Alamo Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-04


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ALAMO DOWNS SAN ANTONIO TEXAS THURSDAY MAY 3 1934 Alamo Downs 1 mile Tenth day Alamo Downs Inc Inaugural meeting of 18 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloud Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards S C Nuckols and H Brownlee Judges J Carey I F Henry and S S Brown Starter H aMorrissey Racing Secretary E W Bury Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QQQQCT FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Bulstrode April 28 1934 53J 2 110 Purse 500 OOOOtf 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May334Ala fourth 20 Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 5 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 93614DAISY BANE w 105 5 3 11 I1 I2 I1 KingT J D Mikel 320100 32010093735ANCIENT 93735ANCIENT ROME WB 113 24 21 22 22 22 PetrellaP A M Jacobus 320100 93641 GRAND VIEW wl3 85 61 6l 31 34VcrbusM Eskay Stable 295400 29540093735FAIR 93735FAIR LELA w 105 4 2 31 51 42 4s WillhitcE G Higgins f2960100 f2960100936142PEACHTREE 936142PEACHTREE w 110 7 8 7l 71 6k 5k TaylorD H Brownlee 545100 54510092864SALLY 92864SALLY KEYSTONE w 110 3 6 41 3 51 61 BrennanT Mrs H G Hyde t t93735UP 93735UP YONDER w ll3 10 10 91 81 72 71 EdwardsD Miss B Russell 5910100 93614 FAIR ROMANCE w 111111 9 81 91 9 8 RicordW H R Dohcrty 162170100 16217010093735SWEET 93735SWEET THING w 110 1 11 11 11 10l 9s DyerJ E Lutz 7T22 93641 BRILLIANT DUKE wl3 97 5k 4k 81 10 ° JonesL W J Potter Jr wSlOO wSlOOMUM MUM Tnivr VPARMPV wllfi fi 1 IfPinMl 11 TPPpreE Groiran Talum 3670100 2cEXRTiFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DAISY BANE 5840 390 280 320100 95 100 40 100 100ANCIENT ANCIENT ROME 530 400 165100 100100 100100GRAND GRAND VIEW 300 300v v 50 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Braedalbane Marian Wells by Flammarion trained by J D Mikel bred by Messrs W Mikel Son Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 233 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDAISY DAISY BANE away well sprinted into the early lead and drawing clear won with much to spare ANCIENT ROME followed the winner throughout and saving ground finished gamely GRAND VIEW was carried out on the stretch turn but closed strongest FAIR LELA was in close quarters most of the way PEACHTREE finished gamely SALLY KEYSTONE tired after saving ground on the turns turnsScratched Scratched 93735 Henry Dew 108 108Overweight Overweight Fair Romance 1 pounds Sweet Thing 110 Tom Kearney 118 Corrected weight Sweet Thing 110 Tom Kearney 118 QQQQ SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute The Point April 28 1934 111 6 112 tfOCoO pufse 500 3yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 360 second May334Ala 80 third 40 fourth 20 Claiming price 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Kin Jckeys EquiT Odds Strt I3615PALIA 106 7 3 1111 I1 lk PetrellaP J A Gormley 625400 13162 JAMES BOY WB 116 9 8 10 81 51 21 BeechJ J A Best 4610100 461010035905LIMAWAY 35905LIMAWAY wl05 3 6 6 5 44 31 TaylorD J McComb 180100 3739 BUCKS BOY wslllO 1 2421 21 41 BoucherJ T Gross 435100 3615 CONGENIAL wB11114 413l3k 54 SeaboG W C Goodloa 5605100 56051002940LOrELY 2940LOrELY AMELIA walOS 47 7J 71 8 6 WillhiteE Mrs E Davis 11305100 33062 MANHANDLE WB 68 8h 94 71 7 EdwardsD C A Higgins f 575100 575100J3786 J3786 STOUT BOY WB11652 