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Hb""" mmmmmm% Thursdays Parlay: nXtOaLFJSNGJ P,M0CH10, 3.40, Lost |wSSn3rSMf3Rl WEDDING RING, .40, $ 2.20, 3rd H Wk W 9 *mm H 1 I 111 Wednesdays Parlay: E2ijbSJ SU JJU BARASHKOVA, $ 7.64, WON W HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY--FEELD, NEVER MISREPRESENTS ~m g Thats why any man who has had the pleasure of doing business with me will tell yon that "FIELD" WILL GIVE YOU AS SQUARE A DEAL AS YOU EVER GOT IN YOUR LIFE— EVERYBODY GETS THE SAME SERVICE— NO RED TAPE ! ! INFIELD FOLLOWERS "CLEANED UP" OVER 50 LAST WEEK*-** And dont be a bit surprised if we top that before this week is over. REMEMBER, b it is impossible to judge a parlay service in one days time. GIVE MY SERVICE A I FAIR TRIAL AND I AM POSITIVE YOU CANT GO WRONG. ™ ■T* DONT FAIL TO GET THURSDAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAYS *«£ * Or "BOOKIES" WILL PAY OUT "PLENTY" AFTER TODAYS RACES ! ! "9t _ W TWO FOR ONE PRICE— ONE AT SPORTSMANS— ONE AT LOUISVILLE *W * DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call in person or phone— FRANKLIN 0596— for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. T Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! e JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, III. E ;fiVlH;[IU;l Chicago players! New Weekly Out— 35 Cents FAM0US AT ALL NEWSSTANDS "TRIO-WIN" SELECTIONS TODAYS FREE CODES: ~ C«!iiLL:T T*r "B?b*R?0ffoB* BEGINNING TOMORROW, The Ross Method will PIMLICO: Ten-Foo-Lap-Gera-Red. on sa,e principal Chicago loop newsstands OCCASIONAL CODE: their famous established "TRIO WIN" 3 horses CHURCHILL: Rear-Horn-Sang-Send-Inta. daily service. Note: Distribution will be extended t mi/wr* to outlying districts and nearby cities in the near NOTE: ■— -i . A PARLAY « BOTH FBEE CODES — JESSETKSi- W ri*6"/ f to rular subscription clients. It is now, for the lJlV Jll 1 lllf first time m $ ears made available to the general Both come to us exceptionally strong. BUY "TRIO-WIN" ENVELOPES with confidence. AU guesswork, bunk, and so-called "inside information" 117 Jk . *.— — h completely removed from this service. It is hone t, W fjlj £ %J 1 Ml reliable and time tested. It has been developed into . ™ ™ * * ■ 3" that will a coldblooded, scientific business proposition LAST WEEKS TOP HORSES: show from 40 per cent to 50 per cent winners at DIAtjUKiy 4.10, WU™ NEW FEATURES that are included without extra IWI ¥ rtet r»/I 1 17 and A nO UTAH cost arc: Substitute selections for any "scratched" POLLYd FOLLY. S 4.78, WUfl »»««; ™ * absolutely free, the WIN FROM WIN- » T 7 tested and proved, NINGS," low capital betting plan, WON "r pU " ™0 wlN "**" FLAMING MAUDE, $ 520, ~s£ T Suffice to say: Follow these TOP HORSES, they BLUE AND RED "TRIO-WIN" envelopes will sell are the for only — a new low cost for honest, reliable and ■ time-tested information. The "WIN-FROM-WIN- I LAO ACT I ujrtDn VVUKU IIM IM IIMI-UKWIA IMC-r.DMA-rir.RI I ljrt NINGS" betting plan, given absolutely free, is alone Ask your newsdealer for the worth many times this price. : UUCP If I Y MAQTPR PI OPKFR "TRIO-WIN" SERVICE simply MAKES racing pay WCCIVL.I ■£•■ ZljlhYji!? reguJar dividends. We assure profits over reasonable 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWS5TAMD5 periods of play. You will find the written assurance mm aw mm % $ la eacn envelope. % I — -m-mrm. /v| ASK Y0UR L00P NEWSDEALER for the Ross WW f „-- f I 1 1 f 1 %m¥ Method "TRIO WIN" envelope, beginning Saturday, ▼ w *» mmAMM/§L9 May 5th. You will then make winning days a habit. * Once you use this service, and understand how the The MASTER CLOCKER is going like HOT CAKES LaW 0f Average makes these selections mechanically, this week, so be sure and you will see that each play gives a decided "win per- ORDER YOUR COPY EARLY SSmTam m »vcdc -m ! before the newsdealer sells out, for we expect to have a ™* 111 ll I I || ll V |4 KVj. | j 1 .l- SEND TODAY for a free copy of The Ross Method. I I B_ I k Wk BHr j-fM, w" ?ve -ou vaua** suggestions that mean the JL mm* JL IAAr w entire difference between winning and losing. It is free with our compliments. No obligation — simply Derhv Winner THE R0SS method l/Vl l/j If IIIIIVI 75 E. WACKER DRIVE CHICAGO, ILL. tomorrow, Saturday. This horse will probably pay 10 1 or better. WEEKLY Note* RACING GUIDE »» w • FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE i • I /* J /* J Readers in the following cities, call accompanying Occasional lode lard Price — Good for 1 Week Ch,c*s° Re*ders °- ""*"* FOR SALE NOW AT ALU NEWSSTANDS TS-./.