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JYSTEPIOUC f III MR. Sullivan k f I andhe Monti/to Routed J ii I i-L _L Chicago bookmakers J ■ IV -fcrr- =£*= = *=and; *and$= =£,-»= on I n The Mystery Man who startled the racing world by that long string of winners. Newspapers all talked about him. Bookmakers wept about him and refused to take play on his •good things." Now ready again and the bookies dont like it. - I BEATEN— BUT NOT DISGRACED! I Advertise Just What I Give— Lose or Win YESTERDAYS PARLAY: STAMBUL, LOST TORCHFIRE, 6th Aurora SATURDAYS PARLAY: LITTLE TOOTS, .30. WON MOZART. .16, WON FRIDAYS PARLAY: LILLIAN Z., 3.28, WON TACK, 2.70. WON IF YOU TinNK THE RACING GAME CANT BE BEAT YOU ARE WRONG If vou were on the inside as I am you would see that YOU CAN BEAT THE RACING GAME. Give Me a Fair Trial and Convince Yourself ST* ILL PROVE TO YOU TODAY "m WC THAT I "KNOW SOMETHING" ~m I have a parlay today shoud win and pay 0 to . Here is your chance to WIN YOURSELF a big bet. TERMS. A DAY Chicago Players, "Notice" If voj cant come to my office, phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph . Will wire vou the parlay. J. SULLIVAN 127 N. Dearborn St. Suite 1327 Chicago. III. ST- Do You Want Winners? "W Write or Wire LUCKY CRIP, 7739 Avalon Ave., Chicago, III.