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Churchill Downs DownsBEST BEST BET FAIRSICKLE FAIRSICKLEClear Clear and fast fastFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile 300 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Special SpecialWeights Weights WeightsTel Tel Post Mud Prob ProbCode Code Horse Pos WtMkOdds 4 FAIRSICKLE 7 107 X 21 21Should Should earn brackets here 10 QUASIMODO 2 112 41 41Lots Lots of early speed tab 6 SAND JOE 9 112 81 81Raced Raced close up last out 7 THEGITHER 10 107 101 9 WHARE 1 112 81 11 PRECOCIOUS 3 112 81 1 VELLUM 4 112 151 2 VAN DIEGO 5 112 101 3 BARBARA CAROM 6 107 121 5 LADY MARY 8 107 251 8 POTTERTON 11 112 301 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 330 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTop Top Claiming Price 1500 7 LITTLE CONNELLY 4 110 X 52 Must make this one the choice 3 BROADCASTER 8 107 61 61Strong Strong contender on best race 4 PEGGY LEHMANN 1 107 X 41 41Beat Beat better ones may upset it fi WISE DREAM 3 97 X 61 8 HOME WORK 5 X112 X 61 2 BOURBON PRINCE 112 X 61 5 MONKS STAR 107 X 151 1 BANGOBAR o 102 201 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 400 P M 3 YearOlds and Upward Special SpecialWeights Weights 8 SPANISH RED 5 115 X 52 52This This may be the day 2 WAR PLEDGE 10 112 61 61Figures Figures the runnerup 10 NIGHTINGALE 7 107 41 41Must Must not be overlooked 1 DECEIVE 9 107 201 7 DARK DEVIL 4 112 61 9 EQUIPMENT 6 107 81 4 NOAHS DAUGHTER 1 107 81 6 WAGWOOD 3 112 251 5 EXCLUSIVE 2 115 X 151 11 FAIR LILY 8 107 201 3 GRANIA 11 110 101 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 430 P M M2YearOlds 2YearOlds Claiming Top Claiming Price 2500 2 POLLY RITA 6 108 The logical choice 4 GOBET 108 X 52 Will geta play 3 POET PRINCE Also has a chance 1 ATHANETTE 107 X 81 5 FIRST PIGEON 105 101 6 GYPSY FEET FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 500 P M 3YearOlds and Upward Handicap 1 LEROS 3 102 X 21 21Should Should romp in easily 2 GIFT OF ROSES 4 109 X 21 21Main Main threat 4 EVERGOLD 2 109 X 21 21Not Not up to best form 3 SAZERAC 1 105 X 61 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 530 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds Claiming Top Claiming Price 1500 8 CAW CAW 3 105 31 31Good Good enough to beat these thesei i TOMFOOLERY 7 112 X 41 41From From good barn tab 3 NORMAN D 6 115 X 61 61Rates Rates close with this kind 5 BOOMS PAL 8 115 41 1 OLD LADY 4 104 X 101 6 SIR JACOB 1 109X151 7 SILVER SUN 2 109 X 81 2 BLIND BROOK 5 112 X 101 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 600 P M 3 YearOlds ClaimingTop and Upward Claiming Top Claiming Price 1000 4 ROYAL SPORT 7 111 X 41 41Ready Ready to make amends 3 PLUMAGE 6 106 X 31 31Good Good chance for upset 2 MILITIA 5 113 61 61Always Always a threat 7 KIRL 2 108 61 6 MAI SAN 1 108 X 151 151SHIT SHIT AND RUN 3 108 X 81 1 MIGOSH 108 X 101 5 DUSKY LASS 8 108 X 101 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles 630 P M 3 YearOlds ClaimingTop and Upward Claiming Top Claiming Price 1000 7 MAD CAREER 2 116 85 85Stable Stable races for purses 4 UPON 7 108 41 41Due Due to explode soon 6 RED BOOT 1 113 X 61 61Give Give this one the leavings 8 SINGLE DAY 3 106 X 201 1 ODERIC 4 113 X 61 2 HYDSAR 5 106 121 3 YARNALLTON 6 113 X 101 5 WHANGDOODLE 8 113 151