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indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position Fair Mud Runner XGood Mud Runner Superior Mud Runner 34 MILE Nusakan Sept 13 1929 1104 126 Purse 3500 3yearolds Claim To I II I n Weight 126 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May 15 allowed 4 IDS one race E Si U 11 since then or two races in 1948 8 Ibs Claiming price 57500 if for less 1 Ib allowed allowedfor for each 200 to 56500 56500Best Best time made at distance of race Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL WLNov47Jam1134ssy117 50720 Combine Nov47Jam1134ssy117 118 118Jun48 50982 Elastic Jun48 DeM12 114 117 117Dec47GP113 494253Put and Call Dec47GP113 107 112 112Oct47 50438 Raking Oct47 Jam 114 116 113 113Jly47 43046 Undercut Jly47 Jam 114 119 115 115Jan48GP11345 50583 Sunsation Jan48GP11345 116 118 118Mar48TrP 49720 JConnie Sam Mar48TrP 111 108 111 111Jun48 50720 Tintalate Jun48 Bel 114 109 111 111Sep47 38301 JSome Dish Sep47 Aqu 116 113 101 101Feb48Hia112 50158 Quebec Feb48Hia112 119 118 118Jun48BeM13 5072Q2 Fatal Error Jun48BeM13 118 122 Chart Book Index No Horse Date Track Rec RecMay48 50643 Lady Ardmcre 50720 Eternal Way May48 GS 113 48071 JMr H P Oct47 Rkin 113 49812 Lagniappe Sep47 GS 113 50347 Jacopet Jan48SA111 50720 Dime Jun48 Bel 114 49603 SGray Chief Dec47 GP 113 50720 Cheek Jly47 Jam 114 114and 29605 Eternal Buzz Coupled Connie Sam and Mr H P Combine H5 H5Owner 1 Breeder David N Rust Jr 194J 3 0 0 0 Owner Greenever Farm Trainer J Smallwood 7500 1947 12 3 1 1 58275 5827593J87 Jim 9482Bel 34113ft 42 117 93J87 65J 771 OlahLi 750071 EterIWay126FatalErr118 AliceSimms 14 May 6483Jam 34 113ft 95 119 421 3 J 31 531 AtksonT 10000 76 Dry 115 Mr Happy 116 EternalWay 8 Apr29482Jam 34114 ft 71 111 1 2J 2i 2 83 JaspnH 1000067 Airfield126 MyesRiley113 MgicMmt 10 Nov1047iJam 34 114ft 6 111 5 1J 1J 14 JasponT 10000 76 SugarDrp113 JoeysPl 111 MrBustr 13 Nov 8471 Jam 34113sy 31 117 3 2 13 15 GrecoAA 7500 78 MyDrBoy117 SwpHandll StpAIm 12 Nov 1473Jam 1TV147gd 32 111 7 532101107 KnappEJS Alw 63 Chains116 PageBts116 StudentLamp 12 Oct28474Jam 341135ft 16 116 2 43J 33 42J WdheH4 12500 78 AlliesPal 114 Jacopet 116 PilotMan 14 Oct24473Jam 34114 ft 29 118 5 2 2b 41 MayTio Alw 73 QuiteAlone 112 Frankly 110 LrelRoad 10 June 12 Jam 34 sy 114h June 8 Jam 58 gd 104b June 4 Jam 1m ft 148b ulu Rrtcfir IIIulu llu 1 1 7 B f 3 by Good Goods Step Away by North Star III Breeder Brookmeade Stable 1948 2100 52200 52200Owner 18450Jun12483Del Owner Brookmeade Stable Trainer P M Burch 57500 1947 12 4 0 2 18450 Jun12483Del 34112ft 21114 5 1 65 41 J HJ JessopJ2 750085 BadLighl107 Warmoudl 19 SecondSon 12 12May1848 May1848 Bel 34 112sy 6J 110 5 68 65 5 JessopJS 1100073CurtainTime117 Spats124 Blackmont 7 Oct 347iBel34wc110ft 