 2 $ 2,375 7th Churchill Purse 00- 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922 — 1:44 — 4 — i i ■•/» n/i-i 1 l-lo Miles 113. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. 3-year-olds. 108 pounds; older, 115 pounds. Winners, 2 pounds extra for each race won since April 29. Index Post /-Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AeeTodav Price 63850 7 I.adv Witt. Lat 108 1:46% 6 115X 1500 70563 3 Prefer ... .CD 108 1:48 3 110X1500 705631 14 Majel L.F 109 1:46% 4 115X 1500 66474 19xIrene T Hia 107 1:46% 6 110X 1500 70564* 18*Madolon ...Hia 104 1:47% 4 110X 1500 70564 11 Grecian Beauty Lat 105 1:46% 5 115.. 1500 70564 1 Elizabeth Fox . Lex 110 1:48% 3 108.. 1500 70563* 2 Bonnet ...CD 108 1:48% 3 108X 1500 70258 4*B!ack Dust.... 4 110X 1500 70410 5 Helen Bond Lat 107 1:47% 5 115X 1500 Index Post /-Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 70707 6 Pretti Sing CD 109 1:49% 3 110X 1500 69482 8-Pcaco Lady LP 109 1:48% 4 110X 1500 70564 9*Lurav Lex 105 1:48% 5 110.. 1500 70564 10 Arrowlike ..CD 110 1:49% 4 115X 1500 70756 12 Olamay .. .CD 112 1:47% 3 108.. 1500 70362 13 Supreme Lady . M ....CD 104 1:50% 3 103X 1500, 70457 15 Anita Ormont . 3 108X 1500 70358 16 Dis Dame .Pirn 102 1:48% 4 115.. 1500 ] 70513 17 Beauty Secret . CD 111 1:48% 3 110X1500, 70041 20 Marys Tov... 7 110X1500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1031. *£Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 2 or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latesi work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. «4Str. Fin. Jockey P.P. CI Pee gts. Best Company 1 ;itl Witt X ~| "| pT Ch. m. 6, by Sir John Johnson — Serenata, by Ornament. Work- Mav 15 lm 142%ft ** Trainer, 1. C. Veatch. Owner. F. C. McAtee. Sep. 7-31*D.P ] 1:12% ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 5 2000 6 G.Giftll8.JimOrmontll3.LibtvAce 112 Sep 4 316D.P | 1:14% gd 2 115 1 1 1* 1" ArnoldG7 2000 8 LuxuryllS.JrnevsEnd 110,LightAir 110 Sep 1-3PD.P | 1:12% ft 13-10 112 1111 31 CheatmR4 2000 6 JudgeDirenzoll0.Zetal02,Pandean 110 Jul. 3 31Lat Id, 1:45% ft 51 100*2 4 814 9* RoderickT* 2200 9 BigBusiness HO.Tela 105,FloONeill 105 Ma 14 31CD Itj 1:52 hy 14-5 110*2 1 2b 21 MeadeD8 2000 8 WhiskAr112.Aurical07.FloONeilI 112 May 9 314CD 1 A 1:47% ft 29-10 102*4 1 1 1" JamesE4 2000 12 S.BrigadellO.H.StormllO.JkBerry 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ard Won.