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workouts! /%ptSPn£ V5S»*i£ VyS Date at left of bones name la laat workout. Letters following time Indicate: a, hmrnlm: d. driving; e, easily; a. handily; o, all oat; s, sulked; a, eased op. I Fastest Time aft Bach Distance Shown In Black Face Type ■■■■■■■■■■■ i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ TUESDAY, JULY 17 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 7-9 All Bays.... :35%h 7-14 Que Gato... :36%b 7-14 Band Wagon :37%b 7 9 Rapere :35%h 7-14 Caroline H.. :36«andb 7-14 Red Ensisn.. :35%d 7-15Clovis :38 b 7-13 Synod :40%b 1 7-15 Early Dawn. :35«andh 6-21 True Charm. :37%b 7-11 Kievson .... :37 b 5 30 Texas Moon. :37 b 7-15Kashear ... :36%b 7-12 Trahison ... :36%h , 7-11 Miss Patnce :39%b 7-3 Volgadale .. :37%b 7 9 Navanod . . . :36%b 7-11 Where Away :36s/3b 7-11 Our David.. :37%b 7 10 Wacoche ... :34%h 7-14 Our Sammy. :34«andh 7-14 Weedidit ... :35 d 7-9 Panic Blues. :38 b One-Half Mile. 7-12 Bar Play.... :51 d 7-11 Mr. Mack... :49%b 7-llBuntv Ann.. :49 b 7-16 Play Off.... :51%b 7-15 Chief Pilot . . :47%b 7-4 Perdition ... :52%b 7 9 Frk Ormont :48%h 7-15 Quasimodo. .. :48 b 5-25Govr Laffn :50%b 7-16 Red Canopy. :51%b 7-14 Gold Signet.. :50%b 7-12 Sir Thomas.. :49%b 7-5 Jens Son.... :50 b 7-12 Smoky Mtn :49%h Jge Newman :51%h 6-29 Whizz James :50%b 7-14 Knight Man. :49%h 7-16 White Ginger :51%b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-15 Air Squdronl:02%b 7-13 Fan l:06%b 7-14 Autn Nymphl02%b 7-12 Gifted Lady. 1:05 b 7-11 Brother Lou.l:03%b 7-12 Gay Knitessl05 b 7-15 Chance Line. 100%b 7-14 Hasty Glancel:00 d 7-5 Dandv Jay..l03%b 7-16 Stickhandle 104*ib 7-15 Fort Springs.l02%b 7-16 Sun Captor.. 100*andb 7-14 Funderberg .103%b 7-13 White Legs..l05M b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-14 Begners Baitl:20%b 7-14 Grand Princel:18 b 7-15 Betterfly ...l:18%b 7-13 Glittering ..l:17%b 7-15 Bbies Choice1:14%h 7-9 Mly Grnckl:16 b 7-9 Conchita ...l:19%b 7-10 Royal Leon..l:15%b 7-10 Contessa . . .l:18%b 7-14 Rubio 1:15 b 7-llDustina ....l:18%b 7-14 Sergeant D..l:15%b 6 6 Dispatcher .1:15 h 7-12 Secret Tryst. 1:16 b 7-15Evergold ...l:17%b 7-1 Sage Girl.. . .l:17y5b 7* Fanfern ....l:15%b 7-12 Skip It l:17%b One Mile. 7-6 Fairsickle ..l:43%b 7-14 My Cnsellorl:43 b 7-15 Gay Monarchic b 7-14 Play Hooky..l:42%h 7-llHermie Roy.l:41%b 7-14 Try Fair. . . .l:42%h One and One-Eighth Miles. 7-8 Watch Him. 1:52 h Gay Monarch worked nicely. Hasty Glance had good speed. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7v8 Advantage . . :36%h 7-9 Htling Time :39%b 7-13Amscray ... :41%b 7-14 Marmion ... :36%h 7-13 Dble Sweep. :38 b 7-13 Official .... :36%h 7-7 Dis Dat :42 b 7-14 Pre Drake. :38%b 6 23EIteebc .... :36%h One-Half Mile. 7-12 Caroms Der :50%h 7-1 Plm Blonde :50%h 7-10Ctess Bina. :57 b 7-9 Polvos Pride :51%h 7-14 Chf Osceola :50%h 6-15 Ronnie A... :53 b 7-14 Chief Chkee :51%b 7 13 Reservist . . :51*andb 7-7 High Bottom :49%h Sun Manor.. :52 b 6 17 Happen :54 b 7-14 Sir Anthony :55Vsb 7-5 In Chancery :49 4h 7-14 Tahira :51%h 7-10 Lard Wilson :48 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 29 Blue Day... l:06%b 7-7 Snaplock ...103*andh 7-11 Hv Venturel07%b 7-12 Subway ...104%h 6-11 Lillian Z. . . .1:03 b 7-12 Sam Alexderl06 b 7-14 Oscillation .103 b 7-14 Try It 102%h 7-14 Royal Gold.l:06%b 7-12 Tiny Kitty. .1:02 h 7-13 Sis Agnes... 104%b 7-9 Thomas H..l:09 b 7-14 Son Richard. 107%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-11 Bav Servantl:19«andb 7-14 Star Flash.. 1:15 h 6 28 Broomshot .l:19%b 7-14 Sptg Pearl. 1:17 h 7 14 Luke Comerl:20 h 7-11 Secluded .. .1.15%h 7 3 Long Bit.... l:15%h 7-8 Transmationl:15%h 7-15 Pancoast ..1:14%b One Mile. 7 13 Alma S l:46%b 7-16 Rowdy Boy.l:48%h 7-16 Booms Pal.. 1:44 h 7-5 Scdal Sheet.l:47 h 7-10 Paul T 1:42%h Pancoast went handily in his work. Paul T. worked nicely. DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 5 28 Agasun . . . . :37 h 7-8 Kalola :36%h 6 12 Barney Allis :38 h 7-5 Oddesa Star. :39 h 7 9 Charlie B... :37%h 7-7 Phtom Star. :39 h 715Constt Wife :38 h 6 13 Savenay . . . :39 h 7 2 Dorothy B.. :38 h 7-3 Sizzling .... :40 h 7-12 Ep :37 h 7-13 Small Play.. :35 h 7-15 First Entry. :36 h 7-15 Sun Monk.. :36%h 7-16Foiana :36 h 7-10 Safe a. Sd. :37%h 7 9 Gtrude Rde :36%h 7-13 Tight Wad.. :39*sh 6.16 Hoptoit .... :39 b 7-6 Wise Bessa. :35%h 7 2 John Mill... :38%h One-Half Mile. 74 Athol :50 h 7-14 Nice Habits. :49%h 7-14 Adirondack . :52%h Nt Flower.. :49%h 6 25 Ariel Cross.. :50 h 7-1 Oddesa May. :52 h 5 31 Amcan Ble :49%h 7-8 Oddesa Clark :52 h 7-10 Blue Empor :48 b 7-13 Pods Bettv. :49%h 6 23 Don Vorn... :50%h 4 4 Sun B :50%h 7-10 Expedition .. :50%h 7-16 Scream .... :48%h 7 12 Herminata . :53 h 7-15 Shephd Boy. :50%h 7 14 Laurel Wrth :52%h 7-4 Sheratan ... :50%h 7-7 Mannie .... :48%h 7 2 Terrier .... :50 h 7-15 Morsel :49 b 7-12 The Trainer. :49andh 7-14 Nights End. :50 h 7-6 Thistle Ace. :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7.5 Almac 1-02 h 7-3 Gertrude S.108 b 7-14 Brt Melody.l:02%h 7-9 Hrinervah .107 h 7-2 Blackstrap .1:03 h 7-11 Ladino 103%h 714Bea M 1:07 h 7-7 Half Day... 1:05 h 7-8 Cog Air ....105 h 7-9 Inrandest .l:04%h 7-10 Double B...105 h 7-15 Julia Grant. 