5 113 5 34 31 13 Jessopjs 12500 89 NobeHero119 SweetDream110 Talate 13 13Sep2247iBel Sep2247iBel 34112ft 4 119 9 6 V 5J JessopJ 15000 74 Wtmill 113 AlesPal 114 HVtRewd 13 13Aug30475GS Aug30475GS 34111ft 27 119 7 63 710 6 HowellR ScwS 78 PnicLunch122 BlueHlen115 DtyLegs 11 11Aug25472GS Aug25472GS 34111ft 41 114J 5 43 4 48 MartensC Alw 81 PicnicLunch121 MissJersey112 Flitay 5 Jly1247Suf 5lf106ft 8 116 8 T 6 5 LynchJ2 ScwS 80 WhatsNew119 PnicLch119 CrnFlash 8 Jun19475Mth 51M07gd 15 114 7 43122 11 LynchJ4 ScwS 79 DustyLegs113 SgSong112 IronCurtain 10 10Jun Jun 4475Del 58100 ft 10 119 3 1J 2J 421 LynchJi AlwS 85 WhtsNew113 DstyLgs110 RdRisque 9 May31 47iDel 58 59ft 6e 117 1 2iJ 23 34 LynchJ2 Alw 85 BrdyPch112 GnReigh117 SdayBeau 7 Mar 4475Hia 38 32ft 20 119 9 621 741 Jessopjs ScwS 97 PharMon 117 FlyAway 117 AndysGlory 14 June 11 Del 38 ft 3625h June 8 Bel 38 ft 38h June 7 Bel trt 38 ft 38b Put rur ana nnH frill aii 1 1 9 B c 3 by Thanksgiving Lucky I 58925Owner IZBreeder Philip Godfrey 1948 10 3 2 2 58925 Owner D Michalove Trainer J A Coburn S6500 1947 18 1 2 4 55425 May25488Bel 55425May25488Bel 1 18 18152ssy 152ssy 3J 11444133133 35 OlahLS 650074KidStf122 Trnsatltic114 PnutsGirl 6 May20488Bel 1 140ft 21 114 9 gj 451 m oiahL3 500070 BowPen 113 FatalError 113 LadyFakir 9 May13487Jam 1V148sy 2110835 321 2h 1h OlahLS 500074 LtleMinn111 Overpowr119 GryLeslie 6 May 848Uam 34 114gd 75 118 5 2 4 21 2 OlahL 500074 Headland 113 Custody 118 Limehill 7 May 4481 Jam 34 341134sft 1134sft 85 11353 44 2h 13 oiahL 5 4Q0078TheMuffin 113 Headland 115 Natch 6 Apr27482Jam 34113ft 4 114 7 J 5M 54 38 OlahL 5000 70 GrayChief 124 Flagstaff 119 Akbar 9 9Apr22482Jam Apr22482Jam 34 114ft 21 108101 1 85J 721 2 OlahL 500075 Casein 113 Flagstaff 121 MrHappy 12 Feb 2488Hia 1ft 159ft 9 108 2J 621 81 8 i OlahL 7500 67 StpAbum105 MaxmaMO LittleMinn 9 June 12 Jam 58 ft 104b June 9 Jam 34 ft 120b June 6 Jam 12 ft 53b 53bRakina Ch c 3 by AlakingRakish Diavolo Rakina iUKmg iivij M 1 13 3 by Breejer Janon Rsher Jr 1g43 2000 53175Jun Owner Blue Circle Farm Trainer L Closter 56500 1947 17 0 3 1 53175 Jun 5487Bel 34112ft 36 113S101010H10171113 WeinglW3 Mdn 69 Wdstock120 BlowMe120 FirstCitizen 12 Jun 3482Bel 78126ft 42 109J 8 2 3 8 8 WgartWio 650064 CheckUp113 Samaritano123 Alonary14 Alonary14rJov1147iJam rJov1147iJam 1148ft 6 111 7 31 2iJ 2 ErricoC 6000 69 MareLight111 FarmMd108 LadyFkir 12 Nov 6472Jam 34 114sy 6 11610 881 911 67J PermeRU 6500 67 Custody 119 Sagittaire 119 CerVantes 13 Oct2747Uam 34114 ft 5 116 5 3 41 2 PermeRS 6500 77 MyDrBoy116 Qn ofRses113 LdyFkir 14 Oct1547Uam 34 114ft 21 108 7 5 312 3U PermneR3 6500 73 Hyson 110 Forethought 113 Yorkfields 9 Oct 8471 Bel 1140ft 42 1131121282126 gsi EspitoR 10000 64 HdanTell 119 StmKing117 Tomsive 13 Oct 247iBel 781275ft 