-, 1931 record. .8312$ 2,550 Prefer V 11H B. f, S, by Supremus — Selective, by Brown Prince U. Work- Apr 27 5 8 104%ft ■*■■*■*» Trainer. D. A. Headley. Owner. H. P. Head.oy. MaT0-32eCD 1,1:48" ft 27T0 108 2 1 21 11 LandoltC4 1500 8 Bonnet 108, Majel 115, Sis Esther 110 Mav 5-32CD l 1:48% ft 19 5 109 2 2 21 541 LandoltC 1500 8 Flying 104,Ev.Faithful 109,Bonnet 109 Apn22-32*HdG 5£ f 1:07% ft 91 11213 8 66 51 MorsonR* Allw 12 Autumnal llO.Boscobel 115,LnNell 115 Apr. 4 324Bow 5£ f 1:07 ft 34 113 8 8 751 74 MorsonR Allw 11 MarlenellO.BdnRosellO.GI.Maris 113 Jul.27-31Lat 5* f 1:07% ft 11 115 7 6 51 41 MeyerC Allw 11 ByBridell5,ShkerLdyll5,S.Moon 115 Jul.23 31Lat 5i f 1:12% hy 4 115 9 6 81 8" SmithJ" Allw 12 Lonell 110, Shaker Lady 115,Dizzy 11C Jul.15 31Lat 5i f 1:06% ft 10 108 6 5 451 44 SmithJ* 4000 12 A!lenfernll6,Brbonitel66,An.Waynell2 Jul.10 31Lat 54 f 1:07% ft 3e 115 7 5 44 3i Smith V Allw 10 CherineFoxll5,ByBridellO,CiiTi,nell5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1931 record.. 11 12 1 ,350 1932 record. . 4 1 0 0 $ 600 Majel X 1 1 £ Br. f, 4, by General Thatcher — Wee Dear, by Campfire. Work- Mav 14 lm 145ft Trainer. C. H. Ferguson. Owner. D. B. Knox. M.U0 326C.D 1,1:48" ft 51 115 3 4 44i 361 ClellandO 1500 8 Prefer 108, Bonnet 108, SisEsther 110 Nov.ll-31lHF rul:43 ft 50 110 8 6 71 61 LandoltC9 2000 10 Skrip 115, BrassMonkey 110, Roy 111 Ort.31-317Lat li 1:52% ft 10 10115 4 4"! 4» ElstonG 2500 8 Wotan 110, Montanaro 115, Skrip 105 Oct29-31Lat li 2:09% si 6 110 4 6 761 66 AllenCE* 2000 11 W.G.BomanllO,LaFrial09,G.WbrellO Oct21-318Lat 1t 1*47 ft 41 110 3 3 11 1" LandoltC* 2000 12 Claret 107, TownLimit 107, Squall 102 Octl4-317Lat 11:49 m 16-5 109 2 3 3 2" LandoltC1 2000 9 Jurne sEndl09,Skripl07,Deemster 109 Oct 7-31"Lat lfs 1:50% sy 33 10 109 9 3 lu 11 AllenCE* 2000 9 Liquidate 104,DelcoDel 104,Alyssuml09 Oct 5-317Lat 1 1:47 ft 61 109 4 5 3 5 AllenCE* 2000 10 Skrip 107, Marsala 104, Cabama 112 , st:irts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won.— Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 27 4 3 5 ,605 1932 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 50 Irene T. X 110 " B. m, 6, by My Play— la Kecolte, by Meddler. Work- Mav 16—3 8 37%ft •*■ Trainer, R. W. Pearce. Owner, H. W. and W. J. Young;. Oct30-314Lat 1£ 1:54" gd **24 105*11 10 910 9= TurnerC8 2000 12 Best Are 108, Marsala 106, Belen 101 1 Ort27-316Lat li 1:54 ft 11 104*11 6 6° 5 HauptJ8 2000 11 TheSouthr 112,BrdAxell2,SrPlay 107 Octl9-317Lat l 1:47% ft 54 105*12 8 671 6S1 HauptJ8 2000 12 PvPennyl03,HlenBondl08,Silvery 105 Auc25-31D.P 11:39 ft 23-10 111" 7 7 6 6si ElstonG5 1800 7 Light Air lll.Abeth lll.La Feria 113 JuLll-317Lat 11:47 ft 4 107 12 8 7* 71 TildenR1* 200012 DbleO 112.W.G.Bowmanll2,H. Sun 107 JuL 8 317Lat li 1:52% ft 39-10 100 8 2 41 45 ElstonG 2000 9 PsDreaml07.RshingllO.F.Roslind 107 JuL l-31"Lat li 1:52% ft 11 5 102* 7 2 2* 2s RoderickT1 2000 8 TheSouthernerll5,LuraylOO,Gotoitl07i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 