Settle HBPA-Track Purse Dispute at Garden State: Agree on 43 1/2 Pct. Distribution, Elimination of Lead Pony Fees, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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Settle HBPATrack Purse Dispute atGarden State StateAgree Agree on 4312 Pet Distribution Elimination of Lead Pony Fees FeesGARDEN GARDEN STATE PARK Camden N J May 14 The dispute between the New Jersey division of the Horsemens Benev ¬ olent and Protective Association and the management of Garden State Park which had been going on since the start of the current meeting was settled today It was decided that for the balance of the session the fees charged for lead ponies accom ¬ panying horses to the post will be elimi ¬ nated It had been the custom to charge a 10 fee for each lead pony with the money going to the association It is expected that the new practice will be instituted at Mon inouth Park and Atlantic City CityPurse Purse distribution at Garden State Park will be 43 Per cent of the tracks portion of the mutuel handle Originally the horsemen had asked for 44 per cent when whenContinued Continued on Page FortyTwo 4 Settle HBPATrack Purse Dispute at Garden State StateAgree Agree on 43VfcPct Distribution Elimination of Lead Pony Fees FeesContinued Continued from Page One Onetheir their contract expired last year The pre ¬ vious contract provided for a 43 per cent distribution The track had offered 43 per cent but this was at first refused refusedSeveral Several meetings were held following the opening of the 25day session and when no agreement was reached horsemen jwere slow Tuesday in entering their charges for todays races Entries also were being filed slowly this morning until the compromise was effected when the races began to fill normally Under the hew procedure per ¬ mission must be granted by the stewards for the use of lead ponies

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