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AUEORA Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races iThe at Aurora Thursday Paid 8522 for 2 AURORA ILL THURSDAY MAY 3 1934 Aurora 1 mile Third day Exposition Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Waite Stall Gate used Weather clear Stewards C J FitzGerald representing Illinois Racing Commission J T Ireland and R A Leigh Placing Judges C C Campeau C V Abbo and R A Leigh Starter G R Wingfield Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QOQTO FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Peggy May 5 1928 53 2 108 Purse 500 2 thirdMay334Aur 7 V yearolds Maidens Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third May334Aur 535 fourthf 15 claiming price 1250 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt JODA wllO 5 2 2wnllO IM1 1 BogskiW Lloyd Bros Crook 729100 7291002s 93012 ANNIE N wnllO 6 3 3wllO 2s 24 2 RcnoT Mrs J Chesney 255100 2551003h 93012 MARGIES DOLL DOLLMISS wllO 3 5 5AvllO 3h 4 31 CooperRG Mrs R Cooper 246100 MISS RUGTINE RUGTINEAPRIL AvllO 2 6 6wllO 7 7 44 SmithFA J C Ellis 2240100 APRIL BABY BABYSEDALIA wllO 1 1 1wllO 4 3 5l FrogtteDE R T Watts 448100 SEDALIA wllO 4 7 7wullO 64 5 6 HerndezJ G F Axton 665100 92859 PAYALL wullO 7 4 5 6s 7 MartinTP H Herendeen 2382100 Time 24 47 54 Track fast 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JODA 100ANNIE 1658 790 388 729 100 295 100 94 100 ANNIE N 436 306 118 100 53 100 100MARGIES MARGIES DOLL 288 44 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Ormont Ashton Girl by Sir Ashton trained by A F Lloyd bred by Mr G G Wedding Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 222 AT POST H minutes minutesStart drivingJODA Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving JODA racing well sprinted into a long early lead and increasing her margin won in a canter ANNIE N closest to the winner throughout forced the pace for half a mile but was overmatched MARGIES DOLL closed gamely MISS RUGTINE raced greenly but showed good form APRIL BABY showed early speed SEDALIA and PAYALL were outrun 00070 00070f SECOND RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 1 1934 111 5 108 Purse 500 3year f Vl 4 7 7May334Aur olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third May334Aur 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93091PRINCE DUNROYAL WB 4 110 7 1 6 5 4 llk RollinsC N Ings CATCH ON w3105 95 21 22 2k 24 KeesterP P Hatcher 1822100 182210091934RADIATION 91934RADIATION w4105 13 141 1J 3 HaberR A J Boudreaux 1622100 1622100930383BISMARCK 930383BISMARCK WB 3 103 6 8 9 9 81 4J HarbortO B F Miller 445100 44510093054BLIND 93054BLIND PUSS vn3102 86 5i 3k 3l 51 ManifoldH S J Molay 720100 92767 MYAGA w 3 107 42 3J 4J 5s 6 JonesH Mrs E C Campbell 2384100 88567 BAN MACK w 3 1081 3 7 84 8J 9 71 RenoT J H Davis 6032100 603210088151JANECE 88151JANECE T w5109 2 4 41 7 6 8 PonsbyEJ H Parsons 1418100 93781 BLONDE BAGGAGE w 3 105 59 T3 6 71 9 HerndezJ Miss M E Jones 248100 Time 23 48 114 Track fast 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRINCE ODDSPRINCE DUNROYAL 766 542 314 283 100 171 100 57 100 100RADIATION CATCH 100CATCH ON 2462 1078 1131 100 439 100 RADIATION 1078 439 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Dunlin Royal Fern by Royal Canopy trained by N Ings bred by Mr K N Gilpin Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 248 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePRINCE PRINCE DUNROYAL outrun to the stretch went to the outside for the drive and wearing down the leaders was ready to draw out CATCH ON close to the pacemaker from the start withstood a long drive but was not good enough RADIATION much used setting the pace tired in the closing stages BISMARCK began slowly but closed a gap BLIND PUSS tired MY AGA showed early speed BLONDE BAGGAGE was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 92052 Comity 107 107Overweight Overweight Catch On 3 pounds Bismarck 1 Ban Mack 1 Janece T 4 Blonde Baggage 3 OCQfk THIRD RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 1 1934 111 5 108 Purse 500 3year tFOOOVT 75May334Aur olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 May334Aur tnirdj 535 fourthj 515 Claiming price 800 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt CLINTON w4115 53 21 24 23 13 CheatmR Harned Bros 572100 85305 SLIP KNOT w 3 105 6 2 I1 14 1 26 ChiavettaF S Peabody 742100 93781 