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BAINBRIDGE PARK The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races 1 at Bainbridge Park Tuesday Paid 28.40 for | GEAUGA LAKE, OHIO, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1934— Bainbridge Park 1 mile. Third day. Bainbridge Breeders and Racing Association. Summer meeting of 13 days. Waite Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards, J. T. Ireland, R. S. Eddy, Jr., and J. A. King. Placing Judges, R. A. Leigh, C. C. Campau and C. Abbo. SUrter, G. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, R. A. Leigh. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQ9and7 FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Peter Parley, Aug. 15, 1928— 1:05%— 4— 104. Purse tlaA Ol 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 225; second, 5; third, 0; July-17-34-Bbg fourth, . Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs. index Horses EqtAWHTSt tt % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds JJtrt 98667CROSSING OVER w 111 10 2 24 24 31 11 EdwardsH Mrs M R Waugh 290 100 9850r*BROWN POLLY w 106 11 1 11 1" lk 2k ManifoIdH C Troutt 400 100 98960MARYMOUNT ivi 106 12 5 3,k 31 21 3 ButcherM E J OConnell 1140-100 98632 DISA wd 103 6 7 91 6" 64 41 CanfieldL Miss H Swanson f450-100 97726REGARDS wb 111 7 3 4 41 4" 5rt GowerH W Reeves 2030-100 97726 JUMP OFF w 116 3 8 12 12 71 6i CooperRG E W Sweeney 1190 100 97726 MISS GOHI wb 113 4 12 7 81 8k 7k BurlevF C W Wedderstrand 1010-100 98340*MAMIE D. w 106 8 6 5k 55 51 8k MoonR R T Watts 1870-100 97795LOU BOOT wb 107 2 4 6k T"1 9*k 9k SvlvesterJ Mrs S M Biddison t 98501 CLAFLAG w 112 1 10 10 101 ll1 10* BoucherJ J F Clark Jr t 97726 ARALINE w 108 5 11 8* 9h 105 11 AlbertsA J Bronnenberg 3230-100 98500MORVTM w« 102 9 9 11 ll*U 12 SmitliFA S J Molay 910-100 tMutucl lield. Time, :23"r.. :Wk. 1:07%. Track fast. , — 1 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CROSSING OVER .80 .20 .00 290—100 110—100 50—100 BROWN POLLY 4.40 3.60 120—100 80—100 MARYMOUNT 7.C0 250—100 Winner— B. f, by Big Blaze -Tokio, by Fair Play trained by E. H. Gaines; bred by Mr. S. D. Riddle. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:16. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. CROSSING OVER came again on the outside of the leaders in the final eighth and, finishing gamely, won in the closing seventy yards. BROWN POLLY showed good speed and held on well. MARYMOUNT saved ground in the drive and finished gamely. DISA gained steadily and was in close quarters in the last eighth. REGARDS tired. JIMP OFF closed much eround. MAMIE D. tired. Scratched-98896 Jere, 112; lJ36393Mervin B., 112; S7018 Barkis, 112; 97726 Swing Mac, 108; 98131 Lanriover, 108; G8476 Lynvete, 107. Overweight— Regards, 4 pounds; Jump Off, 4; Miss Gohi, 2. QQ96Q SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. TempusT May 30, 1931— :58— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-tFOOO olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; third, 0; July-17-34-Bbg fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqulT. Odds Sttt 98747 BARN STORMER w 112 11 7 2~k V 14 l2 WillardC C Coart 790-100 98711 CATCH FLY • w 110110 2 3l 3 3* 2k Meyer J L K Rogers 910100 99164 DICK STAR w 112 9 1 lk 2k 21 3* CheatmR Long Run Stable 290-100 98341ITERRAZZO w 112 4 5 T 51 4* 4 FryeJW Escoba Stock Farm Stable 260 100 97977 CATHERINE T. w 112 8 3 41 41 5* 51 ReevesR A Karra t880-100 99185 GYPSY FEET w 111 7 9 82 82 6 6* GowerH J Renihan 1010 100 98341 TRAMPLE wb 109 2 4 5k 71 74 71 StullerDR B Parke 2380 100 98341 MISS BERWYN ■ 109 6 10 61 61 81 81 CooperRG R T Watts 930-100 96802 ROLL HOME w 113 5 11 11 10*10* 9* MyresB J S McGinnis t 93730 NASSA ALONE w 109 18 10rt 91 94 104 CanfieldL Penn Villa Farm Stable 2460-100 96914 LADY BARRONS w 1101 3 6 9 11 11 11 SykesD M J Barrons t tMutuel field. Time, :23j£, :47%. 