3 3 2 $ 3,125 HadelOD X 110 B. f, 4, by Chatterton — Inquisition, by Wrack. Work- Mav 15 lm 145%ft *■*•" Trainer. H. H, Battle.. Owner. F. L. B. Stable. Mayl0-327C.D 1and 1:48% ft 8 115 6 2 l1 2 CorbettC7 1500 8 LadvGibsonll3,Eliz.Fox 108,Luray 110 May 7-32"CD f 1:12% ft 11 110 7 6 710 8»J CorbettC2 2000 8 Tobereaull5.BestManll5,UleMatt 115 Apr29-32C.D 31:14 ft 4 115 1 3 2i 4:1 RilevHR8 1500 12 M.ofHonorllO,SthSeasll5,Etiwandall3 Apr25 32°Lex fc 1:14% sy 2 112 4 2 1 Is CorbettC* 1200 9 MrDurbarll3,T.Nymphl03,J.Grge 112 Apr20 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 6 110*1 2 2* lu HerndezJ" 1000 12 Red Vest 113. Dorita 110, Giblets 115 Aus21 317D.P 1 1:47 hy 21 105 1 4 7" 7" NealE 1400 8 Bozo 111, Beige HO.GibbysChoice 111 Augl9 31D.P 11:39% ft 171 1081111 9B1 IF! FischerR* 150012 Belen 105, Majel 110,United Orby 110 JuL21 31Lat V 1:48% tn 10 110 7 5 4* 4" NealE* 2000 8 Majel 112, Scala 110, La Feria 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Stsrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 23 2 6 2 ,498 1932 record. . 5 2 1 0 $ 925 Grecian Benntj 1 "I PC Cn- m °. °y Upset— Ionia, by Martinet. Work- Mav 16 1-2 -50ft ■*--*■*" Trainer, J. Camels. Owner. Southland Stable. Ma 10 327C.D liV l:48%"ft 91 115 3 8 87i 671 GarnerW 1500 8 LyGibsonll3,Madelon 115,Eliz.Fox 108 Oct28 31LHaw h- 1:49% gd 16 107 3 3 7T1 7"i TildenR5 2000 12 Durva 102,Grev Kitty 105,Tarnish 107 Oct 6 314Haw lri 1:48 ft 51 109 2 1 2* 21 TildenR 2000 8 Mrs.Fosrlll.F.ONeill 109,CgoGirl 105 Oct 2 31cHaw 11:48 ft 12 107 4 2 31 44 TildenR* 2250 8 Englewdl03,SwpPast 106.B.A Wee 111 Sep24 31cL.F 1 1:46% ft 39-10 110 1 3 331 fl TildenR 2000 7 Brushll3.M.Carolynel05.LdvVaVa 110 Augl8 317D.P 11:38% ft 27-10 107 5 5 5" 5" FisherH* 2000 8 PsDreml.N.t.NymphlOO.Chriot 113 JuL16 31«Lat 1 1:45% ft 4 105 1 1 21 24 TildenR* 2000 8 LwGearll3,DoubleO. 113,BroadAxe 110 . Sinrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 14 14 0 ,777 1932 record. . 1 Elizabeth FOX 1 OS Br f 3 ty Mount Beacon — Golden Thistle, by Flittergold. Work- Mav 14— lm 145% ft *VP Trainer. H. Wells. Owner. C. E. Hamilton. Mm/10 32:C.D 1 1:48% ft "7-5 108 5 7 541 331 RoseM6 1500 8 LdyGibson 113,Madelon 115,Luray 110 Mjy 2-32«C.D l, 1:48% ft 7-5 108 5 4 31 2i RoseM4 1500 6 LyGibsn HO.Zegora 108,Arrowlike 115 Aprl8 325Lex li1,; 1:48% ft 19-10 110 6 2 1 11 RoseM 1000 8 LadySweetllO.Runar HO.CapsDterllO MaE2 323Trp j 1:27% ft 11-5 111 8 6 66i 67i RobtsonA4 1500 11 Spaniair 111, Herkimer 116,MissIda 101 hmJD-SPWu 1 1:25% ft 19-5 105*1 9 99i 6" ArthurV" 2500 15 L.ofFirell5,JosRiverl03,Am Queen 108 Jan.25 327Hia 1 1:39% ft 19-20 100*6 1 1* 1* LewisM 2000 9 CirvnallO.PrtyPennyll3.Deserve 110 Jan.l8 323Hia 3 1:13% ft 11-10 114 3 4 2 2" KsingerC Allw 8 Zegorall4,LyArall4,Fly,gBrigade 114 Jan.ll 32Trp 31:13 ft 8 5 10619 3 21 2" HanfordB4 1500 12 BokieB. 