Wheelings Day at Races Program Proving Popular: Leavitt Expresses Gratification Over Splendid Response to Date, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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Wheelings Day at Races7 Program Proving Popular PopularLeavitt Leavitt Expresses Gratification Over Splendid Response to Date DateBy By Staff Correspondent I WHEELING DOWNS Wheeling W Va May 14 Twenty clubs and organizations have taken advantage of Wheelings Day j at the Races program this season and 12 others have been scheduled to attend before the meeting closes May 31 General Man ¬ ager Robert G Leavitt said today Leavitt has expressed his gratification over the fine response to the program and reported that it will be continued at the two meet ¬ ings to be held here later this year yearThe The Day at the Races program permits civic fraternal and social organizations to attend the racing program as a group and the feature race of the day is named in the organizations honor honorGroups Groups scheduled to attend Wheeling be ¬ fore the meeting closes are the 100member Pittsburgh Models Club Sun Oil Company of Brownsville Pa Moose Lodge No 67 of Wheeling Southeastern Association of Fire Chiefs the Club Mariann Arco Veterans Club of Youngstown Ohio the J L Steel Company Bowling League David I Rankin Post of Pittsburgh Fayette Gun Club of Uniontown American Legion Post No 3 of Moundsville W Va Allegheny Council of Bell Telephone Company and the Commu ¬ nications Workers of America AmericaOrganizations Organizations wishing to take advantage of the program have been asked to contact the Wheeling publicity department

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958051501/drf1958051501_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1958051501_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800