Nine Oppose Alsab in Withers Stakes; Crete Handicap Draws Topheavy Field: Sun Again, Fairaris Formidable Rivals, Daily Racing Form, 1942-05-23


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Nine Nine Oppose Oppose Afsab Afsab in in Withers Withers Stakes; Stakes; Crete Crete Handicap Handicap Draws Draws Topheavy Topheavy Field Field Sun Again, Fairaris Formidable Rsyals Requested and Deyil Diver Absentees From 5,000 Test Name Sixteen for Juvenile Withers Stakes, 5,000, Three-Year-Olds, One Mile. PP. Horse. Jockey Wt. 1 Star Beacon J.Gilbert 126 2 Seamanlike J. Westrope 126 3 Fair Gall D. Meade 126 4 Alsab B. James 126 5 Dogpatch No Boy 126 6 Fairaris B.Thompson 126 7 Kings Abbey J. Westrope 126 8 Sun Again W.Eads 126 9 Bright Willie A. Robertson 126 10 Lochinvar C.McCreary 126" ELMONT, L. I., N. Y., May 22. The Withers Mile and the Juvenile, two of Metropolitan racings time-honored stakes, are the principal pieces de resistance on an extraordinarily classy week-end program at "Beautiful Belmont" tomorrow afternoon. The 5,000 Withers, richest of these fixtures, will be distinguished by the initial local appearance this spring of the sensational Alsab. The Preakness winner shapes up as a probable odds-on choice in a field of 10 promised in this 67th running of the stakes named in honor of David Dunham Withers, with observers of the opinion that R. S. McLaughlins Canadian-owned Fairaris and Calumet Farms Sun Again will prove most formidable of his rivals. - Fairaris is recommended by a fair victory at the expense of older sprinters in his 1942 debut at Belmont last week-end, while Sun Again tied Requested for the place in the Preakness, in which he may possible have been a trifle short. Sixty-Seventh Running of Event Requested and Devil Diver are rather conspicuous absentees from tomorrows torrid mile. The former reportedly has a feverish ankle and "the Devil" a quarter-crack, rendering them both hors de combat. Their absence makes no noteworthy depreciation in the general appeal of the Withers, however. In addition to Col. Al Sabaths namesake and his foes, Fairaris and Sun Again, mentioned above, the Withers has drawn Fox-catchers Star Beacon, W. M. Jeffords Seamanlike, Mill Rivers Fair Call, Milky Ways Dogpatch, L. B. Mayers Kings Abbey and Mrs. Ralph Mcllvains Bright Willie, winner of the recent Swift. The 66th running of the Juvenile, a dash of five furlongs down the Widener Straightaway, to which the Westchester Racing Association adds ,000, lured 16 Continued on Page Three Nine Named to Oppose Alsab Today In Sixty-Seventh Withers Running Sun Again and Fairaris Most4 Prominent Rivals in 5,000 Test Sixteen in Juvenile Continued -from Page One promised starters overnight. This jammed field is headed by Mrs. J. S. Letelliers Jack S. L., who emerged at Jamaica masquerading as a plater and tow-roped the Jockey Club Plate field. His stoutest rival may prove to be Mrs. Payne Whitneys Hickory Head, who ran so impressively in his debut, or William Woodwards Bdssuet, a colt that turned in a swift effort to whip an unwieldy field in earning his diploma at Belmont. If all ten entered in the Withers face starter Cassidy the winner will enhance his total earnings by a net of 5,700, while the Juvenile will yield its winner ,700 if the large aggregation of promising newcomers named parade postward. The Westchester Racing Association can reasonably expect a huge week-end throng i 1 enthusiasts, who saw him speed a mile in 1:35 at Belmont last autumn, can be expected to make him a top-heavy "tote" favorite. "He is ready to do some running," declares trainer Sarge Swenke. In his distance final, Ak;ab put in a very handy mile in 1:37, when a mile between 1:40 and 1:41 was all required of him, galloping out nine furlongs in 1:52. Sun Again, winner of the Arlington Futurity last summer, before developing a knee injury, turned in a smart performance to dead heat Requested for place in the Preakness. Trainer Ben Jones, of Warren Wrights photogenique home-bred, believes his charge will improve off his Baltimore race, for which he may have been a little short. Theres a theory in many quarters that a mile is Sun Agains best game, and Alsab hadnt caught him at the end of eight furlongs in the Preakness. Fairaris is fresh and fit. This English "war baby" came down from Canada last autumn to win a mile and seventy yards race from Bright Willie and emerged this spring to travel six furlongs in 1:10 in front of Dispose and Swing and Sway in his 1942 debut, a week back. Fair Trials strapping son picks up 18 pounds in the Withers, and goes an additional quarter mile, but made such a favorable impression that many of the "knockdown the favorite club" will flock to his banner. Fairaris will be ridden by Bill Thompson and, like Sun Again and Bright Willie, is endowed with a high order of early speed. Dark Horses of Field The dark horses of this Withers are Fox-catchers Star Beacon and Mrs. Mcllvains Bright Willie. The latter led Alsab by lengths going a rapid mile at Hialeah last winter and then went off form early in the spring season. However, his Swift Stakes score on May 13 found him stepping off seven furlongs in 1:24 in front-running fashion ahead of Wishbone and Wait a Bit. Ralph Mcllvain, a clever man with a horse, obtained the services of a most versatile saddle luminary for Bright Willie, Alfred Robertson. Star Beacon, completely unknown Preakness day, has made two appearances at Belmont, in his latest "tin-canning" to the sulking Ramillies and Trade Last at a mile and a sixteenth in 1:43 Vs. He had the speed to top it throughout, with a first six furlongs in 1:11 and trainer Handlen and Johnny Gilbert like him. Dogpatch, Seamanlike, FairCall, Kings Abbey and Lochinvar are distinct outsiders. The Juvenile has drawn several newcomers who have revealed considerable promise. Most favorable known of the lot is Jack S. L., who is unbeaten in two starts and easily won The Jockey Club Plate. Menex, who races for L. L. Haggin and runs coupled with H. P. Headleys All Hoss, will have George Woolf kicking and at Keeneland won the LaFayette Stakes. True North, an erratic but speedy sort, began at Miami and won the Hialeah Juvenile then came up the line to account also for Havres Aberdeen Stakes.

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