Arrange Public Interest Radio Series at Delaware: Racing to Share Air Time With Civic, Service, Charity Groups, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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Arrange Public Interest1 Radio Series at Delaware DelawareRacing Racing to Share Air Time With Civic7 Service Charity Groups GroupsSTANTON STANTON Del May 14 Much of the important preliminary detail work has been completed for Delaware Parks eighth annual series of in the public interest broadcasts including format and assign ¬ ment of the local radio personalities who will handle the programs Due to the added racing dates for the 1958 season May 29 July 26 the broadcasts will emanate di ¬ rectly from the Stanton track on nine suc ¬ cessive Saturdays Again this year the entirely noncommercial public service pro ¬ grams will cover a half hour period f Harvey Smith station manager of WDEL Wilmington and Jack Lee vice president and manager of Wilmingtons WTJLM have arranged the working person ¬ nel schedule Along with another old pro WDELs Dick Aydelotte they will interview guest speakers representing various civic service and charity agencies agenciesBob Bob Kelley well known sportscaster and columnist will handle the prerace run ¬ down and color after which Bryan Field Delaware Parks vice president and general manager will fill his familiar role of call ¬ ing the race Kelley will then return with postrace comments and earlier race re ¬ sults time permitting permittingThe The radio network carrying the pro ¬ grams was expanded last season to 13 sta ¬ tions an increase of six over the hookup for previous years The broadcasts cover ¬ ing Delaware adjacent counties in Mary ¬ land central and southeastern Pennsyl ¬ vania and southern New Jersey will be carried by nine stations in Delaware Wilmingtons WTUX WDEL WILM WAMS Dovers WDOV and WKEN Georgetowns WJWL Milfords WKSB and Seafords WSUX The broadcasts are also aired by four stations in nearby Pennsyl ¬ vania WGAL Lancaster WKBO Harris burg WORK YORK and WRAW Read ¬ ing The many worthy services represented j i i i t i i t j M dJww on these broadcasts from Delaware Park during the past seven years include includeState State Civil Defense Delaware chapter American Red Cross State Vocational Re ¬ habilitation Welfare Council of Delaware Inc Delaware National Guard State and Wilmington Police Girls Club of Wliming ton Inc Delaware Curative Workshop Delaware Heart Association Delaware So ¬ ciety for Crippled Children and Adults Delaware State Development Board Men ¬ tal Health Association of Delaware Inc United Community Fund of Northern Delaware U S Savings Bonds Treasury Department Armed Forces recruiting Blood donor drives State Highway Com ¬ mission Delaware Safety Council United Cerebral Palsy Inc of Delaware Crusade for Freedom Blood Bank of Delaware Inc and numerous related agencies

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