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26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS UTH HOUR PARLAY: OSWEGO PRINCESS, .56, Lost DIXIE LAD, 8th Lincoln Fields SATURDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: KNIGHTS GAIL, 2.90, WON BELL. LOONEY, $ 9.82, WON FRIDAYS 11th HOUR PARLAY: JODIE K., 3.12, WON NIGHT JASMINE, 2.94, WON TODAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY TWO 2 WINNERS TODAY Watch these two 2 horses step down today SW AND PAY 0 FOR "m Be sure you sock it into your BOOKMAKER and get him for PLENTY TODAY. Dont hesitate, but act with full confidence and get a bankroll. TERMS FOR 11th HOUR PARLAY, PER DAY YESTERDAYS DAILY DOUBLE: POPO, 5.92, .66, 2ND HELEN BAB, Withdrawn TODAYS DAILY DOUBLE Two 2 Limit Winners Today Both Hot Horses Are Rarin to Go Be Sure You Get a Copy It only costs you 50 cents at your nearest newsstand. Try it today. Get your copy immediately. DONT HESITATE. GET ME? "ENUFF SED." If unable to get it at your newsdealer, send for six 6 days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. SSSTART AND MAKE BIG MONEY BEATING" ST" YOUR BOOKMAKER TODAY "8 You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO, ILL. CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 4 STRAIGHT FREE CODE WINNERS That is what we gave out in the past four racing days, and we only publish one free code daily. What a record and you have seen nothing yet! YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: LA FERIA, 2.44, WON TUESDAYS FREE CODE: NIGHT JASMINE, 3.92, WON MONDAYS FREE CODE: NORTHERN SIR, 3.44, WON You must win following Clockers Review FREE CODES. We have the best connections in the country. Todays Free Code: LINCOLN Green-17-46. You can go the "LIMIT" to "WIN ONLY" and then rest easy, as you are on a long shot winner. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. YESTERDAYS 00 SPECIAL: MAD FRUMP, 5.20, WON SPECIAL OFFER: All those subscribing to 10 weeks subscription at 3 of Clockers Review Turf Weekly will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE; THREE 00 SPECIALS. Get your S3 in. immediately and play TODAYS LONG SHOT 00 SPECIAL. YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: HASTDPAST, .90, WON TUESDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: COME ON, .26, WON And last week the Colonel gave out 6 STRAIGHT WINNERS. TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: LAUREL Feed-4-23. "Will win with plenty of price," is word from the Colonel. For Col. Matt Bradys Special, see page 11, Clockers Review. TODAYS BIG LIMIT PARLAY You can go as far as you like on todays parlay. You can make the sky the limit. Do you think we would advise you to make the best bet of your life if we did not have it cinched today? Here is where we are in the "know." Cant miss, so get your 1457114571$. Terms, for this parlay by telegraph or in person. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: LINCOLN March-12-15-1-18. 9- GOING GREAT GUNS Supreme Parlays Are Stepping Down Like Trained Pigs 3 IN A ROW CAN YOU BEAT IT? If You Can, Then You Dont Need Us YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS CODE PARLAY: MISSIE, .56, Won OLD BILL, .04, Won TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LINCOLN Land-49-46. LINCOLN Fuel-35-10. The chief is sending them out DAY AFTER DAY, so take our advice and STRING ALONG FOR 9- LIMIT WIN PARLAYS ""W that you receive daily without delay. You cannot afford to miss this valuable inside information that shows a profit week in and week out. Try it and be convinced. Todays Supreme Parlay is a cinch, sc dont pass it up. Terms for Trackmens Parlay and for full details on Trackmens Parlays, see page 5, SUPREME FLASH. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City Players, Notice ! Chance of a lifetime. If you play the races I will put you next to a little secret that should place you above want as long as you live. Write for free description of my New Discovery. It will open your eyes. T- SECO A.r.r. mi-. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BUL LETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price. 3Se On Salo Everywhere nce 35o TODAYS THURSDAYS FREE CODE:: LAUREL September-Chicago-Omaha-Memphis. T. RILEY, President J. CANNON, Secretary T. McPHERSON Treasurer General Turf Agency Authorized Turf Commissioners, Established 1918 The racing game cannot be beaten by guesswork. You must have legitimate Information. Stop being fooled. Protect your money. Dont be misled. We are affiliated with a number of horsemen who are furnishing us with the most sensational turf information ever released to the public. Our terms are within the reach of the , smallest as well as biggest player. Mr DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY PSS Everybody positively receives the same two horses no exceptions. You receive exactly what you pay for when you subscribe to this office. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: BUD CHARLTON, .32, WON MARTIE FLYNN, LOST Our Two Horses Are Advertised Every Day, Win or Lose THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES SPT- TODAY TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY m DO NOT FALL TO GET TODAYS PARLAY SUBSCRIBE TWO WINNERS Remit three dollars immediately for todays two advertised horses. All releases sent by fast wire. Our office open every day from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. GENERAL TURF AGENCY 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 509 NEW YORK, N. Y. Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS Six-45-23. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: LAUREL Three-10-30. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 1 WEDNESDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: OLD BELL, .04, WON WEDNESDAYS ASA POWELL RELEASE: FELRAP, Scratched WEDNESDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL WON B7 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Four Years ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL SOON WATCH FOR IT ARE YOU A MEMBER? More Than 14,000 Turf Players Have Joined RACING GUIDE SECRET SOCIETY SECRET TURF INFORMATION FREE TO MEMBERS 56 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Four Years ANOTHER GOING SOON SEND FOR MEMBERSHIP CARD AT ONCE NO FEES NO DUES Just send self-addressed, stamped envelope and request card containing key to code used in making releases. Address application to WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, HI. Paxons Improved Code Card Now j Ready RAY PAXONS NEWEST AND GREATLY IMPROVED CARD IS NOW OFF THE -PRESS AND IS BEING MAILED OUT TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS SERVICE FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING OCTOBER 3. Undoubtedly this card will prove to be the most profitable one ever released, and will contain winners galore. You dont want to miss one day of this service, so send in your remittances today. 1 During the past two weeks when track conditions were so uncertain, Ray Paxon more than held his own in the matter of giving out winners. But this newest card will surpass anything the others have done in the past. You cant afford not to have it. ! TWO WEEKS SERVICE One Dollar This card is selling for the same price as the old : one. It will point out from two horses daily, upward. The information printed on this card is worth many times more than the price of the card. It is the greatest 1 money value on the market today. Subscribe today : so you wont miss a single day of this service. You will be more than pleased with the results. Wednesdays Lincoln Fields Release: KDLMORE, .70, WON Thursdays Lincoln Fields Release: DEPRESSION, .82, WON A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. Mail all remittances to RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio and receive in return mail my handy code card. A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. TODAYS TWO HORSES: LAUREL Oscar-8-24-23-13. LINCOLN FIELDS Ernest-14-24-16-9. RAY PAXON is known America over as the best turf informant in the business. If you dont believe it, , give his service just one trial. ; ,"1"T "f "" DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form ! PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR THURSDAY: LINCOLN FIELDS Q-19-20-1-11. FAIRM0UNT PARK A-20-16-11-5. i Wednesdays Kelly Code Release at Fairmount: PREMEDITATE, .46, WON I WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT,. CHICAGO, ILL. "Americas Premier Turf Ace" PARTINGTON JOCKEY -118 t WEST 44th ST. NEW YORK CITY, N- Y, BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE, S197.G0. Won; ROCK SUGAR, 40.40, Won; MANDY, 9.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60. Won; SYMPATHY, 2.20, Won; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, 1.20, Won; MERUUNA, 5.30, Won YESTERDAYS PARLAY: JACK MURPHY, See 5th Fairmount . SPORTING MAUDIE, See 8th Fairmount STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY Today one horse is a genuine gqod thing that has been hiding behind several bad faces, but he should wake up with a bang today and the pay off should look like telephone numbers. Dont let his past performances prevent you from getting down for the limit: The other horse comes from a source that picks their "spots" with unusual care, and I feel certain that this racer will win easily by three lengths. Should pay more than six to one. Take these two and back them to the limit. I play every horse I send out. I never made a promise that I did not make good ask your racing associates about my ridinc record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that J never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a-reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY , JUDGE THE rorrURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book Investigate it. My office is open -every day between 10 and- 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send jour subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. DAI LV f eeC RAPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents REGREN GAVE FIVE WINNERS AT FAIRMOUNT Anne Arundel, $ 5.08, Won High Hatter, $ 7.20, Won Shasta Lad, 5.26, Won Oleman Sunshine, 4.76, Won Portmess, 10.48, Won TOMBEREAU, .22, was Regrens Best Bet M ANNE ARUNDEL, .08, was Regrens Fairmount Pay-Off SHASTA LAD," .26, was Regrens Fairmount Standout UKRAINE, 3-2, was Regrens Jamaica Pay-Off SEMAPHORE, ,20, was "Pink Sheets" Free Code Winner THURSDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LAUREL Colt-2S-31-24. FAIRMOUNT Rome-26-37-44. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail 5r ONE WINNER A DAY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: Mad Frump, 5.20, Won W NO MONEY IN ADVANCE All X ask is your promise to remit the -winnings of a ?3 bet on my daily advice. I cannot profit unless I make you profit. FOR FASTER AND MORE PERSONAL SERVICE - PHONE FRANKLIN 8057 BOB BURTON, 64 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ml. WIN FIRST THEN PAY ME -KS BET FOR ME ON MY PARLAY DAILY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: LA FERIA, 2.44, WON MISSIE, - $ 7.56, WON The turl informant who is unwilling to gamble with "his clients on the quality of his information is not worth bothering with. Try me today. WIRE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS.. I . WILL DO THE REST. "FOR A MORE PERSONAL CONTACT AND FASTER. SERVICE Telephone FRANKLIN 7563 Telephone DAYTON PUBLISHING CO., 10 N. Clark St., Chicago, III.