16 1121 7 45J 55 431 EspositoR 8000 70 SwpHand104 FlagLady116 ColgeGirl 14 Sep2947iBel 78127 ft 9 111 4 4iJ 4U 4 1 AtksonTi 8000 69 StmKing119 RedFlag116 SundayBeau 6 Sep2647iBel 34wc112ft 6J 114 12 124115 1582 AllgarH20 7000 67 Overpwr118 Sagitre118 Haberdasher 25 May 25May 30 GS 34 si 115h May 25 Bel we 58 ft 102h May 21 Aqu 58 ft 104h 104hMnrlprrnf uiiuciiui Germanuiiuciiui Mnrlprrnf 1 1 B g 3 by Psychic Bid Pernicskety by St German S1500Owner j Breeder F B Koontz 1948 6 0 1 t S1500 Owner G Ring Trainer T J Carroll S6900 1947 8 2 0 s110 May20487Bel s110May20487Bel 1 138ft 82 10943125 48J 7 PmoreWt 1000070 MayesRiley 114 Althird 119 BeachBoy 9 May1148Jam 34113ft 8 116 7J 6J 9 8 ClarkS 1000071 Spats 121 Mr Happy 120 Seguin 10 Apr23485Jam 34 113ft 92 117 642 65 55 35J AtksonP Alw 74 QuarterPolelU PostDeb112 Energetic 8 Apr20482Jam 34114 ft 85 11232 41242 45J JasponTi 1300071 Jacopet 121 Cer Vantes 115 Airfield 6 Apr 9 484 Jam 34115ft 4J 118 33 3 2h 2J AtksonT3 1250068 Empty Noose 113 Jacopet 118 Bedrock 6 Apr 1484Jam 5J f 106sy 8 115 6J 6J 62 6 AtksonT3 Alw 72 MrAce 122 Jimikin 122 MissRequest 6 Jly2547Uam 34114 ft 4J 119 3 52163242 AtksonTS 12500 75 Allies PaM11 Cheek 116 Blue Moire 11 Jly 12474Jam 5J f 105ft 9J 122 1 681 62 7 ClarkSi Alw 73 BetterSelf122 Fugit122 GoldenReigh 7 Jun28473Jam 58100ft 25 M16 4 33 22 22f ArcaroES Alw 82 Tally111 ForestKnit111 BritWarrior 7 7tPlaced tPlaced first through disqualification disqualificationJun21474Aqu Jun21474Aqu 5J f 1085ft 65 M17 2 22 32 2tJ ArcaroEl Alw 75 PilotMan117 RedFlag117 LckyChamp June 13 Bel trt 12 sy 495sh June 6 Bel trt 12 ft 49h June 3 Bel trt 38 ft 37h Sunsation llQ Blk c 3 by Chance Sun Grey Watch by Grey Lag 1 I O Breeder Thomas PialL 1948 7 0 0 1 400 400Evans Owner H Cantor Trainer B J Evans 57500 1947 20 1 1 5 6775 Jun 7486Bel 78 126ft 76 112 97210i27579 KenneyFS Alw 68 BIkMajesty116 Alsiral115 WdofHnrll Jun 2484Bel 34 113 ft 81 81May29488Bel 113118 73175 67 KenneyF 12500 73 Almenow 118 BillHowk116 Play Tag 12 May29488Bel 1 145 ft 88 88May11485Jam 118 74J 812 917 926 LeBlancCS Alw 61 Stunts118 PageBoots118 WhirlingFox 10 May11485Jam 34114 ft 14 14May 117 53267 641 97 PermeR Alw 69 Bambuco117 Cougar120 GoldenLight 9 May 3484Jam 34 1135sy 31 31Apr23485Jam 117 3i 41 2h 33J NicholsJi Alw 77 Seaward 113 ThreeRivers 117 Quickset 11 Apr23485Jam 34113ft 76 76Jan 114 88 813 711 713 ClarkSS Alw67 QuarterPole117 PostDeb112 Undercut 8 Jan 3484GP 34 112ft 16 16Dec 116 2i 2J 53J 673 LaytonJR7 Alw 76 Control 120 Attic 115 Kanace 12 Dec 1474GP 34 34114sl 114sl 9 9Nov 114 3 44J 58 610 LaynJR Alw 62 LstBill 112 AlliesPal 114 HVstRewd 12 Nov 7474Jam 34 113sy 7J 118 1 2i 631 6n LaynJR2 Alw 70 Jacopet 118 Sugar Drop 115 Airfield 7 7May June 12 Aqu 38 ft 38bg 38bgConnie May 24 Aqu 1m ft 146h May 9 