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I = , , i ■ , 1 i , ■ ■ • k FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. fJ9B*3— 1:11.-.--8— inc.. 1 LACKROSE. b. g. 5 113 By Lackford— Sararose W. E. Applegate. _ luai .-. :; I 1:121 fast 13-5 111 5 4 4 -1- :;" Borel S G. of Ophir, Kootenay. G.tlj 14 Juarez 7-8 1:24| teat 5 188 6 4 5 4 Ij L" Borei 8 G.of Ophir, Sea Cliff, Daddy Gip 6942 Juarez 7-8 1:28 l:ist 10 100 4 5 6 6 t; 8* Borel IS G.Marcfamont, G.M. Miller, Ymir 858 luarez 7-8 1:21 last 6 no 6 6 6 6 6 8*f B Steele 6 H.Barbee, Bio Brazos, JimBasey 6842 luarez 7-8 1:261 test 1 111 4 3 2 1 1- ll Borel 9 Gold of Ophir, lasur. Man. Pack 6830 Juares 11:48 fast 7-10 111 3 2 2 21 1". Borel 5 I.Roek, Engraver, Calethumplaa 6784 Juarea 1 l:M test 13-5 ill 7 4 1 2 2* U Borel 8 Bio Brasos, Engraver, P. Duster 6776 Juarei 7-8 1:281 slow 1 111 2 2 3 3 42 6*1 Borel 8 G.Msrchmt, B.Brasos, F. Duster 6728 .1 1 ares 1 1:3!* fast 13-5 188 4 2 2 2 8*1 2 Lord .. Injury. Crossover, G. M. Miller.. 6714 Juares 71:27 good l!-5 10! 5 3 4 1 2"t 4«1 Horel 5 M. Street, Loween, G. M. Miller 6679 J uai I 7Sl:JS test 7-5 1U 111 1 V- V Borel 6 Crossover. Leather Duster. Ymir 6861 Juarez Ei f 1:091 good 6 110 I 4 4 4 1» Borel 4 Chss. Goets, Furlong, Beda 5695 Churchill 3-4 1 :13» fast 57 11113 6 6 6 615 Borel li M.v Lad. Cohort. T. NlghtSMTS 631 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:16 hvy i3 110 4 6 6 7 8" Corel 8 Salesia. Royal Tea. Font 6338 Doug. Pk 1 1-16 1:471 good 48 107 1 2 4 8 9 6**lBore] 9 Wander, Bffendi. I.itrucha 5120 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 17 11014 5 5 5 8»| Borei 5 Sea Cliff. Flex. Donati B864 Lexington 8-4 1:124 fast 12 113 2 5 4 4* 4* Borei 6 Sea Cliff. Gav Bird. Falrchlld 1882 Lexington 3-4 1:14 fast 18 107 3 4 5 D° 5,u Gross i San Qaeen, M. Bean. Morriataw !7 . Charleston 3-4 1:14J test 50 M7 10 10 10 10 103" Borel 10 Ivabel. T.M.Green, PrinceAhmed SENECA, br. g. i 111 By Disguise— Swiftfoot Tigtte and Israel. 6983 J u 3 1 L12- fast 21 100 t 1 1 1- _ Kederia 7 Upright. G.Msrchmt. F.Footsts I luarez 3 1 1:121 faat 5 M I 5 E :■- 4*1 Kederia i; t.Geatlesssn, K nay, J. Ha-c tan 3-4 1:13 test M MS 6 E •"■ 5 ; Kii hm ; JimBasey, TU.Thomas, K00ten.1v SS17 Juarez 3-i 1:131 last 40 M8 6 3 5 .•-: 7 , 1: I ria 7 Goldnan. J. B.Rob son, F.Roberl 6317 I.aurel 3 4 1:13 fast 10 107 9 9 J S1 7° Kederis 9 Ivabel. Back Bay. Rose Queen 6298 Laurel 3-4 1:148 fast 8-5 Ms 2 111- 1" Kederis 12 Chemulpo, Ven.Strome, Magazine 5077 Laurel 3-1 1 -. 