Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-28


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DETROIT The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Second Races at Detroit Friday Paid 14420 for 2 DETROIT MICH FRIDAY JULY 27 1934 Fair Grounds 1 mile Twentyfirst day Detroit Racing Ai sociation Summer meeting of 41 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission J S Young Presiding Steward J A Murphy As ¬ sociate Steward H P Conkling Judges S S BrownJ J Carey and C F Henry Starter G Palmer Racing Secretary J A Murphy Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse arid weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 1Q pounds QQQfl O FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Miney Myerson May 21 1934 105 4 110 Pant 51July2734Det Tr U 800 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 51 July2734Det fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockey Equlv Odds Strt 99627 DIVIDE WB 110 51 21 21 24 l4YoungS M Lpwenstein 710100 99690 IMPERIAL BOB WB 113 35 I1 I1 I1 21 CallahanH Imperial Farms Stable 840100 99388 TREASURE SHIP wallO 68 61 41 4 32 AtkinsG C Smythe f30100 99627 CROSS RUFF w110 73 3 3 3i 4 BogskiW L Jones Son 860100 99628 MAPLE DREAM w07 4 2 51 6 54 54 BurrillJ WFMcCanless 12480100 97563 NICE HABITS w 109 2 7 8 7i 64 6 FischerR Wolverine Stablt 3460100 99563 MALAY w 1121 6 71 8 71 7 HooperC Mrs G Krehbiel 4500100 99690DARK DIANNE w 110 84 4 5 8 8 MeyerC C Smythe t iCoupled as C Smythe entry entryTime Time 24 48J 101 10g Track fast fastr r 2 MUTUELS PAIDrS OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD DIVIDE ODDDIVIDE 1MIMPERIAL 1620 800 229 710 101 300 100 10 1M IMPERIAL 1MC BOB 680 229 248 100 10 1M C SMYTHE ENTRY 220 10 1H Winner 1HWinner B g by Vito Destiny by Sea Sick trained byM Griner bred by Mr J Qf Keene Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 231 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving DIVIDE first away forced the pace restrained and disposing of IMPERIAL BOB in the final eighth won in hand The latter sprinted into a long lead at once maintained a good advantage under restraint only to tire under pressure in the drive TREASURE SHIP slow to start moved up gradually and closed strongly CROSS RUFF close up from the start tired in the last sixteenth DARK DIANNE tired fast in the stretch and appeared to have bucked Overweight Nice Habits 2 pounds Malay 2 QQQfl O SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse 1ttJuly2734Det fVOIO 5800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 1tt July2734Det third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeya Owner EqnlT Odds Sttf 99630THISTLE ACE WB 5 111 710 10 9 9 TiDanielsA G Collins Collins99497lNYACK 600100 99497lNYACK WB 6 111 3 8 84 61 84 21 GruberV C E Smith Smith99630TAREFUL 570109 99630TAREFUL KITTY w 4 103 10 2 54 41 41 31 FerndezF Mrs H Torrient 310100 99458TWO TRICKS WB 4 106 25 3 lk I1 41 PetrellaP JGAngner r te 660109 66010999454PROUD 99454PROUD PRINCESS w 4 100 1 6 41 3k 51 54 ParvinC I Kort SC4 2940108 99631 MOONSAN WB3108 57 21 5431 6 DabsonH L J Mark i yv 620100 620100985713PRINCETON 985713PRINCETON w8106 44 lk 2l 2k 7k DronetL H Shermam v i 32010 32010998644SUGAR 98644SUGAR JAR w 4 105 83 61 71 61 8 CampbellF C M Wilkenoa 17830109 1783010999455SUE 99455SUE TERIJY WB 4 103 69 9 84 71 9 SmithJJ M M Riddle T 2690101 99630 RUCKUS WB4110 9 1 711010 10 MeyerC C A Mirme 10410100 10410100Time Time 23 U 113 Track fast 2 K0JUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD THISTLE 199NYACK ACE 1499 929 5N 8H1 I 369 119 199 199 NYACK 6M 469 2991N 139199 139199CAREFUL CAREFUL 199Winner KITTY 3N 99 199 Winner B g by Old Slip Lucinda by Martinet trained by F C Dunn bred by Mr G Collina Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 259 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same THISTLE ACE fractious and much improved was outrun for threeeighths thea moved p fast ami won drawing away NYACK far back early went to the outside for the drive and closed