51 41 6k 8 VailS WFAxton 1720lOq 1720lOqSPLENDOR SPLENDOR GIRL will 29 1Q 9l 91 WebsterO M ss A Morgan f f3563PLAY 3563PLAY PERFECT will 11 5 31 6110 10 BrennanT W J Ogle 3510100 35101003615OVERTONE 3615OVERTONE w 107 8 Leftat post VerbusM Eskay Stable 545100 545100B9167FOIL B9167FOIL wlO12 Left at post7 KingT J Levitt t 1 Field time 23J 48 1155 Track good U52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PALIA 1450 1190 740 625 100 495 100 270 100 100JAMES JAMES BOY 8420 2540 4110 100 1170 100 100SLIMAWAY SLIMAWAY 330 65 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Prince Pal Domulalia by Dominant trained by J A Gormley bred by Swihgalong Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow Won driving second and third the same samePALIA PALIA took command at once and saving ground withstood challenges from JAMES BOY The latter latteraway away poorly and forced to lose ground finished with a rush SLIMAWAY came through on the inside into the stretch and outgamed BUCKS BOY The latter swerved badly in the drive CONGENIAL saved ground LOVELY AMELIA closed gamely PLAY PERFECT quit OVERTONE and FOIL were left Overweight leftOverweight Overtone 1 pound QQftST THIRD RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6 104 Purse 500 4 tOOO 40May334Ala 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May334Ala fcurth 20 Claiming price 600 Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockey EquiT Odds Strr 93788PRINCESS ZELDA w 8 105 74 T 1 2 I2 I4 MarnezP E Robinowitz 93789 = TITLE OAK w7115 32 2k 31 3441 21 LaidleyO D H Carroll 300100 93588 DEFERRED WB 5 111 2 1 3 24 11 21 31 SykesD D Christian 810100 810100937903PHANTASIME 937903PHANTASIME WSB 6 105 1 5 444 4l 31 44 PetrellaP Mrs M F Mongui 225100 93740 GLEN FEU w 4 115 5 6 6 54 5 54 5 FerminA Morales Bros 7360100 736010091030ZAHN 91030ZAHN WB7110 477 7 6 6l 6l SenaT D L Hickcox 3230100 323010093095FAST 93095FAST LIFE w 6 110 6 3 5k 6l 7 7 7 BrennanT C L Mackey 8225100 8225100Time Time 24 48 113 141 Track good 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRINCESS ZELDA 500 320 290 150 100 60 100 45 109 TITLE 109TITLE 100DEFERRED OAK 330 270 65 100 35 100 DEFERRED 400 100 100 Winner B m by Chatterton Zclda by Pentecost trained by G F Jenkins bred by Mr R F Shropshire Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 347 AT POST minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same samePRINCESS PRINCESS ZELDA was hustled in command on the first turn allowed DEFERRED to take a short lead on the last turn then came again and drew clear TITLE OAK restrained early gained under punishment in the final quarter and outgamed DEFERRED The latter hard urged throughout worked his way into the lead in the last quarter but tired suddenly thereafter PHANTASIME also tired badly after moving up GLEN FEU was outrun outrunScratched93616 Scratched93616 Black Maid 105 93841 Cloidb 110 Overweight Deferred 1 pound QOQQQ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Ridgeview April 23 1934 137 6 104 Purse 500 4 f 1 0 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May334Ala fourth 20 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odda Strt 93787SAINT LOUIS w4110 7 2 24 1 11 I1 1 BrennanT C Howell HowellWB 1200100 93588NEWSHAWK WB 4 110 21 lk 21 2 24 24 WillhiteE E J J L Staehle Staehlew 1135100 93791 YARROW w 6 115 57 51 41 44 31 32 ODayJ C R Parker ParkerWB7UO 500100 91047WRACKELL WB7UO 83 61 7 7 74 