105.Oclude lOO.SingleKay 111 Jan. 7-32*Trp 3 1:13% ft 22 110 5 4 44 31 AllenCE1 1750 9 Spanfirl05,CsCmiIlel06,PeSveep 110 ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2*id. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 7 0 0 1 $ 125 1952 record .. 9 2 3 2 ,775 Bonnet X 1 08 B. f, 3, by Dis Done— Sunday Best, by Whisk Broom II. Work- Mav 15— lm 145ft *"0 K. Ramsey. Owner, Mrs. E. A. Carney. Ma 10 32,:CD 11:48 ft 14-5 108 4 3 11 21 RoseM3 1500 8 Prefer 108. Majel 115, Sis Esther 110 Mav 5-327CD li"« 1:48% ft 33-10 109 4 1 l1 31 McCrosnC* 1500 8 Fhing 104,Ev.Faithful 109,Pr.Sing 109 Apr30 324CD | 1:17 hy 11-5 108 6 4 4« 4 RilejHR4 2500 7 LyEbnyllS.Gr.PrinceO.Tbereau 120 tfOHS/LtX fc 114% m 13-10 105 2 4 ll l4 RileyHR" 150010 Mrs.Fosterll2,BigBluel08,GonLightl06 Apr23 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 71 10511 3 3i 41 WendlingR* 1500 12 AquaVitae 117,Twill 116,Aristocrat 115 Oct 9 31Lat 31:17%hy37-10 108 2 3 21 1" AllenCE" 2500 12 Triassiclll,PyLhmnl03,LstMoss 110 Oct 2-31Haw 2 1:14% ft 22 107 4 2 21 2" SmithV11 2000 12 DsBaby 108,Witeonll3,EverFaiful 110 Scp26 31LF 3 1:15% hy 13 107 10 4 4" 3*1 SmithV10 2500 12 TadcterllO,DlysB*yl09.A. Ormont 109 Sep.l6-31L.F 31:16 m 61 107 3 5 541 5" SmithV* 3000 11 MissTulsal09,Tonight HO.In.Dance 110 , Pt.irU. 1st. 2nd. :ird. Won.-, , Starts. iRt. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1931 record.. 12 2 12 ,100 1932 record. . 5 1 1 1 $ 575 Jil.iik Dust X 110 B. f, 4, by Black Servant— Dust Flower, by Peter Quince. Work- Mav 12 — lm 143ft Trainer. B. Goose. Owner. R. Goose. My 94VCJ ty tr 120% ft 103 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 1500 12 Valdostall3,Mj Hobby 108.Gur.firo 113 May 3 32C.D 3 1:13% ft 22 105 7 10 11" 11s ElstonG5 2000 12 SisAgnesllO,BestManll5.TonLimit 110 IW.113P1HF fc 1:10% ft 4-5 117 3 1 ll ll ElstonG1 Allw 10 OregonCitizerJ21,Jorettal06,Surely 104 0.tl4 314Lat 31:15 m 17-10 105 5 4 710 74 TinkerH* Maid 8 GayDonn 10B.DarkOm KJB.Loop 110 Oct6 31=Lat 3 1:13% ft 33 -10 109 3 2 1* 21 ElstonG* Allw 12 BiBi 112,KagleBird 112, Diaquri 109 Sepi 4-31D.P 3 1:15% si 9-10 104* 3 5 3i 2U ElstonG 2300 12 Ji:neBuslil04.i:iephantl7,Derl.yT. 112 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Mil record.. 4 12 0 ,000 1932 record.. 1 ■ — Helen Bond X 11 Cb. m. 5, by Chatterton— Aphie Dear, by Ivan the Terrible. Work- Mav 16 — 3 8 37%ft "*■ ** Trainer, L. Smoke. Owner, R. 1. Baker. May6 324CD l 1:49% ft 30 109 8 6 7» 741 LandoltC* 1500 9 StarPlavll3.Kcn.Acell3.AquaVitae 113 Apr21328Lcx 3 A 1:50% sd 7 108 4 7 6"! 