THEOREM w 3 108 18 6 54 k k 34 RenoT H C McConnell 542lOa 92943 DONNA BETTINA w 3 106 98 8 7 ° 6k 4 WimmerR C Nelson 452100 45210086382NOWSKI 86382NOWSKI WB 5 110 4 1 4k 41 4k 52 SmithFA J C Ellis 2312100 92697 DONACARE WB 3 107 14 61 51 5k 6s MillsC J J Coughlin 664100 66410092729ALL 92729ALL NIGHT w 3 102 3 7 72 83 76 7 HaberR L E Resseguet 292100 29210085873SCOTLAND 85873SCOTLAND MISS WB 5 105 25 32 61 812 8s HarbortO R W Hoffman 1620100 162010084839NOSWAL 84839NOSWAL w 4 110 7 9 9999 HenryJH A Wallner 13064100 13064100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CLINTOfl 1344 688 572 572 100 244 100 186 100 100SLIP SLIP KNOT 856 688 328 100 244 100 100THEOREM THEOREM 758 279 100 100Winner Winner B c by Bubbling Over Clintonville by Transvaal trained by A Harned bred by Mr C T Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 316i AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCLINTON CLINTON closest up from the start responded gamely to punishment and wearing down SLIP KNOT won drawing clear The latter showed good speed while setting the pace to the final eighth but tired and gave way to the winner THEOREM forced to lose much ground throughout closed strongly under weak handling DONNA BETTINA closed a gap NOWSKI had no mishaps DONACARE raced evenly ALL NIGHT was badly outrun SCOTLAND MISS showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 89770 Counsellor Billy 110 110Overweight Overweight Slip Knot 3 pounds Theorem 1 Donna Bettina 4 QOOOf FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Prisoner May 23 1928 105 4 112 Purse 500 3 tOOOX 35May334Aur yearolds and upward Claiming Net vaue to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May334Aur fourtn 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA TVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 937802HOT SHOT WB 8 113 6 3 2 11 1 1 KeesterP C E Davison 104100 10410093780TOLTEC 93780TOLTEC WB 7 113 4 4 4l 3 2J 22 ManifoldH M McLeod 680100 680100938293LE 938293LE FLORE w 8 118 3 6 64 5s 31 33 McCoyJ R M Anderson 238100 92806 IRFANEH w 9 103 75 31 41 42 45 HorhG W C Morris 4324100 432410088972MAMIE 88972MAMIE D w 3 98 2 2 5h 6C 6 51 MoonR R T Watts 1644100 93780 BAPTISM w 4 108 51 lk 2 5s 61 CheatmR Harned Bros 6972100 697210089834DUSTY 89834DUSTY LANE w 3 105 1 7 111 1 ChiavetlaF S Peabody 962100 962100Time Time 23 47 = 1002 106 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HOTSHOT 408 296 240 104 100 48 100 20 100 100TOLTEC TOLTEC 528 326 164 100 63 100 100LE LE FLORE 270 35 100 100Winner Winner B g by Tryster Select Shot by Star Shoot trained by C E Davison bred by Mr H P Hcadley Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 344 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameHOT HOT SHOT well handled raced BAPTISM into defeat and continuing gamely under strong pressure outgamed TOLTEC in a strenuous drive The latter showing much improvement over his last performance was a strong contender throughout and closed gamely LE FLORE lost much ground and showed his custom ¬ ary good performance IRFANEH raced evenly MAMIE D was outrun BAPTISM tired after showing early speed DUSTY LANE trailed throughout throughoutScrached Scrached 85686 Modern Lash 100 100Overweight Overweight Mamie D 3 pounds QQftS FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Zekiel May 1 1934 111 5 108 St Charles Purse tJOOOArf secondMay334Aur purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second May334Aur 575 third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses A Str Fin hockeys Equiv Odds Strt 3465CAPTAIN RED WB 4 114 4 2 3 41 2 I2 KeesterP C E Davison 472100 33314 DEFIER WSB 5 112 63 11 I3 14 22 GuerraJ F Scrcmba 818100 81810089732CELTIC 89732CELTIC PRINCE w 7 107 35 4k 31 3k 33 ManifoldH Mrs R B Allen 886100 88610093778PAPYROGRAPH 93778PAPYROGRAPH w 8 110 1 4 53 55 55 44 WimmerR C Nelson 156100 156100B7733 B7733 GOLDEN GLITTER w 3 108 51 21 2 4 = 5 TinkerH Dixiana 1822100 1822100937813VIN 937813VIN NOIR WB 3 106 2 6 6 Fell CooperRG Oros Sigman 294100 294100Time Time 23s 47 112 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS CAPTAIN RED 1144 452 440 472 100 26 100 120 100 100DEFIER DEFIER 796 744 298 100 272 100 100CELTIC CELTIC PRINCE 696 248 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Captain Alcock Wilton Flanna by Danger Rock trained by C E Davison bred by Mr T E Hughes Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT Tf POST 407 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start sood and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCAPTAIN CAPTAIN RED in hand while close to the pace moved up in the final eighth and won in hand DEFIER raced into a commanding early lead and continued well to the final eighth where he tired CELTIC PRINCE high in flesh and apparently in need of racing showed a good performance PAPYROGRAPII was outrun GOLDEN GLITTER showed early speed VIN NOIR stumbled and fell after a quarter quarterOverweight Overweight Golden Glitter 3 pounds QQCQO SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Prisoner May 23 1928 105 4 112 Purse 500 3 35May334Aur S5OO yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 35 May334Aur fourth 15 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlr Odds Strt 93829MIMMIE L w 6 113 3 2 11 21 lk 14 RollinsC A G Tarn 105100 93830BINDING TIME WB 4 103 5 3 3k 14 24 22 HaberR R J Bourdeaux 488100 89835JBAG SMASHER WB7108 2 1 2l 4k 3 35 KeesterP C E Davison 438100 87832 THOMAS SETH w7113 44 4l 31 42 4 RenoT G Nugent 840100 38941 BELLE 0 WINCHSRw 10 103 76 7 7 6h 51 HenryJH R B Allen 11080100 77132 SIS LARGO w 6 1091 6 5 5k 51 54 6 LeylandJ J H Davis 1322100 93781 FARMER BOB w 3 105 1 7 6 6 7 7 ChiavettiF P Hatcher 1562100 1562100Time Time 23 48 100 106 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JIMMIE L 410 274 230 105 100 37 100 15 100 BINDING 100BINDING TIME 368 280 84 100 40 100 BAG 100BAG SMASHER 318 59 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Politian Hysteria by Transvaal trained by N Ings bred by Mr A J Stallings Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST434J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingJIMMIE good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving JIMMIE L was in hand when BINDING TIME took the lead and overtaking the latter in the stretch drew out under strong pressure and held sway to the end The latter hard urged early continued well to the final eighth where she tired and gave way to the winner BAG SMASHER apparently in need of racing showed good form for half a mile THOMAS SETH raced well BELLE OF WINCHESTER had no mishaps SIS LARGO was not a factor FARMER BOB was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 93829 Parade Step 113 113Overweight Overweight poundsCorrected Sis Largo 1 pounds Corrected weight Binding Time 103 OOCC t SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jack Haskell Oct 19 1929 142 3 103 i 11 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second May334Aur 575 thirdf 535 fourth 15 claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPlSt Str Fin Jockeys BqulT Odds Strt 93784SAMBO BROWN w 7 108 7 2 2s I2 I1 I1 11 CheatmR Harned Bros 86100 93779PILLAGE 8610093779PILLAGE w 4 103 5 3 3k 4s 34 2s 24 HarbortO J Walsh 1496100 149610093447FELAXE 93447FELAXE WB 5 107 8 5 4 3k 4 31 31 RollinsC A G Tarn 694100 93613 HAPPY LAD w 7 112 4 6 62 6 6 5 44 RenoT J F Vaughn 848100 93134OUR 84810093134OUR JOHNNY WB 6 107 11 lk 22 2 41 5 ManifoldH Shipp MacMaster 1082100 93783 BAGGATA WAY w 4 108 3 7 5 52 51 610 6 MagnerW Mrs 0 Viau 872100 93828 FRANK GROSSMAN w 5 108 2 4 7s 710 720 7 720 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 6462100 92734 FLYING GIBLON w 4 112 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 HerndezJ B Hernandez 1672100 1672100Time Time 24 48 113 139 144 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SAMBO 100PILLAGE BROWN 372 298 254 86 100 49 100 27 100 PILLAGE 100FELAXE 1306 692 553 100 246 100 FELAXE 100Winner 392 96 100 Winner B g by Lucky Hour Reeina by Broomstick trained by A Harned bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 502 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSAMBO SAMBO BROWN disposed of OUR JOHNNY after a quarter and drawing into a long lead on the stretch turn tired midway of the stretch and had to be roused briskly to hold PILLAGE The latter a strong factor throughout showed improved speed under punishment challenged gamely but was not good enough FELAXE raced evenly without mishaps HAPPY LAD was outrun OUR JOHNNY quit BAGGATAWAY had no mishaps mishapsOverweight Overweight poundCorrected Pillage 1 pound Corrected weight Felaxe 107 Flying Giblon 112 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT AURORA Thursday 3 Races 15012 5 Races 21352 7 Races 26546 QUIIMELLA PAID 3992