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f i ° n Juvenile Purse Purse 300 2 YearOlds Claiming Ab 42 Fur FurNOTE NOTE Claiming price 1200 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 200 to 800 Non winners since April 27 Weight 122 Ibs Maidens allowed 4 Ibs Index Post BestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 938492 3 Maco M 118X 1200 93849 6 B Walsh M 112 800 93085 2 Brown Lilly LillyM M 109 800 4 Harry P M 115 1000 Index ClaimNo Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Pric 93849 5 Gay John M 115 1000 1 Hilda Martha MarthaM M 109 800 93849 7 Eldred L M 118 1200 1933Fair Best times snown above are from Jan 1 1933 Fair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner Brackets runnerBrackets won last start figures 2 or J 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown in Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Maco ftAor X 1 I ft Br c 2 M by Sheridan Sun Bride by Sunference Aor 29 HO38 38ft Trainer J P Kabrich Owner Mrs J P Kabrich Date Trk Ills Time Con Odds Wt St Str FinJockey PP Cl PceSts Best Company May 234HO a4 f 56 ft 11 112 2Bk Company2Bk ButcherM Alhv 7 Playsicklo lllJLeoB 118EldredL 113 Apr3034HO a4Jf 59 ft 7 118 5e5 AlbertsA Maid 8 LcoB 118Panoramic 115BWalsh 118 Mat30343Trp 48 sy 69 1115 6 5 3T 3 HorvathK5 1000 9 P yHrcdll2EleMvell 110EdhW106 Mar26342Trp 48 ft 107 108 7 7 T38 7 SmithW5 1000 7 MSoltnlieEMwell 108SCpce 118 Mat22342Trn i 47 ft 53 110 5 7 7 7 CoucciS 1000 7 PHyRitall5CbieLakel02HsLady 115 Febl2344TD i 37 si 41 115 8 8 8 ° TildcnR7 Maid 8 RhPrtyl BwnLillyl WdFIigt 115 Feh 234FG 3i f 43 gd 554 108 8 7 7 7IOCooPerRG 1000 8 Moraine 105BrounHilda 107Stiria 106 Starts 1st 2nd 2ndB 3rd Yoi Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 9 0 1 1 100 B Walsh 110 110Anr Ch c 2 M by BlackwoodCloud Up by Hiqh Cloud Anr 28HO38 41ft JL JLMay JLd d Trainer F E Turner Ovner Mrs F E Turner May 234HO a4f 56 ft 3110 112 112Apt3034HO 5iDcwainS Turner5iDcwainS Allw 7 Playsickle 111 Maco 112 Leo B 118 Apt3034HO a4 f 59 ft 11 118 118Manl9 33J 11833J DewainS Maid 8 LeoBllSPanoramic HSMissDelba 115 Manl9 34OP A3 si 11 113 3 3Manl634OP 3 345 3s StulIerDR3 1500 7 EricT 113 Nilrebo 115 Tinover 118 Manl634OP i 48 ft 10 113 5 5Marl234OP 6 67i 610 WatsonR5 1500 6 ChIieHllSMgiosDol 110 LDestallO Marl234OP i 50 ft 7 118 3 3Man 3 45J 4 WatsonR3 1500 7 MreSalinllSMgicsDoll 115EricT Man 734JOP i 48 ft 46 1145 4 5 51 5 BroicD3 1500 5 Chortle HSYborCity 115 Nilrebo 118 112 1934 record 7 0 0 2 60 Brown Lilly Br f 2 M by Protection Quash by Iron Cross II Trainer A Johnston Owner A Johnston Man30343Trp sy 16 103 1 8 8n 712 SorcnsnD1 1000 9 PyHdrcdll2IEloMwclI 110 Macollli Febi2334Hia 34 ft 7f 115 11 15 142 TrcnchdS1 2500 17 W ysDukell6CioLakel08EMax Febl2344TD 1 37 si 20 112 1 45 2 SorensonD8 Maid 8 RhPartyll2WindFlightll5Payall ll 116 Jaa2434TrP 35 ft 49 110 2 7 7I3RcmirrdP 1000 8 NconlOSIdleVictory 112 JanlO34Trp 1 35 ft 30 111 1 35 8 iy ilrdP 120012HiIisell4IdeVicfyll7CanbieLake 117CbieLake 106 Jan 534Trp 1 35 ft 140 112 7 4 J 45 GrnwoodC Maid 10 NcwPinll2RcdSunsetll2GnGreen 105 112 1934 record 6 0 1 0 75 Harry P li B C2JM byBroadside Ventnor by Zeus trainer H E Murphy Owner H Protfing 1 First start f V VGay Gay John 1 Aor 30HO3842ft Xa Trainer W Westerfield Owner G Simon Jfcy 234HO a4 f 56ft 6e 112 112Hilda 6 MillsJ Alhv 7 Playsickle 111 Maco U2 Leo B 118 1934 record 1 1B Hilda arartlm 10 B f 2 M fay Hildur Martha Fallen by McGee Trainer G Gould OwneV Gould Schreiner SchreinerB First start startEldred Eldred I jj jjMay B c 2 M by Sun God II Modesty by Maintenant Trainer W L McCue Owner Wi L McCue May 234HO a4 f 6 ft 19 113 4 ° i Morgan Alhv 7 Playsickle Maco 112 Leo B 118 1934 record 1 0 0 0 10