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ortsmanark" I t r The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races J ; at Sportsmans Park Saturday Paid 20.36 for I 1 CICERO, ILL., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1932. Sportsmans Park 1-2 mile. Eighteenth day. National Jockey Club. Fall meeting of 19 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Stewards, J. J. Graddy, S. C. Nuckols and F. Digby. Judges, S. S. Bender, P. Galliger and R. S. Shelley Starter, T. J. Brown. Racing Secretary, R. S. Shelley. Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in-parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds ; 7 pounds ; 10 pounds. 77720 FIRST RACE 7-8 Mile out of chute. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. OcL29-32-Spt Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses . EqtA-WtPrst Yi. Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 775405MONNIE w 5 106 5 2 31 lk li 14 14 ArcaroE Battle Ax Stable 105-100 76969 BIG TRAIL wb 3 110 7 9 8" 7i 61 34 21 McLaren J Mrs J Myers 1331-100 77459 BEEKEEPER w 5 114 2 4 l1 21 2 21 3 TaylorW C L Mackey 3903-100 77455 ESTIN w 9 114 3 3 6 6" 71 51 41 ZucchiniR W T Perry 803-100 77366 MURMURING PINES wb 5 114 9 5 2" 31 51 7s 5l DupuyM O L Foster 1613-100 76971SKIPAWAY w 7 106 10 1 41 51 4" 4 61! PrivettW J Bolser 11311-100 77460 FRED AUERBACH wb 3 110 4 7 95 8 8 84 V FeeneyL Mrs T Crane 873-100 77228LUCKY PAL wb 4 109 1 6 54 41 3l 6 88 KingC Nugent Stable 3887-100 77281 NORTHAMPTON wsb 6 114 8 8 7" 9 91 9 93 GevingL . R Gallet 456-100 77127 MOTOR PARK wb 5 114 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 GleasonM Mrs A S Lowman 41107-100 Time, :24. :51, 1:18, 1:33. Track heavy. 52 MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MONNIE $ 4.10 $ 2.98 $ 2.50 105100 49100 25100 BIG TRAIL 7.52 4.62 276100 131100 BEEKEEPER 10.06 403100 Winner B. m, by My Play Let Her Fly, by Pataud trained by C. O. Ray; bred by Mr. J. L. Tarl-ton. Winner entered to be claimed for ?1,000. WENT TO POST 1:50. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. MONNIE, close up for half a mile, drew into the lead and won easily. BIG TRAIL, outrun early, moved up strongly when urged, closed strongly, but could not menace the winner. BEEKEEPER tired under pressure. ESTIN had no mishaps. MURMURING PINES was outrun. Scratched 77457 La Compere, 102; 77075Infinitus, 109; 77127 Kingsport, 114; 77370 Balzar, 114; 77325 Don Worthington, 114; 77175 Flamarno, 106; 77413 Escobaress, 107; 77455 Helen Virginia, 111. 77721 SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile out of chute. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value ,Vc. t0 wnner S400; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,200; if for Oct.-29-32-Spt S1.000, allowed 3 lbs. Index- Horses EqtAWtPPSt Y Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77613 CONCISUS w 1151 9 4 Til4 Is 1 BurgerN Mrs V Crane 1380-100 77616 BRIGHT CHESTNUT w 106 10 7 34 2s 2 25 BurneyD Smith and Williams 290-100 77543TATWALK wb 111 5 5 51 5 3" 3s ArcaroE Colgate Stable 587-100 77543 AVAIL w 102 1 3 2k 31 44 4" KingC Rosehome Stable 1672-100 77613BELL CAP wb 108 2 6 8 8 8k 51 PrivettVV J Bronnenberg 293-100 77580 POLITIANS BEST w 1051 6 2 9 9s 9 61 VerbusM Mrs R D Miller 1872-100 77580 MAECFUTE wb 113 8 9 7" 71 51 7 MooreET M H Pons 2233-100 77543 SWEET VA w 106 3 1 64 6k T 8l MarinelliJ J Newman 6903-100 77411 HUGUE w 1051 4 8 41 41 61 94 BogskiW E J OConnell 1042-100 76047 HAROLD JR. w 111 7 10 10 10 10 10 HooperC Mrs T Flippen 946-100 Time, :24, :50, 1:04. Track heavy. , MTJTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CONCISUS 9.60 3.38 $ 8.78 1380100 569100 339100 BRIGHT CHESTNUT 4.20 3.74 110100 87100 tATWALK 4.50 - 125100 Winner Ch. g, by Wigstone Probity, by Broomstick trained by V. Crane; bred by Mr. V. Crane. .Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:23. AT POST 7 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. CONCISUS, showing vast improvement, raced into the lead and won easily. BRIGHT CHESTNUT, fractious at the post, was placed on the outside, reached contention soon after the start and finished well. CATWALK closed strongly under hard urging. AVAIL had no mishaps. BELL CAP closed a gap. HAROLD JR. was outrun. Scratched 77501 Get Ready, 113; 77543 Flirting, 108; 77543Lilliari Z., 110; 77456 Davids Own, 113; t77613 Red Vamp, 93; 77576 Prince Pebbles, 101; 77415Doramelia, 107; 77576 First. Regiment, 96. Overweight Concisus, 4i pounds; Bright Chestnut, 5; Avail, 1; Politians Best, 4; Sweet Va, 5; Hugue, 4A -Harold Jr., 4. rTrTrTOO THIRD RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner KAf S4?5; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,200; if for less, 2 lbs. Oct.-29-32-Spt allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77542 CHIEFS CAMILLE w 106 4 1 11 11 l" ll McLarenJ Mrs S Gorbet 419-100 77500 ISKUM wb 105 8 9 41 23 2 24 NeelJ F T Miller 404-100 77578LOFTY HEIGHTS w 103 5 6 51 6s 41 3a ArcaroE Mrs R L Rogers 241-100 77612FRENCH MAID w 108 9 7 6" 5" 3" 4" BogskiW E J OConnell 233-100 77500 TOPSIE H. w 105 7 4 3" 4k 5s 5 UnkrautE T Lewis 5472-100 77545 RED NOTE wb 111 2 5 7 7s 64 64 TaylorW H A Hathaway 6900-100 77457 QUEENS REGRET w 106 3 3 8 88 71 7s PrivettW Blue Star Stable 9072-100 77172 DICK BENNET wb 105 1 10 10 10 9s 810 ChinnH A Janicki 5522-100 73843 WICHITA wb 108 6 2 2 3 8s 9s MontoyaC E J Meyers 7666-100 77174 CASTLE CLIFF w 106 10 8 9s 9k 10 10 LoweW C A Werline 8022-100 Time, :25J, :51J, 1:19. 1:26. Track heavy. , 32 MUIUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODTI8 CHIEFS CAMILLE 0.38 $ 5.38 $ 3.52 419100 169100 76100 ISKUM 5.38 3.50 169100 75100 LOFTY HEIGHTS 3.06 53100 Winner Br. f, by Little Chief Camilla Muller, by The Elector trained by S. Gorbet; bred by Mr. I. B. Humphreys. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:57. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. CHIEFS CAMILLE, away fast, raced into the lead, then was taken under restraint, but was hard urged to hold ISKUM. The latter, away in a tangle, reached a forward position after three-eighths, challenged boldly in the stretch, but was not good enough. LOFTY HEIGHTS failed to improve his position. FRENCH MAID had a roue;h race. TOPSIE H. had no mishaps. WICHITA ran out on the turn. Scratched 776152Baby Bane, 97; 77615 Chutney, 103; 77545 Abstain, 108; 77222 Elkhart, 100; 77578 Aliens, 105; 77614Sir Romeo, 115; 77454 Lydia Ann, 102; 77061 Deenic, 102. Overweight Chiefs Camilla, 1 pound; Lofty Heights, 3; Queens Regret, 4; Castle Cliff, 1. TrrryOO FOURTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net 4 4 4 rfO value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000. Oct.-29-32-Spt . Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt H Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 774583DURVA v4108 5 2 41 23 14 14 ChinnH Lone Star Stable 135-100 77500SISTER MARY w41Q8 2 1 1" 1" 2 21 ArcaroE C E Davison 422-100 77369WILD CHILD w 4 115 7 3 3k 61 3" 31 GevingL S Guanire 412-100 77544FULL UP wb 3 106 6 8 5 3l 44 41 PrivettW H Stelle 746-100 77237GIDEON w 7 111 4 5 8 8 6s 54 DobsonJM F Dolloway 10060-100 77612MARGON wb 4 108 3 6 6 41 5" 61 NachelJ Mrs A Manale 9170 100 77579PORTMANTEAU wb 5 112 1 7 74 71 74 710 LeBIancN Rosehome Stable 1038-100 77649JTAKE OFF wb 5 116 8 4 2 5h 8 8 RenoT M J Whalen 3051 100 Time, :25, :51, 1:18. 