Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1939-07-20

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WORKOUTS WORKOUTSDate Date at left of horses name is last workout workoutj j Letters following time indicate b breezing d driving e easily I h handily o all out s sulked u eased up Fastest upFastest time at Each Distance Shown in BLACK FACE Type WEDNESDAY JULY 19 ARLINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track heavy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 7 14 Dr Mcndcz 37h 712 On Quest 39b 74 Depicc 39b 711 Philyra 37fh 745 For Romance 37h 713 Typical 39fb 77 Individual 41 b 714 Tokahnan 39 b b745MarboId 745MarboId 39b 716 Windshield 33 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 741 Al au Feu 53b Gipsy Dance 56 b b716Alviser 716Alviser 51b 714 Glassy Eye 51h 78 Alspur 53 b 716 Gold Teddy 56 b 715 Arched 52 = 5h 7151 Do Believe 53b 53b714Alpoise 714Alpoise 52h 716 Rough Pasgc 56 b 78 CoSport 55kb 713 Rule All 52b 714 Caddiecay 56 b 715 Shasta Plky 55 b 715 Crumpet r51 h 716 Swift Knicht 52h 714 Deeniath 53b 712 Tony Weaver 53 h 743 Flying Joan 51 h 73 Wa vood 51h 717 Good Gosh 51h 745 Whinchat 51 h hFive Five Eighths Mile Mile745Bevly 745Bevly Marielrll b 715 Our Roigh 105 h 7 16 Dinner Date 107 b 716 On Location lQflb 715 Easy alonl08l 715 Reaping l09b 715 Gram 111 b 79 Scout Azure 107 b 7 14 Hish Renonl08 b 715 Star Chance lOGb 712 Jockaway 113 h 714 Screen l08b 716 Mnie 0Hara104b 79 Sure Swift 113 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 713 Anne G 129 b 520 Hurry Hawk 122 h 713 Arcadian 154 b 718 King Carl 122 b 712 Buttermilk l19h 717 Mayro 118 b 76 Bala Ormontl18b 715 O Play 120 b 718 Dressy 121 b 711 Swp Throughl23b 714 Employer 123 b 718 Teddys Girl117h Girl117h745Enfin 745Enfin l21h l21hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 78 SI v Gal 136 b The track remained heavy and holding for forthe the morning training trainingV V There were no moves worthy of comment ARLINGTON PARK PARKi i Training Track TrackWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 714 Bobbin 40h 715 Li a 38h 745 Flighty Marie 44 h 713 Moths Love 39 h 710 Giuranior 39 h 742 Murho Gusto 40b 745 Gray Jack 40h 622 Ortaisi 391 714 Hiah Man 43h 713 Rich Girl 40 h 622 Jungle Moon 39h 714 Sonny John 42 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 747 Cnt Natural 56 h 713 Miss Pittypat 56h 746Chubbins 56h 744 Sky Breeze 54 h 746 Chattcrfol 56 h 629 Swiftsport 54h 630DayGoBye 54 h 712 Tnys Tboy 56 h 713 Invincible 55 h 712 Transport 54h 714 Monon Lad 53h 53hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 742 Buttons B l10h 745 Lyngats l10h 714 Indian Silk109h 742 Tibi l10h l10hYlSJockeb YlSJockeb 110 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 714 Poesy 121 h hNothing Nothing worthy of comment LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 746 Big Pampa 42 b 743 Plaudaway 42b 746 Charley Hoss 39h 744 Snobcedo 41b 71 Justa Slave 42b 747 Sarah Justice 41h 66 Pollytaur 38 h 714 Wild Love 42 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 630 Anopheles 50h 68 Sherab Jr 53 h 74 Drop In 54h 745 Scrgnt Buck 54 h 746 Poetic 55b 55bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 744 Anna BubblglK4 715 Night Gail 111 b 628 Bonnie Gray 105 h 73 Waringa 106 h h747LaRec 747LaRec l07h l07hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 718 Foxy Maude 119h 717 Sky Haven l19 h 626 Footwork l21h l21hf f Anna Bubbling and La Ree worked in company companyAnopheles Anopheles seems to like the going The track was heavy and holding this morning EMPIRE CITY CITYWeather Weather clear track fast v ThreeEighths Mile 717 Erect 37h 713Silcnt Jim 38 b 746 Knts Havn 38 b 717 She win 39 h 745 Hill Cloud 39 b 745 Skin Deep 36 d 717 Hihsccpe 36d 716 Tadpole 37h 627 Liberty Ann 36d 747 Trailer 36 d 628 Little Tyke 36d 714 Us 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 74 Bright News 57 b 745 G of Hr II 51 b 743 Copper Tube 54 b 712 Guitar 50 h 712 Cntess Lena 49h 742 Goln Voyage b2h 625 Dtidie 50 h 713 Lady Beware 52 b bEdwin Edwin Booth 55 b 743 No Ending 51 b 79 Eldee 52 b 744 Shlder Arms 53 b 78 Foggy Day 52b 712 Zacatea 52b 52bFive Five Eighths Mile 715 CaVisado l06b 615 Stepinfrcd 104 h 744 Havatouch 103 h 711 Sht Distnce102 d d716Nitro 716Nitro 107 b 729 Scullery Maidl06 b 718 RoseOuzel 103 h 744 Tipper Dipperl04 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 747 Bonnie Vixonl164fh 715 Ritorno 117 h 712 Credence l16h 747 Sketchbook l15d 745 Egress l14h 745 Sandy Boot 126 b 711 Invader l22b 747 Truly Rurall20 b 716 Jay Jay 113 d 717 Time Passesl16h Passesl16h745Miquclon 745Miquclon 118 b bOne One Mile 746 Scout Aboutl47h Aboutl47hI I Skin Deep and Trailer went evenly to ¬ gether getherI I Countess Lena showed a nice half mile work under a mild drive I Short Distance is in good form formEgress Egress showed improvement improvementSketchbook Sketchbook is rapidly approaching form formJay Jay Jay showed an excellent trial IIAGERSTOWN IIAGERSTOWNWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 747 Chaltcrdoo 41 h 711 Kindle 42 h 741 Chcssic 41h 742 Lucky Turn 42 h 46 Dark May i42 b 644 Scold 4l7h 4l7hEllbeosoe Ellbeosoe 41 h 526 Veritas MO h Five Eighths Mile Mile712Meridn 712Meridn Time108 h 420 Stenographerl09 h Meridian Time worked handily liked the sloppy going and is on edge edgeVeritas Veritas breezed under wraps and is ready for her best effort LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather cloudy track muddy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile Mile718Anark 718Anark 39Jfi 714 Mistucky 37h 742 Audrey L 38h 742 Mnnintmoon 39 b 77 Comely Maid 39b 624 Mn Bow Ms 39 b 717Flyahead 39 b 747 Ouachita 415b 73 Facula 41b Phyl Beacon 37 h 78 Green Turban 41b 710 Simple Kate 3Sb 746 Glorious Pat 5S b 746 Shine o Nit 39 b b746GprrioP 746GprrioP 40b 710 Sucre 40 b 42 Henry 41 b 77 Wilda H 38h 748 Ink Spot 38h 72 Wise Joyce 39 b 718 Isarunner 40 b 746 Whim Wham 39b 741 Little Jean 45 b 747 Wto Fcathrs 37h 712 Last Rose 38h 38hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile742Alca 742Alca 57 b 744 Jumping Jill 53b 710 Deft 52h 713 Marfcu 52 b bDaddy Daddy 54 b 742 Signmaker 53 b 745 Drifts Home 52h 715 Sunfel 57 b 746 Hasty Mae 53 b 717 Tcmulac 5Hsh 742 Heol Up 49h 74 Ultimate Jest 55b 742 Harvest Mn 49h 49hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 711 Haste On 114 b 745 Rabanee 115 b 716 Master Frnk110 b 741 Spooner 115 b 745 Miss Qualityl15 b 715 Stand Alone 114 b 745Nodorablc 113 b 745 True Sport 114 b 745 Pell Melll14 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 