boldly CAREFUL KITTY a factor from the start was shuffled back in the stretch but closed strongly TWO TRICKS save ground and tired in the drive PROUD PRINCESS tired after half a mile MOONSAN quit under pressure PRINCETON tired tiredOverweight Overweight Princeton 1 pound ir t j jS S Corrected weight Ruckus 110 QQQfl A THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Miney Myerson May 21 1134 105444 110 Purs P o 80 ° 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 199 third 59 July2734Det fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for 1800 3 Ibs extra Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeyg Owners EqnlT Odds Strt 996282CHERO w 109 93 I1 I1 14 14 MeyerCT Tranquility Farm Stable 470100 99690 MAPLE SUE w 106 4 4 4w09 31 21 21 21 FerndezF W F McCanless 1630100 99563 WATERFRONT w09 11 5 4k 41 31 McDmtL W C Goodloe Goodloe6k 14980100 99563TEMPLETON w 109 87 87w 6k 64 3 44 FischerHL A L Ferguson 290100 99627 PANSY PURPLE w 109 55 55w 21 31 54 51 CallahanH Keeneland Stud Stable 600100 99627 HYMARQUE w 109 2 2 2WB 71 84 8 64 SmithG Elmtree Stable Stable4k 580100 99627 DARK HAZARD WB 109 66 4k 51 61 71 GruberV K Dainerfield Jr 2180100 985612POKEAVAY 985612POKEAVAYPARADOX 2180100985612POKEAVAY 240100PARADOX WB 115 38 8 7 7k 84 YoungS H C Hatch 240100 PARADOX GIRL WB 109 7 9 999 9 FischerR Wolverine Stable 17850109 Time 23 48 101 108 Track fast 2 MTTTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHERO 199MAPLESUE 1140 720 629 470 100 260 108 219 199 MAPLESUE 1320 640 560 199WATERFRONT 109 220 199 WATERFRONT 2640 1220199 Winner 1220199Winner B g by Cherokee Engadine by Light Brigade trained by C Irby bred by Mr J T Ireland Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 328 AT POST 2 minutes Start drivingCHERO good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving CHERO took the lead at once drew away but was aroused in the stretch winning under pressure MAPLE SUE a strong factor from the start forced the pace after a quarter and finished strongly WATER ¬ FRONT first away and on the inside throughout closed a gap in the drive TEMPLETON closed a the stretch PANSY PURPLE close up from the start was weakly ridden HYMARQUE caught in gap clew quarters on the far turn came again and finished fast POKEAWAY wai not urged in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 996271Julia Grant 109 Overweight Paradox Girl 3 pounds QQQfl K FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 119f 5 1M Purs July2734Det r Tid n 5800 3vear ° lds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 199 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt i4 Str Fin Jockeys Equlr Odds Strt 99457COMMANDMAN WB 5 105 24 24w4110 24 2 11 1 FerdezF FerdezFI1 S E Pershall 400109 97926 LEE GOLD w4110 13 13WB4108 I1 I1 24 2 myeTCs R W ColUns 1330109 99224ONSIDE WB4108 37 37WB7106 31 31 4 31 SmithJJ Huisache Stable 2490109 97920MUSTINA WB7106 78 78w 8 71 54 44DanielsA G Collins 1160109 99630lMELOY w 4 111 8 6 6w7112 5 44 3k 5k AtkinsG C J Patchett 120100 99633 ATHOL w7112 6 1 1WSB 74 8 71 6 6k HooperC C C Hastings 4200100 99567HOPTOIT WSB 3 106 4 2 2w 44 5 61 7 71 DronetL C and C L King 400109 99223 TREMENDOUS w 4 107 5 5 61 61 8 8 CalhanH Mrs H M McGonigle 1570100 Time 24 48 113 Track fast 2 MUTOEtS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COMMANDMAN 1009 480 429 409100 149199 1191N LEE GOLD 9M 689 3H199 ONSIDE 2491N 379tN Continued on sixteenth page DETROIT Winner Ch g by Ruaantell or Apez Belmon by Superman trained by P 0 Anderson bred by Mr A C Randolph Winner entered to bo claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 356 AT POST 4 minutes l lStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingCOMMANDMAN COMMANDMAN improved and going in his best form forced the pace to the stretch and wearing down LEE GOLD in the last eighth won handily The latter hustled into a clear lead at once set a good pace but could not hold the winner ONS1DE a strong factor throughout gave way in the drive JUSTINA closed a gap in the stretch