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jlMMCAS TOW AUTHORITY FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Official Official Newspaper of the National Association of ofState State Eicine Commissioners Published dally except Snndajr by Till ANGLE PUBLICATIONS Inc DAILY R A CINQ FORM FORMJ J Samuel Perlraan General MimaK MimaKLincoln Lincoln G Plaut Director field Operations OperationsDan Dan Lyons EdHorinriUef ASSOCIATED PAPERS 731 Plymouth Court Chicago a Illlnoii 143 West 120tb Street New York 1 New York 1540 N Vermont Avenue Los Anjjelea 7 ulif 60 Hlolimond St East Toronto 1 Unt Canada CanadaH12 H12 Calhoun Avenue Houston 3 Texat Washington21M 4133 University Way Seattle 6 Washington 21M N W Ulatnl Court Miami 37 Klorldn KlorldnKENTUCKT KENTUCKT BURBA 0 420 llernando Building Lexington Kentuctj Entered us second class matter liny JC 11H5 at the post office at Chicago 111 under ih Act of March t 1870 I Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION HATES HATESFor For One Month Period Consisting of 28 issues Special Delivery Chicago DeliveryChicago CountryArea Country Chief so Country Area Area Area Area Second AreaSecond 1350Flret Clan OGO 910 1090 1350 Flret Class 1100 13CO 1540 1800 1800Airilpil Airilpil 1060 000 NewMand and back number single copy price In Chicago and environs 25 cents Elsewhere 35 cent Address all communications make ill rnnit tance and send all manuscripts to toDA1LT DA1LT RACING FORM 73 Plymouth Court Chicago 6 Ill IllTelephone Telephone WABasn 6050 Herbert S Karain Basinets Manauet Clinrt number of first race la 1948 wac 42528