44 ElstonG 120010 MissChiilall3,SurToyll3,GalpetU 108 Nov2 317Lat li 1:53 ft 11 106*7 10 91 9* TinkerH* 20OJ 10 MrOgdenllO.LitAir lOO.Geo vVebrel09 Oct26 31Lat 1 A 1:47% Kd 22-5 108*8 5 8"! 9" MgornyP," 200012 Outb,stl06,Cr,scdWires 100,GoaB« 110 Oct21 31Lat 1A 1:47 ft 81 108*10 9 41 31 MontgyR* 2000 12 AsFairll3.Rif»Rainil F.n, eDolan 110 Octl9 31Lat 11:47% ft 36 108*6 1 2 21 MontgyR" 2000 12 PtyPennyl03.Silver105.Vmiciilit« IIS OctlO 31Lat 11:48% si 10 108*6 4 4* 581 MontgyR* 2000 10 SonOSwpKa.StrP-yl.B terTwist 108 Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. W..n Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .16 1 2 3 ,568 1932 record. . 2 Pretti Sing" X 110 Ch. f, 3, by Hourlers— Paint Rock, by Trap Rock. Work- Anr 30— lm I -4846m " Trainer. C. Hunt. Owner. W. F. Knebelkamp. Ma 13 32CD 1,V 1:49% ft 11 108 3 1 l4 1 FischerR8 1500 12 Bl.Flyl03.MasrMcGcel08.YWlMaid 108 Mayl0 326CD 1 A 1:48 ft 9 1091 5 2 341 5" FischerR8 1500 8 Prefer 108, Bonnet 108. Majel 115 May5 327CD l£ 1*48% ft 47 109 6 3 5 44i FischerR 1500 8 Flying 104,Ev. Faithful lOO.Bonnet 109 May 2 32C.D 1 1:48% ft 104 108 6 2 6*1 718 FischerR* 1500 10 BtySecretlll.HasoIa 108,B.ofLilies 115 Sep26 31F.P 31:18 hy 27 110 8 5 51 5* KernW 1250 12 Pnieditatel05,BnqLa.H12,Patangonl08 Sep.22 314F.P 3 1:15% ft 14 102*12 12 ll» 10" TinkerH1 100012 Han. Bellell3,MaMaterl08.Abstain 106 Sep 3 314D.P 5i f 1:10% hy 5 101*2 1 6*1 5! ElstonG" 1200 12 Miss Upset 105,CGirl 108.C Rogers 112 Aug29 3rD.P 5ifl:09%sl 38 112 2 1 ll 2 KernW* 2000 12 StcllaF. 107,Joretta 112.Mi«Upset 112 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. ".rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 12 0 1 0 $ 100 1932 record . . 4 1 0 0 $ 625 Peace Lady X 110 B. f. 4, by Peace Pennant — Lamp Post, by Sweep. Work- Mav 16—3-4 1 ?0% ft Trainer, W. F. PoUon. Owner, C. H. Voskoetter. Mayll-32«C.D li 1:53" ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 5 1500 7 Blastll6,B.ofLilies HO.Ae.ipanthus 115 Matl9 328F.G li 1:57% ft 12f 109 4 1 2i 431 CooperRG" 150013 L.B,nvillel06E.G.Br«hlll,Ttuood 106 Mar.9 324F.G li1,, 1:47% ft 18 108*7 6 6" 6" HerndpzJ" 150012 Rave 105,ByProductl05.PantMaid 105 Mar5 32F.G 1,,, 1:50% sy 35 107 4 6 64 85 TinkerH* 150010 Albazanoll2,B.Chltonll2.DaDear 105 Mar 1-32F.G l 1:47% ft 14 110 2 7 891 8* AndersonA1 150010 B.Orangel07,Sq.Play 107, J. Murphy 110 Feb.26 325F.G 1:13% ft 176 100 6 5 6" 5r,l MartinTl" Allw 7 Woi.!ePnl04,Har!em 1 01 .Mv Sweets 104 Feb,19-324F.G 3 1:14 m 50 105 C 7 7" 7" McCoyJ Allw 7 Weidefnl05,.,P]umagel06,MySweets 106 r- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.-. 