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MYTEKlflU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ i IfM m ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE M m COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS m ttfe. SULLIVAN now ready again and bookies dont like it WKTCH MY SMOK" Jj IW Read Em and Weep, Boys! f C Y who .oVA; 1 wish t had " Again We Cleaned Up? Yesterday fand w, xtherb sL f YESTERDAYS LAUREL PARLAY: T . . A-V 5rL" - pri-ay3 SJTWT- 2 50 WO N DRASTIC DELIGHT tllL J!LVL 0.20, WON ueooeswTOM sollwws rwjyys evERv pay 3fcJ I And Tuesdays Parlay: THE PELICAN, $ 5.G0, Won HYGRO, $ G.40, Won And Mondays Parlay: TRUE SWEEP, 2.90, Won POLITEN, 3.60, Won ITS NO SURPRISE to get "WINNERS when you do business with "ONE WHO KNOWS." Re-member, YOU CANT JUDGE GOOD "INFO" on ONE DAYS trial. BUT if you give me a fair trial, I WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THE RACING GAME CAN BE BEAT. said. D"Double Header" Today Two Parlays One at Lincoln and Laurel I urge you, "MR. PLAYER," dont let stop you from SCLEANING UP$ today PLENTY. iHrWinter Is Coming Get Your "Winter Money" from Your "Bookie" TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO PLAYERS, "STOP-LOOK-READ" It will pay you to drop up to my office and see whats going pn. YOURE UNDER "NO OBLIGATION." I will show you PROOF that I have the GOODS. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE ME RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my PARLAY in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE! Out-of-town players, send your and you will get my PARLAY by FAST WIRE. NO WAITING. Parlay sent immediately on receipt of your subscription. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, 111. COL E. G. THOMAS FORTY YEARS ON THE AMERICAN TURF 158 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. There they are, friends, the only two horses I released to all my clients yesterday. Win, lose or draw, I advertise only the same two that I issue to my followers. Join hands with me today youll like the way I do business. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: La Feria, 2.44, Won Running Water, 1.94, .72, 2nd Have you given your racing investments the weight and consideration they deserve? Speculation on horses is a most precarious proposition for those who operate without proper knowledge. The same observance of business fundamentals are necessary in racing as those that are required by any and all successful business enterprises. Consider the knowledge, care and judgment that must be exercised in turf investments to place you in W THE WINNING CLASS -50 I CAN DO IT. I have helped thousands of players during the past forty .years to make RACING A PAYING PROPOSITION. I can do it for you also. . TODAYS TWO 12 TO 1 AND 5 TO 1 A limit play is advised. Both horses are primed to win. The results seem certain. Play both horsei confidently. - SERVICE CHARGE DAILY Wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Try this service for a week and Im certain that at the end of the week each and every client will consider this THE BEST TWO-HORSE SERVICE IN AMERICA. BET THE WORKS STRAIGHT AND PLACE PARLAY BOKIE B. and MARPLOT 6TH AND 7TH LAUREL HONEST OLD ANDY YOUR OLD PAL -