Aqu 38 gd 3735h Connie PnnnJp uiime Sam juiii nm 111 Br c 3 by Sammie Connie Plaut by Upset Breeder Mrs T Christopher 1948 7022 52275 52275Owner Owner Mrs T Christopher Trainer H Brown 57500 1947 13 2 1 2 54400 May28487Bel 54400May28487Bel 1V145 ft 32 113 1k 1h 52 581 CombtNS 1000079 Althird 116 Flitabout 117 Isigny 8 8May20485GS May20485GS 1 139ft 17 11155 74J 65J 32 MtensC7 1000080 Coyote 114 DismalKey114 Brierwyn 8 8Apr2448 Apr2448 GS 11e144 ft 12 109 2i 41258 43 LaytonJRi Alw 83 Faraway 106 Justice 112 Reborn 6 6Mar2548 Mar2548 TrP 34112ft 2J 109 45 45 33 22 CoronaM7 1000080 MayesRileyl 12 MaizelOO JohnsDate 7 7Mar16484TrP Mar16484TrP 34 111 ft 62 108 43 34J 2 J 23 CoronaM 1000084 LadyCarrie107 Slamish112 JohnsDate 8 8Mar Mar 6485Trp 34111 ft 35 108 732 61 631 741 CoronaM Alw 86 Kanace105 MagicMnt102 RmnRoad 12 12Feb20485Hia Feb20485Hia 78125ft 39 110 21 2 1h 33J CoronaMB 10000 80 SilverDrift 112 SunTavy 110 Aithird 9 9Sep13475Nar Sep13475Nar 34113sy 6 110 4 4 J 44i 5 CoronaM Alw 74 Reborn111 GrandEntry108 Vinita Ed 6 6June June 11 Jam 12 ft 51b May 8 GS 58 m 105b April 21 GS 34 ft 117b Tintalate 111 B f 3 by Tintagel Exhilarate by Stimulus TintalateOwner 1 I Breeder Mrs Jane Hancock Garth 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner R A Firestone Trainer S W Ward 57100 1947 7110 53575 Jun 9482Bel 34 113ft 15 109 31 32J 33 5 1 JamesB 750072 EterIWay126FatalErr1 18 AliceSimms 14 Oct 3471 Bel 34 we 110ft 33 108 1 11 1h 451 WdhseH 12500 84 Elastic 13 NobleHero119 SwtDream 13 Jly24473Jam 5if107ft 35 115 1 22 432 7 JamesBi Alw 71 Consuelita 115 Hirta 115 Donna Grace 9 Jly 14474Jam 5J f 106ft 9 116 7 87J Bio 813 JamesB3 Alw 73 Craline 116 Quibble 116 Red Risque 9 ttey 647 Bel 4J f we 53gd 17 116 5 731 82 812 GuerinE SplWS 81 Caltha119 PicnicLunch119 GreyFlight 8 pr3047Uam 58100ft 1 115 2 1J 12 131 JamesB Mdn 86 HeadlandllS SilverDrift115 BabyLea 8 Jpr25 47 Jam 58 100ft 29 115 3 32 31 22 JamesBJ Mdn 82 Try Again 115 Frisk 115 SilverDrift 8 pr 8473Jam 58 100ft 36 116 12 10i ° 1Qi7106 JamesBio Mdn 70 MsChalledon116 Frisk116 DismalKey 12 12June June 7 Bel trt 58 ft 104b June 3 Bel trt 78 ft 132b May 26 Bel 58 m 106b Some jume Morvichjume Dish UISO Ifil BUI Br f 3 b Burgoo King Good Dame by Morvich Breeder A B Smith 194715 112 1625 Owner 1625Owner Mrs J T Maloney Trainer J T Maloney S6500 Oct S6500Oct 747iBel34wc112 ft lf 108 18 207118122019 BrigleyD2 6500 61 Nothead117 Cmbine115 BrightStudt 21 Sep1947iAqu 34113ft 29 113 4 85 129 1315 ScurlkQ4 7500 63 SugarDrop113 SmartEve113 GolfClub14 Aug2647iSar GolfClub14Aug2647iSar 34 113ft 25 116 2 43 6411017 PermeRi 7500 64 Farmgton110 Puzzling116 LdyMlyn 10 Aug20472Sar 34113ft 16 114 1 52 1110i PermeRB 7500 64 Tomsive115 NoFiddling108 SmartEvell Aug11472Sar SmartEvellAug11472Sar 51 f 106ft 