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HOMEWOODS MINIMUM 800 Washington Park Offering Purses PursesFrom From 800 Upwards at Meeting MeetingBeginning Beginning Next Thursday LOUISVILLE Ky May 17 Offering no purse under 800 with overnight features of 1000 or more and seven stakes topped by the 25000 added American Derby Washing ¬ ton Park picturesque racing grounds of the Washington Park Jockey Club is the mecca of a large majority of the more fashionable and stronger stables racing here With all but a few or the larger establishments going to the Homewood track racing during the twentyseven days of that meeting opening next Thursday is assured many of the out ¬ standing horses in the West WestSome Some of the more prominent stables ship ¬ ping from here include those of Bernard J Jones Warren Wright Allen B Gallaher Jack Howard Wood F Axton Joseph E Widener C C Van Meter John Marsch P A and R J Nash F M Grabner Albert Sab ath Jake Lowenstein Mrs Frank C Mars Mrs L M Walker A B Letellier Strath more Stable Mrs Silas B Hason Howard Oots D B Midkiff Mrs Val Crane and others othersStables Stables from the East South and West also are going to the Homewood course with the outlook at this time for as large and strong an array of racing material as ever assembled there thereIn In addition to the American Derby which is to engage Cavalcade Discovery Mata Hari Gallant Mac Spy Hill First Minstrel Riskulus Plight Agrarian Chicstraw Bien Fait and others over one mile and a quarter on Saturday June 2 stakes and handicaps to be renewed are the Washington Park Handicap Debutante Stakes Robert M Sweitzer Handicap Thomas Curran Memo ¬ rial Stakes Francis S Peabody Memorial Handicap and the Illinois Oaks OaksPreparations Preparations for the meeting under the direction of Col M J Winn managing director are practically completed