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Detroit BEST BET DEBS DELIGHT DELIGHTClear Clear and fast FIRST RACE 58 Mile 230 P M M2YearOlds 2YearOlds Special Weights Tel Post Mud Prob ProbCode Code Horse Pos YYtMkOdds 5 DEBS DELIGHT 1 115 52 52Reported Reported very fast juvenile 9 AIR SQUADRON 5 112 52 52Logical Logical contender 1 EDDIE J 9 115 61 61Has Has raced close up 11 DARK ZENI 7 115 41 6 CHURCH CALL 2 112 61 7 BILLY BEE 3 115 301 8 DANCING QUEEN 4 112 121 10 DOUBLE B 6 115 301 12 CHARLOTTE W 8 112 301 2 BOSTON BROOK 10 115 201 3 TWOADAY 11 112 301 4 BIG SMOKY 12 115 201 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 300 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 1500 12 BECKY PUPPET 8 95 41 41Comes Comes recommended 8 FRITTER CIRCLE 4 105 41 41From From a good barn 6 LIGHT ECHO ° ° Clockers like 9 MY WISH 5 110 41 10 GENIAL JOE 6 100 61 7 DONNA MINE 3 102 101 5 RED FORAGE 1 102 151 11 JETON 7 97 301 1 TUMBLE IN 9 97 201 2 PEGGYS PEGGY 10 95 41 3 GOLDEN CAMP 11 100 151 4 SMALL PLAY 12 102 251 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 330 P M M4YearOlds 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 1200 8 RED RUN 6 110 52 52Rates Rates the call 2 TIMOROUS 8 100 X 52 52May May need a race 6 SOEUR BLANCHE 4 105 X 41 41Prefers Prefers a distance 3 SEMESTER 1 110 X 41 1 ELECTRIC GAFF 7 110 121 4 SUPER PURCHASE 2 105 101 5 JOE MACAW 3 110 X 81 7 BLACKSTRAP 5 105 121 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 400 P M M4YenrOlds 4YenrOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 1200 1 BUBBLER 3 110 X 52 52Take Take a chance 7 LOUGH PORT 1 110 41 41None None too steady 4 TOY TOWN 6 110 5 5Upset Upset horse tab 2 JEAN BROWN V 4 105 X 81 6 NED O 8 105 X 52 3 PRINCETON 5 110 X 61 8 THISTLE COOT 2 110 X 301 5 SANTERNO 7 115 X 101 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 430 P M 3YearOlds Allowances 7 MISS MOUSE 3 105 X 21 21Has Has speed to score 3 TRUMPERY 6 108 21 21The The one to beat 1 SALAAM 4 110 X 21 21Coupled Coupled with Trumpery 6 CURSOR 2 115 X 41 2 OUR DAVID 5 106 61 5 THATAWAY 1 108 251 4 WALKALONG 7 106 201 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 500 P M M4YearOlds 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 2000 4 OLD DEPOT 2 106 X 85 85At At tops fresh racer 5 BRIGHT BUBBLE 3 105 X 52 52Merits Merits consideration 2 DARK CONQUEST 6 115 X 41 41Has Has beaten fair ones 1 ARROWSWIFT 5 115 61 6 MY GENTLEMAN 4 115 201 3 ADOBE POST 1 Ill X 611 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 530 P M 3YearOIds ClaimingToo and Upward Claiming Too Claiming Price 1500 2 REPRESENTATIVE 4 112 X 85 Accorded edge 1 BROWN WISDOM 3 112 X 21 21May May reverse it 4 BARTERING KATE 6 102 X 41 41Chance Chance at a price 6 MANYA 2 107 X 81 5 SYNDIC 1 112 X 81 3 CHEROKEE SAL 5 97 X 101