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rtELEASING TWO HORSES DAILY TERMS, DAILY, 0 WEEKLY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: INTEGRITY, 2.50, WON FAKE, $ 9.40, WON 50 TO 1 PARLAY TODAY GET THESE HORSES Do business with a reliable organization. When you subscribe to the Bell Service you are doing business with a group of horsemen who have been at it for many years and who are permanently established as a reputable organization. For those people who are looking for a permanent connection that can supply them with WINNERS, this service is unequaled. We want the opportunity of a trial. ACT NOW— GET TODAYS HORSES If you are in the city, then please call at the office. Out-of-town clients, send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address THE BELL 173 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO, ILL. Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: LISTENING, 8.56, WON MOONSAN, 0.60, WON SUBSCRIBE TO THE CODE PARLAYS— NO TELEGRAMS, NO EXPENSE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE Along with the Private One-Horse release we have been releasing a two-horse parlay daily that has been taking the country by storm. Look at the results listed above. These are the kinds of winners you get when you subscribe to this service. Remit at once and we will rush a code card to you, good for six days. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Utah-78-49-58-87. DETROIT— Vermont45-3*-82-t7. PRIVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE: DETROIT— Ford-14-24-24-24. LLOYD and CO.. 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 907, Chicago, III. oi,jLL,iJLai=ir-~irMic=iC3r"Tr"To [systology| DThe "Law of Average" System Profits to July 12 at Arlington | Park Were: I g ,540.24 j H THOSE WHO OWNED THE MAGIC BOOK OF THE TURF AND PLAYED GREAT SYSTEM, ARE THAT MUCH ON THE PROFIT f DTHIS SIDE OF THE LEDGER I THE "LAW OF AVERAGE" SYSTEM IS ONLY ONE OF EIGHT 5 II H SYSTEMS IN THIS GREAT BOOK P PRICE OF WHICH IS f DTHE ONLY |1 D ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY ft ITS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED THE RACING PUBLIC M PICKS THE WINNERS AT A GLANCE If D THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE W H PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. Q. K Plymouth Ct.. Chicago, 111.: |tf 1443 Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . 1 1 „ ff DNAME ADDRESS |j J CITY STATE «.... R BUGLE JJ®jp* RACING WEEKLY T J WTEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: A R LI N GT0 N— E- Red-Coe-Coe-H ip. TODAYS CLOCKERS CODES: AR LINGT0N— MHwaukee-9-5-31-31 . DETROIT— Omaha-22-24-12-24. Advertise in Daily Racing Form jP|i jockey rejft Gregoryhallwdod RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— PRICE, 35c TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT-Jack-66-80-54-80. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: ARLINGTON-Tan-42-16-30-60. DETROIT— Mauve-26-10-60-58. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form / ~B "S/jrs S JS S*jC s/Z v / m TERMS DAILY . I have ridden for some of the most prominent stable* on the track. Among my intimate friends ace owner*, trainers and Jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That is why my identity must not become known. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: MOONSAN, 0.60, WON „-.. SISKIN, .30, WON TWO HORSES GOING TODAY Todays information comes exceptionally well recommended, and we urge all readers to get this advice and win a limit parlay. We are sure that if we were able to publish everything we know about these two horses, you would not hesitate to subscribe at once. However, we wish to go on record and state that we have every confidence in these two horses winning, and we do not wish you to miss them. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below. THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, Chicago, III. J. J. HAMILTON and CO. RACING COMMISSIONERS TERMS, .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: IMPERIAL JACK, 1.00, WON SAMBO BROWN, 1.00, WON ANOTHER WIN PARLAY TODAY EXPECT 00 FOR We know that the money is down and down strong on these two horses today, and when these people bet they seldom make any mistakes. These two horses have been thoroughly conditioned and should win their respective races with the greatest of ease. We expect the absolute limit as no one is aware of the true condition of these horses. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, go at once to the nearest telegraph office and wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. ACT NOW. J. J. HAMILTON and CO. 139 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO, ILL CLAUDE WILLIAMS Catering to a Better Clientele — Information Direct from the Grounds STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY TERMS: DAILY I AM READY to release to a select and discriminating clientele information of PRICELESS VALUE. Do not confuse this with anything previously placed before you because I am RIGHT ON THE GROUNDS. Owners and trainers reveal their SECRETS of impending clean ups to me in the WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING. If you only KNEW what I KNOW about todays horse you wouldnt hesitate a minute but RUSH TO YOUR NEAREST TELEGRAPH OFFICE and wire at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and get todays limit priced WINNER Address all subscriptions to — CLAUDE WILLIAMS, Arlington Heights, III. TURF XfNjg? WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE, 35c TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— March-17-19-5«-19. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: DETROIT-Weekly-16-13-13-13. ARLINGTON— Service-15-10-23-28. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: ARLINGTON— June-13-3-3-2. Four Star -TURF WEEKLY- For Sale at All Newsstands— Price, 35 Cents TODAYS FRKF CODE: ARLINGTON— For-66-56-42-30. TODAYS TRAINERS CODES: ARLINGTON— Pink-41-51-45-55. D ETR 0IT— Wh ite-58-48-45-42. TODAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLINGTON— White-43-42-43-53. D ETR 0IT— Bro wn-45-52-89-52. I SURE AS DEATH] 2 to 5 winner* out of 7— day after day — at all tracks —year in and year out— many LongchoUl 1 have a simple little method that really beats the races. Details FREE. T.8ECOR I AUWQWA, ■ - ■ - ILLINOIS f HORSEMAN* Sl£ WEEKLY£s • FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. 15 CENTS YESTERDAYS EDITORS PARLAY: COLONIST, .40, WON TWO TRICKS, .00, WON MONDAYS EDITORS PARLAY: KHAMSEEN, 7.40, WON GRACIOUS GIFT, $ 7.40, WON SATURDAYS EDITORS PARLAY: CABEZO, 3.46, WON FLEAM, 2.70, WON SUBSCRIBE TO AND GET EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE Terms, Daily 0 Weekly This is the Editors Private Service and is the best information obtainable. You can well realize the strength of this information when you consider that the entire organization of Horsemans Weekly is behind this service. Subscribe at once. A six days* trial will prove and convince you that you can make MONEY following this information. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— March-«3-«1 -83-31. HORSEMANS WEEKLY 20 WEST JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO. ILL.