Wheeling Downs Results, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-15


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Wheeling Downs Results Wednesday May 14 1958 1958WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST TWENTYEIGHTH DAY OF 43DAY MEETING MEETINGAPRIL APRIL 12 TO MAY 31 31DAILY DAILY DOUBLEFIRST AND SECOND RACES ENTRIES RUN AS ONE NO FIELD HORSES IN INDAILY DAILY DOUBLE DOUBLEUNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE 49008 5 Furlongs Purse 800 Three yearolds Claiming prices 1750 to 1500 Net value to winner 520 second 160 third 80 fourth 40 2Grecian Galley 1 10 J Minento 6800 1760 1000 4Sleek Boy 107 C Gambardella 700 480 4801Living 1Living Far 110 F Saumell 280 280Time Time 101 Off at 232 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Hasty Bunnie Eves Quest Pick Time Sam What Am SisQueen SisQueenSECOND SECOND RACE 49009 6 12 Furlongs Purse 800 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1500 Net value to winner 5520 second 160 third 80 fourth 40 v v1Jimniys 1Jimniys First 115 G Leone 580 520 380 8He Lika 116 G Parra 960 600 6006Almeda 6Almeda Acres 115 W Downs x 600 600Time Time 122 Off at 255J Eastern Daylight Time Also rail San Four Caillou Alsab King John Kaplan Poplar Street Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 36060 36060THIRD THIRD RACE 39030 5 Furlongs Purse 800 Four yearolds and upward Claiming price 1500 Net value to winner S520 second 160 third 80 fourth 40 3Another Kiss 107 J Johnson 1240 600 360 7Nip Mah 115 N Fernicola 460 280 2808Stackaway 8Stackaway 117 R Shirey 240 240Time Time 101 Off at 320 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Thorny Eternal Boy Don Call Gomango GomangoFOURTH FOURTH RACE 4901DS 12 Furlongs Purse 800 Fouryearolds and upward Eillies and mares Claim ¬ ing price 1500 Net value to winner 520 second 160 third 80 fourth 40 408Apres 8Apres Moi 112 F Saumell 2000 9J0 400 1Simplicity A 112 R Cave 1520 620 6207God 7God Rina 117 C Gambardella 300 300Time Time 122 Off at 343 Eastern Daylight Time Also fan T V Bound Alpine Susie Titchie Texas Glory Jaycile JaycileFIFTH FIFTH RACE 39012 8 12 Furlongs Purse 800 Four yearolds and upward Claiming price S1500 Net value to winner 520 second 160 third 80 fourth 40 403tost 3tost Time 120 F Saumell 540 4CO 320 4TBob 120 C Wood v 900 540 5407Dcctcr 7Dcctcr Ray 120 TV ONeif 560 560Time Time 122 Off at 408 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran She Swings Hope Marie Quatre Pass Its a Pleasure Laura C CSIXTH SIXTH RACE 49013 5 Furlongs Purse 1000 Four yearolds and upward Claiming prices 2250 to 1750 Net value to winner 650 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 501TSun 1TSun Night 120 C Wood 5CQ 400 300 3004Cathy 4Cathy Carson 116 G Parra 620 3EO 3EO3Cock 3Cock Bird 116 R lannotti 620 Time 101 Off at 4338 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Sun Dolores Brown Atom Deer Run SEVENTH RACE 49014 1 116 Miles Purse S9CO Fouryearolds and upward Claiming price 1500 Net value to winner 585 second 180 third 90 fourth 45 1 Questing 110 C Thacker 700 520 360 4Briar Patch 115 L Baranello 1140 580 5803Oubaas 3Oubaas 115 F Saumell 3CO 3COTime Time 149 Off at 456J Eastern Daylight Time Also ran The Weaver True King King For All Bon ¬ nie Inez Grand Pappy For late results see tomorrows issue

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958051501/drf1958051501_48_7
Local Identifier: drf1958051501_48_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800