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WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE 35c 35cYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAYi PARLAYiDIVIDE DIVIDE 1620 WON WONBONNIE BONNIE MARITA 470 WON WONTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY TOBO BLUE 1266 WON SKY WONSKY HAVEN 1070 WON WEDNESDAYS WONWEDNESDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY BARTERING KATE 1900 WON WONSPANISH SPANISH BABE 410 WON WONTUESDAYS TUESDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY ACBOBATIC PARLAYACBOBATIC 2L o WON WONWESTYS WESTYS DUKE 57o WON WONSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TO AND GET GETELEVENTHHOUR ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAYS WeeklyThese Terms 10 Weekly These horses are really the cream of this or ¬ ganization Day by day week in and week out they show a steady winning percentage that has made money for hundreds of followers We want you and you and you to subscribe for and get these two horses We are more than certain that after a weeks trial you will be convinced that there is a lot of money to be made and following these two horses daily is one way of making it itTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CODEDETROIT DETROIT March31133212 March31133212TODAYS TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY PARLAYARLINGTON ARLINGTON F174477S4 F174477S4DETROIT DETROIT J77S412M J77S412MEDITOR EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE CODEARLINGTON ARLINGTON June1942i2 June1942i2GOLD GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W Madison St Suite 1217 Chkajo III