New Commission Sworn In: H. B. Swope and J. H. Whitney Take Oath as New Racing Rulers in New York State., Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-04


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NEW COMMISSION SWORN IN H B Swope and J H Whitney Take Oath as New Racing Rulers in New York State NEW YOJIK N Y May 3 Herbert Bayard Swope appointed chairman of the ne v state racing commission on which he is to serve six years and John Hay Jock YVhitney who is to serve four on the same body yesterday at 1200 p m were sworn in by Secretary of State Edward J Flynn who made the appointments in his office in the Lincoln building here hereJohn John Sloan the third member of the com ¬ mission was absent having sailed a few days back for Europe He it was said will return Jn about a month Sloan who is to be a member of the commission for two years will act as its secretary The com ¬ mission became immediately authorized to function however as a majority Is repre ¬ sented by Swope and Whitney WhitneyAfter After Flynn Swope and Whitney had faced a battery of cameramen during which time the commissions chairman jokingly remarked The prisoner ate a hearty breakfast he indicated that no ac ¬ tion had as yet been discussed by members of the new turf governing body in the Em ¬ pire state stateWe We must first familiarize ourselves with the law concerning supervision of the rac ¬ ing said Swope Questioned as to enforce ¬ ment of the rules pertaining to the admin ¬ istering of drugs to horses he said For the present at least the saliva test meth bd as employed at Jamaica will be con ¬ tinued It has been found quite success ¬ ful fulWe We intend to consider the public first he said advising newspapermen that the commission would be glad to receive for consideration any suggestions which would make for betterment of the sport In ref ¬ erence to a steward to represent the com ¬ mission Swope stated We have not yet discussed an appointment appointmentNo No date was set for a meeting of the com ¬ mission but it was said that one may be held at any time with a possibility that later a formal program will be adopted Temporary headquarters will be at 730 Fifth Avenue whence the commission it was said will move to the State Building on Center Street

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