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TERMS, DAILY, 0 WEEKLY A TWO-HORSE PARLAY DAILY YESTERDAYS PARLAY: TIMOROUS, .60, WON COLD SPILL, .90, .60, 2ND TODAY— A LIMIT PARLAY— TODAY EXPECT 00 FOR We expect this parlay to pay the absolute limit These two horses come from a source that has never failed us in the past, and we are sure will not fail us today. When you do business with the BELL, you are doing business with a reputable concern who has been operating successfully over a period of years. Take care of where you make your investments. SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE! City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address THE BELL 173 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO. ILL. fSYSfOLOGYi If THE WONDER BOOK OF THE TURF— IT COSTS ONLY U H THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE M G - - S PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. O. M D 443 Plymouth CL, Chicago. 111.: II Piease send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find |6. H 1 NAME I] ! ADDRESS JJ I CJTY STATE If HORSEMANS £ YVEEKLY£fer FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. IS CENTS NEW ISSUE OUT NOW Were all the winners that were advised in last issue listed in this advertisement it would fill this column. Horsemans Weekly has advised more winners in the past few weeks than any other publication of its kind. We are willing to prove it. GET THE NEW ISSUE OUT NOW Go at once to your dealer and get your copy of Horsemans Weekly. You really owe it to yourself to get the benefits of this publication. YESTERDAYS JACK MORGANS SERVICE: SUN ANTIOCH 3.10, WON SUN CAPRICE .40, WON This service started with a bang yesterday. The editor and staff of Horsemans Weekly were extremely gratified with the results of Mr. Morgans initial effort. GET JACK MORGANS SERVICE TERMS: 0 WEEKLY TWO HORSES DAILY Full details of this remarkable service will be found in the new issue of Horsemans Weekly. Subscribe to this service at once and we feel sure that the results will prove more than satisfactory. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— June-88-78-78-58. HORSEMANS WEEKLY 21 WEST JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO. ILL. -TURF WEEKLY-TODAYS FREE CODE: . _ D ET R0IT— E ve-46-48-38-30. TODAYS TRAINERS CODES: D ETR01T— March-47-27-27-38. D ETR0IT— September-43-30-22-25. TODAYS OWNERS CODES: DETROIT— Green-41 -36-55-55. DETROIT— Browfi-50-36-56-50. #andBUGLE jLW|g»* RACING WEEKLY JsFH dNJ* UTtST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY WINNERS! WINNERS! GET THE NEW ISSUE HERE ARE SOME OF THE WINNERS IN LAST ISSUE: MEROVECH, 1.50, WON STAR FIRE, 14.90, WON INDIAN RUNNER, 15.28, WON PAIRBYPAIR, 1430, WON And many, many more winners. Get the new issue on sale now. There are lots of winners in it, and you cannot afford to miss it. YESTERDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY: KILDEE MARY 6.92, WON POLLY HUNDRED .60, WON WEDNESDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY: GAY MONARCH, 3.24, WON GENERAL FARLEY, $ 5.90, WON TUESDAYS PARLAY: SHAN, 0.08, WON HOPTOIT, $ 8.40, WON SUBSCRIBE TO CLOCKERS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS, WEEKLY We are now getting the most sensational information ever offered to the public, 24 hours in advance of post time. These horses are winning regularly, so make it your business to get them today. Send and put yourself in our care for a week. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— H-Fat-Bug-Cot-Hip. TODAYS CLOTKERS PARI.AY: ARLINGTON— Omaha-25-39-*3-3«. D ETR0IT- Kansas-34-48-72-26. THE BUGLE 28 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE. II CENTS FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: LATONIA— White-ie5-111-124. ROCKINGHAM— Green-112-100-112. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail 17.00 per Month by Air Mail MASTER CLOCKER NEW WEEKLY OUT— 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS DETROIT FREE CODE: Ten-Fog-Nat-Lap-Pep. ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Tee-Jog-Aft-Pep-Dog. OCCASIONAL CODE: ROCKINGHAM: Tow-Bug-Inn-Inn-Bug. CLOCKERS REVIEW TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands. 35c Todays Free Code: LATONIA— Blue-2325. We give yeu this "good thing" as the "safest proposition of the day. Play with utmost confidence today. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. •; 41 Union Square, West Suite 1914, New York City TERMS, DAILY I have ridden for some of the most prominent stables on the track. Among; my intimate friends are owners, trainers and jockeys who are winning- races every day. I know them and their methods. That is why my identity must not become known. i YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: MAXINE P., 8.00, WON PAR VALUE, $ 7.80, WON Wednesdays Two Horses: TERALICE, 5.50, WON BROAD MEADOWS, $ 5.04, WON TWO HORSES GOING TODAY I can only say that everything: humanly possible has been done to make a success of todays two horses, and I can assure you that your investment will have ample protection against loss. I am urging all readers to subscribe now and save regrets when results are published. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below. THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, Chicago, III. IPJI jockey mrm Greotry4mmlwod RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE ON ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE, 3Sc YESTERDAYS JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY: PAPER PROFITS 0.60, WON SAFE AND SOUND .80, WON WEDNESDAYS JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY: DONNA BARONA, 9.00, WON HATHY, $ 8.84, WON TUESDAYS JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY: PLAYING ON, 1.90, WON SUN ERIN, $ 9.80, WON MONDAYS JOCKEY GREGORY PARLAY: LAURETTA NASH, 4.80, WON TINY KITTY, 1.10, WON JOCKEY GREGORY SERVICE Terms, Daily 0 Weekly A SENSATIONAL PARLAY TODAY TWO LIMIT WINNERS EXPECT 00 FOR If ever you had an opportunity to get advice on two horses that are going to win, then today is the day. We have been waiting a long time for these two horses to start, and they are going to be sent for the money today. Make no mistakes about it. These horses will have no trouble in winning. We are sure that were you to know the source of this information you would not hesitate to subscribe at once. TODAYS FREE CODE: D ETR0IT— Kelly-46-1 S-26-10. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON-Porter-56-3S-8S-37. 0 ETROIT— Fator-45-3eV2S-47. GREGORY and SMALLWOOD 14* NORTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. I/J/J/ ""TYTVTx DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day— In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR FRIDAY: LATONIA— E-12-24-10-22. ARLINGTON— HMR WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL TURF GOSSIP WEEKLY-35c TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM— Mar.-56-57-57-56. CLOCKERS TIPS FREE CODE PARLAY: LATONIA— Jack-78-€7-78-7S. LATONIA— Grey-77-68-67-61. TURF GOSSIP POST TIME SPECIALS: ROCK X $ 7.20, Won ROLANDA 3.80, Won jSm man o* war "sr Todays Code Parlay: ROCKINGHAM— Jack-57-21-«l-25 and DETROIT— Gcorge-41-1 5-45-41. Todays Free Code: ROCKINGHAM— Cap-3MS-36-24. Todays Jockey Code: DETROIT— Mills-48-39-23-39. RTS AT ALL ITllDi MM J k J 1 i/iKVl 35c THAI WONDERFUL TURf WEEKLY Todays Code Parlay: ROCKINGHAM— Nov.-40-70-40-32 and DETROIT— J une-40-7*-82-3«. Todays Free Code: HARRY-,Pink-18-38-40-t«. Todays Clockers Code: ARUNGTON-Buick-18-37-21-25. ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM TUJjF NpggT WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY YESTERDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: LONG BIT 1.74, WON PENNYWISE .00, WON WEDNESDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: COYA, .40, WON GOOD GAMBLE, .16, WON TUESDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: SUN CAPTOR, 2.36, WON KHAMAIN, $ 9.20, WON MONDAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: BARCAROLLE, 9.12, WON BRIGHT DAY, $ 4.80, WON CONSENSUS CODE PARLAYS SIX DAYS— — SIX DAYS The finest service of its kind in the country. Codes are published each and every day. All you need do to get these horses is to send and we will immediately rush a code card to you that is good for six days service. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— February-22-27-34-34. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Get-56-39-28-27. ROCKINGHAM— Gold-54-38-25-52. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: DETROIT— April-26-20-«-26. GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison St.. Suite 1297 Chicago. III. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 727C Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: ~ . ■ ■ Ulaeinaatf, Ohio Mala 42tt New Orleans, La. flaia M78 New fork, N. T Bogardas 19M Saa Francisco. Calif... _ Market ICM St Lowte, Mo Garfield 47» Clef Hand. Ohio Kenraore 1153 or IMfi-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: . . ARLINGTON PARK— Anna-7-21. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: ARLINGTON— Viola-15-38. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 7 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racine Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month. .00: Six Months, One Year. «• East Third Street Cincinnati. Ohio Read Carefully If you play the races, I win • put you next to a little secret that should place you above want as long as you live. Write T. SECOR, AutORA, H.UNOC TURF DISPATCH 35c— AMERICAS LEADING WEEKLY— 35c At All Stands— 35 Cents Todays Code Parlay: DETROIT — Red-24-27 -25-33 and ROCKINGHAM — Red-24-1 5-1 5-24. Todays Fsee Code. CLUB-Jane-15-16-15-21. Todays Trackmans Code: DETROIT— Blinker 40 50 3t 40.