1:25 Track heavy. , S2 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DURVA $ 4.70 $ 3.12 $ 2.40 135100 56100 20100 SISTER MARY 4.08 2.76 104100 38100 WILD CHILD 2.90 45100 Winner B. f, by Durbar II. Neva S., by Astronomer trained by J. B. Theall; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:25. AT POST 3 minutes. Start p;ood out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. DURVA, in close quarters after a quarter, moved up fast when clear and, drawing into the lead, maintained her nosition under severe pressure. SISTER MARY, a factor throughout, closed gamely, but could not withstand the winner. WILD CHILD, forced back sharply soon after the start, gained gradually thereafter and closed eamelv. FULL UP had no mishaps. TAKE OFF quit. PORTMANTEAU was outrun. Scratched 77578 Princess Carolyn, 104; 77454 Scone, 109; 77649 Frostilla Girl, 104. Overweight Full Up, 2 pounds. Corrected weight Wild Child, 115. lyrrPTO f FIFTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Dearborn Handicap. Purse ,000. All ages. Net value ooVT. t0 winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. UCt.-Z9-3Z-Spt index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Yt Yi Str Kin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 77544 VOLTA MAID w3l03 4 3 2k 2l l" l1 ArcaroE L M Severson 503-100 77458PIGEON HOLE wb 7 122 7 9 81 74 54 24 KingC J D Mikel 232-100 774582MARTIE FLYNN wb 7 118 8 7 5k4141 31 CunhamL S Peabody 778-100 77544 VERY WELL w4103 11 11 11 21 41 ChinnH J J Coughlin 2032-100 Continued on thirteenth page.. SPORTSMANS PARK Continued from third vage.J 77284 COLONIAL BELLE w 3 105 5 6 71 84 61 5s OMalleyJ A Pelleteri 256-100 77414OUT BOUND wb 4 107 6 2 31 34 3h 64 WilsonL O L Foster 1537-100 75642 COUNT BRUNO wb 3 103 3 4 63 6" 74 7s NachelJ Miss H Rodgers 8650-100 77580:DARK STAR w 2 101 9 8 9 9 9 81 TaylorW S L Johnston 3139-100 7754CJMORSUN wb 6 101 2 5 44 53 8s 9 NeelJ Lone Star Stable 1738-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:18, 1:24. Track heavy. . , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS v VOLTA MAID 2.06 $ 4.86 $ 3.54 503100 143100 77100 " PIGEON HOLE 4.14 3.16 107100 58100 MARTIE FLYNN 3.66 - 83100 Winner B. f, by Volta Envy, by Kenilworth trained by J. H. Skirvin; bred by Mr. L. M. Severson. WENT TO POST 3:54i. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. VOLTA MAID, close up throughout, drew out after disposing of VERY WELL and held PIGEON HOLE safe. The latter began slowlv, saved - ground while moving up, closed gamely and was gradually wearing t down the winner. MARTIE FLYNN had no mishaps. VERY WELL quit. COLONIAL BELLE, taken back at the start, met reoeated interference and showed a good performance. OUT BOUND and MORSUN quit. Scratched 77370Predict, 98. - Overweight Volta Maid, 2 pounds; Colonial Belle, 3; Count Bruno, 5; Dark Star, 3; Morsun, 4. ryryrrOCt SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valu 4 4 4 4diJ to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0: fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,500. Oct.-29-32-Spt : : Index Horses EqtA "WtPP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77688 PORT O PLAY wb 6.110 3 1 51 62 32 24 14 McLarenJ S Gorbet 194-100 77648WINNIE C. w3 103 1 9 8h 7 41 33 21 ChinnH E Johnson 607-100 77689JIM ORMONT wb 5 114 10 6 41 l 14 11 34 RenoT M J Whalen . 707-100 77372MORE POWER w 4 105 6 7 -9 83 74 5 4s ArcaroE Mrs L F OLeary 1923-100 77617!BUD CHARLTON w5111 7 2 lh 24 21 4" 54 HooporC Mrs R T Flippen 517:100 776543ALTO wb 6 110 2 10 10 10 91 6s 6 MooreET G J Fenn 3372-100 77654GOLD RIDGE w 6 105 8 5 73 9410 91 73 KingC J Durkin 4163-100 77648HVILD WEST wb 3 105 4 8 6h 41 54 72 83 OMalleyJ . Mrs E Biller 1530-100 77617 FREE HELEN w5111 5 3 31 51 8s 81 9s ShawT J Salinski . 1130-100 77582DANDY DAN w 4109 9 4 24 31 6" 10 10 PrivettW H S telle 1608-100 Time, :25, :51, 1:18, 1:46, 1:53. Track heavy. . ., 2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s PORT 0 PLAY ..................... $ 5.88 .54 $ 3.22 194100 77100 61108 WINNIE C 5.60 3.98 180100 99-108 JIM ORMONT ..................... 4.22 111100 Winner B. g, by The Porter By Play, by Luke McLuke trained by S. Gorbet; bred by Mr. E. B. McLean. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:26i. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. PORT O PLAY, showing sudden improvement, moved up fast after three-quarters, drew into the lead in the stretch and won easily thereafter. WINNIE C, hard urged throughout, gained steadily, challenged mildlv, but -was no match for the winner. JIM ORMONT tired after taking the lead. MORE POWER closed. strongly. BUD CHARLTON was done after entering the stretch. WILD WEST and FREE HELEN were done early. Scratched 77684 Petabit, 106; 77502 Batty, 107; 77688 Catlettsburg, 105; 77687 Maria, 107; 77690 . Chiefs Challenger, 105; 77688 Vagabond, 114. Overweight Winnie C, 1 pound; Bud Charlton, 1; Wild West, 1. Corrected weight Winnie C.? 102; Jim Ormont, 114. T7f7T7i SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net 4 4 -4 andAJ value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; Oct.-29-32-Spt jf for 1,200, 3 lbs. extra. Index Horses EqtA "WtPP St i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77617 HAPPY LAD w 5 115 3 6 54 43 32 1" P KnightM C Troutt 202-100 77612 BELLARION wb 7 107 2 1 21 24 1" 33 2k KingC J D Mikcl 947-100 77460 BAIGDORA w 3 103 1 5 14 1" 21 2h 34 TaylorW S Hersberg . 4314-100 77412OUTCRY wb 4 110 7 2 34 51 41 44 41 OMalleyJ Mrs H Kiser 647-100 77503JACK ALEXANDER w 9 116 4 7 8l 6s 63 51 5" CunhamL C E Davison 192-100 77460 CHIEFS GYPSY w 3 104 10 3 4h 3" 51 64 6 NeelJ W Kempf 10050-100 77497 NA ZDAR wb 5 109 6 8 6" 8" 7 78 7s MooreET G J Fenn 8095-100 7736f.2GOLFLEX w 7 111 8 9 9s 7" 81 82 84 KellumJ Mrs A Manale 1173-100 77582RACE EXTRA w 4 107 9 10 10 93 9s 9 9 ChinnH C Lemons 2744-100 77131 ACHTOI LASS wb 4 106 5 4 7410 10 Pul. up. WilsonL GK Allen 10056-100 Time, :25, :52, 1:19, 1:46, 1:54. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID v , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HAPPY LAD $ 6.04 $ 3.92 $ 3.44 202100 96100 72100 . BELLARION 8.74 7.42 337100 271100 J BAIGDORA 14.70 635100 Winner B. g, by Ladkin Blissful, by Broomstick trained by A. J. Pershall; bred by Searington Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 4:56. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. HAPPY LAD, well handled, followed in close attendance for three-quarters, moved up fast thereafter, took the lead and won drawing away. BELLARION had good speed throughout, disposed of BAIGDORA and held on gamely, but could not resist the winner. BAIGDORA showed a good effort. OUTCRY" had no mishaps. JACK ALEXANDER was outrun in a dull effort. ACHTOI LASS broke down after going three-quarters and was pulled up. Scratched 77546 Deserve, 101; 77582 Eddie Lehmann, 107; 77582 Mint Toddy, 107; 77010 Checkmate, 107; 77499 Truxton, 110; 77176 Theo. Red, 107; 77582 Piinkie, 107; 76658 Arcturus, 107. Overweight Happy Lad, 5 pounds; Baigdora, 2; Na Zdar, 2; Golflex, 4; Achtoi Lass, 2.