12 114 1 1h 2n 3 PermeR3 7500 82 CaptnAndw117 SmtEve114 SomeDh 9 JIy23472Jam 51 f 108 ft 10 116 7 7 3 8 1 73 PermeR 10000 71 VintageBells 116 Varola 110 Zacaplay 9 Jly16472Jam 51 f 106sy 25 113 B 111710221Q19 CombtNio 12000 66 PiIotMan119 Red Flag 116 Too Risky 11 Jly 7473Jam 58 UOOVsft 14 115 1 2 413 581 GivensCi Alw 78 ReighJane115 Monogamy115 Puzzling 5 Jun26472Jam 58 V00ft 91 111 1 32 2nk 31 PermeR2 9000 82 SuddenScare 114 AlasZevial 108 Drag 8 June 13 Bel 38 m 37h Breeder Jame NorriJ 1948 10 0 3 0 2025 Owner 2025Owner Spring Hill Farm Trainer J B Partridge 57500 1947 12 1 4 1 J520Q Jun J520QJun 2484Bel 34113 ft 50 113 2h h 851 881 WrtWD 12500 72 Almenow 118 Bill Howk 116 Play Tag 12 May24483Bel 781253sft 15f 114 431 74 1H81215 Wr tWD Alw66SinggStep114 DinrGnglH GolnLht14 Apr27483Jam GolnLht14Apr27483Jam 34113ft 11 113 4315 512 515 DodsonD2 Alw 63 GreekHero 126 Pharalus 117 Acme 5 Mar27484TrP 34112 ft 23 120 31145178 68 MacAwDS Alw 77 Octorora120 Howdah117 Friedy 8 Mar17485TrP 34 11M4ft 53 116 42 48J 7 713 DodsonDi Alw78Nearway 122 MrBuster 112 Scipio 8 Feb26485Hia 34 109ft 73 119 21 23 24 212 DodsonD Alw 85 Coaltown 122 Howdahlll Musician 11 Feb21484Hia Torello11Feb1648 34111 ft 4 119 1 2 22 45 BauerRio Alw 85 GdenApple106 OutOT Sun114 Torello11 Feb1648 Hia 78 126n 7 119 3 41 541 53 BauerRS Alw 65 BeauDandy119 BigDial116 ThreeRings 6 June 12 Bel trt 58 ft 1Q4b June 10 Bel trt 58 ft 102h June 7 Bel 38 ft 37h 37hFnrnl Fnrnl ruiui urrur Errnr 179 B 9 3J b Head Play Conservancy by Blink II Breeder Walter P Chrysler Jr 1948 4 1 1 1 53325 Owner 53325Owner W Gruschke Trainer W Gruschke 57500 1947 6100 S2625 Jun S2625Jun 9482Bel 34113ft 17 118 4U 44 23 22 CombtN 750077 EterIWay126AliceSimms1 16 PhmFIt 14 May24482Bel 78 126ft 85 113 1 12 13 12J HsmanLS 500076StoneHill 108 MarineLight113 Biltrite 8 May20488Bel 1 14045ft 12 113 21 1k 1 J 33 HsmanLl 500066 Put aCall 114 BowPen 113 LadyFakir 9 May13484GS 34 1133ssy 10 116 63J 421 642 851 HsmanL4 5000 73 TopFoot 117 Stilts 113 VinitaEd 12 Nov 447Uam 34 115sy 31 119 11 11731041 93 ArcaroE 5500 61 Transatltic116 Quatrefl 111 Bimelta 14 Oct2147Uam 34114 ft 12 116 6 55 533 423 HsmanLO 8000 74 MrBter115 MasRiley113 ChieRogrs 14 Aug11472Sar 51 f 106V5ft 71 117 9 873 8 1 8 HsmanLV 7500 72 CaptnAndw117 Sm tEve114 SomeDh 9 Jly2447iJam 5J f 107fl 51 110 7 HJ 111 HJ HsmanU4 5000 80 Flameup118 Put and Call 114 Hyson 12 Jly 747Uam 10June 58 101ft 4 116 10 2 21 45 HsmanLS 5000 76 SmartEve113 Isigny116 FleetyQueen 10 June 13 Jam 58 sy 105b June 8 Jam 38 gd 38b June 5 Jam 34 ft 117b 117bLadv uuuy Ladv Ardmore AAiuiuute v M vi 1 OR vO B f 2 by Wizard s PlayRene K by Challenge Cup Breeder S M Hyman 19481 000 Owner J G Lease Trainer C A Moore 6500 Jun 6500Jun 8484Bel 34112ft 246 115 13i513i1322l332 LiCausiJi2 Mdn 