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SUSTAIN GOVERNORS ] VETO-PLAN NEW VOTE J SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 4.— The state assembly this afternoon by a vote of 73 to 0 sustained Governor Rolphs veto of the WoolwineTMaloney pari-mutuel racing bill. The vote came after Thomas Maloney, of San Francisco, co-author of the measure, requested that proponents of the measure sustain the veto and then support a move to place the proposition on the ballot at the special election, which is tentatively ar- . i ranged for June 27. Friends of racing will have another opportunity to work for a proper racing law, with the voters of the state sitting in the seat of judgment. Approximately 900,000 votes were cast in favor of Proposition Number 5, the initiative measure, last November. The initiative failed by less than 50,000 votes last fall, a deficiency which might readily be wiped out at another try, racing boosters claim.