1:02 h 6 26Dokas 1:05 h 7-14 Ladv Marlbol :02%h Delano l:04%h 7-15 On Sir 1:01%d 7-14 Double Nugtl:03%h 7-16 Pleasant ...103%h 6 28 Flying Flynnl07 h 7-15 Retta Mar..l03%h 7-14 Free Trade. .105%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 18 Bobs Play.. 1:17 h 7-14 Mouthpiece .l:16%b Chana 1:19 h My G. Rndl:19 h 7-12 Disaster ...l:19%b 7-13 Mira 1:19 h 7-13 Fls Wood.. 1:19 h 7-13 Max Way. ..l:15%h 7 14 Golden Ray.l:15%h 7 15 Ragfn Belle.l:18%h 711Garrick ....120 h 7-14 Rehoboth ..l:19Vsh 7-14Hildrum ...l:17%h 7-15 Stop Gap...l20%h 1 , 7-14 Standout .. .1:22 h 7-14 Uencumbd .l:17%h 7-4 Tonv Joe...l:17%h 7-10 Vignolas Budl:22 b 7-14 Tumble In..l:19%h One Mile. 7-12 Flying Dere. 1:50 b 7-11 Wper Crkerl:50%h 7 14 Storm 1:48 h 7-16 Zorach 1:42%h Mouthpiece and Golden Ray were going i handily. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-15 Acte Service :37 h 7-7 Miss Cog. . . . :38 h 7-12 Brown Twig. :36%h 7-15 Paper Moon. :37 h 6-26 De Valera... :35%h 6-27 Prccs Little :37%h 7-6 Deserted.... :37%h 6-22 Sea Fox.... :38%h 7-12 Enthusiasm :37%h 7-15 Star Fire. ... :36%h 617Grt Master. :36%h 6-28 Sparky :36%h 7-11 Khamain . . . :37y5h One-Half Mile. 712Chare Dawn :51 h 7-10 Mtg Place. :50%h 7-14 Colorist :49%h 7-13 McCracken . . :51%h 7 14 Colonel Jr... :51 h 7-12 Olamay .... :52%h 7-1 Dash In :55 h 7-4 Pink Bunting :50%h 7-12 Friction.... :5iy5h 7-7 Reigh Rose.. :50%h 7-10 Luck In.... :51%h 7-14 Truly Yours :5iy3h 7-10Leonie :52%h 7-14 Twidgets ... :51 h 7-3 Mayvite .... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-3 Aufoin 1:06 h 7-6 Joe Gee.... 1:04 h 7 3 Auman 1:06 h 7-7 Lady Buck..1:01%h 7-13 Adobe Post.. 1:02 h 6 27 Mike Reyldsl:05%h 7-13 Biff l:03%h 7-15 0neill 1:03 h 6 3 Canten i.assl:05 h 7-8 Par Value. . .l:02%h 714Dozana ....l:03%h 7-15 Ruths Hope.lK2 h 7-12 Happy Scot.l:04%h 7-9 Westys Dukel4%h 7-14 Forewarnd l:04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-llConier l:22%h 7-15 Paddock ...l:17%h 4 10 Dornoch ...l:15h 7-6 Rosevolt ...1:18 h 7-15 Fast Chance. 1:21 h 7-6 Sambo Bwnl:18 h 7-14 Harrow ....1:18 h 7-10 Toolbox ....1:17 h 7-7 Lealette . . . . 