4k KingT J J Feeney Feeneyw5 300100 93646LA MANGA w5 105 4 8 8 64 5J 51 51 TaylorD Cisco Stable 1270100 91273KAVALRY JACK WB4110 1 4 41 5V 61 61 61 EdwardsD Mrs E Kochler 1005100 93616 CHIPOLA WB 5 115 3 5 31 343441 7s LegereE O Burgess 165100 93740MIM 16510093740MIM SHANAHAN WB 7 110 6 6 7k 8 8 8 8 BradswW G A Munn 26845100 Time 26845100Time 24 48 114 142 Track good 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDSf SAINT LOUIS 2600 9170 510 1200 100 385 100 155 100 NEWSHAWK 1060 550 430 100 175 100 YARR9W 100YARR9W i 460 130 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by by Stimulus Shirley Louise by Light Brigade trained by C Howell bred by Messrs J S 600WENT T B Young Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT minuteStart TO POSt 421 AT POST minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SAINT sameSAINT LOUIS alternated in paccmaking with NEWSHAWK shook off the latter midway in the stretch then tired suddenly and just lasted NEWSHAWK saved all possible ground and when seemingly tiring in the final eighth came again and finished strongly YARROW slipped through on the inside entering the stretch but could not threaten the leaders WRACKELL swerved out badly while racing strongly in the final three sixteenths LA MANGA closed with his usual burst of speed but was too far out of it KAVALRY JACK retired after a half mile CHIPOLA raced well up for threequarters then besran tirine Scratched936773Iago tirineScratched936773Iago 115 May334Ala olds Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 fourth 20 Claiming price 800 Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners BbulT Odds Str 93678 GETALONG w05 3 2 21 21 22 11 lk PetrellaP J A Blackwell 220100 93739LEN 22010093739LEN HELKER w 116 2 7 61 61 3 2 22 LegereE Mrs D Richards 310100 93739 BOSTONIAN GAL wl05 7 4 51 7 41 4l 3 SeaboG R R Greenlee 530100 93615MYFILLY 53010093615MYFILLY wn 105 1 1 1 lk lk 31 4 BoucherJ Mrs C Fisher 1180100 93786ERRANT 118010093786ERRANT LADY w 100 4 5 41 51 51 5 5to TaylorD R Robertson 315100 93738 MONTMARY wlOS 567 3s 61 6 61 VailS WFAxton 4925100 93786CLOSING 492510093786CLOSING EVENT 1410100Time n 100 6 3 3 41 7 7 7 KingT Mrs E Davis 1410100 Time 24 49J 114 142 Track good 3 2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL rr BOOKING ODDS GETMONG 640 360 320 220100 80100 60 100 LEN HELKER 430 410 BOSTONIAN GAL 115100 105100 Winner Br c by Sleepy Head Goldie S by Golden Link 350 80 100 trained by E Tiller bred by Mr J A Blackwell 800WENT Winner entered to be claimed for 800 minutesStart WENT TO POST 452 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GETALONG sameGETALONG disposed of MYFILLY when shaken and up continuing gamely held LEN HELKER safe The latter moved up steadily on the inside on the back stretch and going to the outside just failed to take the over ¬ winner BOSTONIAN GAL in trouble early worked her way up fast in the stretch MYFILLY Scratched 93423 Sweet Gal 100 Continued on fifteenth page ALAMO DOWNS DOWNSContinued Continued from eleventh page QOQQA SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Dunny Boy April 26 1934 145 5 113 Purse 500 40May334Ala 7OO vf 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 360 second 80 third 40 May334Ala fourth 20 Claiming price 600 Index Horses B lt A VVMTSI V4 Vj Fin Jorkevs QUT Odds Strt 93682SAM PASS WB 7 111 1 1 3h 2i I1 1 I1 ODayJ S Hesscltine 145100 93791 INTERIOR WB7105 5 9 94 81 