United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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I UNITED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL Cost of Living at AllTime High HighNEW NEW YORK May 14 The cost of liv ¬ ing rose to a new alltime high in April for the 24th consecutive month the Na ¬ tional Industrial Conference Board re ¬ ported today Consumer prices in April rose 04 per cent from March and ran 32 per cent ahead of the same 1957 month the board said The boards alltime index for April stood at 1072 per cent of the 1953 base period periodDecision Decision on Tax Cuts a Must by June JuneWASHINGTON WASHINGTON May 14 P resident Eisenhower said today a decision on anti ¬ recession tax cuts will have to be made by June but he refused to speculate what the decision will be The president grew vis ¬ ibly irritated when he was asked at his weekly news conference whether he would veto an income tax cut if Congress decided to go ahead and vote one He said he was not going to prophesy what might hap ¬ pen that he has told the reporters time and again that he was watching the situa ¬ tion and that he would make a decision at the proper time timeParatroopers Paratroopers Ready to Defend Nixon NixonWASHINGTON WASHINGTON May 14 The Defense Department said today that 23 aircraft were involved in the movement of 500 pa ¬ ratroopers to Puerto Rico where they will be ready to protect Richard M Nixon if requested Assistant Defense Secretary Murray Snyder said that 21 of the 23 planes had landed at Ramey Air Force Base by 845 a m EDT today and at that hour the other two planes were delayed Snyder said he did not know immediately the situation concerning 500 marines who left Lejeune N C last night aboard naval aircraft for Guantanamo Bay Cuba CubaDemonstrations Demonstrations Have Pattern Ike IkeWASHINGTON WASHINGTON May 14 P r e s i d e n t Eisenhower said today that antiAmerican demonstrations on three continents seem to have been generated by Communist ex ¬ ploitation of world troubles He said there seems to be a Communist pattern to this weeks wave of demonstrations against VicePresident Richard M Nixon in South America and against the United States in Lebanon and Algeria AlgeriaLefkowirz Lefkowirz Charges Harriman HarrimanNEW NEW YORK May 14 Gov Averell Harriman was accused today of devising a legislative straitjacket to block bills passed by the Republican majority At ¬ torney General Louis J Lefkowitz told a young Republican Club luncheon meeting that the importance of electing a Repub ¬ lican governor this year has become more and more manifest as the record of Gov Harriman in acting on legislation is unfolded to the searching light of public scrutiny scrutinyFOREIGN FOREIGN Yugoslavia Poland Rift Widens WidensLONDON LONDON May 14 The deepening rift in the Communist camp threatened today to engulf the recently founded friendship between revisionist Yugoslavia and lib ¬ eralized Poland Informed sources said Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia will abandon for the time being his scheduled visit to Poland The trip was officially set for late spring It was to have sealed more firmly the young friendship which developed be ¬ tween Warsaw and Belgrade in the wake of the deStalinization policies policiesOrder Order ArgentinaBUENOS 60 Per Cent Wage Hike in Argentina BUENOS AIRES May 14 Argentinas new government has ordered a blanket 60 per cent wage increase for the nations workers accompanied by a crackdown on profiteering and unjustifiable price in ¬ creases President Arturo Frondizi who took office May 1 announced the raise in a nationwide broadcast last night He said I companies that need loans to meet in ¬ creased payrolls can get them from the gov ¬ ernment ernmentBritain Britain Accused of Aiding Rebels RebelsSINGAPORE SINGAPORE May 14 Indonesias An tara News Agency added Britains name to ¬ day to the list of foreign nations accused by the Loyalists of giving direct or indirect aid to the Rebels The agency said the Port of Tawau in British North Borneo has be ¬ come a gateway for persons and cargo moving to or from Menado the stronghold on Celebes Island which it said is the new rebel capital capitalOffer Offer Police Equipment to Lebanon LebanonBEIRUT BEIRUT Lebanon May 14 The United States offered police equipment to Leba ¬ non tonight to help this government maintain internal security At the same time U S Ambassador Robert G McClin tock commandeered an American ocean liner to evacuate endangered American citizens from Tripoli the main provincial city where rebellion against the proWest ¬ ern government erupted last week

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958051501/drf1958051501_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1958051501_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800