75 Eligible For Futurity: Big Number of Youngsters Paid Up in Homewood Stake.; Eleven Starters Will Assure Washington Park Juvenile Race of Gross Value of 0,000., Daily Racing Form, 1937-06-03


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75 ELIGIBLE FOR FUTURITY Big Number of Youngsters Paid Uf in Homewood Stake Eleven Starters Will Assure Vashingtoa Park Juvenile Kace of Gross Value Valueof of 40000 HOMEWOOD 111 June 2 Washington Parks most important twoyearold race thTY first running of the Washington Park Futu rity still is open to 75 entries it was rerv vealed today with the publication of the complete list From the record number ol 328 named for the event last September 15 the best have survived and are eligible to start in the sixfurlong contest on the final day of the 30day meeting June 26 26The The inauguration of the Futurity as well as the Princess Pat for fillies is credited with having attracted to the south side rack more good youngsters than ever be ore Additional good ones from the East may ship here for the Futurity FuturityChicago Chicago is to hold a powerful hand for the ruturity for two local stables alone the Milky Way Farm of Mrs Ethel V Mars and the Calumet Farm owned by Warren Wright have named thirteen for the fea ¬ ture Seven Calumet youngsters and six Milky Way Farm juveniles arc paid up for he race Vicing with these stables in num ¬ bers are the entries of Alfred Gwynne Van derbilt and Hal Price Headley each of whom named six for the race Other heavy nomi ¬ nators include E R Bradley 5 Willis Sharpe Kilmer 5 John Marsch 4 Mrs John D Hertz 3 Herbert M Woolf 3 and the Valdina Farms 3 Naming two are the folr owing Bomar Stable Dixiana M L Em erich Mrs W H Furst R L Gerry Cleve ¬ land Putnam Three Ds Stock Farm and C V Whitney WhitneyHEADS HEADS ELIGIBLE LIST LISTHeading Heading the list of eligibles are the Milky Way Farms Warbridge Tiger Mountain Ridge and John One C V Whitneys The Chief rated the best juvenile yet developed in the East Hal Price Headleys Bourbon King which finished second to The Chief in his only start the Calumet Farms Bull Lea and Volo Snow the Shandon Farms Dicker ville the Valdina Farms Lassator winner of the Prairie State Stakes here Saturday and the Bomar Stables Detroit Bull and Billmar BillmarThe The Futurity needs but eleven starters to have a gross value of more than 540000 and with such a large prospective field of good twoyearolds indications are that nearly fif ¬ teen will take a chance for the major prize prizeFollowing Following is the list of 75 Futurity eli ¬ gibles giblesBomar Bomar Stable Detroit Bull Billmar BillmarE E R Bradley Buddy Travers Baby League Boggle Bone Black Blind Eagle EagleCalumet Calumet Farm Sure Lad Teddy Weed Three Bangs Volo Snow Bull Lea Phar acase Sir Ally AllyF F A Carreaud Shawman Parker Corning Short Notice Mrs E Denemark Busse Trumpet Dixiana Rhett Kings Heir HeirM M L Emerich and A Pelleteri Garry M L Emerich Dolly E EA A C Ernst Alup AlupMrs Mrs Wm H Furst Presidential Paper Sun SunR R L Gerry Gamble Away Perpetuate PerpetuateGreentree Greentree Stable Dan Cupid CupidHal Hal Price Headley Menow Bourbon King Dah He Fountain Head Zenith Unnamed dk b f by Pharamond II Big Sis SisMrs Mrs J D Hertz Gipsy Minstrel Lace Reigh Annie Reigh ReighMaxwell Maxwell Howard Stage Hand HandWillis Willis Sharpe Kilmer Sun Alexandria Sun Inplay Nedayr Mint Alley Regal Sun King Ranch Mayor Cito CitoJohn John Marsch Darkys Dream The Shing ler Kings Blue Royal Blue BlueMilky Milky Way Farm Warbridge JohnOne Mountain Ridge Fire Marshall Quick Get ¬ away Tiger TigerH H C McConnell Leather Goods GoodsCleveland Cleveland Putnam Wacky Jack Robber Bold BoldShandon Shandon Farm Dickerville DickervilleStarmount Starmount Stable JonJon JonJonThree Three Ds Stock Farm Top Billing Lib ¬ erty Scout x xValdina Valdina Farms Teddys Comet Diavolo Boy Lassator LassatorAlfred Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt Crimson Glory Moral Victory Askance Fred Astaire Te ¬ dium Pit Bull BullC C V Whitney The Chief Xavier XavierJohn John Hay Whitney Crape Thief ThiefHerbert Herbert M Woolf Lawrin Personable Joe Schenck

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1937060301/drf1937060301_33_4
Local Identifier: drf1937060301_33_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800