1931 record., b 1 3 1 $ 800 1932 record. .15 2 12 S 1.125 LnraT 110 B. m, 6, by Hourless — Porch Climber, by George Smith. Work- Mav 13 3-R %2:ft " Tiainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, M. G. Goode. Mavl4 327C.D li 1:53% ft 103 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 1500 8 Agapantsll3.Depmstr 115.LaFeria 108 MaylO-327C.D l, 1:48% ft 53 110*8 5 44 41 ColvinCM8 1500 8 LyGibsonll3,Madclon 115,Fliz.Fox 108 May 6-324CD 1£ 1:49% ft 46 108 9 8 9* 91 EllsrthW* 1500 9 StarPIayll3,Ken.Acoll3,AquaVitae Hi Apn22-32,,Lex li 1:56 ft 47-10 104 3 5 4* 541 HerndezJ 1000 6 BeekeeperlOS.Hornsby 108,Trudgn 113 JuLl4 317Lat li 1:53 ft 23f 102*12 9 9* 8" SullivanG 2000 12 Goodman 110.Ken.Ace HO.KingPin 108 Jul.10 31Lat 1A1:59 ft 10 100*5 6 5i 531 ElstonG8 2000 8 Bh ofI.iliesl06,Rushing HO.Brush 105 JuL 4 31Lat lv2:02%gd 8J 100*7 8 4* 4* ElstonG1 200012 Trentonian 110,Banset 100,S ,rcasticllO JuL 1 318Lat li 1:52% ft 38 100* 3 5 4 V ElstonG1 2000 8 TheSthernerll5,IreneT.102,Gotoit 107i Starts. 1st. SSkl. "nl. ..n_ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 9 1 0 1 $ 750 1932 record. . 3 0 0 0 $ 25 Arrowlike X 1 1 r B. f . 4, by Cherokee — Mary Talbott, by Mazagan. Work- MlV 16 1-2 -54%ft **• Trainer, L. C. Ewald. Owner, I. C. Ewald. Ma 10 327C.D 1, 1:48% ft "ll 115 1 1 21 5S1 GlennJ 1500 8 LyGibsonll3,MadeIon 115,Eliz.Fox 108 May 6-324CD 1 1:49% ft 37 111 3 1 3*1 6i GlennJ 1500 9 StarPlayll3.Ken.Acell3.AquaVitae 111 May 2-32*CD l 1:48% ft 51 115 4 5 58 4C1 GlennJ* 1500 6 I/dyGibs-n 110.Eliz.Fox 108,Zegora 108 Oct31 31Lat 1 2:02 ft 17 102* 1 4 51 61 MontgyR1 2000 11 LaFeria 105,Chum lOO.DarkDawn 105 Oct27-31Lat l70 1:45% ft 35 107*4 6 610 V EllrwI.J 2000 8 Squall 103/TnLimit 103. MissChilla 109 Octl5 31*Lat 1 1:51 m 12 100*4 1 1 1* MontgjR* 2000 12 RiffRaIfll6.LaFerial09.1!elenDean 11C Sep.16 31L.F Its 1:53% hy 91 109 5 8 71* 6" MorsonR70 1800 10 M Coinel07,Englewdl09,EnQu,n 113 , Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wn -, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Hrd. Won , 1931 record.. 15 3 10 ,385 1932 record. . 3 0 0 0 $ 25 Olamay 108 ***■ f| 3* by 01ambala— • May E11* b*" Negofoi. JLVJO Trainer. A 8. lewis. Owner, Ridgeview Stock Farm Stable. Mavl4-32*C.D 1A 1:47% ft 52 108 7 9 9" 8:i FischerR1 200010 GdUnionllO,BhDownl08.ByJones 113 Mayll-32CD 1 1:38% ft 58 109110 8 8:i 8"i GarnerW 2500 10 Cath.Fox HO.LyCouvin 107,DisDat 111 May 6-328CD ItV 1:47% ft 31 112 6 6 4 41 RilcyHR* 3000 8 LadyCouvinl07,Sdwrkll7,E! PumallS Apr20-325Lex l70 1:44% ft 91 109 6 6 6 4» ElstonG* Allw 6 Parfaitl09,J.Packardl09.Tiri,TeIee 109 Apr.18 32"Lex fc 1:11% ft 67 110 6 6 4* 4:« DupuyM* 3500 6 Benefitll3,J. Packard 105,AbeFurst 108 Nov 2-314Lat l70 1:45% ft 11 10511 5 4* 1" Riley HR1 2500 12 Ruffian 112,Elkhart 112,Discu:,olus 108 Oct30 31Lat 31:15 gd 15 11510 9 6i 54 DupuyM1 Maid 12 VtyBallt 115,Teedupll5.ClicroHill 115 0ctl4-31Lat 3 1:15% m 14f 108110 9 814 8 4 DupuyM1* 300012 L.Offeringl09.AbeFurstlll.Surepop 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 8 1 0 0 $ 500 1932 record .. 5 0 0 0 $ 25 Supreme Lady X 1 OQ *Br" • * M by SuPremu* — Lady Dorothy, by Helmet. Work- Mav 14 5-8 l-02%ft -*-v/O Trainer, C. Porter. Owner, Warm Stable. May 5-32«C.D 1A 1:49% ft 13 104 5 3 2 3 WcndlingR7 1500 7 Zegoral09,Joretta 107.Pcessancy 109 Apr27-326Lex fcl:13 si 10 108 7 7 5" 6*1 EllswhW* 1000 8 Cor.Beachl20,Hasolal09,Th.Nimph 11C Apn22 32Lex fc 1:11% ft 88 108 3 1010" 9* EllsorthW1 1500 10 AbeFurstll3,GoldenLightl03,Votan 108 Sep-H-SlL-F 3 1:15% m 29 108 3 6 7" 7* FinnertyR* 3500 8 ShakerLady 110. Marlene 112. Zina 99 Sep. 3 31L.F 5ifl:10%m 17 107 9 11 81 5" FinnertyR* 2500 12 Tonight 111, Strathcona 108,Flying 109 Sepl31L.F 31:16 si 9 1061 6 8 8" 81 FinnertyR* 2500 12 Triassicl08,PnceVoltall3.In Dance 111 Aus22 3rHaw 6i f 1:20% ft 34 112 3 8 T 7" FinnertyR11 3500 12 LadyBattsl05.Durango 107,Tonight 107 Aug.14 31Haw 5i f 1:07% ft 10 114 8 10 71 6" FinnertyR* Maid 12 CterQueenlK.Triassicl.LyMary 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wr.n _ 1931 record.. 8 0 1 1 $ 300 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 5 75 Anita Ormont X 1 OS h * • by Ormont — Anita M., by General Roberts. Work: Mav 15— lm. .. .1:45ft J-UO Tra.ner. W. Lewis. Owner. W. F. Alton. May 7-32CD 3 1:12% ft 92 103 6 8 6» 61 VailS* 2000 8 Tobereaull5,BestManll5,UleMatt US May 4-32CD 31:13 ft 13f 103* 7 10 71 7" VailS* 1500 12 Ellen D. 110, Dizzy 103. Tadcaster 115 Api:29-32,CD j 1:27% ft 16 108 7 7 67 771 NealE1 150012 Cath.Fox 110,OrIoff 109,Sandvrack 114 Oct30 31Lat 3 1:14% gd 38f 109 5 6 8" 8" NealE* 450012 Minton 112,FrenchHonelll,Carideoll2 Oct23 31Lat 3 1:13% ft 18 115 6 5 4 48 TinkerH Allw 7 FullUp 115,Fr.Honey 115,RoseTwig 115 Octl3 31Lat 3 1:12% ft 23 106 7 8 7" 7 NealE* Allw 9 Depressionl09,S.Ladyll2.Kneehieh 107 Oct 9-31Lat 3 1:17% hy 49-10 115 8 8 7*1 7" NealE" 2500 12 Bonnetl08,Triassiclll.PcvLhmnn 103 Sep26-31L.F 3 1:15% hy 13-10 109 7 7 6" 410 NealE* 2500 12 TadcterllO.Dlys Babyl09,Bonnet 101 , starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 28 5 4 1 ,475 1932 record .. 