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WORKOUTS Date taft erf tenet BUM b tart wwkaot Letton feBawtag OBM ladleatei TbM BM Dfataaa Btowv in Stack VMM Tjn FRIDAY JULY 27 ARLINGTON PABK 7 Main Track TrackWeather Weather cloudy track fast Three Eighths Mile 725 Ashen 37 b 725 Noble Gift 35h 725 Balancer 37b 723 Synod 37b 37b725CharIeigh 725CharIeigh 35h 723 Today 37b 725 Evergold 37 b 724 Toro Nancy 37 b 724 Flickamam 38 b 721 Thomasville i 38b 722Grand Prince 37 to 725 Wedidit v 36 d 725 Marmion 35h OneHalf Mile 722 My Blonde 50b 723 Ross 51 b 722 Mr James 55 b 722 Sun Boy 50b 50bFive Five Eighths Mile 725 Barcarolle l04b 723 Hagerman ilKJS b 724 Brabble l02b 724 Perdition 104 b 725 Camp Cook 114 h 721 Rhadathus 102b 724 Captn Rodl05b 725 Sun Captor l03b 723 Flg Justicel03 b 724 Walkalong 105 b 723 Govr Lfoonl03h ThreeQuarters Mile 724 Ebony Ladyl15b 722 0ur Sammyl15h 721 Gold Signet 1 15l4h 720 Stay I16b 719 Hadagal l15b 724 Wise Playerl15b Playerl15bOne One Mile 720 Hour Zev l42b One and OneEighth Miles 724 Cavalcade l53b Cavalcade went very easily ARLINGTON PARK Training Track Weather cloudyi track fast ThreeEighths Mile 722 Gallaclay 39b 724 Reservist 37b 725 Ima Grnock 38b 57 Susan Black 38b 723 Impunity 38b 723 Sth Gallant 39b 720 Montaris 37h 724 Walumbe 38 h 72Malolo 38 b OneHalf Mile 723 Br Feathers 51b 715 Kildee Mary 51h 716 Clarify 2 b 716 Or Else 54b 74 Camarilla 53b 724 Pr Splendor 47h 722 Frank D 51h 720Rubio 49b 718 Gge Mayple 56 b 724 Stricken r 51b 713Kaposia 51h FiveEtnhths Mile 725 Bert Reid 107 b 724 Oscillation 135h 721Cloido l04h 724 Royal GoldlQ8b 721 Hpy Venturel04h ThreeQuarters Mile 721 Genal Parthl19b 720 Miss Corinnel18b 726 Isaiah 119 b 725 Star Bud 122 b b724Jascha 724Jascha 118b 118bOne One Mile 725 Militia 148 h 722 Sister Zoe 145 h 724 Monks Firstl48 b 718 Tomfoolery 148 h DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 720 Black Flash 38h 724 Merrily Yrs 36h 36h716Cynwyd 716Cynwyd 37 h 726 Marmara 36h 723 Capitalist 36h 724 Mannie t36b 713 Dancg Spirit 39b 722 Old Reb 39 h 711 Eddie J 37h 711 Oddesa Beau 37h 721 Flying Dere 35h 725Phildia Vv 35h 35hx x 724 First Entry 35h Play Book 36h 713 Fretful 36h 721 Pharatime 40 b 724 Glint 35h 724 Sun Lure 36h 7r22 Gertrude L 38b 723 Whisking 37h 721 Gertrude S 39b Welcker 36h 76 Hospitality 38 h 720 Wise Lee 38h 721 Hidden Dust 37 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 723 Ariel Cross 48f h 724 Marson 50b 724 Al Jolson 49 b 724 Moonsah 50b 724A1 Neiman 50 h 725 Noelwood 53 h 719 Blind Luck 54 h 721 Old Field 49h 724 Coya 49b 725 Rock X 49b 723 Emery 48h 723 Red Run 51 b 721 Explorer 53 h 724 Standout 50b 724 Flying Girl 0 h 724 Shady Past 2 h 624 Thistle Jean 52 b 724 Some Good 49h 715 Golden Sun 1 h 71 Scramd Eggs 53 b 725 Heros Lady 53 h 724 Terrier 49b 724 Little Mickey 49 h 718 fela 49 b 719 McCarthy 51h 724 Whgdoodle 50h 50hFjveEighths FjveEighths Mile 722 Aunt Flor lK3h 724 Ladfield l04b 723 Adirondack l03h 723 Laurel Wrthl03h 723 Barney Allisl02h 720 Light Wavel03 h 723 Bright Knotl03h 724 Ms Elegancet02 h 715 Chinese Indnl05 h 725 Miss Purrajrl03b 721Donday Purrajrl03b721Donday 104 h 722 Prince Torchl04 h 616 Espinetta l04h 724 Ryl Lineagel03 h 723 Free Trade l03h 74 Son O Sweepl06 h 725 Genl Martinl03 d 78 Velantrie l02h 719 Gnd Chamnl05 h 724 Vignolas Budl 6 h 725 Jean Brown 105 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 726 Bob Dozer 116 h 718 Cyan a 116 h 719 Bataille 121 b 724 Matar 117 h 724 Disaster 117 b 719 Miss Carefull17h 723 Essential l17h 723 O Martinez l15h 724 Faux Pas 119 b 724 Range Boss 121 b 726Goldn Ruth152 h 721 Steady Lines115h 722 Goodestone 119 h hOne One Mile 726 Bea M l44h 718 Gtrudc Rdel46h 723 Brit Melodyl44h 723 Redivivus l44h 724 Flmborough 146 h 721 Sizzling 151 b 717Garrick l52h 723 Slash 142h 142hFirst First Entry and Phildia showed good speed speedAdirondack Adirondack and Laurel Wreath breezed together togetherOwen Owen Martinez and Bob Dozer worked from the barrier barrierSlash Slash and Bright Melody went handily ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 79 Dancg Mack 36h 718 Polydee 37 h 723 Frisky Maid 375h 723 St Clare 36 h 718 Gloritone 37h 71 Slay Boy 37h 722 Monks Star 35h 718 Thursday 39 h 714Mynah 37 h 719 Toolbox 39h 724 Orifice 36h 723 Vested Per 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 720 Collateral 52h 75 Souce Circle 54 h 716 Indian News 51 h 724 Waylayer 0h 71B Justice Lojn 50 h FiveEighths Mile Mile726Fabius 726Fabius IMfth 725 Teddy CarllK5 h 515 Flag rinnlK4 h ThreeQuarters Mile 725 Greyglade l17h 52 Redress fi 0h 720 Jimmy SutroldS h 721 Tuffy Gllh S15 Our Nurse 1115h 723 Trumpery l 0h 0ne Mile 719 Moralist l45h 72S Out Bound 144 h BAINBRIDGE PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy dogs up ThreeEfghths MiJe 720 Beau CavTr 9h 724 Myrt 37h 715 By Surprise 42b 719 Marabou 41b 718Dunwin 40h 724 Qtterrop 40 b 722 Jere 43b 723 Postn Home 40J h 71 Luke ConIl 39b 723 Sweep Myth 8h 724 Moon Shy 8b 715 The Nile 9b 75 Mister Jingle 40 b 724 Vonnie 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 722 Alcove 34 b 527 Primer 4b 721 Blake 52b 725 Rosemarie B 53h 720 Dr Parrish 54b 723 Sergt Hill 54b 719 Joe McCord lh 723 Showman 50d 722 Mentality 51h 613 Title Starl 51h 51hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 724 Elegy til b 725 Quando 17 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Bobby Beachl21b 724 Elcidio 118 b i One Mile 724Mges Fellowl56h THISTLE DOWN Weather cloudy track muddy ThreeEighths Mile 723 Bken Sound 42 b 724 Miss Mascra 38 h 612 Delwrc Boy 39b 722 Nutting 41 b 724Hastelia 41 b 724 Prince Reno 40b 614Impii Wiikl 38 h 725 Quicket 38 b 620 Lexins Lady 41 b OneHalf Mile 726 Ara Rock 4 b 723 Old Blaze 55b 55bGay Gay Mode 5Ab 77 Portam 53 h hGlory Glory Dale 6h 723 Rock Bruen 54 b 724 Inspection 58 b 721 Swky Bage 54b 54bFiverEighths FiverEighths Mile 722 Maxia Binder11l b 523 Nat Ayeisslllb KINGS PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 719 Assyrian Lad 38 b 79 