Arlington Handicap May Attract Fifteen: Big Field Probable, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-18


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ARLINGTON HANDICAP MAY ATTRACT FIFTEEN — A r w — — — — — BIG FIELD PROBABLE m Ladysman and Indian Runner Head List of Crack Field. ■ ♦ Hadagal and Biskulus May Be Among Contestants — Watch Him in Sensational Workout. • — ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, 111., July 17.— Fifteen starters for the renewal of the Arlington Handicap, Arlington Parks Saturday feature, was indicated today. William R. Coes Ladysman, conqueror of Equipoise in the Suburban Handicap and 1932 juvenile champion, and D. A. Woods Indian Runner, winner of both the Stars and Stripes and Arlington Inaugural Handicaps this year and last, will head the field, each carrying 120 pounds. In winning the Stars and Stripes this season, Indian Runner carried 118 pounds and defeated Advising Anna, which had up 102 pounds, by a nose, while Ladysman, under 120, was a neck farther away. In the mile and a quarter special, the two rivals for handicap honors will be held at equal weights, while Advising Anna must carry 103 pounds. Two three-year-olds that displayed good £?X ,nAt£e.S1,u,8ic also are beinggroolntd £* 0 ttS"*" which Pmises to gross 2ft£ They «e Wa"*n Wrights Hadagal ££/%S 9lurcns Riskulus, which finished third and fourth in the event won by Cavalcade, with Discovery second. The former is being asked to carry 114 pounds seven less than he had up last Saturday IZSL western-owned colt has been assigned ™« 108 pounds, or thirteen pounds below nis Classic impost. tv3£G 0Brookmea le Stable of Mrs. Isabel STlS S °ave Promises to have three entered rJ£% A?,neton Handicap, two of them, 5h°, °°dSTard ?me C,ock- three-year-olds £Za. • InIander may only start if the track is muddy. He has been assigned 109, m,e Clock 105 and Good Goods 104 Watch Him, owned by Mrs. John Hertz and assigned 106 pounds, was the only one ?afjh,e candidates to go through an important trial this morning for Saturdays race. The horse thatj-an second to Equipoise in the event last year was asked to work a mile and an eighth by trainer Frank Hack- «nLE!?*i?e.,w0wed excellent speed as he finished the distance in I:M*. He was timed and Jl?* ?£lf the !5 :f8% three-quarters in 1:13%, mile in 1:39. Other probable starters in the Arlington Handicap are Blessed Event 105, Big Beau JS? E°ld, ™5 Navanod 103, New Deal 103, and Frank Ormont 96.

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