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FORT ERIE r 1 J The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the First and Second Races j j at Fort Erie Tuesday Paid 1.10 for I FORT ERIE, ONT., TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1934.— Fort Erie 1 mie. Twelfth day. Niagara Racing Association. Summer meeting of 14 days. Cassidy Starting Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing the Canadian Racing Associations, J. P. Turner and D. S. Gillies. Honorary Steward, H. M. Gerrans. Judges, D. A. Boyle and J. P. Mclnerney. Honorary Judges, W. J. Kelly. Starter, T. Rowe. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQ*2Qzt FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—107. . i *7tf% m PurM **••• 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, July-17-34-F.E ;M; thirdj 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses KqtA WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Nquir. Odds Strt 98947JBUBBLING OUT w 6 115 6 1 5 51 lk 11 MannF Four Ls Stable 180 100 98947 FLYING HOME w 5 110 1 2 2i 2** 21 2l SniderA W C Weant 365 100 99089TULLIHOO wb 3 105 3 5 41 3" 31 3* DougrtyF W Zakoor 290100 99089 STIRRED UP wb 3 103 7 4 3" 44 4 4* RoseG W Levy 1895100 99018 DARK WAR w 4 113 4 7 7* 71 51 54 WatsonR M Keeling 685-100 98802 FASCINATOR w3109 86 887*6* ObertW G B Foley 5565 100 99089 SVELTE w 3 100 5 8 61 0 64 1" WatsonG R E Leslie 3335 100 98944 STOOL PIGEON w 3 109 2 3 1* 1» 8 8 EricksonH A Hullcoat 1030 100 Time, :23%. :47. 1:1 3J4- Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BUBBLING OUT .60 .20 .90 180—100 60—100 45—100 FLYING HOME 5.30 3.90 165—100 95—100 TULLIHOO 2.75 37— 100 Winner — B. g, by Bubbling Over — Dugout, by Under Fire trained by W. Russell; bred by Mr. W. R. Coe. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:33. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good ana slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUBBLING OUT, restrained early, moved up strongly and, taking command on the stretch turn, outlasted FLYING HOME. The latter, close to STOOL PIGEON, raced the latter into defeat and held on well. TULLIHOO came through on the inside from the start, but tired after chalk neing on the stretch turn. STIRRED UP tired near the stretch. DARK WAR was eaining slowly. STOOL PIGEON quit badly. Scratched -98733 Allanah, 106. Overweight — Tullihoo, 1 pound; Stirred Up, 1. QQOQe: SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Brannon, July 14, 1934— 1:00— 2— 110. Purse 00. 2-year-*.*■? fT-?** olds. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, ~ 5: third. July-17-34-F.E 5. fourtn o. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt "4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 98881LINESMAN wb 110 2 3 3 31 31 1* DougrtyF Mrs W Russell 120100 98881 PRIMSWEEP wb 115 12 2 24 2 2* EricksonH E F Seagram 370 100 98881ROCK JUG w 115 5 1 14 l1 1* 31 WatsonR Erindale Stable 210-100 99015 FAINE w 110 4 5 5 41 4" 4" MadeleyF D Raymond 720 100 99088 FOURSQUARE w 110 3 4 4"* 5 5 5 McLarenJ R J Speers 2815 100 Time, :23%, :47%. 1:01 Ks- Track fast. , |J MUTUELB PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , LINESMAN .40 .70 .15 120—100 35—100 71—100 PRIMSWEEP 3.80 2.40 90—100 20—100 ROCK JUG 2.20 , 10—100 Winner— B. g, by The Romp II. — Arcaline, by Fugleman trained by W. Russell; bred by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:07. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LINESMAN, close to the leaders, went to the outside entering the stretch and, closing gamely, was up to win in the last twenty yards. PRIMSWEEP, a factor from the start, wore down ROCK JUG, which showed early speed. FAINE closed gamely after being away slowly. FOURSQUARE would not extend herself. Scratched-99015 Rustic Question, 110; 94317 Cudgeldru, 110; 98449 Emerald Lake, 104. QQ9Qfi THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Brannon, July 14, 1934—140—2—110. Purse 00. 2-year-. P.riP** olds- Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, July-17-34-F.E 0. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt % H Str Fin Jockeys Owners E*u»t. Otfssflfrt 99088 OUTSIDE wb 111 2 1 1* l1 l1 1" BarnesE F Rowe 705100 98283 ARMY GAME wb 109 6 3 3» 2» 2 2» WatsonR H W Sage . 