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HAGERSTOWN ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track slow For Hagerstown Telephone Codes use Post Position number shown im ¬ mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries Racine starts at 200 p m Chicago daylight time 200 pm pmFirsf Firsf Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 2YoarOlds Maidens Claiming Index Post v Best at Distances Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgcToday Price 1 Bcbo 109 700 94295 2 Rapidup 115 1000 94598 3 Kharaon 109 700 94598 4 Outbreak 112 1000 93184 5 Hurdy Gurdy 109 700 94647 6Vitclla 107 700 94647 7 Unlawful 112X 700 8 Lady Bulletin 109 700 94647 9 Mollie Byrd 109 700 10 Polydee 109 700 94721 11 Stellar 109 700 94721 12Eastcr Dale 107 1000 1000Miss Miss H Baker and Miss G Baker entry Kharaon Mollic Byrd C M Feltner and G Dougherty entry Hurdy Gurdy Easter Dale DaleSecond Second Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 94650 1 Airney M 3105 900 94651 2 Noras Grace 6 110 900 94651 3 Bonnie Laddie 7115 900 915311 4 Justa Sunbeam 3 105 900 5 Sunshine Cloud CloudM M 3 109 1000 890172 6 Crossing Over 3 108 1000 94230 7 Clear Knight 5 115X 900 93762 8 Holland 4 115 900 93635 9 Dress Circle M 3 110 900 81998 10 Melody Girl 4 110 900 94601 11 Timber Fire 3110 900 94601 12 Grace Bunting 4 110X 900 94722 13 Dinta Belle M 4 110 900 94723 14 Unfair 4110 900 Third Race About 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 94599 1 rJunora 4 113X 500 94653 2 The Bard 5 115X 500 94603 3 Spanish Slip per M 3105 500 93478 4 Sliding M 3105 500 94649 5 Baby Rox 4 113X 500 91990 6 Caterer 6 118X 500 90868 7 Crasher 9 115X 500 94652 8 Mazyniata M 5110 500 946491 9 Steclton 4 115X 500 91491 10 Laknite 4 113X 500 94650 11 Pink Post 4 115X 500 94648 12 Aizle M 4 110 500 94650 13Dumvin 3 108X 500 94648 14 Glisk M 3105 500 B AL Ryan and C M Feltner entryrSliding Dun win Fourth FurlongsHotel Race About 6 12 Furlongs Hotel Hamilton Purse Purse 300 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming 94361 1 Star Queen 3 105 1200 94648 2 Handley 4 115X 1200 94599 3 Rhodius i 4115 1200 94365 4 Gallic 4 H5X 1200 942352 5Grand Acre 5112X1400 94651 6 Rustic Cuba 4 110X 1200 94294 7Bonsoir M 4 113 1500 94600 8 No Mistake 4 H5X 1200 1200Fifth Fifth Race About 1 116 Miles MilesBerkley Berkley Springs Purse PursePurse Purse 300 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming 94365 1 Post Brigade 4 120X 1200 94114 2Arab 6 113 1000 94300 3 Modern Times 6 112X 900 87859 4 Bay WrackM 3 113 1000 94176 5LittIe Stokes 5 H5X 1200 94725 6 Our Jewell 4 110X 700 90931 7 Armageddon 7 U8X 1000 94178 8 Pro Bono 5 H7X 900 94724 9 Second Story 3111 800 800Sixth Sixth Race About 58 Mile Purse 300 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming Claimingnnnco JU ly W M 3105 90 ° nnnco 90058 2 Lampoon 5 H5X 900 94651 3 Scotty Don 3113 iQOO 94651 4 Hair Trigger 3 113 1000 5 wise Moncv 5 ii8x looo 9 07 6 Washout 4113 1000 1000n 7 Curling M 3 105X 900 n 90925 8 Giggley Ann 3105 900 JMJKJI 900JMJKJI SLodqrus 3108X1000 94648 10 Happy Lope 4 HQX 900 94652 11 Round Bend 90747 13MissktcheY 13MissktcheYn U ° W 3 105 900 n 94722 14 Rhyming M 3 110X 900 Seventh Race About 1 116 Miles 300 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming 1 Kaffa 8 110X 500 5005112X 2 Fife 5112X 500 3 Miss Catalan 6 110X 500 4 Sun Jo M 7115 500 5 Rollick 4 115X 500 6 Fusco 4115 500 7 Time Enough 6 115 500 8 Sand Bell 6 115 500 9Money Wild 4 105X 500 10 McDonald H 5 115 500 11 Zombro 4 115X 500 12 Canmas M 3105 500 13 Dark Star 4 110X 500