MELOY raced on the inside and tired after reaching the leaders HOPT01T had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 99496 Tadcastcr 105 105Overweight Overweight Athol 2 pounds Hoptoit 3 Tremendous 2 OOQ1 A FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse tftfoJLO 800 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 625 second 100 100July2734Det July2734Det third 58 fourth 25 Eqt A WtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys EquiT Odds Strt SHSIMORSEL WB 7 112 1 5 54 44 11 1i DabsonH L J Marks 180100 180100w 99567BROADCASTER w 3 106 3 4 31 21 21 21 YoungS H C Hatch 120100 120100w3109 99565CHATTERDOO w3109 21 4l 5 4 34 MeverC H R JJickens 1590400 1590400WB 567GENE D WB 3 103 4 6 24 1J34 41 CritchfdC E DrilJon 460100 460100xvafrlOS 9t227GOOD POL1TIAN xvafrlOS 2 6 6 51 5 ParvinCt G G W Wing v 024WOp 024WOpwi M1HHOME RULE wi 3 105 6 3 li 31 6 6 V VrcherT rcherT I Kort 11540100 Time 33 U 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MORSEL 188BROADCASTER 560 380 268 188 188 58 100 38 188 168CHATTERDOO BROADCASTER 288 268 40 108 38 168 CHATTERDOO 188Winner 380 90 188 WatsonWENT Winner Blk h by VulcaSn Sweet Bun by Escoba trained by H S Hart bred by Miss B Watson WENT TO POST 423J AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingMORSEL MORSEL moved up fast when urged disposed of BROADCASTER in the closing threesixteenths and was ridden out The latter saved for threeeighths wore down GENE D in the stretch but was not good enough for the winner CHATTERDOO bore out on the stretch turn GENE D began slowest but was soon rushed into command then quit badly GOOD POL1TIAN was outrun HOME RULE showed speed for threeeighths Scratched 99693 Mouthpiece 115 99632 Little Turtle 115 115Overweight Overweight Chatterdoo 3 Ibs Home Rule 5 QQK f T S1 RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse i 9A 7 WBO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 168 July2734Det third 56 fourth 25 Claiming price l5M Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockejs Equir Odd Strt 99457MANNERS 69010089568MERRY WB 5 107 8 5 34 lk 24 lm TarvinC C E Smith 690100 89568MERRY CAROLINE w4102 2 6 41513 21 FerndezF Mrs H Torriente 380100 25010099457ILADINO 995682BLACKSTRAP 380100995682BLACKSTRAP wSJ12 4 4 1 21 J 34 CallahanH Miss H M McGonigle 250100 99457ILADINO 440LOO99568HALF WB5106 37 7s 61 41 41 YouneS A Gaignard 440LOO 99568HALF 56010099276RYE DAY wB617 62 61 7451 51 DronetL Mrs C Howard 560100 99276RYE WB 4 107 18 51 41 61 64 PetrellaP Nix Hunter 7801CO 99457 ROSE MOSS w 3 1031 7 9 84 81 8 7s BogskiW W C Goodlot f3570100 99331 WISE EDDIE WB5109 5 3 21 3471 81 TildenR J Oroi 37201CO 98632FOREST 37201CO98632FOREST AVENUE w 3 1031 9 1 999 9 GrillF W C Goodloe t f Coupled as W C Goodloe entry entryTime Time 23 47 113J Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID r MANNERS 100MERRY 1588 880 520 690 100 340 100 160 100 MERRY 100BLACKSTRAP CAROLINE 520 280 160 100 40 100 BLACKSTRAP 300 50 108 Winner 108Winner B g by Lovely Manners Beulah Stone by Vandergrift trained by J Leider bred by Messrs J L Holton Sons Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 450 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMANNERS MANNERS took the lead in the final quarter gave way to BLACKSTRAP midway of the stretch and outlasted MERRY CAROLINE The latter was shuffled back on the far turn then went to the outside and just failed to get up BLACKSTRAP took command under urging but gave way to MANNERS then came again LADING slow to start and poorly ridden was taken back repeatedly in the early stages HALF DAY closed a gap in the stretch RYE had no mishaps WISE EDDIE quit Overweight quitOverweight Rose Moss 3 pounds Forest Avenue 3 QQQ Q SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Elf Lock May 21 1934 137J 3 89 Purse 800 3 fourthjuiy Ti o n yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth juiy o4uet 25 Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt y Str Fin Joctejs Owners Equiv Odds Strt 99567 NITTEN NANCY w 104 6 5 