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YACHT CLUB PURSE DRAWS STAR RACERS HOMEWOOD 111 June 5 Having at ¬ tracted Reaping Reward ace threeyearold in Mrs Ethel V Mars Wilky Way Farm Stable and which finished third in the Ken ¬ tucky Derby much interest attaches to the Yacht Club Purse which will headline Mon ¬ days racing at Washington Park In the race Reaping Reward which will be mak ¬ ing his final public trial before going to Latonia for the Latonia Derby next Satur ¬ day and the American Derby a week later the good son of Sickle is expected to en ¬ counter Warren Wrights Privileged along with others of lesser renown Others named for the race are Calculator Coronium Teddy Green Albubble Alkit Denbigh Merry mood Linas Son and War Minstrel MinstrelThis This morning Reaping Reward and his stablemate Dogaway were in company for a half mile trial on a muddy track Run ¬ ning easily they went the four furlongs in 52 52During During the same training session which saw the dogs in place thus requiring horses to run near the middle of the track Privileged went a mile handily in 144 His fractions were a quarter in 25 half mile in 51 and threequarters in 118 Although he disappointed in his threeyear old debut here several days ago the Calu ¬ met horse is expected to improve on that showing showingE E E Fogelsons Grey Count and the Shandon Farms Burning Star were other Derby nominees seen in action this morning when the former breezed seveneighths in 131 and Burning Star went a mile in 145 handily