747 Red Bomberl22b 73 Votum l25b 743 Seronata Mdl55 h 743 Zebar 125 b 72 Uncle July 120 b bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile745Dnieper 745Dnieper l37h 718 Janice 137j h hOne One Mile 72 Ducah 153J h 741 Miss Sarah 155 b bHarvest Harvest Moon and Heel Up worked hand ¬ ily togetherWhite together White Feathers and Mistucky went hand ¬ ily in company companyTemulac Temulac is improving Gerrie P and Master Frank were in com ¬ pany panyJanice Janice accomplished a good work around the dogs Dnieper worked well around the dogs THISTLE DOWN PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileBattery Battery 35h 740 Jo W 36 h h628Barna 628Barna 38h 744 Lake View 37h 37h528Domiworth 528Domiworth 38h 622 Lnckstcp 37h 717 Dale K 38b 79 Openg Night 36h 36h745Dcmanio 745Dcmanio 37h 741 Ottos Choice 37 h 710 Ellsworth 40h 624 Pretty Busy 38 h 718 Hazel Nut 37b 713 Quick Quick 37 h OneHalf Mile Mile743Bachr 743Bachr Dinr 51b 6 25 La Tora 53b 742 Colol Horlon 51 h 712 Morocco D 53h 747 Chlotte King 50h 6 Nat Bragg 49h 742Congetta 53h 73 Nan Stein 50 h 713Dble Finesse 51h 711 Pehamis 47 d 7 14 Frown 54h 747 Roglsterite 52 h 77 Hopton Lass 50 b 78 Sobriety 48h 712 June Lcc 51 h 744 Ves S 54h 54hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 712 Autograph 103 h 630 Imperl Nickl03 h 741 D D McCyl02n 79 Lady James l04h 68 Eastorian 104 d 714 Zipaway 101h 101h743Frazcc 743Frazcc l03h l03hThreeQuart ThreeQuart rs Mile 746 Gcnl Lconeel18d 714 Uncle Lewis l16d 79 Pari Office 116 h 712 Wgd Victy115 h 718 Sleep AIonel18 h hOne One Mile 715 Hose l44h 710 Pce Pharoah143 h hJoe Joe W had his speed speedBachelor Bachelor Dinner broke from the gate in his easy halfmile breeze Hoptown Lass was breezing Pehamis continues to train well in morn ¬ ings trials trialsZipaway Zipaway went handily throughout his splendid five furlongs move moveWinged Winged Victory worked a nice six fur ¬ longs longsPrince Prince Pharoah achieved his good mile move in a determined manner mannerGeneral General Leonee D D McCarty Lady James and Battery broke from the gate MOUNT ROYAL ROYALWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 6 27 Ann Brock 39b 79 Fair Exchge 39 b 747 39b747Chicot Claret Punch 40 b 76 Gay Bras 39b 747Chicot 39 b Joe Rufus 40 b 77 Doisay 36b 744 Miss Ncbo 38 b 714 Foresight 38 b 78 Merise 39b 630 Free Lark 37b 6 24 Old Dominion 39b OneHalf Mile 65 Bedight 52 b 625 Preen 53 b fi30 bfi30 Every Effort 54b 610 Stopit 54 b 2 Gs Khan II 52b 7 15 Sergeant Al 53r 745 My Pauline 54 b 746 Vcrtncr 52b 52bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 613 Beginning l08b 746 King Bob l09 b 76 Crowld Lad107 j 744 Minimum l07b 716Doncliff l07b716Doncliff 110 b 712 Shore Wood 108 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 712Nagatha 120 b bDowling Dowling schooled a turn of the field and fenced well wellVertner Vertner worked from the gate Foresight worked under mild restraint Doncliff was hard held SARATOGA SARATOGAWeather Weather clear track fast OneHalf Mile MileGolden Golden Float 50 h 71 Triumvirate 50 h 718 Sun Pharos 49h 53 Tradition 50 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 74 Ballast Recfl04h 74 Prince Gay 102 h 74 Druca Syskol04h 618 Pilot 104 h 71 Enthrall l04h 74 Phoebus 102 h hGolden Golden Vo5cal08 b 