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DALLAS The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Third Races at Dallas Thursday Paid 12730 for 2 DALLASr TEXAS THURSDAY MAY 3 1934 Fair Park 34 mile Fifth day State Fair of Texas Spring meeting of id days Balir Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Presiding Steward M Nathanson Associate Stewards M Mahoney and G B Stickney Judges H D Monroe J Ackcrman and T Brown Staiter E S Welter Racing Secretary H D Monroe Rating starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures r in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight arrkd Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds a10 pounds QQGQj liRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 5600 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net rvfOOt value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May334Dal I ml ex Uorses EqtAWtPPBt V4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 93844LEMON w 4 112 10 10 65 44 3J lk FelsB H R Clark 1420100 1420100937453BROWN 937453BROWN SLIPPERS wn 3 99 3 1 24 2 2k 21 WintersM F A Griffith 115100 115100934863THISTLE 934863THISTLE FLIT w3 97 7 9 3l 1414 3 ParvinC G Collins 565100 93798 CLAFLAG wu 3 107 84 1 33 44 4s DronetL J F Clark Jr 4200100 4200100ROYAL ROYAL PRIDE w 3 107 9 3 84 51 52 55 RallsC Jones George 1705100 170510093689JCAPPOQUIN 93689JCAPPOQUIN w 4 117 4 7 10 8J 7s 62 AllenR WC Weant 685100 68510093C63 93C63 PRETTY PEG WB 3 102 12 5 646 7 CraigA F Stoltz 3515100 93120 DEE TEES w 4 112 6 8 7 7l 8 85 AllenCE H C Platt 4200100 93798 AMFLAG WB 3 112 2 5 95 94 910 91 MannJ Huisache Stable 6830100 82397 ANN WHAT wn 4 112 5 6 4ilO 10 10 PollardJ J Thorwald 510100 Time 26 53 123 Track heavy 2 CEHTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIKG ODDS LEMON 3040 1050 570 1420 100 425 100 185 100 100BROWN BROWN SLIPPERS 320 280 60 100 40 100 100THISTLE THISTLE FLIT 610 205 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Rickety Bud by Leonid trained by S C Hunt bred by Mr H R Clark Win ¬ ner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 2311 AT POST 1 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLEMON LEMON away slowly and racing on the outside throughout showed gameness in the stretch drive and won in the final strides BROWN SLIPPERS might have been closer up but for stumbling near the end THISTLE FLIT tired badly after disposing of CLAFLAG on the back stretch The latter quit after showir showirearly early speed ANN WHAT tired Scratched 93798rFoie Sis 102 102Overweight Overweight Brown Slippers 2 pounds Amflag 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Dee Tecs 112 to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 Index fiurses 93518MISS CAREFUL wn 4 98 1 1 35 24 2 I2 WintersM Fishburn Stable 360100 36010093794MORSUN 93794MORSUN SB 8 113 2 3 1J5 I3 I1 2s DronetL Lone Star Stable 165100 92918 OUT BOUND WB 6 1105 3 5 5 5 34 36 AllenCE Mrs A R Smith 295100 93512 FiO M w 5 108J 5 4 4l 4 5 42 KiniryF C E Mooney 1320100 132010093442ONSIDE 93442ONSIDE WB 4 114 42 2 33 4 5 MannJ Huisache Stable 390100 Time 255 51J 120 Track heavy 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MISS CAREFUL 920 360 240 360 100 80 100 20 100 100MORSUN MORSUN 300 240 50 100 20 100 100OUT OUT BOUND I 260 30 100 100Winrcr Winrcr B f by Chance Play Meddlesome II by Meddler trained by W T Freeman bred by Mr A Pens Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 WENT TO POST 301 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMISS MISS CAREFUL restrained while close to MORSUN in the early stages went to the outside of the latter in the final sixteenth and drew away MORSUN showed the most early speed but could not withstand the winner OUT BOUND came through on the inside on the stretch turn and was easily best of the others ONSIDE raced wide wideScratched Scratched 9c689 Racketeer 114 114Overweight Overweight Out Bound 212 pounds Flo M 2 Conectcd weight Morsun 113 Onside 114 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May334Dal Index Horses A Vj Str Fin lookers Owners 937443PARTIES w5107 5 4 4WB4111 4 42 24 riDanielsA Mrs E McCuan 195 100 93E 9JSEYMOUR WB4111 3 1 1wii5116 34 32 34 2 DronetL Lone Star Stable 245100 93420 BAY ANGON wii5116 2 3 3WB410 6 6 4i 34 AllenR Old Gold Stable 1085100 93463MOMS POLLY WB410 6 5 22 22 lh 45 WintersM Glen Helen Stud Stable 1135100 93744 EIGHTY TWENTY WB 6 116 1 6 54 51 6 53 AllenCE Houston Stable 2215100 93744 EVEN PLAY WB 3 106 4 2 I1 U 5 6 RallsC Jones George 255100 255100Time Time 26 52 12144 Track heavy 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100SFYMOUR PARTIES 590 310 290 195 100 55 100 45 100 SFYMOUR 360 320 80 100 80 100 100BAY BAY ANGON 480 140 100 Winner 100Winner B Bm m by Messenger Garden Rnre by Colin trained by E McCuan bred by Mr E B Mc ¬ Lean Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 331 AT POST 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PARTIES kept in the best going on the rail went to the outside foi the drive and under strong urging drew clear in the closing fifty yards SEYMOUR swerved badly going to the first turn took a short lead in the drive hut tired badly in the closing strides BAY ANGON forced to case up going to the first turn closed with a rush MOMS POLLY disposed of EVEN PLAY on the far turn and quit badly thereafter EVEN PLAY hustled to the front tired badly in the worst going SEYMOUR and BAY ANGON delayed the start Scritched93745 Thistle Duce 106 92992 Extra Man 111 Overweight Parties 1 pound Corrected weight Bay Angon 116 JOOQCr FOURTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming priceMay334Dal 7t 7tVt Vt Ne value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price May334Dal 1250 if for 1000 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses Ktr Fin Jocleys BjulT Odds Strt 93848MEAN BROWN w 4 107J 3 2 34 24 P lk 1 DronetL Lone Star Stable 385100 385100933792ADOBE 933792ADOBE POST WB 5 116 5 5 43 4 = 25 34 24BagurH F lanni 130100 93684 QUIVER w 7 107 2 4 5 5 5 5 32 WintersM J N Crofton 825100 93683 ROYAL TREASURE w 4 112 4 1 21 34 4 41 45 MayT G Ury 620100 620100936895POPO 936895POPO wn4107 1 3 15 15 32 24 5 ParvinC Mrs A M Creech 325100 325100Time Time Z5 513 121 149 Track heavy 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JEAN BROWN 970 380 240 385 100 90 100 20 100 ADOBE 100ADOBE POST 380 270 90 100 35 100 QUIVER 100QUIVER 290 45 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Flying Ebony Latonia by Ogden trained by J B Theall bred by Mr T C McDow ¬ ell Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 4061 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJEAN JEAN BROWN close up from the start came through on the inside on the stretch turn and taking a short lead maintained it to the finish ADOBE POST raced in the center of the track in the early stages came wide into the stretch and might have been best but for losing ground QUIVER finished with a rush POPO quit badly in the drive driveScratched Scratched 93745 Good Scout 107 93684Tamerlane 112 112Overweight Overweight Jean Brown 1 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Royal Treasure 112 CfcQQQfi FIFTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute Purse 600 3yearolds Claiming Net value to 7OOCrfJ winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May3S4Dal Index Horses Bit A WMPSt 14 6 Str Fin Jockeys Owners EXjuiy Odds Strt 93798THISTLE GUY WB 111 4 2 5 45 22 24 1 GrossE G Collins 1125100 112510093844MORESORIS 93844MORESORIS WB 111 2 5 21 25 I2 14 2 DronetL Lone Star Stable 460100 93466 RANGE BOSS will 1 3 42 5 44 3l 3 BeckA Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 370100 93745 VANBANK will 3 1 I1 lk 3 4s 4s MooreET A Hagcn 80100 8010093798TLECKEL 93798TLECKEL 980100Time