380 100 990883YOUNG SATIN w 114 1 2 2* 3* 3* 31 MannF Rosedale Stable 220 100 990883CANDY STORE w 115 5 4 4» 4* 4«* 4 DougrtyF B Pomeroy 260 100 98735BROADWAY MISS wb 115 4 6 6 6 51 51 Remif rdP Mrs J Badame 425 100 98735 LIGHT BLUE w 111 3 5 5* 5* b 6 ThomasJ Mrs W R Padgett 3105 100 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:00. Track fast. . OS MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . OUTSIDE 6.10 .50 .30 705—100 275—100 115—100 ARMY GAME 6.20 3.35 210—100 67J— 100 YOUNG SATIN 3.40 70—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Bud Lerner — Madame, by Lucullite trained by E. Weiss; bred by Mr. D. N. Rust, Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 3:37. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. OUTSIDE, showing the most speed and racing kindly when in command, saved ground throughout and drew away in the final drive. ARMY GAME, forced to race on the outside, tired after challenging in the closing five-sixteenths. YOUNG SATIN was hard uiged throughout. CANDY STORE was forced wide from the start. BROADWAY MISS was outrun. LIGHT BLUE was held safe. Overweight — Army Game, 3 pounds. QQOQP7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Marjorie Hynes, Aug. 18, 1920—1:11—3—107. *J*J+**J 4 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to July-17-34-F.E wmner 50; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt %, A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqsiv. Odd* Strt 99017:GEORGE E. MILLER w 6 100 2 3 4* 41 4» 1» WatsonG D Cainer 500 100 99172 BALD CREST w 4 112 6 2 1* 1* l4 2* WatsonR Erindale Stable 485 100 99017 LADY MARNOCK wb 5 103 3 7 51 51 6* 3 RoseG Mrs J Badame 880100 99170SYNDIC w 4 111 7 6 64 6* 51 4» BarnesE C and C Stable 520 100 98583MOMIJI w 3 107 1 5 2» 2* 21 5* MadeleyF J C Fletcher 535 100 98945TRICKYS SON w 4 115 5 1 T T V b* EricksonH W C Hanna 800 100 99017CIRCULET w 8 115 4 4 3* 3* 31 74 DougrtyF J H Black 310 100 99087 ACAJOU wb 4 111 8 8 8 8 8 8 FisherRJ D Raymond 3495100 Time, :23%, :47%. 1:13%. Track fast. , S3 MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GEORGE E. MILLER 2.00 .35 .90 500—100 217f-100 145—100 BALD CREST 5.85 3.85 192J— 100 92J— 100 LADY MARNOCK 6.50 225—100 Winner — Br. g, by Dr. Joe — Aileen Hoey, by Sinbad II. trained by R. Ripley; bred by Mr. A. Layzell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:09. AT POST— 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. GEORGE E. MILLER, kept close to the leaders, went to the outside when closing gamely through the final drive and was up in the closing strides. BALD CREST, fractious at the start, sprinted into a long lead, saved ground, but tired fast near the finish. LADY MARNOCK, racing improved, circled the others and finished fast. SYNDIC worked his way up and finished stoutly. MOMIJI held on gamely. TRICKYS SON was held safe. CIRCULET quit badlv in the final quarter. Scratched— 98945Lady Gold Stream, 103; 98951 Rock Crest, 114; 99246 Attic Bird, 109; 99170 Sea Kale, 108. QAOnO FIFTH RACE— I 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 111. Bulfalo *y*J+**yO Club Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner July-17-*4-F.E 50; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 0. Index Horses But A Wt PPSt Vt A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Buuf v. Odds Strt 98514PLAIN BEN wb 5 111 6 4 14 1" 1» lk 1* EricksonH A Hullcoat 375 100 991753BRANDON PRINCE wb 5 110 3 1 3 2*" 24 24 24 FisherRJ W Waterman 460100 9S885BOSCOBEL w 5 113 5 6 4* 4" 3* 31 3* WatsonR J E SmaJlman 230 100 9909DBYLONA wb 5 115 2 2 21 34 41 4* 4« RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 625 100 99091:FIELD GOAL wb 4 115 1 7 7 5» 5* 64 5 MannF E F Seagram 560 100 98885 DARKLING wb 4 103 7 3 61 7 61 5k 6fc MadeleyF E Craigie 765 100 99175 SPARTAN LADY w4109 45516*7 7 7 SniderA Mayfair Stable 2285 100 Time, :23%, :48, 1:12%. 1:38, 1:44%. Track fast. 1 13 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PLAIN BEN .50 .90 .85 375—100 145—100 42;— 100 BRANDON PRINCE 5.80 3.10 190—100 55—100 BOSCOBEL 2.75 37J— 100 Winner — Ch. g, by Scotch Broom — Much Ado, by Ed dump trained by A .Hullcoat; bred by Mr. H. R. Dulany, Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:48J. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. PLAIN BEN outran his field to the first turn, was rated along until challenged, then responded strongly in the final drive to outstay BRANDON PRINCE. The latter, forwardly placed, came determinedly under punishment and was wearing the winner down while being carried out. BOSCOBEL could not better her position, but held on well. BYLONA was made too much use of m the early stages and had nothing left in the closing drive. FIELD GOAL began sluegishly. DARKLING went wide. SPARTAN LADY had no excuse. Scratched— 99175 Semester, 115. Overweight — Spartan Lady, 1" pound. QQOQQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 111. Purse 2 , *?i?Zr **w- 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner July-17-34-F.E 460; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses Bqt A WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kuir Odds Strt 98945 CUDGELDOE w 5 112 7 3 l1 l1 1* 1» 1* RemilrdP R Brownlee 840 100 98657HAPPY HOPES w 4 117 6 5 61 61 3* 24 21 MannF R S McLaughlin 110 100 98949PAT GAIETY wb 7 114 8 7 8 74 61 4 31 FodenN W I Newmarch 425 100 98812 REFINER wb 7 114 2 4 4" 51 5k 3" 41 PasseroJ C J Patchett 3170 100 98586 MANOTACKS wsb 6 110 5 6 5 4k 21 5* 51 McTagueC T S Cochenour 429C 100 98657 STEP OFF wb 6 115 4 2 24 3» T 8 6* MadeleyF D Raymond 650 100 98414 KITLING wb 8 115 1 8 7" 8 8 6* 71 WatsonR H Neville 555 100 98949 TABSON w 5 105 3 1 34 2» 4« 7b 8 MurrayH J G Fair 3040 100 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:13%, 1:39%. 1:46%. Track fast. , U MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . CUDGELDOE 8.80 .60 .30 840—100 180—100 65—100 HAPPY HOPES 2.85 2.55 421—100 271—100 PAT GAIETY 3.05 52J-100 Winner— B. m, by Cudgel— Rockdoe, by Rock Flint trained by D. W. McKinley; bred by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:24. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and fast. Won driving; second and third the same. CUDGELDOE, rated in front, shook off early challenges and, under stout pressure, outlasted HAPPY HOPES. The latter worked his way up on the outside, but tired in the drive. PAT GAIETY, blocked repeatedly in the first three-quarters, closed resolutely. REFINER showed good form. MANOTACKS tired after moving up strongly midway of the last turn. STEP OFF showed flashes of speed. TABSON quit. Scratched-98882 Marble Hall, 110; 99020 Milestone, 110; OgiWChaste Morn, 108. QQOAA SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Friend Charley, Aug. 19, 1933— 1:43%— 3— 111. Purse 1, i,«MV 0°- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; July-17-34-F.E tnirdf 9; fourth? J20. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt J,i 14 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E iuiv. Odds Strt 99092 MRS. FOSTER w 7 110 3 3 21 21 2* 14 11 WatsonR M Keeling 645 100 98948 BLUE DAMSEL w 5 110 6 7 7 7 64 2 24 MadelevF C and C Stable 220 100 97886GAY SPIRIT w 5 115 5 5 64 5k 41 4 3* ObertW G W Foley 385 100 99092 SUN FASH w 7 105 2 1 14 14 lk 31 4» McTagueC P F Foreman 1295 100 99089 MARVELINE w 3 105 4 4 5 64 51 51 5* Dou-rtyF W Gould 895 100 99093 GENERAL TOY v b 6 113 12 3 31 31 6 64 MannF D W McKinley 995 100 97877 OMAREEN w 8 112 7 6 4 4k 7 7 7 FodenN C N Mooney 340 1C0 Time, :23%. :48. 1:13%. 1:39. 1:46. Track fast. . MUTUEL8 PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , MRS. FOSTER 4.90 .60 .05 645—100 230-100 1021—100 ?EcorAo*r|EL 49° 3M 145-100 «•-■•• GAY SPIRIT 3.15 671— "• Winner— Ch. m, by St. Henry— Bit o Luck, by Star Shoot trained by C. S. Mitchell; bred by Audley Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:00. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MRS. FOSTER, saved behind the early pace of SUN FASH, responded well and, taking command entering the stretch, had to be hard urged to hold BLUE DAMSEL safe. The latter, far back early, moved up stoutly on the far turn and closed fast. GAY SPIRIT met interference, but closed well. SUN FASH tired after showing early speed. GENERAL TOY quit. Overweight — Marveline, 1 pound.