untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1933-05-29


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WASHINGTON FREE CODE: Top-Pur-Dig-Jog-Sea. BOWIE FREE CODE: Ten-Lap-Caw-Caw-Em. OCCASIONAL FREE CODE: BOWIE: Tea-Dim-Cul-Cul-Era. Won Again SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL CODE: Sun Memory 0.98, Won ! New issue OCCASIONAL CODE CARD for sale now at all newsstands. Mail me this ad and you will be rewarded with a free copy of "THE SECRET OF BEATING I THE RACES J. K. WILLIS 8122 N. W. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that figure to win. Accurate handicapping is simple wben you know how. There Is no ex-cuse for anyone not knowing how to Iianilfcap. Fnll particular iree no strings attached. Secure your free copy of "Pick Tour Own Winners." Learn to handicap and be n winner. Write today. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box 416, Cleveland, Ohio 1 Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS .CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: BOWIE Here-39-38. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: WASHINGTON PARK Par-48-39. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 27 BILLY KELLY K0DE KARD BILLY KELLYS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: WAS H I N GTO N B-7-1 9-26-26. BOWIE T-16-15-15-13. RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI, 0. MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: BOWIE Bear-14-18-18-12. WASHINGTON PARK Ant-15-10-19-24. CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents Sold at All Newsstands New Issue Out Today Mondays Free Code: WASHINGTON Rome-54-12. MONDAYS PARLAY: BOWIE Gray-11-17. WASHINGTON Black-3-19. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOE SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS NEW ISSUE OUT MONDAYS ?100 FREE CODE: WAS H I N GTO N Weekly-88-27-26-29. CLOCK ERS REVIEW PUB. CO. For Sale on All Stands 35 Cents Per Copy MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: BOWIE Blinkers-1-7. WASHINGTON Cap-4-13. Mondays Free Code: BOWIE Black-26-22. PLAYERS NOTICE! FLAT BET SYSTEM 10 Days Fret TriaL Ho Win Ho Pay The Kentucky System is the most Sensational Discovery ever announced to the racing public. . . A method that real- important lywinson 0cap- Annoancement Should aver- TheKentudc age 0 to 0 System will be aent per week net profit TwhZVd k on flat bets. " mutt pick 3 or more C J vrinneri daily at Send no money each, track during Just your name and thi. trial period, Q yn JJ. otherwise you owe us nothing. gations. No strings attached to this of- 1 Leain this . great r r r b Secret of hovr to tef . 1 ItZl Come, tlfst pick 3 winntra served. Start win- daily at each 1 C J track. ning! bendforyour copy today. Secor Publishing Co. Dept. 5 AURORA, ILLINOIS Gallops Parlays Free by Mail HEAD PLAT-JODIE K. C97, parlay paid 38.36-82, won; ALBAXE-MADELOX GOO. parlay paid 398.12-S2, . won, were given Gallops TVeckly readers. As a SrE-CIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER to all who send by next Saturday June 3rd for bIx weeks subscription I to Gallops "Weekly and Parlay Page with instruction we will send by mall, ABSOLUTELY FREE, Two Spe-cinl Mail Parlays one for June 5th and one for Jun 12th. These will be sent In plain, scaled envelope, first , class mail. Just send and say: "For Special Sub-1 scription Offer," and you will receive GALLOPS WEEKLY and PARLAY PAGE with instructions for six weeks and also the TWO SPECIAL PARLAYS BY MAIL. Dont miss these special Moil Parlays. WE RECEIVE SUSCRIPTIONS BY MAIL. 4 A I I HPQ 219 s DEARBORN ST. VxJLuL.yjr O CHICAGO. ILLINOIS CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 15 CENTS MONDAYS TWO FREE CODES: WASHINGTON PARK Poor-39-22-42. BOWIE Mare-30-34-37. To Decipher Free Codes Buy a Telegraph CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail : COMPASS For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents ,1 Free Code: GREEN Geo rge-52-1 8-40-1 6. Code Parlay: BOWIE Nov.-78-64-52-56 and WASHINGTON J July-78-60-80-78. Clockers Code: WASHINGTON Ford-37-25-47-31. MAN O WAR Free Code: WASHINGTON Saddle-25-37-8-17. Code Parlay: BOWIE Sidney-67-39-55-45 and WASHINGTON Robert-37-43-57-61. Jockey Code: CAT McCoy-21-34-34-28. SUPREME FLASH TDRB WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY . Mondays 00 Free Code: BOWIE May-15-7-7-19. Mondays regular Free Code: WASH. May-13-25-6-3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933052901/drf1933052901_31_3
Local Identifier: drf1933052901_31_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800