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I THORNCLIFFE TURF MOTES Jockey J Wilson accepted his first mounts of the season when he piloted Belle Fuller and Dowling in the first and second races Wednesday WednesdayH H R Bains Lotta Welles struck and cut her ankle just before being prepared to be sent to the paddock Wednesday and was ex ¬ cused from starting by the stewards stewardsThe The stable of Miss Sara Bosley departed for Aqueduct following the running of the seventh race Tuesday Miss Bosley left for her home in Monkton Md MdRacing Racing secretary Pat GallSger of the OrpenHare circuit visited Thorncliffe Park and distributed condition books among the horsemen for the coming Long Branch meeting meetingCrofter Crofter star of the Vercheres Stable of the Hon Donat Raymond which has suf ¬ fered leg ailments has returned to active training and will be seen under colors shortly shortlyHorsemen Horsemen are reminded that entries close Thursday for the Bryan and OHara Me ¬ morial Handicap 2500 added feature event of the Saturday card at Thorncliffe It is a handicap for threeyearolds and upward over the mile and a sixteenth journey A silver trophy will be presented to the win ¬ ning owner ownerJockey Jockey M Delio has filed an application to the L C R A to ply his trade on the Canadian circuit Delio will ride for Jef Seagram SeagramA A division of the stable in charge of trainer H E Brown will be shipped to Blue Bennetts at the conclusion of the Long Branch meeting meetingS S Mitchell son of the prominent trainer C S Mitchell received his license from the I C R A and in the future will train the horses of the Mountain Rose Stable StableThe The apprentice allowance was waived on Gay Sympathy in the sixth event Wednes ¬ day and she picked up five additional pounds Jockey C Brown accepted his first mount of the season when he rode G M Hendries Florescene in the opening event Wednesday Wilfrid Davies will act as steward repre ¬ senting the horsemen for the third day at Thorncliffe Park