6 61 54 11 14 FerndezF S J Loomis 150100 99633THISTLE 15010099633THISTLE GUY w 115 10 10 84 7k 81 31 2l DanielsA G Collins 260100 99565BRASS 26010099565BRASS BUTTONS WB 101 2 1 21 2 2l 21 32 CalvertM C Oglebay 150iOO 99459 THE TRAINER WB 112 3 2 31 3k 3 61 4 KnightM F lanni 530100 99566 LITTLE JOYCE w 101 9 9 9 84 T 51 54 HebcrtS H A Neal 3330100 99564 BLACK BABBLE WB 108 5 4 11 11 I1 41 6 LoumanH W Pohlabeln 1810100 98722 REGIS PLAY WB lOi 4 3101010 82 7k RenoT Mrs 0 R Grouse 14500100 99075 KONETA w 104 8 6 44 44 41 7 81 ParvinC Mrs J W McEwen 4470100 99566 COURLAND wBj04 7 7 74 92 9 94 9s CochrancR Eskay Stable t 99566 MONASTIC WB 1031 1 8 5J 51 6s 10 10 CritchfldC Mrs L F Carman 14CO100 tMutuel 14CO100tMutuel field Time 25 49 115 141 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100THISTLE NITTEN NANCY 500 320 280 150 100 60 100 40 100 THISTLE 100BRASS GUY 340 300 70 100 50 100 BRASS BUTTONS 480 140100 Winner 140100Winner Blk f by Axenstein Electro by Electioneer trained by S J Loomis bred by Mr M L Allen WENT TO POST 517 AT POST minute minuteStart Start drivingNITTEN good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving NITTEN NANCY close to the early pace restrained went around the leaders when called upon took command in the stretch and was ridden out THISTLE GUY began slowly moved up on the inside and going to the outside for the drive closed boldly BRASS BUTTONS forced the pace under mild urging and tired in the late stages THE TRAINER showed good form LITTLE JOYCE closed a gap in the stretch BLACK BABBLE hustled into the early lead set a good pace for threequarters then tired KONETA and MONASTIC quit quitScratched Scratched 99222 Lightin Bill 112 99758Scout Chief 115 115Overwetght Overwetght Black Babble 2 pounds Regis Play 2 Gourland 3 Monastic 2 QQK1 R1 EIGHTH RACE 11i Miles ThomasviHej4May 17 1934 144 3 107Purs 2 ° z J808 Sorearrolds and upward Claiming N t value to winner 625 second July2734Det 100 third 458 fourth 25 Claimingvprice 1itf Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Vi V Str Fin Joclwya Owners EquiTO W Strt 99633TWILL w 6 108 11 6 61 44 41 lk H CochneR A J Hallivvell Hallivvellw 400100 99496 SUN WORSHIP w 8 110 3 2 I1 I2 1 24 21 KnightM W E Turner Turnerw392 460100 99459PENIGMATIC w392 71111 102 9 64 3 HebertS Guarnire Bros Brosw4100 540100 995691LAST BID w4100 44 31 31 31 44 44 Smith JJ W F Hynes Hynesw 1050100 99079GALLOP ALONG w 5 106 6 3 51 5 54 51 51 DronetL J A Best 1050100E20100 E20100 993941SPRING FLIGHT WB 4 105 1 1 25 2 2 31 61 ParvinC R W Pearce 1510100 99336LACQUER WB410CT 5 7 8 81 7k 81 7 FerdezF Nix Hunter HunterWB 480100 480100i4020100 99569JJODHPUR WB 7 108 9 10 93 71 6 72 8s TildenR J J Hogan HoganWB9106 i4020100 99633 STRONGHEART WB9106 2 8 71 6k 81 9s 9s DeweseM Mrs H Pyne Pynew 13550100 99351 DISCOBOLUS w 5 110 8 5 4 93 10J 103 101 CalhanH B Suhr 99630 COPLEY SQUARE WB 4 103 10 9 101 11 11 11 11 PetrellaP R R Greenlee 12501CO tMutuel 12501COtMutuel field Time 24 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TWILL 100SUN 1000 740 320 400 100 270 100 60 100 SUN 100ENIGMATIC WORSHIP 740 580 270 100 190 100 ENIGMATIC 360 80 160 Winner 160Winner Ch g by Craigangower Madras by Ben Brush trained by P McCabe bred by Mr J N Camden Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 543 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTWILL TWILL moved up on the inside and won drawing away SUN WORSHIP set a good pace but gave way to the winner ENIGMATIC outrun for half a mile moved up fast thereafter LAST BID lost ground enter ¬ ing the stretch GALLOP ALONG raced evenly SPRING FLIGHT quit LACQUER was not a factor DIS ¬ COBOLUS tirod tirodScratched Scratched 99569 Tom Jack Jr 105 105Overweight Overweight Sun Worship 2 pounds Gallop Along 1 Jodhpur 3 Strongheart 1 Copley Square 3 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT DETROIT Friday 3 Races 15180 5 Races 21720 8 Races 31760

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Local Identifier: drf1934072801_3_4
Library of Congress Record: