untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1933-05-05


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Pml Vflr I n N 3 j Information r Lfl WL jjMJT 1 1 M LIJ From My Lr ■■ wAJ3M±M ■!■■ Pais 1 SENSATIONAL MONEY RIDER. I1 YESTERDAYS FREE SPECIAL: ESSENTIAL, 1.12, WON YESTERDAYS GRECO PIMLICO PARLAY: LYNX EYE, .40, WON BENISH WAY, Broke Down, LOST WEDNESDAYS AURORA PARLAY: BY PRODUCT, .74, WON GAY PRINCE, .24, WON HT TODAY— TWO BIG LIMIT WINNERS— TODAY ~i Dont Blame Me If You Miss a Limit Win Parlay kW PAYS FOB TODAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAY— S3 "«■ Wire 13 immediately. City clients, call or phone STATE 2968 for messenger. JOCKEY A. GRECO, 10 North Clark Street Suite 802, Chicago, 111. J * ■■ CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY— 35 Cents » a xr ¥ " a v/l Sold on All Newsstands KA I AXUIN YESTERDAY 5 FREE CODE; * * — . ~ . — . — .■ - — «■,•»• — ..IBfc *■*•%■» leading handicapper and turf ericas HAPPY ANNE, .80, WON INFORMANT WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE: VOLTA MAID, .08, WON WIRE SPECIALS SHOW CONSIS- MONDAYS ONE BEST: TENT PROFIT HOOPS, 8.30, WON three of the last five winning, one second SATURDAYS LONG SHOT BOOK WINNER: AND ONE LOST PRINCE FARTHING, 4.60, WON Wednesdays wire release: Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— Reno-32-16. BARNEY SEXTON, .18, WON See page 2, Carl Brady Turf Weekly. OTHER RECENT WIRE SPECIALS: TODAYS WIN PARLAY: ON SIR .73, 2ND PIMLICO— Blue-21-1. CHURCHILL— Gray-10-8. SETHS BALLOT, .82, WON For Win Parlays, see page 4, Carl Brady. YOUNG BILL, .16, WON CABL BRADY Paxon has a number of other winners of this kind 1841 BROADWAY SUITE 1006 NEW YORK CITY lined up for his ciients for the next few weeks. A 5 KXVnS number of racers have been working out at both nTKFRS PfTR rn LLUtKLKJs KIWLfcVV fUB. CO. Churchill and PimUco, and all appear to be in the For Sale on AM Stands-35 Cents Per Copy efforts. ime o£ condition and ready for inning Today s Free Code: CHURCHILL-Wh.te-10-19. Several o the racers have not faced the barrier PIMLIC0-Cap°2«4Y.S HULL-Whip-S-IO. during *« PaSt *" »d - « « " g00d ================= ANOTHER WIRE SPECIAL SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY QATIIRnAY * " M T 35 Cents a Copy— Sold at All Newsstands ... ? . . , . Todays Free Code: PIMUCO— Jan.-23-4-4-13. This racer wlU start at P,mhco and from the wor,d TODAYS CODE PARLAY- mv trackman sends, the horse is ready and can t PIMLICO-Seat-14-24. CHURCHILL-Bench-15-16. P°ssib»y .lose- ,other connections I have in various _ cities claim a large amount of money is showing for CVCTCU Jl 1VEDC IIRTIPCI the norse anc* * comes from a clique which has put 01 0 I Lnl *T LAlLlltf * " " RU I lUll 2 over a number of betting coups during the past winter. KcbW-T RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT at each track m you owe m nothing. Send for your free copy today. ONCE Write- SECOR PUB CO. Dept. 6 AURORA. ILL. . _ _ , . /, * " , ... As I am allowed t to release the name of this racer to only a select few, I am taking this opportunity to warn n*ni"DWTi0S GAMENESS A_ OF HAIR PIN you that when the quota is filled I will be required . to return all subscriptions over this amount. CICERO, 111., May 5.-R. McGarvey, WINNING CODE CARD SERVICE trainer of the luckless Peabody filly Hair Not only is the wire specials showing a consistent Pin, which fell at Sportsmans Park, break- Proflt» but the dailv service has released a good per- ing her leg and necessitating her humane cet? and of winnrs at. good . . . . destruction, informed the stewards that the , MaJ ,or ™re W a.nd y°u Wl1 rece,v,,two r C„°* r C"d, filly dislocated her shoulder while on the andood_for.two ZHM Tet™ "SS !£ If des,re snd Sart first turn. It was with rare gameness she ?"* .Spec,aK ,. y°u *£ J2:00 . the w,th the of n today bcalmg races he,p Ray traversed the quarter of a mile to the second turn before going down and was racing up "xon- with the leader when she met her misfor- FRIDAYS CODE HORSES: tune. Eddie Arcaro, leading rider of the CHURCHILL— Orange-21-12-22-25. meeting here last fall, who went down with PIMLICO — Cherry-23-22-20-14. the unfortunate Peabody racer, cancelled his remaining mounts for the afternoon but RAY oav PAXON dav/~mu expected to resume riding Friday. 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI, 0.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933050501/drf1933050501_22_9
Local Identifier: drf1933050501_22_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800