Moon Scamp 7 h 711 Benish Way 39 b 520 Magna Mater 8 b bCham Cham Queen 39 b 723 Pass Chtian 39 b 624 Ellen D 38 b 749 Star Player 7 b 78 Front 38 b 723 Soultan Girl 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 710 Bronze il b 725 Nourrice 2 b 621 Despoil 50 h 722 Pensweep 54 b 626lnarage 5 b 722 Punishmt S3 b 722 Julius J R 49h 719Politen 51 b 717 John K 2 b 711 Second Story 50 b 719 Niggertoe 50 b FifeErgf ths = Mile Kuki 105 h 711 Star Dadmfl3h 717 Ortal Lady l07d NIAGARA PALLS PALLSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile7i6Altsheb 7i6Altsheb 38 h 721 Maebee 36b 726 Craigco 39 h 723Pepr Prince 39 b 54 Tine Fthers 39h 718 Roche DOr 39 b 721 General Toy 39hOneHalf 39h OneHalf Mile 724 Andiron 51 b 725 Spartan Lady 52 b 723 Cflagration 50 h 719 Troubanova 50 h 725 Dunlins Lad 53 b 717 Worthing 52 b 717 Friar Cliff 50 h 710 Wooly West 53 b FiveEighths Mile 717 Brandy Snapl03 h 723Romola i1 3 h 726 Intergation 103 d ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Fiona Zell22 b 721 Pder Mkey11l h One Mile 724Juniam l48b 721 Sir Welland147h SARATOGA SARATOGAWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 724 Amusing 42 b 725 Gay Monarch 41 b 628 Evangelist 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 722 Cubist Mud Guard 50 h 725 Discovery 52h 725 Old Story 50h Gay Dog 54 b 725 Porter Call 49 h 725 Hows Chces 50h 725 Parabola 55 b 725Kurdair 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 64 Blackduck 1 6 h Mantagna 106 h 724 Chance Sunl 4h 72 Top Row183d Great LoverlK5 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 724Gtle Knightl l9 h 724 Mn Chance116h 71 Gen MessgelSO h 720 Pompeius 117 h 71 Hipdu Queenl53 b 720 Prty Nightl18h 725Kievex 127 b 726 Sir Lamorakl21h 724 Lady Reighld9 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 725Coequel l30h 725 Flint Shoti30h Shoti30hOne One Mile 725 Bahadur l49h 720 Dark Winterl50 h 725 Creaky l48h 725 Somebody i45h 724 Chancing l53b EMPIRE CITY CITYWeather Weather cloudy track fast = ThreeEighths Mile 720 Angelic 377sh 725 Moisson 37h 720 Caught rSSIsb 7r22 Major Genal 40 b 628Dorthy Dale 37h 725 Morpluck 36d 716 Diccaster 38b 7T25 Oak Glen 38b 722 Evasive 37h 725 Pomponius 36d 725 Garrulous 39 b 723 Queens Flag 36d 722 Galon Boy 38 b 716 Race Cape 39 b 58 Jersey Lily 38b 723 Transcending 8b 8b724Ladys 724Ladys Birty 37 d 716 Turf Beauty 37d 725 Lucy Falbn 38 b 724 Xerseise 41b 41bOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileAdios Adios Amigo 51d 719 Gammon 52 b 722 Broadsword 51 b 724 Pinbud 5ph 77 Boston Idle 54 b 724 Trading Post 51 b 724 Col Greene 51 h 721 Yera Crui 54 h 724 Dandy Danr 50 h FiveEighths Mile Mile723BaIapin 723BaIapin l04h 719 Fairly WildlK5b 724 Carisbrookt 1D2h 726 Miss Snow 107 b 718Dismutc lK3b 723 My Boss 1 3 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 721 Engraver 13L b 720 1 Legendar 121 721Kozak 121 b7i5Portden 127 l SevenEighths lSevenEighths Milt 7 23Larranaga 130 d One Mite 7 4 Carry Ov rl45h 725 Villaf Y0 1M5 4