Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1933-05-29

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IWOKKOUTSl Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: ! b, breezing:; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, aU out; s, sulked; u, eased up! Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I 1 h SATURDAY, MAY 27 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 5-15 Alma S :38h Mucia ..... :40h 5-18 Baby Stare.. :37h 5-24 Old Cally... :41b 5-4 Boy Bunting :40b 5-25 Pickit :44 b 5-25 Ebony Lady. :38h 5-21 Pot au Bms :38b 5-23 Grey Kitty. . :39h 5-25 Permanent . :44 b 5-25 Gay Past... :39h 5-25 Regis Play.. :44 b 5-25 Hernando .. :41 b 5-22 Sun Gros... :41 b 5-22 Indian Red. :38h 5-16 Try Fair. .. . :37h 5-25 Louie Dear. :41 b 5-10 Wind Song.. :42b My Man.... :39b One-Half Mile. 5-25 Blast :54 b 5-25 Me rove ch .. :57b 4- 22 Caw Caw... :57b 5-21 Madwind ... :52 h 5- 13 Cherine Fox :58 b 5-20 Marooned .. :52 h 5-13 Green Wave. :58 b 5-22 Peggy Gal.. :52h Hadagal .... :55b 5-23 Pancoast . . :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Brains 1:12 b 5-23 Mked Princel:12 b 5-24 Bney Sextonl:12 b 5-1 Prestige ....1. -07 h 5-5 Dsky Devil. 1:07 h 5-26 Lady Evelvnl:09b 5-25 Graceful Ladl:07 h 5-24 Sazerac lK9b Hydsar ....1:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Bdy Appolisl:22h 5-23 Mocker ....1:25 b 5-26 Isaiah 122b 5-18 Morsel l:24b 5-24 Lsome Pine1:19 h 5-23 Sultry 1:26 b 5-23 Misguide ...l:24b 5-24 Trace Call.. 1:22 b 5-21 Morality ...155 b Cne Mile. 5-23 Miscalculate l:56b 5-18 Marvan ....l:56h BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather cloudy; track sloppy; "dogs" up Tnree-Eighths Mile. 5-19 AH Forlorn.. :44b 5-25 Sweet Sigma :44b 5-17 Chalk Eye... :41h 5-24 Snoozy .... :38d 5-25 Doris B :38h 5-13 Sabina H... :41h 4- 16 French Maid :38h 4-27 Terry Rose.. :44 b 5- 2 Henry Curry. :44 b 5-25 Tea Green... :38h 5-13 Justice B... :39 h Vera D :42 b 4- 26 Lcky Amelia :39h 5-24 Wise Eddie.. :42 h 5- 18 La Compere. :38 h One-Half Mile. 5-25AIamao :58 b 5-12 Principio ... :52h 5-24 Clifts Agnes :57 b 5-23 Spectacular . :56 b Cliftons Beau :56b 5-2 Score :51h 5-24 .Clifts Saint. :56b 5-13 Snowcloud . . :51h 5-23 Exuberant .. :57 b 5-20 Tangalo :52h 5-23 Miss Sergnt. :52d 5-23 Three :57b 5-24 Morris R....1:00 b 5-24 Who Win... :58 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Blithe 1:04h ,5-26 Jim Macaw..l:08 h 5-16 Fair Robert. l:07h Quiet Chat.. 1:13 b 5-20 First Act....l:07h 5-24 Spill 1:05 h 5-24 Highld Flingl:09h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-3 Beauty King.l:29 b 4-15 Fair Jack. . ..l:20h 3- 20 Cliftons Qn.l:20 h 5-13 Prce Canbar1:17 h 5-24 Cliftons Geml:22 d 5-24 Van Law. . ..l:21h 5-17 Easter Pardel:28 b 5-23 Woody Simonl:20h One Mile. 5-19 Olive A 1:52b 5-15 Pangloss ....1:57 b -BOWIE. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Davoc :38h Liberty Oak. :37h Donee :34d 5-23 Renaissance :39 h 5-15Foxiana :37h 5-15 Topple :37 h 5-23 Ima Queen.. :37 h 5-19 Wise Dter.. :38h 5-22 Idealist .... :37 h One-Half Mile. 5-25 Blue Foam. :49h 5-18 Mathias .... :53 b 5-20 Dunair :53 b 5-25 Mixed Party :52h Dixie Bee... :50 h 5-17 Renewed .. :52 h 5-26 Flying Wind. :52h Shenvalee .. :49 h Idle Along.. :51h 5-25 White Bird. . :49h 5-23 Jimmy D... :53 h 5-21 William T. . . :54 b 5-14 Lough Port. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Algeria ....1:07 h 5-22 Singg Heartl:02h 5-25 Blessed Evtl:03h 5 9 Tuffy G....l:03h 5-24 Bally Bay... lK3h 5-26 The Bailiff .l:03h 5-23 Blimp 1:04 b 5-22 Wild Rebud1:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-18 Broad Bill. .1:17 b 5-24 Bobbing Lt.l:19b 5-24 Bide a Wee.l:16h 5-23 Home Work. 1:21 h 5-25Bolinty ....l:15h 5-24 Kingbird ...1:19 h 5-24 Bubbler ....1:23 b 5-23 Lenox Avuel:19 h Big Toney..l:19 h 5-25 Once l:21b 5-24 Broad Mws.l:19 b 5-23 The Doctor. 1:15 h Black Drmsl:17 h 5-26 Water Lad..l:17h One Mile. 5-25Capsheaf ...l:53b 5-26 My Counselrl:45h 5-18 Ilchester ...l:47h 5-24 Springsteel .l:45h LINCOLN FIELDS. - Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Blameless . . :37h 5-17 Thistle Mtv :39h My Filly.... :37h 5-24 Wild Kitty". :38 h 5-4 Sad Knight. :40 b One-Half Mile. 5-4 Sid Lea :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Sand Boot. . 1:08 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-25 Battling On. 1:28 b 5-17 Skirl l:20h 4- 27 My Wish. . . .l:24h 5-26 Skidmore . . .l:26b 5- 14 Pantaloons .120h 5-23 Upon l:22b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-19Cresta Run.l:33h 5-16 Gyro l:33h One Mile. 5-24 Billy Bob...l:50b 5-22 Upsweep ...l:50b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Adversity ... :37h 5-23 Earnings ... :36 h 5-23 Bld Rafferty :35d 5-23 Golden Way. :39 b 5-23 Barkentine . :36 d 5-23 Hideho :36 h 5-23 Bitter Root.. :35d 5-23 Koterito .... :35d 5-9 Bold Lover.. :37h Night End... :36 h 5-23 Black Buddy :35d 5-23 Rose Cross.. :36h 5-23 Collateral ... :37 h 5-25 Rhadamthus :37h 5-23 Dab Chick. .. :38h 5-25 Sainted :35h Dim Chance.. :37h 5-23 Soon Over. .. :36h 5-24 Dk Conquest :38h 5-25 Trumpery . . :37 h One-Half Mile. 5-25 Broadsword.. :50 h 5-25 Infinitate ... :48h 5-16Becteach ... :49h 5-22 Karonite ... :48h 5-24 Carabinier .. :50 e Kgs Minstrel :55 b 5-26 Carbon :48 d 5-25 Mr. Hyde.... :48h Chipmunk .. :50 e 5-25 Nancy C... :50 e 5-24 Cock Robin.. :49h 5-6 Pooks Hill... :51 c 5-17 Chain :49h Perway :50 h 5-25 Caterwaul .. A7i 4-25 Speed Boat.. :51 h 5-23 Croon :48h 5-12 Sugar Cake.. :51 e 5-23Chartres :50e 5-6 Stepsister... :51 h 5-24 Fair Crest. . . :50 h 5-23 Sickle Pear. . :50 h 5-23 Fcy Feathers :48h 4-25 Shot a. Shell :52 h Fightig Mike :52 b 4-26 Sun Monk... :48h 5-25 God o War. :54 b 5-23 Top Row.... :50 h 5-24 Glastonbury. :49h 5-25 White Lies. .. :52 b Gay :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Brown Ernc.l:07b 4-28 Microphone .l:03d 5-24 Bantu 1:05 h 5-26 Mr. Khayyml:03d 5-25 Edelweiss ...l:01d 5-23 Nimbus ....lK2d 5-23 Flam. Light..l:04 h 5-24 Oh Baby. .. .1:05 h 5-19lseuIt l:01d Three-Quarters Mile. 5-24Brdon Rose.l:16d 5-18 Poppyman ..1:14d 5-24 Contribute ..l:17h 5-24 Royl Ruffinl:17h 5-25 Guardian ...l:14b 5-1 Sang Froid..l:19 e Great Gun..l:17h Ship Ablaze..l:24 b 5-25Hurryoff ...l:16h 5-25 Stepfetchit 1:18 h 5-23 Ha Ha l:14d War Hero... 1:21 b 5-21 Illusive ....1:17 e 5-23 War On 1:17 h 5-25 Orphean ....l:14d Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Gar. Messagel:33h 5-22 Union l:27h 5-23 Halcyon ....1:26d 4-19 Volotte 1:28 d 5-25 Sgt. Donsonl:29h One Mile. 5-25 Appellant ...1:44 h 5-24 Merry Fox. ..l:46h 5-25 Brdon Mint.l:43h 5-25 Repaid .1:38d 5-24 Brother Joe. 1:42 d 5-24 Sation 1:45 h 5-22 Crap Shooterl:45h 5-22 Silk FIag....l:44h 5-24 Dark Love.. 1:44 h The Dark 1:41 h 5-25 Equipoise . . .l:39h 5-26 Top Flight. ..1:41 h 4- 29 Flash. Colorsl:42h 