49 Best Boots 115 In Love 115 Swing Me 13 June 7 Aqu 12 ft 54b June 4 Aqu 12 ft 50h June 2 Aqu 12 ft 53b 53bFfprnnl Ffprnnl uiciuui Wnv X xx 1 7 A Dk b c 3 b Eternal Bull Gloria Monk by Monks Way yruy Q Breeder Lemar Farm A B Karsner 1948 6211 S5325 Owner S5325Owner N Marcalus Trainer W C Winfrey 57500 1947 9310 54250 Jun 54250Jun 9482Bel 341132sft 12 126 1h Ti 13 12 ArcaroE 750078 FTIErJr118AliceSimms116 PhnmFItH May31483GS PhnmFItHMay31483GS 34113sy 91 120 6 63131121 CaflaM3 700078 YourSon114 ArielSwp114 Peppermint 11 May25483GS 34 113gd 85 113 11 14 13 1J PoIkE 500081 Osculatn117 MissEducan110 HpyAII 12 May20482Bel 34 112ft 5 122 2h 11 1h 651 DodsonDi 1 7500 76 Flitabout115 PhmtnFIet108 Tomsive 14 May11484Jam 14May11484Jam 34113ft 91 120 33 41 441 61 DodsonD 11 000 72 Spats 121 Mr Happy 120 Seguin 10 May 6483Jam 34Mjft 21 119 1h 2h 1h 31 j DdsonD 1000078 Dry115 MrHappy116 Queen of Roses 8 Oct29473Lrl 34 112gd 17 116 6 615 521 625 SchmidlAS Alw 58 MagicMom1105 Eqsun116 JleFeast 6 Aug 9475AU 34112f 38 118 7 B 814 820 LiCausiJ2 AlwS 66 Task 121 DrAlmac115 PictureCard 8 May 19 Bel 38 ft 363sh May 17 Bel 34 sy 118h May 10 Bel trt 58 ft 107b 107bMr mr Okapimr Mr n H r P 111 E E I B g 3 by HayrideOkapilida by Okapi Breeder I C McMahan 194E 5110 3075 Owner 3075Owner 0 S Deming Trainer H Brown 57500 1947 9201 S3300 May S3300May 6483Jam 341l3ttft 61 114 7 1 77 63165 OlahLS 1000075 Dry 115 Mr Happy 116 EternalWay 8 8Apr2748 Apr2748 Jam 11 147ft 14 116 1h 11 2h 24 GuerinE4 1000073 Illkeepu 116 Ventolino 119 StormKing 8 Apr21482Jam 341143sft 71 11332133 41 H JasponT3 800074 Tomsive113 SugarDrop113 GaryLeslie 7 Apr14483Jam 34114sy 48 114 63162 531 571 CombtNS Alw66Gasparilla120 EtyNoose117 JoeysPal 6 6Apr Apr 9484Jam 34115ft 38 118 6136145 581 GuerinES 1250061 EmptyNoose113 UndercutllS Jacopet 6 6Nov27474Bow Nov27474Bow 34113 ft 11 120 8 9 1 88 4 ClagttH2 Alw 81 Equisun120 GainAFt120 CountDisply 10 10Nov1747 Nov1747 Bow 34116Vsgd 8 1142 31 11 13 KnappEJ 5000 71 Waxahachie116 VP ICIet 106 AlaOn 12 Oct31475Rkm 130 145hy 9 114 3 531 653 P RoduezES 7500 53 HotSIprs111 Lkylncidt114 SigIPnt 10 10Oct2447iRkm Oct2447iRkm 34 113ft 81 118 7 421 431 m RoduezES Mdn 78 JgeElkins118 BryLie115 FancyAnsr 11 11Oct2147 Oct2147 5Rkm 130 143ft 61 1101 3 1 ij U 323 HaritosJS 5000 65 Waxahhie109 PlayEda104i SigIPint 8 8June June 11 Jam 34 ft 115h June 8 Jam 58 gd 105b June 5 Jam 12 ft 502sb 502sbLnnninnnp Lnnninnnp Timelugmappe M 117 B c 3 b vadi a Orphan Greedy by High Time S200Owner lugmappe ivl g J Breeder J B Edwards 1948 3 00 S200 Owner W G Helis Trainer W Booth 56500 1947 7022 52150 52150May29484Bel May29484Bel 78125 ft 18 118 551 61 8J gis ScurlkQi2 Mdn 69 DinnerGong118 Natural 118 LittleRip 13 May14484Jam 34113sy 2 J118 32 3432145 ScurlkQi Mdn 74 Props 118 Indian