3 Dis Dame 1 1 Fv B. f, 4, by Dis Done — Water Dame, by Waterboy. Work- Mav 16—3 8. . :36%ft 11D Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner. C. H. Trotter. May 5-322CD 3 1:13% ft 55 115 3 8 7" 7: GoolerW* 2500 10 JsieCareyll5,Pnshalal03.Cath.Fox 11« Nov. 6 31"Pim ls 1:46 ft 22f 102" 9 10 10" 9" MarinelliJ* 3000 11 BubMcFar!andll2,Nostawll2,Arras 1W Nov. 3-31Pim 31:12 ft 76 102*10 9 8" 8" MarinelliJ 3000 10 Vacirtel05,M.ofHonorl05,GdPrincellC JuL14 31A.P li 1:52% ft 2910 104 4 1 1 24 RenickJ8 200014 S,neMartinl07,Englew,dl05,Bubolal084 JuL 8-31*A.P 1 1:38% ft 13 100 6 4 2* l4 RenickJ 2000 14 SwecpPastl00,OurDtorl08.Bubola 10? JuL 2 31A.P 1 1:40 ft 31-10 101 7 2 2* 571 RenickJ 2000 14 A!bazanol06,Torchfire 107,HalfDay 10S Feb. 2-314Mia 31:11% ft 7 110 7 5 51 51 LegnonC 3250 7Durva 110, BlackDove 115, Fervid 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. . 9 2 11 ,225 1932 record .. 1 Beanty Secret X 110 B. f, 3, by Waygood — Artifice, by light Brigade. llv Trainer, R. White. Owner, Jackson Park Stable. May 9-32«C.D 11:49% ft 51 11011 5 5* 4i CorbettC10 150011 Fljingl05.JustOrmontll3.Eptdemic 113 May 5-327C.D 1 1:48% ft 11-5 112 8 8 71 78 AllenCE* 1500 8 Flying 104,Ev.Faithful 109,Bonnet 108 May 2-32TC.D l 1:48% ft 81 11110 5 2 l1 AllenCE* 1500 10 Hasolal08,B.ofLilies 115,SisEsther 110 Apr29 327C.D 11:48% ft 45 103 8 8 741 51 ElstonG9 1500 9 G Webrell5.Disturbll5.GVsChoice Hi Mar.l5 327F.G 11:50 ft 16 107 910 9* 8" ArnoldG 100012 Penn 112,George Jr. 112,Pr.Tommy 109 Mar8 327F.G 11:50 ft 38 10810 7 64 6 ArnoldG* 150011 M.N.Clanl07,PssCsaderl02,W.Tidell2 Mar 5-32F.G lg 1:50 sy 17 107 810 9" 6" ArnoldG8 100012 BrtKnotll2,SclSheetl05,Pcemeal 106 Feb.26 32F.G lj 1:48% ft 9 1081110 61 51 ArnoHG 100012 LadyCouvinl04,Pennll3,PssNancy 102 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. "rd. Won-- . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Vm -» 1931 record.. 25 2 0 2 ,275 1932 record .17 1 1 3 ,015 Marys TOT X 110 B. m, 7, by Citizen — Toy Miss, by Marchmont II. Work- Mav 15 3-4 117%ft -»--*- Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner, J. N. McFadden. Apr25 32cLex fc 1:14% sy "5 111 8 6 5" 7;0 LandoltC8 1200 9 Madelonll2.MrDurbarH3.T.Njph 103 Aptl9 32Lex fcl-.ll ft 16 110*3 9 9" 9" ElstonG 2000 9 Justina H5.OurGriefl03.Weideleen 115 Feh23 323Hav 5J f 1 :03% m 10 112 7 12 121 12" CurranW* 120012 Prcfrcdll3,Tamerlanell2,T Spand 109 Feb. 7-3211av 31:12 ft 10 101 5 9 101 10" MartinR* 4000 10 BIueDav HS.SultrylOS.MkevShine 104 Feb. 2-32*Hav 31:14 si 2 107 5 5 51 3 GilbertJ* 1201 8 Fifia 101,UncIcSaml06,OverShady 10f. Jan.29 32*Hav 5i f 1:06 ft 3 110 7 8 6* 61 CurranW4 1200 9 Vladimir 115,HighColor 112,NeIson IK Jan.21-32"Hav lwl:42%gd 3 108* 2 3 ■• 2fc ReynoldsC* 1200 6 Essiell3.JohnMill 108.CampParole 111 Jan.16 325Hav 3 1:12% ft 4 107*5 7 68 3 1 RoderickT 15C0 8 Justinal09,H.Hieoverl08,Tam*rlane 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. trd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 15 2 3 1 ,050 1932 record .. 11 0 1 3 $ 300

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