4-28 War Stripes. l:42h 5- 22 Helios l:44h 4-28 War Glory. ..l:47t 5-26 Kerry Patch.l:39.I One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-25 Blenheim ...1:53h 5-23 Gold Basis. .1:55 b One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-24 Dynastic ...2:11 h 5-21 Welcome Gift2:ll h JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-23 General A... :40 b 5-23 John Bull.. :37d One-Half Mile. 5-23 Gulfelano .. :52h 5-12 Mamas Chce :52 b 5-21 King Hollis. :51h 5-17 Mint Paragn :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-21Annarita ...1:03 b 5-20 Pretty Peg. .1:03 b 5-23 Kyso 1:01h 5-24 Sir Thomas. 1:03 b 5-24 Lieut. Bob.. 1:03 h 5-17 Shere Khan.l:04h 5.-25 Macadam ..lK2b 5-23 Volomile ...l:02b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22Glidelia ....l:17b 5-18 P torn Legionl:17 b 5-25 Jubilation ..1:20 b 5-23 St. Christoerl:18b 5-24Pcock AIIeyl:17 b" One Mile. 5-24 Bill Looney.l:46 b 5-25 Sweet Bud.. 1:48 b 5-24 Capt. Jerry.l:48 b 5-25 Solace 1:44b 5-22 Grand Baby.l:46b 5-22 The Crane. .l:44h AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-25 Available ... :38b 5-25 Pecan :38 h 5-25 Night Lad . . :37 d One-Half Mile. 5-25 Happy Sue.. :52 b 5-23 Snd Money. :49h 5-25lnflante .... :53 b 5-25 Social ..... :53 b 5-24 Presage .... :49h 5-9 Some Knight :53h 5-25 Star Player. :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Blney Castlel:03h 5-25 Carlaro . . . .l:03h 5-23 Blue Darter.l:04 b 5-22 Jovius 1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-24Dominus ...l:20b 5-23 Pernickety .1:17 h 5-20Pennate ....1:23 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-21 Fleet Flag ..1:31 h 5-25 Upturn ....l:35b One Mile. 5-25 Eastminter l:49b 5-25 Sct Master.1:46 b TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 19 Ella Madeline :39 b 1-4 Shann Rose :58b 5- 8 Lumillion .. :38 b 4-19 Sun K :38b 1- 25 Opium :38b One-Half Mile. 5-25Ancelot .... :50 h 5-20 Melodeon ... :53 b 5-11 Aloching . . . :53 b 5-25 Metaurus . . . :51b 5-25 Boy Painter. :52b Phil K :53b 4- 24Bowcroft ... :51h Red Crvstal. :53 b 5- 22Eaglita :51b 5-4 Remle :51 b 5-26 Luke Connell :51b Swincraft .. :50h 5-24 Luvor :50h 4-11 Sun B :54 b Listo :55b Five-Eighthr Mile. 5-24 Bonhonest ..l:03b 4-26 La Florelle..l:05 b 5-6 Big Bo l.-04b 5-25 Libbie Jean.. l:03b 5-23 Bay Leaf.... l:04b 5-14 Meadow Boy.l:02 h 5-24 Fred Almy..l:02 h 5-23 Sam Gilmorel.-05 b 5-18 Happy Charl:05 b 5-20 Winter Nhrl.-05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-12Afridi 1:18 b 5-18 Wooly Metrl:20 b 2- 16 Anthony Wel:20b 5-23 Zuthen ....l:21b 5-24 Duck Soup..1:17b One Mile. 5-22 Golden Cliff.1:44. .h 5-24 The -Whip. . .l:44h 5-23 Malicious ...l:49"b WOODBINE PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Athol :38 h 5-8 Lady Nora... :39h 5-13 Candy Man.. :39 h Lady Bill... :39h Frigid Frosty :38 h 5-22 Speywood . . :37 h One-Half Mile. 5-25 Bald Crest. . :49 h 5-23 Royal Vinte :54 5-20 Incessant . . :54 h 5-23 Timon :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Brave Alonzol:05 h 5-16 Rich Boquetl:07 h Oil Rite 1:08 h Sunchen ....1:10 b 5-16 Pat Gaiety..l:05 h 5-23 Wee McGrerl:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-20 Aymond ...1:20 h 5-23 Just One.... 1:21 h 5-24 Bk Diamond1:16h 5-24 Per Monkevl:17 h 5-26Fndly Waysl:22 h One Mile. 5-20Mrie Gaietyl:47h 5-24 Queensway .1:47 h

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