74 Rollo 102 h 711 Ncdayr 102 h 73 Weigh Anchrl08 b 1 ThreeQuarters Mile Binobi l16h 74 Sun SupIcttcl15 h Mr General 116 h Sun Calomarl15 h SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 716 Arrow Song 36h 717 Kedcco 36h 644 Bright View 36h 78 Primer 36h 36h747Bcvcau 747Bcvcau 33h 746 Pytchley 36h 742 Butterman 35h 73 Pos Gouraud 36h 747BcImar Belle 33h 78 Praetorian 43b 78 Causeway 37d 620 Rcky Margot 38h 747 Crowg Glory 37 h 76 Stage Beauty 354ih 528 Country Lass 36 h 717 Sir Brookside 33 b 715 Challamore 35 h 746 Soon 36 h 621 Court Player 36Mh 744 Time Intval 36y5h 742Florian II 39b 75 The Serf 40 b 78 Hurry Ann 37 h 741 Translady 364ih 743 Lookg Glass 36 h 747 White Topper 397fb 714 Miamba Girl 36h 75 Wulfstan 41b 712 Nicholas S 40b 40bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 746 Arbitrage 49h 745 Letselope 48h 744Abbassidc falh 78 Little Mike 51h 711 Ambuscade 48h 711 Mutinous 50h 718 Cantamore 51h 741 Malayan 53b 717 Don Bruce 52b 746 Padonna 5L b 747 Dapper Don 52b 716 Pima Nugget 50 n 740 Epitaph 52 b 741 Roman Flag 48b 716 Ecopan 49h 716 Regal Sun 49h 79 Fast Express 48h 746 Rippler 494fb 716 Ferryboat 48h 75 Sr of Padula 50 50i i 72 Flamg Petee 50 h 746 Sea Gull 51 h 746 Five o Five 484h 746 Trystatc 49h 74 Guild 52 b 740 Texstar 50 h 73 Listaro 52 b 741 Vitox 53h 53hFive Five Eighths Mile 745 Alexandrine 104 h 740 Tilaana 102 h 321 Grey Portrosl02h 744 Silent Witnsl06 b 741Hi3hpcol l04h 717 Sect Servicel05h 523 Jimmie Toml02h 713 Story Time 101 h 78 Mry Gesturcl03h 716 Sea Hound l01 5h 716 Officiate l03h l03hTheeQuarters TheeQuarters Mile 746 Gerald l16h 715 Ms Hollywd115 h 76 Kcnty Miss l19b 746 Sun Egret l16h 712 Lady Floridal21 b 742 Terry Hill l17h 717 Myron l18h 742 Tanganyika l17h 714 Modest Qunl16 h hOne One Mile 744 Ellen H l421sh 747 Sea Miss 148 h 717 Honey Cloud 137h 714 Sirasia l45b 747 Scotch Judgel45h 717 War Minstr1142h Minstr1142hOne One and OneEighth Miles 746 Blind Eagle 154 h hThe The fractionals on Honey Cloud were as follows 48 113 113Gerald Gerald and Tanganyika worked together Ferryboat is holding his form Sea Hound was under mild pressure Silent Witness was well in hand Bright View arid Nedeego worked together BAINBREDGE PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 622 Beckville 43 b 623 Nopalosa Red 41 b 73 Chiefs Boy 42b 530 NopMsa Talk 40 b 626Donnic W 42 b 623Sprtg Mdic 43 b 745 Forest Pine 41b 27 Tangle Star 41b 746 Gay Bill 41b 716 The Dentist 2 b b629Hedon 629Hedon 42b 73 The Nile 41b 746 Mad Gallop 40 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 715 Bialla 53 b 715 Pines Art 54b 748 Lottafun 53b 717 War Jest 54b 742 Pines Thout 54b 54bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 747 Little Baldyl06h 716 Wsome Lsie104h Lsie104hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 748 Capn Jeffersl20h 715 Hinge 118b 611 Flutterby 126 b 64 Rush Home 122 h 620 Gd Memory l19h 710 Supreme Kissl O h Little Baldy did his work easily easilyCaptain Captain Jeffers worked handily handilyGood Good Memory looks fit and ready readyHinge Hinge has good speed Lottafun was only breezing breezingAll All works were performed out from the rail

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Local Identifier: drf1939072001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: