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?v*?SHs?S*sS?5*SP,S£ WORKOUTS!* Date aft left of honas bum la last workout. Letters following time Indicate! h, wearing; d, drivings % eeaOjt a, handily; a, aB eat; a. aolked; a, eaaed as. laateaft Thne aft Bach Dlstanee Shows In Black laea Type I— — — ■■■■■■■■»■■ »«»» ■ ■ -■»- »»»»■■■»»■ ■■■■■■■ — — »— — — — —■ THURSDAY, MAY 4 AURORA. Weather clear; track heavy — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 17 Blithe :44%b 4 28 Marcelet . . . :45 b 3-22 Ciceronese . :42%h 4-30 Pcss Carlyn :43y5h 4 17 Flying Silk.. :45 b 4 27 St. Mica.... :42%h 5-1 Gold Rose... :43%b One-Half Mile. 112 Bell Cap.... 1:00 b 5-3 Vesee :57%h 3-19 Bobs Luck. :56%h 4 29 War Plane.. :57%h 5-1 Just Mrs.... 1:00 b 5-2 Well Heeled. 1:00 b 51 Kg Hollisterl.00 b 3-2 Your Play.. :58%h Three-Quarters Mile. 4 29Campdore ..1:30 b 4 29 Gold Ridge. 1:30 b 4 29Drtic Waterloo b 5-1 Old Bill 1:30 b 4-30 Four Spot... 1:26 h The track was holding this morning, and horses tired badly in the going. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 4 29 Ashen :36*/5h 4-15 King Faro. . . :35%h Bag. Express :37 h 4-29 Lucille Writ :36%b 4-30 Binding Time :35 h 5-1 Lady Evelyn. :36%h 4-15 Brustigert . . :36 h 4-30 Lady Chaplet :36 d Briar Sweet.. :37%b 5-1 Landover ... :36%h 5 2 Bobby Sweep :36%h 4-28 Muslet :37 b 4 27 Chief Pilot... :37%b 5-1 Miss Actuary :36%h 51 Enigmatic .. :37%b 5-1 Occult :37V5b 5 2 Flying Giblon :37b 4-22 Our Justice. :35 h 5-1 Fighting Bob :36 h 5-1 Omonday ... :40%h 4 21 Fergus :37%b 4-29 Pantaloons . :35%h 4-20 Goforth .... :34%d 4-29 Red Forage. . :36%h 4 28 Crania :35%h 4-20 Goforth .... :34d 51 Gertrude L. . :35%h 4-28 Shadowdawn. :35%h 4 12 Girl Graduate :36%b 4-29 Scram :37 b 5-1 Hunter Lyon :35%d 5 2 Sudden Jim.. :37 d 4 27 Home Rule.. :36%d 5-1 Villify gSftfcfc 5-1 Illusory .... :37%b 4-17 Vitamin B... :36 h 5-1 Indian Blood :35%h 5-1 Whirling .... :35%d 5 2 Jump Off.... :37 b One-Half Mile. 4-29 Atmosphere . :48%h 4-14 Gladys S.... :50%b 5-2 Azuca :49 h 4-29 Kitty Sue... :49%h 5-2 Bov Bunting. :51 d 4-27 Mighty Atom :52%b 4 25 Bder Patrol. :50%h 5-1 Naval Cadet. :49%h 4-28 Chuck B.... :50%b 4-16 Panther Rock :49 b 4 29 Chief Daunt. :51 b 5-2 Slapped .... :50%b 4 30 Constt Wife. :50%b 5-2 UnkieTom.. :48%h 4 27 Elizabeth Fox :49%b Five-Eighths Milr 4-27 Ann What. ..lK5%b 4-14 Lie Schusterl :05%b 5-1 Bdv Apollis.lK5y5b 4-17 Monks Star..l:05 b 5-1 Goldn Deedsl:03M;h 5-1 My Prince... 1:03 b 4 26 Chtnut Treel:05%b 4-16 Pretty Monk.l05%b 5 2 Dorita l:03%b 5-1 Pancoast ...1:01%d 51 Glynson ....1:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-2 Amillian ....l:20%b 5-1 Gunfire ....l:18%b 4 29 Brass Mkey.l:15%h 5-1 Moms Polly.. 1:20 b 5 2 Bamboula ...1:20 b 4-28 Pr. Westend.l:18%b 5-3 Domint Missl:17 b Spartan Ladyl:13%h Essef f 1 :13%b 4-30 Thundertone 1 :16%b 51 Flashg Thrul:16%h Upset Lad...l:16%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-1 Advisg Anna1:31b 4 29 Kievette ....l:32%h 4 28Cabama ....1:35 b One Mile. 5 3 Ballyhoo ...l:44%b Mr. Khavyaml :44%b 5-3 Brn Swallow1:40%h 4-30 Mt. Washtonl:49 h 4-21 Col. Hatfieldl:48 b 4-28 Olamay 1:44 h 4-30 Epidemic ...l:42%b 5-1 Spectacular .l:45%b 5-1 Eleanora M..l:45 h 5-2 Technique ..1:41 b 51 Glynhurst ..l:47andh 4-30 Tulane Maid.l:49 h 4 23 Marie Jean.. 1:44 b Barn Swallow finished well. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track good — i,, . Three-Eighths Mile. 5-1 Big Business :37 d Proprietor .. :40%b 3 15 Bling Girl. . :36%d 5-1 Press Queen :37%b 5 2 Fountain .. :38%b 4-30 Side Step... :36%h Grn Sg Lad :40%b 4-30 Volwood ... :38%b » 4 29 Hivu :39%b One-Half Mile. 4-30 Barkis :55 b 5-1 Fast Colors. :49%b 4 30 Br way Belle :57andb 5-3 Little Valley. :49J4d 5-1 Chardie .... :49%d 5-1 Moroi :49%b 4 29Csellor Cre :49%d 4 29 Tangalo .... :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-29 Blackmock .1:03%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-29Eter Paradel:22 b 4-30 Pre Droyal l:19%b 3-2i I.oval Louie. 1:19 b 5-1 Red Cinders. 1:18 b 5-1 Liberty Ace. 1:23 b 5-2 Slim Pickensl:22M b 4-27 Lost Lenora.l:22%b 5-2 Sophianna ,.l:22y5b 4 29 Miss Kthrynl:25%b One Mile. 5-1 Tabby l:44%h Little Valley, Chardie, Counsellor Crane and Side Step went from the gate. PEWLICO. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 4-25Capsheaf ... :39%b 4 27 Modn Times :39 h 4-20 Decanter . . . :39 b 4 27 Race Street.. :36%h 4-27 Gravmarve . :37 h 4-26 Sugar Cake.. :36%h One-Half Mile. Ashe :51%h 5-3 Open Hearth :51 h 5-1 Bron Sinner :50%h 5-1 Portden .... :49%h Dancg Mack :52%b 51 Paint Box... :50 b 4-30 Kgsmark II. :52 h 4 25 Rock Point. . :55 h 5-1 Monastic ... :51 h Rhyming . . . :51%h 5-2 Migratory ... :50 h 5 2 Rush Hour.. :49%h 5-2 Marplot .... :51%h 4 27 Solace :51 h 4-30 Ned O :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-21 Levaal 1.07 b 5 2 Wary 1:05 h 3-27 Red Run ...1:02%h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-26 Accolade ....1:17 h 1-5 Lovelan ....l:16%h 3-10AUanah ....1:22 b 5-2 Neverfade ..1:16 b 5-2 Cring Gloryl:16%h 5-1 Poppyman ..1:17 h 4-26Canron l:15%h 4 15 Revonah ...1:18 h * 5-2 Elctric Gaff.l:22 h Strollg Maidl:20%h 4-14 Gonspray ...1:21 h 4-30 Swinhaven ..l:15%h 5-2 Gloritone ...1:15%h 5 2 Uncovered ..1:17 d Help Me l:15%h One Mile. 5-1 Blenheim ...l:43%b 4 28 Replevin ...l:44%h 4-30Bubola 1:45 b Sweet Air. . ..1:47 h 4 27Dunfern ....1:45 d 4-29 Surety 1:46 h 4 28 Fetish l:43%b 5-2 Stepenfetchit 1:43 b 5-2 Niht Patrol.l:47%h 4 23 Traffic Jdgel:46 h 5-1 Old Master.. 1:43 b 5 2 Vote 1:50 h 5-1 Polo Bar.... 152 h 5-2 White Thorn. 1:45 d 4 26Pencader ...l:48%b TANFORAN. Weather foggy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5 2 Calaria :37 b 4 23 Notify :37 b 5-1 Fred Almy.. :38 b 5-1 Peter Danger :37%b 3 19 Hit the Deck :37 b 4-29 Pop :39 b 4 25Jugband . . . :39 b 4-26 Sun Liberty. :37%b 5-1 Lady Tamt :36%h 4-22 Thoughtful . :38%b 4 10 Little Toney :38%b 4-24 Wee Drop. .. :39 b 4-14 Wne Keala. :36%h One-Half Mile. 3-10Bayamo ... :53%b 3-18 Remle :50%b 4-20 Blind Luck.. :51%b 3-27 Tienette .... :50%b 5-1 Chictoney .. :50%h 4-21 The Whip... :50%b 3 23Flting Fire. :53 b 5-2 Up* :52 h 4 17 Gerard :52%b 5-1 War Over. . . :51%b 51 Las Palmas. :50%b 4-7 Westire .... :52%b 4-24 Poitou :51 d 4-28 Wasatch Ty :52 b 5-2 Queen Ann.. :50%b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-30Chuno 107%b 4-29 Montanaro .1:04£b 4-23Bubsy C....l:04%b 4-20 Manitobian .105 b 3 20 Don Jr 104%b Red Chili. . .1:07 b 5-1 Knts Cap..l:04%b Three-Quarters Mile. 4 9 Bertrand ...l:18%b 4-11 Purzana ...l:18%b 4 30 Happy Chlerl:19%b 4-30 Patricia C..l:17 b 3 20 Jay Walker.. 1:21 b 5-2 Sweep Past.. 1:21 b One Mile. 4-19 Boy Painter. 1:44b 4-28 Ping Coates.l:46%b 4-30 Hudsfield .1:45 b 4-23 Serra 1:50 b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Jim Robin.. :38 h 4-19 Royal Ruffin :40 b One-Half Mile. Brentano . . :51 h 4-29 Resurrection :51 h 4 28 Gold Basis.. :55 b 3-20 Shoteur .... :49%h Cagey :50%h Sugar Pea.. :52%b Miss Snow. . :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Flying Sailorl:07%h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-4 BId Bowboy1:15%h 5-2 Okapi 1:16 h 4 30 Cayuga ....l:18%b 5-1 Protractor ..l:18%b Flighty Annal:18 b Pressa Hon.. 1:22 • Indicator ...1:17 b 5-2 Syenite ....1:16 h Magyar ....1:18 b 5 2 Timely .....l:18%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 51 Follow Thru. 1:33 b One Mile. Cock Robin. 1:41 b 4-9 Footmark ...1:52 e AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Pinchot .... :36%h Revere :38 b Pop High ... :36%h 3 11 Salcsring ... :36%h One-Half Mile. 1-10 Billy M :52%b 3-18 Friscoville .. :50%h 5-2 Belle Tempo. :49%h 5-2 How High.. :49%h Cocked Hat. :55 b 3 29 Lansquenet . :50%h Cexar :50%h 3 11 Our One.... :52%b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-2 Fancy Flight! .-05 h Three-Quarters Mile. Bob F l:20%b Leroline ....1:17 h Calchas ....1:16 h 3 -12 Pcnnate ...1:17 h Seven -Eighths Mile. 4-19lseult 1:30 h One Mile. 4-1 Brdon Prcel:45 h JAMAICA. Weather clear; track sloppy— Three-Eighths Mile. John Bull... :35%d Vesta :35 4 Lieut. Burns :35%d One-Half Mile. 3 15 Cf Almgren :52%b 5-1 Gden Effort :52%b Drusus .... :51 h San Kai.... :47%d Five-Eighths Mile. 5-1 Ipral 1:11 b Porterette ..1:07%b Mont Jule.,109 b Three-Quarters Mile. H. A. Bhml:22 b Morocen ...1:19%b 4-24 Kneehigh ..1:21 b 5-1 Single Star. 1:21 b Moon Blink. l:22%b Trysweep ..1:20 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-2 King Hollis..l:36 b One Mile. 5-1 Boocap ....1:48 b Martis l:55%b 3-21Catino 1:46 h 5-2 Moralist ....l:47%b 5-1 Jamison ....1:46 b Vted Poverl:47%b 4-25 McGonigle ..1:44%h San Kai showed good speed. Jamison looked good. HAWTHORNE. . Weather cloudy; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-2 Brains :39 h 5-2 Lapidary ... :40%b 4 28 Blue Law... :39 b 4-30 Miss Marr. .. :36%h 4 28Cesare :41 b 4-30 Sid Lea :40 b Houssain ... :38 h 5-2 Trieste :38 h 4-28 Infinity .... :42 b 5-3 Th. Rochter :37%h One-Half Mile. 51 Dick Bennet :54%h 4-29 Sarcastic ... :51%h 4 27Garrick .... :54%h 5-1 Sad Knight.. :56 b Laga :53%b Five-Eighths Mile. Belle Weidel. 107 b Nawab 1:05 h 4-29 Monks Bela.l05%h 5-3 Spud 1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-2 Hypnotism .1:23 b One Mile. Black Maid..l:48%b SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 5-1 All Ur set.... :43 b Macks Pal.. :42 h 5-2 Blaze Or.... :41%b 5-1 Mac Moon.. :40%b 3-8 Cynara .... :40%b 4-30 Meloy :41%b 5-1 El Relicario. :42 b Plum Orchrd :42 b 4 27Essare :42 b 4-30 Technocracy :41%h 4 29 Full Fling. . . :40%b 4-30 Tple Dancer :39%h 4 26Hippias . . . . :42 b 4 29 Tombereau . :41 b Ly Camilla. :42%b 4-29 Valley :43 b 4-30Martie Flynn :41%b One-Half Mile. 4-30 Amer. Thder :56J4b 5-1 Port o Play :59 b 4-9 Coup D Etat :58%b 5-2 Vera C :58%b 5-2 Flapper Ann. :57%h 3 11 Winifred Ann :58%b Five-Eighths Mile. Big Blue.... 1:12 h 51 Jge Bartlettl:15 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-2 Bad Axe....l-29%b 4-28 Flag Bearer.. 1:28 b 4 29 Catalans Idoll:28%b 4-29 Flying Flynnl:27%h 4-28 Crash 1:27%h