1:01%. Track fast. , P MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB BARNSTORMER 7.80 0.20 .60 790—100 410—100 180—100 CATCH FLY 9.00 5.20 350—100 160—100 OICKSTAR 3.40 70—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Strolling Player— Stargaze, by North Star III. trained by T. P. Greenhow; bred by Mrs. P. C. Sands. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:50. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BARN STORMER raced into the lead after the far turn and held the race safe thereafter. CATCH FLY, a factor throughout, outeamed DICK STAR in the drive. The latter, away well, had no mishaps and held on gamely. TERRAZZO dosed strongly after going half the distance. CATHERINE T. , tired. GYPSY FEET was moving up steadily. Scratched-980793TiPover, 112; Apple Time, 112; 99164 Soldier Boy, 112; 985952Wise Pete, 112; 96274 Hour Ladv, 109 ; 98160 Foxtee, 109 ; 96830 Bessie Blues, 109. Overweight— Barn Stormer, 3 pounds; Catch Fly, 1£; Catherine T., 3; Gypsy Feet, 2; Roll Home, 1; Lady Barrons, l. Q096Q THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. Purse ifvOv 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25 ; second, July-17-34-Bbg 5; third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt % % Str Fin Jo keys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 97263 FULL FLING w 3 104 6 1 14 l2 Is 1» ManifoIdH A and H Lederer 200 100 98388 MRY FRANCINE wb 3 104 9 9 3k 3k 21 2 CanfieldL Penn Villa Farm Stable 1580-100 98476 BALISITE w 3 104 3 4 2k 4* 31 3k CheatmR Long Run Stable 420 100 97884 SUPER PURCHASE w 4 109 11 8 71 71 4« 4* GaitherA Mrs D Hoffman 1560-100 97449 GENIE JR wb 3 113 5 2 62 62 54 5 BurlevF C Wedderstrand 810-100 98500 HARTFORD GIRL w 4 11C1 8 3 42 52 7 6k LeylandJ Mrs E E Watfcn 1970100 97611 NO NO w 3 107 4 5 51 21 6* 74 CarrollW H Herendeen 930 100 97723 FREEMAN CHOICE w 4 115 12 11 ll2 101 91 84 DilleaJ C Dressback +830100 63352*CMPVILLE w 5 110 10 10 101 91 8* 9* EdwardsH W H McMullin + 98211 CONVERT w 3 109 7 7 8* 8 104 10* FryeJW P Hatcher + GOLD WAY w 6 114 2 12 12 12 ll1 ll2 SwannJ F S Hasero 1310-100 QUINCE APPLE w 3 109 1 6 94112 12 12 MillsC R E Schaeffer 3120 100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%, :47£. 1:13J/5. Track fast. ■. . ; 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 FULL FLING .00 .80 .20 200—100 190—100 60—100 MARY FRANCINE 1240 9.20 570-100 360-100 BALISITE 4.00 100—100 Winner— Br. g, by Baffling— Deceitful, by Short Grass trained by H. Lederer; bred by Messrs. Jones and Wiegins. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:28. AT POST— minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FULL FLING, much the best, was never in danger. MARY FRANCINE closed resolutely in the stretch and easily disposed of the others. BALISITE showed early speed and tired. SUPER PURCHASE closed fast In the stretch. GENIE JR. raced evenly. The others quit. Scratched-973042Dono, 104; 99101Golden Gwyn, 104; 97201 Lady Rene, 99; 86317 Ormont Cup, 104; Corties John. 109; 93804 Quicket. 109. Overweight— Genie Jr., 4 pounds; Hartford Girl, li ; No No, 3; Freemans Choice, 1; Campville, 1. Corrected weight— Full Fling, 104. • QQOQA FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1 :1 0—5—1 10. 3%jjand*jJ purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, July-17-34-Bbg 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs. Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt hi Vx Str Fin Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 98410BOB UP wb 5 98 7 5 5k 41 2» l" SmithFA F L Everitt 1260 100 «8938iWISE MONEY w 5 116 5 1 41 11 11 2* CooperRG Mrs E R Mitchell 250 100 98751 ALDERSHOT wb 7 112 6 6 82 71 41 34 EdwardsH Mrs M M Vine +1280-100 98670 GOIDFN MFAURE wb 3 105 2 2 21 31 3k 4k GaitherA H McGehee 2010-100 99165 PREFERRED w 7 112 8 9 9* 94 6* 51 LeylandJ C Troutt 520-100 98003*RUN ON ■ 5 111 10 10 71 61 5» 6 ManifoIdH Mrs E B Shipp 260 100 98189 YANKEE WATERS wb 3 99 3 7 31 5* 8* 7k CanfieldL Mrs J H Skirvin + 991612MRYNELL w 3 104 9 4 6k 8k 92 84 CheatmR Long Run Stable 1320100 96998 THE CHOCTW wb 8 109 11 8 104103 102 9 DverJ A C Russell 1150-100 97316 SILVER WAVE wb 7 107 13 lk 2k 7k lC AlbertsA F Mueller 2430 100 99161 WHISKORA wb 3 100H2 12 12 12 11 ll2 KloinR T Lewis + LUCIANA w 4 1121 4 11 ll1 ll1 12 12 WillardC G Smith Jr 14060 -100 ■tMutuel T field. Time, :23ts. :47. 1:13. Track fast. 12 MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB BOB UP 7.20 .08 .20 1260—100 250—100 210—100 WISE MONEY... 4.40 4.00 120-100 100-100 ALDERSHOT Field *•«» J™-10.0 Winner— Ch. m, by Upset— Bobby, by High Time trained by L. C. Everitt; bred by Mr. W. E. Hupp. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:57. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BOB UP worked his way up on the inside through the stretch and won in the final strides. WISE MONEY moved up on the outside of the leaders after the far turn and held on well. ALDERSHOT gained steadily in the stretch. GOLDEN MEASURE went wide on the stretch turn. PREFERRED closed with a mOi RUN ON could not reach the leaders. SILVER WAVE and YANKEE WATERS quit badly. Scratched-99161 Mt. Washineton, 111; 9867CEaster Herald, 116; 99165sGalapan, 111; 981502Just High 101- 99165 Morinc. 105, 85542 Brieht Flae, 105. Overweight— Yankee Waters, 1 pound; Marynell, 3; Silver Wave, 4; Whiskora, 1J ; Luciana, 2J. Corrected weight — Whiskora, 99; Luciana, 110. - AAOA1 FIFTH RACE-1 Mile out of chute. Etonardo, Sept. 9. 1931—1:37—4—104. Grant-tftfVul wood Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner July-17-34-Bbg 00; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 5 lbs. "J Ul gg-t A WtlPSt % % % Btr ftp Jockeys Owners ■golf. Oddi Btrt MISfi PHARAMAID we 3 98 5 5 5 3* l1 14 l2 CanfieldL B O Spotts 290100 SKsTMICA "-5108 2 1 ? 5 3*? 24EdwardsB Mrs H G Hyde 450100 89166 SKID w 7 113 1 2 6 6 6 3* 3 CheatmR K Pfirman 1880 10C t8751*CHATTERFOL wb 4 113 3 3 li t ■ 41 41 EdwardsH C G Overcash 910 100 99166 LUGEN TSJGGAGE w 4 113 6 4 41 4» 51 54 5* LeylandJ A Castin 820 100 98504 MY IDEAL wb 6 113 4 6 3» 2» 4« 6 6 SykesD D Christian 140 100 Time, :24%, :48, 1:13%, 1:48. Track fast. — M MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB PHARAMAID 17.80 .88 .60 290—100 90—100 80—100 ST. MICA 4.80 4.80 100—100 100—100 SKID 7.40 270—100 Winner— B. f, by Pharamond n.— Katinka II., by Russley trained by L. A. Connor; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:24. AT POST— 2J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PHARAMAID moved up with a rush on the far turn, took the lead and won handily. ST. MICA came again after half a mile and held the others safe. SKID worked his way up on the inside in the stretch and outlasted CHATTERFOL. The latter was used up racing MY IDEAL into defeat and both tired badly. QQ9Q9 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Lucky Dan. June 20. 1931—1:42—4—113. Purse n3%J*i*3-*i 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-17-34-Bbg third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00. index Horses EqtA WtPPst % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds strt 98506 SOUTHLAND TOY w 7 112 10 4 l1 11 lrt 2* 11 SylvesterJ J M Hubbard 280100 99166 HIGHEST POINT w 5 116 4 3 21 2* 24 1* ? CarrollW C A Grande 200 100 97883 ORMONT1ME w 9 110 3 1 61 9* 61 31 34 FryeJW J W Frye Sr 2510 100 991 67*NIGHT EDITION w 5 107 1 2 44 4l 42 41 41 ManifoIdH D Dodd t740 100 98507PROBATIONER wb 4 109 9 6 3k 31 31 5* 