Call 126 Advance 9 May7484Jam 34113 sy 12 113 67167 6 6 ScurPkQS Alw 67 JetBlack 117 PageBoots 113 Quickset 9 Sep1347iGS 34 113ft 4 120 1 2h 21 331 DodsonDS Mdn 78 GaltJake12a NotVeryMh120 Conflict S Aug28475GS 34 113ft 15 115 6 34 46j T MoonF Alw 70 FirstNighter122 BlueHolly122 Kashmir 8 Aug14473Atl 34 113ft 95 120 5 3103 31 StoiitJS Mdn 72 Ballinakill 115 Pencell 120 Hullabaloo 12 Jly31473Atl 51 f 108ft 65 120 6 4 541 58J MoonFi2 Mdn 66 Bovard120 Skydue117 BulletBill 12 Jly17474Jam 5lf1064 sy 2 11611 751 82 6 WilnHBH Mdn 77 Energetic116 MryOldSoul 116 Nomor 12 Jly 1473Jam 5J f 107 bft 8 116 1 ink 21 21 WilnHB4 Mdn 80 UpBeat 116 FierySun 116 BrassBand 12 June 13 Bel trt 12 sy 52 b June 9 Bel trt 12 ft 49h June 6 Bel trt 38 ft 36h 36hInrnnof GinoJQCOper Inrnnof 5C 179 B c 3 by Jacopo Madam Capet by Gino JQCOper I Breeder Charlton Clay 1948 10 2 0 4 57575 57575Owner Owner A Goldberg Trainer Arthur Robertson 57500 1947 8221 57300 57300Jun Jun 4482Bel 78 127ft 95 126 2h 32 2 1 ArcaroES c6000 71 Andiamoi26 JoeysPal 119 LadyFakir 14 May20487Bel 1 138ft 31 116 6i 79 7 41 AtksnP 1000071 MayesRiley 114 Althird 119 BeachBoy 9 May15487Jam 1 146 75 118 57135134135 AtksnT3 12500 77 Seguin108 MayesRiley109 Farmington 6 May 148 Jam 1 148 5 113 46341047 62 AtksonT3 AlwC 68 MtMarcy114 Myrmidon 13 CerVantes 6 Apr20482Jam 34 114 ft 65 121 64 533 31 11 AtksonT4 15000 77 CerVantes 115 Airfield 126 Undercut 6 Apr 9484Jam 34 341153sft 1153sft 95 118 58 47 43 3U ArcaroES 1250068 EmptyNoose113 Underctit118 Bedrock 6 Feb 7486SA 78125 m 2 116 54 33 3 31 NevesR4 Alw 74 RalChance116 BnMoat116 PrsServer 7 Jan24487SA 78 123ift 26 120 111 523 5 553 NevesRS ScwS 85 MayRewd123 Solidty120 Salmagndi 13 Jan16487SA 34111 ft 56 107 Bio 771 4U 321 LitzrgW7 HcpO 88 Salmagdi 118 MayRewd114 Grndpre 8 8June June 12 Aqu 34 ft 115h June 3 Jam 12 ft 53b May 30 Jam 34 ft 116b 116bnJmo Uime nJmo M KA 1 1 0 B g 3 by Bahrain Spare Change by Discovery I I J Breeder Alfred G Vanderbilt 1948 5 0 0 0 Owner M Seidt Trainer A Fletcher 56500 56500Jun Jun 9482Bel 34113ft 53f 115 621 7 1073 8 LutherT 750071 EterIWay126FatalErr118 AliceSimms 14 May21484Bel 1e 146ft 23 113 1182 91211221119 McCryCS 650059 SirGallasce104 ShtersHill 119 Alonry 11 May1048Jam 11C147 ft 31 113 8 89 814 723 McCryC7 Mdn 58 Barrage113 Harberdasher113 Natural 8 Apr23482Jam 34114ft 24 120 141714121113 911 DonosoR9 600062 PrincsLaa109 Spicebh118 ChtntPa 14 Apr13483HdG 34 114hy 29 122 65 712 9 94 GilberU9 Mdn 59 Whirl Thru 117 Free Press 122 Olio 10 June 7 Bel 58 ft 103bg June 4 Bel trt 12 ft 52b June 1 Bel trt 12 m 53b Gray Chief mGr c 3 by Zacaweista Gray Porte by Porte Drapeau Breeder Mrs Phil T Chinn 1948 11 4 1 0 59225 Owner E Schwarzhaupt Trainer T H Heard Jr 57100 1947 7000 May27482Bel 34113sl 4 117J 741 521 52 743 SorinoM9 710072 Maizel 15 Dreamer117 PhantomFleet 14 May13483Jam 34 114V5sy 95 123 33 2h 14 2 GuerinE4 700076 Minneplis112 Dreamr119 QnofRses Apr30432Jam 34 113ft 23 A122 11 11 11 12 GuerinE4 600078 GaryLeslie113 ShrsHill 113 RpgPam 8 Apr27482Jam 34113ft 21 124 13 1 s 14 15 GuerinE4 5000 78 Flagstaff 119 Put and Call 114 Akbar 9 Apr22482Jam 34 114ft 31118 87 751 831 533 CombtNS 500071 Casein 113 Put and Call 108 Flagstaff 12 Apr1648Uam 34114 ft 41 113 2h 2 1h 113 CombstNS 5000 77 Headland 15 SilverSkipper114 Casein 7 Apr 8487 Jam 34114 ft 83 113 22 21 2 1 591 CombtNS 5000 67 Varodi110 ChalJay115 Casein G Mar18484TrP 34112sft 26 112 31 U 31 773 CombtN 12 7750 76 BoldLady 107 SpringFolly 96 Maize 12 12May May 25 Aqu 12 ft 502sb May 20 Aqu 58 ft 106b May 11 Aqu 12 ft 49n 49nPL PL i l no Ch f 3 by Bold Irishman Hard Baked by Hard Tack neeK I VO Breeder Wheatley Stable 1948 3000 Owner S C Back Trainer S R Shapoff S6500 1947 12 2 1 0 55575 55575Jun Jun 9482Bel 34 113ft 53 113 2h 21 4411110 Wolf eA7 750068 EterIWay126FatalErr118 AliceSimms 14 May27482Bel 34113sl 148 112 623 421 721 9i Wolf eAi 650070 Maize115 Dreamer117 PhantomFleet 14 May20482Bel 34112ft 68 113 1410141414171421 WolfeA7 750060 Flitabout115 PhmtnFIetlOS Tomsive 14 Nov1047Uam 34 114ft 19e 115 10 13213201330 AllgarH4 10000 46 Combine111 SugarDrop113 JoeysPal 13 Nov 6475Jam 34113 sy 16 116 3 2h 521 816 AtksonTS Alw 66 Vashti116 WickiWicki116 SweetDream 9 Nov 347Uam 34 113ft 5 114 7 1 1 2 543 WdheHS c7500 73 MaidofOz110 StmpAlbum113 Fanash 13 Oct 147iBel34wc113ft 2le116 16 1773171 11816 McPheeR5 8000 57 Nothead116 TryAgain116 Misabi20 Aug18472Sar 34114sl 31e 116 10 32 33 5 3 DeLaraAS 12500 67 MgicMm1108 PtMan123 BritStdt 11 Aug12472Sar 51 f 105ft 75e116 11 631752119 DeLraA 12000 80 SwgTrot 108 AlliesPal 114 PilotMan 13 13June June 12 Aqu 34 ft 119b May 10 Suf 34 ft 117hg May 5 Suf 58 ft 103h 103hEfii tternal Catalantternal Efii ml PUTT bUZZ MJ M IrtQ Dk b f 3 by Eternal Bull Buzzcat by Catalan UO Breeder J L Cleveland 1947 7022 52250 52250Owner Owner A T Simmons Trainer F Catrone 56500 56500Jly Jly 21471 Jam 51 f 107ft 32 116 3 33 6 7 AtksonTi 6000 68 Zacaplay112 LadyNumdlOS NextTime12 May1747iBel 41fwc 52ft 11 11011 10 91 9 1 SnellerJ20 Mdn 91 Mkinaw115 DnaGracellS MryTudor20 May 9474Bel 41f we 53ft 51 115 7 61 3j 3 GivensC2 Mdn 86 Dynamo115 ForeverFair115 BstBoots14 Feb1747Hia 38 33ft 32 4117 2 21 2h JessopJio Mdn 97 BIkVixn117 Alfoxie117 Pleasemenow 14 Jan2947 Hia 38 33ft 31f 118 1 12 321 DodsonD Mdn 94 WhatsNew 118 Caltha 118 BlckVixen 14 Jan2247iHia 38 33 ft 51 114 1 T1 23 DodsonDS Mdn 96 Alablue 114 Control 117 Sunsation P Jan1747Hia 38 33ft 10 117 3 8143 JessopJ Mdn 92 PnicLunch117 Alablue117 WhatsNew 13 13June June 12 Bel 12 ft 48hg June 9 Bel 34 ft 117h June 5 Bel 58 ft 103h