65 52 2i KingT Mrs T Marshall 1440100 93791 = MOROCCO xv 9 105 11 6 5J 6i 5i 2i 32 Martinez E Robinowitz 255100 93545 3545 DARK AYR XVB 7 115 9 7 71 71 7 3 41 DyerJ R Robertson 595100 5951003789FLAUNT 937893FLAUNT XVB 5 110 4 4 41 41 3k 41 5 BoucherJ Mrs C Planas 1010100 10101003682MISS 93682MISS UPSET XVSB 5 100 81010 10 92 7 64 EdwardsD A Bellegarde 6070100 60701003545MORONGE 93545MORONGE XVB 6 110 7 5 1s I2 2l 83 72 BrennanT J M McCombs H755100 93741 3741 EVENING SKY xv 7 112 68 81 92 10 92 8s ParkeM C E Hummel 18895 100 93789 3789 LINMAR xv 9 111 22 6s 3i 41 61 94 LaidleyO H C Munson 2705100 93018 3018 BOBBY POWERS xv 7 110 3 3 21 51 82 10 10 SykcsD F P Letellier Letellier3565WINNIE 93565WINNIE JO w 7 100 10 Left at post WillhiteE Mrs A R Smith 5640100 5640100fField fField Time 24 49 115 142 149 Track qood qoodx2 x2 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SAM PASS 490 370 260 145 100 85 100 30 100 100INTERIOR INTERIOR 1260 500 530 100 150 100 100MOROCCO MOROCCO 270 35 100 100Winner Winner B g by Baigneur Virginia B by Friar Rock trained by S Hesseltine bred by Messrs Ireland and Nuckols Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST522 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and sloxv for all but Winnie Jo Won drixing second and third the same sameSAM SAM PASS responded gamely in the final threeeighths and taking command withstood a hard drive and outlasted INTERIOR The latter just failed to reach the xvinner MOROCCO tired after reaching con ¬ tention in the last eighth DARK AYR closed a gap in the stretch FLAUNT tired MISS UPSET closed gamely WINNIE JO refused to start startScratched Scratched 93682 Elizabeth S 100 100Overxveight Overxveight Sam Pass 1 pound Linmar 1 Evening Sky 2 2Corrected Corrected xveight Sam Pass 11 Evening Sky 112 QQQQ SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Dunny Boy April 26 1934 145 5H3 purse JOOJ7JL 100May334Ala 600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 425 second 100 May334Ala third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 700 Index Horses EqtA WtPISt 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiilr Odds Strt 93741LONGUS WSB 7 113 4 5 5 2i 1 1 I2 KingT W A Mikcl Mikclxv 65100 93741CANTERON xv 4 107 5 4 I1 lk 2 25 2 WillhiteE L C Bond BondXVB 695100 93647VHIGH HATTER XVB 5 104 1 3 42 5 31 32 32 TaylorD C Hoxxell HoxxellXVB 580100 93741BENGAL TIGER XVB 5 104 3 1 31 42 4h 41 4 BoucherJ M F Keller KellerWB5105 490100 93741 ANITA ORMONT WB WB5105 5 105 2 2 2i MZllS 3i 5 5 5 VailS WFAxton 1140100 1140100Time Time 24 49 114 140 147 Track good 52 CERTIFICATES PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LONGUS 330 280 250 65 100 40 100 25 100 100CANTERON CANTERON 590 310 195 100 55 100 100HIGH HIGH HATTER 280 40 100 100Winner Winner B g by Waygood Jane Frances by Uncle trained by J D Mikcl bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 552 AT POST i minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving LONGUS much the best gradually assumed command on the back stretch and disposing of CANTERON held on stubbornly after being overtaken but tired in the closing eighth HIGH HATTER challenged on the last turn then tired badly BENGAL TIGER and ANITA ORMONT were bumped at the start startScratched Scratched 938402 938402Johnny Johnny Shaw 107

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Local Identifier: drf1934050401_11_2
Library of Congress Record: