Late Results: Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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BEULAH PARK PARKTuesday Tuesday May 13 1958 FIFTH RACE 487686 Furlongs Purse 1000 Four yearolds and upward Claiming price S15CO Net value to winner 675 second 175 third 100 fourth 50 4 Weekly 118 B Wall 500 440 380 3806Unrestricted 6Unrestricted 113 E Ennis 1920 800 8001Princess 1Princess Stell 113 P Borgemenke 520 520Time Time 111 Off at 424J Eastern Standard Time Also ran Feuding Sweet Cookie Ruse Money Honey Galiot Mar Pompey Hawthorne Intensify Dog Goya SIXTH RACE 487695 12 Furlongs Purse Tt20Q Threeyearolds and upward Claiming price 2000 Net value to winner 755 second 230 third 140 fourth 75 758Super 8Super Wise 114 N Hart 2480 640 440 4ftythum Blue 106 E Ennis 160 140 1402Crystal 2Crystal Sandal 108 P Borgemenke 540 540Time Time 105 Off at 453 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Lady Peabody Little Eagle Happy Warrior Kind Challa Michebeele SEVENTH RACE 487701 Mile 70 Yards Purse priceS2000 1300 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price S2000 Net value to winner 810 second 250 third 155 fourth 85 8Shacklette 113 G Silva 760 420 300 3002Ledger 2Ledger 118 C Basham 840 620 6207Mein 7Mein Liebling 113 H Holcomb 400 400Time Time 144 Off at 520 Eastern Standard Time TimeAlso IsdelovelySeasons Also ran Dictation Avenida L E Creech Isdelovely Seasons Mark MarkEIGHTH EIGHTH RACE 48771 1 Mile 70 Yards Purse 1100 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1300 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 135 fourth 65 656WhirIahead 6WhirIahead 118 R Mikkcnen S 380 S 320 140 5The Flier 113 G Silva 1000 480 4808Unison 8Unison 112 B Wall 320 320Time Time 144 Off at 546 Eastern Standard Time Also ran Lady Kinloch Oil Boom My Reply Bees Elsie Snow Angel Happy Bud BudAttendance Attendance 3397 Total Mutuel Pool 205247

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Local Identifier: drf1958051501_49_3
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