1 :17 h 7-14 Tuf fy G 1 :17%h 7-7 Moane Keala1:14%h 7-14 Universe ...l:16%h 7-15 Prosecutor .l:17%h One Mile. 6 24Gral Lejnel:52%h 7-14 Jmy Sutro.1:44%h 7 13 Inheritor ...l:45%b 7-8 Sisko 1:45 h BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-12 Game Annie. :3875h 6-27 Royal Rock. :38%h 7-11 Movg Clouds :41 b 7-11 Tenant .... :39%b 7-13 Myrt :3» d 7-13Vesee :39%b 7 3 Morelles ... :37%h 7-13 Vonnie .... :38 b 7-13 Myraplay . . :36%b 7-12 Wild Dhter. :39 h 7-13 More Power. :39%b One-Half Mile. 6 26 Adrian . . . . :55 b 7-8 Morning Cry. :49 d 7-2 Bisque Doll. :51%h 7-7 Nassilyn ... :494/f,d 7 2 Blithe :52%b 7-13 Runanwin . . :52%b 7-13 Chanceabit . :49 d 7-4 Seta :52%b 6-5 Jack Chevy :514,sh 7-16 Two Brooms :49%h 7-12Kadiak .... :50%h 7-1 Uma :52 b 7-6 Monotone . . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Alkali 1:01 %d 7-15Ltle Mcellel:02%b 7-15 Bn Admiral. 1.07%b 7-4 Lady Patrol. 1. 03 d 7-13 Edgar Boy.. l:02%h 7-13 Maximum ..103%h 7-12 Eth Shaker. 1.03%h 7-14 Miss Delba. .l:04%h 6-24 Fair Wanda. 1:01%d 7-14 Toltec 1:06 b 7-12 Gay Follies. l:02%h 6-1 Who Win...l:04%h 7-13 Ivan W....lK3%d 6 28 Whirry ....103%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-15 Blind Puss. .l:16%h 7 2 Race Extra. l:18%b 6-21 Nell Klman.1:15h Sgt. Carter.. l:18%b 7-11 News Flhesl:18%h 6 27 Sam Megth.l:16%h 7-13 Outcry l:19b Seven-Eighths Mile. 712Elcidio ....l:29%h 6-22 King Today. 1:28%d One Mile. Airy Hope. .1:42 d 7-9 Ondale .....:42 d Airy Hope and Ondale were driving together. Nell Kuhlman, King Today, Lady Patrol and Chanceabit went from the gate. FORT ERIE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Bran Muffin :39 b Old Stone... :39 b 7-11 Brandy Snap :36%h 6 20 Photograph . :37 h 7-14 Bud Royal.. :36%h 7-11 Quatra Bras. :38 b 7-9 Chaste Morn :38 h 5 21 Royal Vtage :38 h 7-13 Freethinker. :38 h 6-11 Taximan ... :38%h 7-11 Happy Find. :36 h One-Half Mile. 7 4 Boom Days. :52 b Jade Rock.. :50%h 7 13 Couty Court :52 h 7-5 Langstaff . . :49 d 7-14 Chastity . . . :52 b 7-13 Legionary ..:54 b 7-12 Canny Age.. :53 b Royal Recpt :49%h 6 26 Diad Digger :52 b 7-13 Spey Crest. . :48 h 6-26 Gay Spathy :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Aymond ....1:01%h Quick 1:04 h 7-10 Barry 1:04 h 7-13 Quickly ....102 b 7-13 Centermarch 108 b 5 16 Tax Free. ..l:02%h 7-11 Dunlins Ladl 04 h 7-13 Worthing ..1:03 h 7-16 Ltle Caesar. 103%h 7-2 Wise Anne.. 1:05 b 519Misri Jim.. 1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13 Friar Cliff. .l:16%h 7-13 Herowin ...1:16%h 7-16 Herculanm 1:23 b 7 13 Stealingavvy l:17%h One Mile. 7-11 Conflagratn 1:44 h 6-11 War Plane.. 1:43 b KINGS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Blanchette . :38 b 7-13 Oriental Ldy :38 b 5 31 Cupboard ..:38 b 7-14 Pensweep .. :38 h Chile Gold.. :37 h 6-30 Probate .... :38 b 7-8 Canmas . . . :37 h 7-14 Sweepstaff . :37 b Cudamour . . :39 b 7-1 Sand Runr. :39 b 5 13 Eva S :38 b 7-12 Squeaky ... :38 b Irish Pearl.. :37 b 7-11 Whichprig ..:38 b 7-6 Nourrice . . . :39 b 7-3 Zeal :37 b 1 One-Half Mile. 7-16 Indian Dance :4S%h Soultan Girl. :52 b 7 15 John K :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-15 Hasty Mdenl.04 h 7-14 King 0Conrl04 b Three-Quarters Mile. All Roses... 1:18 d 5 22 Rock Sun... 1:20 b 7-13 Cursive ....1:23 h 7 3 Wanderoo ..1:18 h 1 7-16 Justold ....1:162£h EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Below Zero. :38%h 7-8 Miss Firefly. :37%h 7-14 Chancery . . :37 h 7-13 Occidental. . . :38 h 7-15 Credulous... :36 d 7-10 Princs Haste :38%h 7-14Coequel .... :37%h 7-11 Pro Bono... :37 h 7-12 Daisaburo , . :39 h 7-12 Parabola. . . . :36%h 7-14 Flint Shot... :37%h Son of Sting. :37%h 7-14 Greenstone . :39 h Sandfalon . . :39 h Kungshot . . :39 d 7-14 Sock Dologer :37%h Lonemeg . . . :38 h 7-16 Tellwhy . . . . :40 h 7-3 Leroline .... :37%h One-Half Mile. 7-15Brillfalon... :51%h 5-11 Lucy Falon. :52 h 7-13 Bubblesome. :51 h 7-2 Micks Man. :50 h 7-11 Baby Chard.. :53 h 7-11 Mint Paragn :54 h 7-2 Cleves :50 h 7-15 Mint Fallon. :51%h 7-14 Carry Over. . :49 h 6-6 Oak Glen... :51%h 715Chard Eyes. :50 h 7-15 Pinbud :50 h Eldee :52%h 7-4 Pompeius . . :49 d 7-9 Freshair . . . :50 h 6-1 Ruthie H... :53 h 7-10 Friar Mark. :49 d 7-13 Round O. .. . :51%h 6 20 Goron :52 h 7-11 Singg Heart :50%h 7 14 Her Gold.... :52%h 7-14 Tetrarchal . . . :53%h 7 11 Texas Tomy :52%h 7-14 Wittekind... 4 h 7-15 Uppermost. . :50%h 6 28 Warned Off. :53%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Angelic 1:03 h 7 -15 Miss Snow. .103%h 7-4 Amusing ...105%h 7-11 Miss Spray. .l:03%h 7-14 Briny Deep. 1:05 h 6 26 Moisson ....104%h 7.-14 Caught 103%h 7-11 Mad Beth. ..1:05 h 7 14 Demonstran 105 h 4 27 Privellon. . . 104%h 5 29Dcg CIoudl:03%h 7-14 Patriotic ...1:04 h Dk Thoghtsl:06%h 7 14 Royal Link..l:04%h 7-10Fver Youngl:05 h 6-6 Single A 1:05 h 7-11 Galon Boy..l:03%h 7-8 Tarbucket ..103%h 7-15 Kindd Spiritl:03%h 7-7 Treasry Keyl:04»/ih 74 Little Argo.105 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-9 Brt Haven.. 1:15 h 71 Pet Baldy..l:20 h 7-14 Flg Mercryl:18%h 7-14 Robn Crusel:17%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Gift Magic. 1:30 h One Mile. 7-13 Ct Rememrl:50 h 7-15 Nipped l:44%h 7-1 Economic ...1:44 h 7-14 Stealthy Stepl:51 h 7-13Faireno 1:41 h Timberall. .. l:53%h 7 15 Identify ....l:44%h 7-11 Victory Flag. 1:45 h 71lMr Generall:50 h 7-16 Wd in Chy 1:44 h