w 101 5 4 3s 3l 5 5 5 WintersM Mrs W C Weant 980100 Time 26 53 123 151 Track heavy 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS THISTLE GUY 2450 1810 560 1125 100 805 100 180 100 MORESORIS 100MORESORIS 590 340 195 100 70 100 RANGE 100RANGE BOSS 290 45 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by Old Slip Respite by Hilarious trained by F G Dunn bred by Mr G Collins Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 436 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTHISTLE THISTLE GUY outrun early moved to the leaders with a rush entering the stretch and continuing gamely under strong riding won in the final strides MORESORIS disposed of VANBANK on the back stretch but was kept in the worst going and tired in the final strides RANGE BOSS finished well VAN BANK rushed into the lead at once was done after reaching the far turn turnScratched Scratched 93743 Lamporte 111 111Overweight Overweight Range Boss 111 in HALL D ie runongs rurse nuu dyearows ana upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May334Dal Index Horses EqtA WtllSt Str Fin Jockeys Kquif Odds Strt 93684AUREBON WB4111 53 22 23 I1 I4 WintersM M Allen 85100 93748FLYING HOME w 5 107J 64 T 14 2s 2 DronetL W C Weant 415100 13743 SETHS QUEEN WB7111 11 43k 34 3 MooreET J Bain 785100 93512 HIS LAST w6U6 2 5 54 510 512 4 AllenR S L Johnston 1185100 93743 SINGING RIVER wK 4 111 3 2 32 4 45 5 DcPremaR T C Worden 1250100 92562 BLACK BULL w 6 116 4 6 666 6 Bagurll Mrs S S Tracy 755 100 100Time Time 26 53 121 128 Track heavy 2 CERTIFICATES PAJD OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS AUREBON 370 290 270 85 100 45 100 35 100 100FLYING FLYING HOME 380 330 90 100 65 100 100SETHS SETHS QUEEN I 350 75 100 100Winner Winner B g by Flying Ebony Aurora by Peter Quince trained by M Allen bred by Shandon Stud Winner entejed to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 505 AT POST 4J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingAUREBON AUREBON racing in his best form and well ridden took the lead when called upon and was not menaced in the stictch FLYING HOME took the lead at once under pressure and easily best of the others could not head the winner SETHS QUEEN could not reach the leaders under strong urging The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 95794 Victorium 116 Overweight Flying Home Ig pounds VENTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Ntt A VX value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 May334Dal Index Horses EqtA WtTPSt U Ji Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 93748JHALF DAY wn 6 111 33 2 22 24 I DronetL Mrs C Howard 400100 400100B3101 B3101 64 14 12 15 2 WintersM E E Major 440100 440100937S4 937S4 SEVEN UP WB 4 116 4 2 3l 34 33 32 32AllcnR AllcnR C Ernst 890100 93239 STOP GAP w 7 116 1 1 5k 55 4 41 MannJ R C Hopper 1835100 18351003268SSARILLA 3268SSARILLA WB 3 101 7 6 4s 45 51 51 CraigA F A Griffith 835100 83510093260MACK 93260MACK COLLINS wn6111 55 61 65 6 6 DanielsA Mrs E McCuan 125130 93684 MARECHAL WB 5 116 2 7 777 7 OlillaL W M Rees 3510100 3510100Time Time 26 51 120 128 Track heavy 2 CEKTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HALF DAY 1000 430 300 400 100 115 100 50 100 100ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE 480 280 140 100 40 100 100SEVEN SEVEN UP 380 90 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by John P Gricr Noontime by All Gold trained by C Howard bred by Mr L Collins Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 538 AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HALF DAY forced the pace and overtaking ATMOSPHERE outgamed the latter in the final strides ATMOSPHERE showed early speed but tired when challenged SEVEN UP could not reach the leaders STOP GAP showed good form JACK COLLINS seemed to dislike the going Scratched 92511 William C 111 Corrected weight Stop Gap 116 Sarilla 101