-.-.-.-tljSi SS w If New York, N. Y Bogardus 5900 1 --. - l-f San Francisco, Calif Market 1624 i ■ .flfllC St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 J JUIWIm • Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J _ _ *n Edition to the above release, other winning m %H wr ■ «% I /VllievritlA wC Vr s«rvices g»ven °"t by RACING GUIDE are the daily | Jlfl JLljUloVlllt2« Km. Vo releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. The MASTER CLOCKER is for follow the guide for winners sale at GOODSMANS NEWSSTORE, CARMAC 4th and Liberty J Sts. CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ■i _ ■ = CHURCHILL DOWNS— May-12-15. COMPASS ASA P0WELL m J?. ■ " ■■ ZJtZHZ 5 ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: |ff fHAjWOMOCRfUtTOWWEEiaJf J CHURCHILL DOWNS-Thur.-23-23. FOR SALE AT ALl NEWSSTANDS— PRICE. 36e F0R C0DE BUY ISSUE OF APRIL 29 NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY ALREADY ADVISED- WEDNESDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: FERVID, 7.40, WON BARNEY SEXTON, .18, WON j g™NNY IlO Si WON ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY Convince yourself that COMPASS is actually pub- SPECIAL SOON lished for the player — working against the layer. WATCH FOR IT HONESTY — FAIR DEALING 56 PER CENT HAVe won or 88 out of 156 Many players all over the country realize that there is one turf weekly, COMPASS selling for only 35 cents, WEEKLY RACING GUIDE that shows you how to beat your bookie every day. COMPASS PUBLISHING CO. World$ Greate R»cin" Week,y 104 West 42nd St. New York City Subscription Rate— One Month, .25; Six Months, ; : TODAYS FREE CODE: 0ne Year 0 GOLD— Bill-44-26-34-48. _ TODAYS CODE PARLAY: 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, m. L PIMLICO— July-46-80-36-52. _____________________________ _ CHURCHILL DOWNS— April-78-72-52-50. -rur DDrcmruT THE rKtandIUtlM 1 See page 8. Today s Clockers Code: AURORA— Lincoln-61-57-57-49. 50 CENTS DAILY— ON NEWSSTANDS = MAIL YOU SIX DAYS— .50 MAKE 0 A DAY FOR LIFE! TUESDAYS PRESIDENT: I will sell a limited number of copies of my 5 Com- yQLTA MAID, .08 WON N mon-Sense System fully copyrighted, at per com- ciTimnivc DDircmirvr SATURDAYS PRESIDENT Plete copy. Send at once! Start to win! Proof ma iled _____ FKEE! G. Dudley, 2314 GUbert Ave.. Cincinnati, Ohio. ROYAL RUFFIN, .20, WON if — — TODAYS PRESIDENT: I GRAND STAND TURF WEEKLY PIMLICO— White-17-9-11. CHURCH.— Red-16-8-20. I FOE 8ALE AT All, MEWSSTA1.DS-35 CEKT8 TODAYS DIRECTORS: I Todays Free Code: CHURCHILL— Mutuels-11 -27-24-14. PIMLICO— Cow-1-1 1-23. PIMLICO— Dog-9-1 1-16. j. I TODAYS CODE PARLAY: DIRECTORS— SIX DAYS— k AURORA— Pavid-45-30. PIMLICO— Irving, 34-30. ANDY, 145 West 41st St., New York Ofe g b I ™ * _ * T e E t . ■ : ! | i J | j : L _ N if I j. .MY _riEl.l0U% • CHICACO BOOKIES • $ • UW% lr • ■•■•► ■lr ~ _ ACaAIMED BY EVERY NCVSPAPiR »N IHf • . ■ __ :LS ■__-_ m COOMTKr FOR »1Y SUCCtLSS •. If 1 I HR. _*- SULLIVAN AvB now READY ACAW t BOOKtCS 66NT _ LtKC it V* ■ T WATCH MY *MOKeJi YESTERDAYS SPORTSMANS PARLAY: MONDAYS PARLAY: CHUCK B- 768, WON~. AM-IC TS-KI rKlf I ACT ONE WON ONE LOST MARIE JEAN, Ran SeoDn* SATURDAYS PARLAY: TUESDAYS SPORTSMANS PARLAY WON PEGGY LEHMANN, 4.90, WON Remember, ONE GOOD ONE makes up for 20 FULL TILT, «.48, WON bad ones. YOU CANT JUDGE GOOD INFORMA- IS THIS WORTH A DAY TO YOU? TION on one days trial. IE NOT, DONT READ THIS AD gT CAN YOU USE 00 TODAY? ALL YOU NEED IS TO BET -« If you miss my PARLAY today, YOU NEVER WILL FORGIVE YOURSELF. Goes at Pimlico. WSULLIVAN HAS WINNERS OF "DAILY DOUBLE" TODAY AT SPORTSMANS-*! And this "DAILY DOUBLE" given FREE today to all who subscribe today lor our service. TERMS. A DAY. Chicago players, dont ao to the track before you see me. COME UP AND SEC THE LARGE CROWDS AT MY OFFICE. HOW THEY ARE CLEANING UP ON "SULLIVAN" PARLAYS every dayl If you cannot come. PHONE RANDOLPH 9195-9196. Pariay sent toyofl with messenger. NO EXTRA charge for messenger. Out-of-town players, sen4 . Parlay wired you by fast wire. J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St Suite 1325-1327, Chicago, ML Harvey Ames, Inc. 1674 Broadway. Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. Since our reopening last week, we have met with phenomenal success, but owing to the prominence of our connections we have not advertised results. In response to numerous requests from those unable to pay our usual one hundred dollar fee, we are reducing our terms to Ten Dollars Saturday, May 6th We are personally interested in this horse, and those subscribing are assured of a winner at odds of at least 8 to 1. This subscription also, entitles the subscriber to Mr. Ames Personal selection for the Kentucky Derby. P. S. — We have no connection with anyone in this line of business. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 WILLIAM BROTHERS 217 FIFTH AVE. NEAR 29TH ST.. SUITE Ml. NEW YORK CITY OUT OF EACH 00 WON IN TEN DAYS, PAY US 5 SPECIAL OFFER: WIRE FOR YOUR SHARE OF EXPENSES— TEN DAYS SERVICE There are no strings attached to this offer. For ten days we will wire you a two-horse parlay. A ten-. day trial should prove that we handle the best information obtainable at any price. Our connections assure you real information which should prove sensational. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: BILL LUTZ, .28, WON PEACOCK BLUE. .31, WON TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY 50 FOR — RECEIVE TEN DAYS SERVICE— MONDAY, MAY S, AT PIMLICO— SPECIAL TRANSACTION GOES— DONT MISS IT— SUBSCRIBE T0DAYI We know that if you are on the square you will send in your share after we show the above profit. Those not fulfilling our requirements will immediately be taken off our telegraph list. You play a win parlay for ten days on the two horses we wire you. When the ten days are up. wire us 5 out of each 00 you have won and we will continue. Overhead expenses obtaining this information are enormous, In order to help with same, we require you to teleeraph now via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, which amount may be deducted from our share at the end of ten days. DWTEirlKa The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cent* ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS At Aurora: Five Winners The following were tipped by BASSETT in Wednesdays "Pink Sheet:" GAY PRINCE, .24, WON MIKE REYNOLDS, .52, WON MORSUN, 5.06, WON BY PRODUCT, 5.74, WON WOOD RIVER, 3.74, WON MT A BASSETT WINNER at Churchill Downs was BOBSLED, 3.90 and one of the McCarty Good Odds Winners was FERVD3, 7.40, at Pimlico. LIKEWISE, .82, was Wednesdays Free Code Winner. FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: CHURCHILL DOWNS— Nioe-27-38-28. CHURCHDLL DOWNS— Colt-51-3»-37. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail COMBINED TRACKMAN mm am mm TURF WEERXY Mr ** ™* ALL STANDS, 35 CENTS I3ZI5HEI5HKCI9HEEQ HOT OFF THE PRESS! BUY IT NOW! Wkk | ■ t "KENTUCKY DERBY ISSUE" TODAYS FREE CODES: DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION PIMLICO-Whip.«Hi-tt. SPORTSMANS-Spur-6-6-5. TwQ Horses Q Day_|n Code p PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE | JONATHAN BROS. S3-SIX PARLAY CODE CARDS-S3 BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY: AURORA— 0-23-20-3-4. I « you request, » we will ii we • TODAY Tnmv.cD.m.v S PARLAY and a CHURCHILL DOWNS-T-12-11-24-3. mail code cards Yia AIR MAIL, special delivery. i todays codes: WM. BURKE KELLY PIMLICO— Tea-14-10-20-13. C. D.— Bread-1 8-13-1 3-6. 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL. 1697 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY _ i MAN O WAR TURF WEEKLY A I M/» K H H V H K l Todays Free Code: AURORA— Jockey-10-25-12-24. f J |flLI|j|j f |j|l Todays Code Parlay: PIMLICO— Albert-65-33-15-37 and CHURCHILL— Billy-33-41-4t-41. Todays Jockey Code: 145 West 41st St. Fifth Floor, New York City CAT— Mills-31 -42-28-34. Todays Two Code Horses: PIMLICO— R ©pe-11-2-28- . , , . , , -l IS and PIMLICO— File-16-14-19-15. «£»**■ 5U DbUl lOe ,w* tnn tOC n Daily -i ■ RaCing r- FOrm S3 PRIVATE Daily-Two POOL Horses PARLAYS a Day