5* SmithFA G OKeefe 2430 100 97882*KESWICK w 5 111 5 8 71 6k 7-1 7k 61 ButcherM W F Reeves 1890 100 98411*MOROCCO w 9 107 8 7 10 81 91 8"* 71 MartinezP E Robinowiti 1330 100 987533ROYAL LASSIE w 5 109 7 5 51 5* 5k 6* 8,k PalumboS D Gray 4780100 9841TMISS N. CONLAN w 5 103 11 9 9*10 10 91 91 MatthewsM W J Palmer 2430100 98754NISIA w 6 112 2 10 81 74 8k 10 10 WillardC V H McMullen t 98749FLAGEOLET w 6 111 6 Left at post. EdwardsH Mrs M R Waugh 550 100 tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48, 1:13*4, 1:40, 1:44%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS-SOUTHLAND TOY .60 .60 .00 280—100 80—100 50—100 HIGHEST POINT 3.80 5.40 90—100 170-100 ORMONTIME 9.60 380—100 Winner — B. g, by Sporting Blood — Mollie R., by Spanish Prince II. trained by J. M. Hubbard; bred by Mr. F. P. Letellier. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:53. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Flageolet. Won driving; second and third the same. SOUTHLAND TOY showed the most speed throughout and held on well in the drive. HIGHEST POINT was a keen factor all the way and held on gamely. ORMONTIME closed strongly on the outside. NIGHT EDITION had no mishaps. PROBATIONER tired after showing early speed. KESWICK acted badly at the post. Scratched— 99166 This Play, 106. Overweight — Nisia, 1 pound. AAAAQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Golden Auburn, Aug. 30, 1930—1:44—5—117. Purse i/iliilO 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 5; July-17-34-Bbg third, 0; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPst and % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Koiiiv. odds Strt 991892SWEET LACRUSE w 8 111 5 5 61 4"» 2"k 21 1* LoweW F E Turner 450 100 99163 FLITTERLIGHT w 4 107 2 11 102 91 61 31 21 CooperRG Newport Stable +1910 100 984102MARCELLA AGNES wb 8 111 1 1 lk lk 11 lk 31 SykesD D Christian S10 100 99167*MISS UPSET wb 5 105 11 9 ll2 ll2 101 8" 41 EdwardsD A Bellegarde 2130 100 991672*WILD LAUREL w 6 106 8 10 91 8* 94 71 5k ManifoIdH G W Coffey 160 100 99168*SHASTA CHARM w 7 105 4 2 2" 3 31 41 62 SmithFA H C Rumage 2500 100 98332JCABAMA w 6 111 9 12 12 12 12 12 71 LeylandJ Mrs K Hillock 1890 100 98501 CRASH wb 8 111 7 4 4" 51 5" 5* 8k SylvesterJ J M Hubbard 820 100 97940CORDON BLEU w 6 110 10 6 51 61 71 61 9* MartinezP R F Schweer t 99168TRUXTON wb 6 106 12 8 T T 8*104 10* MoonR R T Watts + 99168 ON TRIAL wb 7 115 3 7 8l 102 ll2 111 ll1 FryeJW Misses R and M King 790 100 98964 TENANT wb 7 115 6 3 31 21 4k 91 12 StullerDR Mrs F C McGuire 2330 100 tMutuel field. Time, :24, :47%, 1:13%. 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. , 82 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDP . SWEET LACRUSE 1.00 .80 .00 450—100 190—100 200—100 FLITTERLIGHT Field 12.40 7.20 520—100 260—100 MARCELLA AGNES 5.60 180—100 Winner— Br. g, by Sweep— Lady Eastman, by Masetto trained by F E. Turner; bred by Mr. E. Pucker. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:21J. AT POST— 1 minute. Start eood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SWEET LACRUSE closed stoutly when straightened out in the stretch and drew clear in the bst sixteenth. FLITTERLIGHT closed a wide gap working her way up on the outside. MARCELLA AGNES displayed much early speed, but finished tiring. MISS UPSET closed a big gap. WILD LAUREL was shuffled back early, but finished strong. SHASTA CHARM tired after displaying early speed. Scratched— 99105West L., 115; 96453 Decline, 111; 98215 Mayetta, 105; 98082 Dixie Dan, 110; 97411 Sun Mate, 100; 98899 Daddy Bill, 105. Overweight— Flitterlight, 1 pound; Marcella Agnes, 1. OOOOOI/ EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Al Green, June 20, 1932—1:10—5—110. «7«7t7«3/2 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. DECLARED OFF.