13* fast 2 110 6 222 2 1 Kederia li Double Five. Pluvious Nimbus 5888 Laurel 3-4 1:141 fast 25 110 7 5 5 5s 7; Kederis ii S|».hn. Joe Knight Ren Loyal 6310 Vancouver 5-8 l:03j mud — 109 6 5 6 5" 63 Kederis 6 Dotty. Back Bav. AaseriCUS, 5303 ancouver 41 f 56 mud— 112 6 I 5 8* 57 Kederia 7 Dotty, Parlor. Boy. Amerleoa incouver E f 147 faat — 110 Withdrawn. Kederis 6 J. Baser. Atnerieus. Metropolitan 1784 Vancouver 5-8 oJt fast — 112 6 6 6 6 2J Kederis ! FI. KobertS, Metropolitan. Useeil incouver El 1 1 :07 fast — 1 . 3 1 1 1* 1* Kederis 8 Metropol Man. J. Pain.-. Americas 1621 Vancouver 61 f 1:111 mud — 107 5 1 1 5 r Kederia B JimBasey, Dut. Courage, Imprint 1386 Vancouver 3-4 l:li| mud — 109 3 1 1 2h 3* Kederis 4 Carlton G.. Jim Basey. Beda 1226 Vancouver 8-4 1:11 fast — 106 2 12 3 67 Kederis 7 Imprint. Jim Basev. Loween 3657 Vancouver 51 f 1 :07* fast — 111 2 6 6 Bl 8* Kederis 7 P. Roberts, Carlton G., J". Basey 3161 C. dAicne 3-1 1:138 fast 2 11! 6 6 6 5= 11 Iori-ythe 7 Dr.Dou-herly. K. Blk. Rifthteasy ROGON. ch. h. 5 108 By Octagon — Lady Rosemary J. G. Partridge. 6865.1 IM test 3-5 ll S 122 -i- Rhunire 8 Bandadero, Ma-. :1c Anne McGee 684c luarez Bl t IM test 7-10 lot E 2 2 2* L Rhtmire 6 Dominica, Sanel. Oakland 68 ■ I tarez 3 I 1:131 test 9-5 MB 1 1 1 li 1-"- Rhtmire lo Par. Roy. Eth.Ssmeon. An. Interest 6815 Juares 61 I 1 "7- fast 31 no 6 1 1 l-1 1 Rhtmire II F.G.Hegan, Toy Boy, ChaaGaets irez 5. f i:o7i fast ii-5 MS 5 2 2 23 2* Rhtmire 7 Oakland, Orbed Lad, Sir Ireaiu 6761 Juares 8-4 1:128 fast 1 10s 3 11 2* 6*| Drej r » Sea CUff, Gold of Ophir, Swish 6068 Latonia 51 f 1:061 fast 17-10 113 8 4 4 71 541, Wins;fld 10 J. H. Barr. Imprudent. Tov Bov 5330 Douglas Pk :i-i 1:138 good 47 109 10 9 9 9 9" WlngTM 10 Wintergn, Beeiproey. Morristn 1848 Charleston lh f 1 :07H fast 14-5 110 2 1 1 1" lh C Peak 8 BettieSue, L.Irms, PrinceAhmed «S Louisville 8-4 1:13 fast 7-5 105 3 2 2 21 21 R Hoffman ! Ven.Strome. Melvor. R. Captive. 18560 Louisville 3-4 1:128 fast 21-20 111 2 1 1 21 21 R Hoffman 8 Roy. Captive. Ctv Tax, DHaney. 18211 Lexington 3-4 1:15 slop 3-2 110 2 111* ll Loftua 0 R. Captive, Bon.Bloise. 17766 Hamilton 1-4 1:151 hvy 9-5 108 5 2 2 21 31 J Glass 5 EagleBird. RlfinReati, Servicencn 97605 Fort Erie 8-4 1:18 hvy 21 96 6 4 4 D1 2 Win-fid 7 Fol.Levy, Lit.Fath-r. BsgleBird. 47630 FortErie lm70v 1:42| fast 7 105 2 1 1 1 32 37 T Koerner fi Red wine, Edda. Nightfall. •7460 Fort Kne 3 4 1:12 fast 8-5 MS 4 3 4 4"k 541 T Koerner ft S.NIsht. M.W.LIttoa, Nightfall. SIR ALVESC0T, b. g. 7 109 By Alvescot— Ellerdie D. FordL 8-4 1:1 test 5 KB 4 :; _■■ _■-■, r Hoffman s cidtinu. Fern I... Oakland I 1:391 fast o lot; :: 1 1 1 1* jt| r Hoffman . Melton Street. Zoroaster Balcliff 6902 Ju 7 • 1:321 hvy 8 169 211 1 1 3*1 R Hoffman 7 Hanly. Mycenae, Dr. Dougherty 6890 Juarez I fast 11 105 5 2 1 1 B Steele 5 Sea Cliff. Setback, Caletbnmpian 6871 Juarez 8-4 1:14 List 11 118 6 1 2 2 .". B Steele :» Jf mir. Parlor Boy, Sepulveda 684 luai .. 3-1 1:131 teat 15 no 8 8 8- 6*1H Hoffman 8 Mimorinso. Swish, Sea Cliff 6828 Ji 1 i 1 1 1:128 iast 16 M7 5 5 5 B1 B*i I: Hoffman i El Palomar, T.Thomas, TnsTrie* 6811 Juarez 3 1 I I-., test 5 2 112 1 6 4 8 8*|Buxton :» Vkdble, B. Samson. Parlor Boy 6733 Juares Bl f l:07r: fast 4 1 i9 7 6 5 33 l1! Dreyer ! Mlsaorioso, C. ; ietz. Bach. Lrl 6703 Juares H t IM good 8-6 tin 1 3 11* 1*1 Buxton 6 Lady Young, Parks-Boy, Cante*s 8678 Juares Bl f 1*71 test 6-8 IM 8 7 7 41 2* Rooney » Beda, Parlor Boy, Gold of Ophir 6828 luarez 5-8 1*4 good 8-1 118 H 8 5 3-i 31 B Steels 11 S.Peters, IMIend*son, Aeumeu 6370 Latonia 3-4 1 :13ii fast 3-2 112 2 11 ll U Loftus 11 Ktbelda. Chapultepee. Ilex 5918 Churchill 3-4 1:131 fast 47-10 111 4 5 4 51 57J Wingfld 7 C. on Delivery. Mv Lad. Sureg. t 5856 Churchill 51 f 1:08 slow31-10 107 4 4 4 420 4J Koose 5 Royal Tea, Surget. Ella Brysoa 5645 Douglas Pk 3-4 l:lli fast 15 11212 2 2 2" 2* Fain C Reciprocity, Vreeisad. Melvor 2892 Latonia 3-4 1:128 fast 3 111 7 6 5 5* 541 C Peak 12 Chapultepee, Donau. Coppertown 2598 Louisvilic 3-4 1:13* fast 4-5 10813 1 1 11 3i C Peak » K.Olvmpian. E. Rrvson. C JstSSj 2486 Louisville 1-4 1:111 test 3-2 114 3 2 2 2* 2* C Peak 8 Sebago, Com. Teach, Millo S84 Louisville 3-4 1:121 fast l»-6 109 3 1 I 11 11 C Peak 10 Sebago. Sea Cliff. King Olympian 1954 Charleston 3-4 1:14 fast 11-10 115 6 2 2 2*1 2** C Peak lit Righreasv, Pharaoh. Aliss Wigga IS68 Charleston 3-4 1:131 fast 6 MS 4 IS?* 2* C Peak « Ivabel. JackParker. L. Watches PARLOR BOY, ch. g. I 104 By Deutschland— Reina de Los AngelesJ.A.CUipps. .: : l:14j slow 2 108 1 3 3 i Moleswh 7 Oakland. Miss Jean. Suffragit l inrez 3 1 1 Li last 8 100 j 4 4 3* 3 Groth 8 Sepulveda, Mimorioso, LadyMav 6871 Juarei 5 1 1:14 fast 1 lot 2 3 3 Groth .» Ymir, Sir Alvescot, Sepulveda : larez 3 t 1:14 last 1 110 3 1 1 lii 1 I Buxt in 8 Gold. Agnes, A. Int. -rot. Orperth 1 1 1:131 test 5 1:2 4 3 3 2*1 2*1 Buxton 10 Bogon, Bth.Ssmaon, Anl Interest 6811 Juarea I 1 1:131 fast 28 M8 8 7 6 4*1 3 j Moleswh : Visible. L. Sam on Edm. Adams 6796 Juares 1 1 1:13 fast s 112 I 2 2 I | Buxton 7 Sea Cliff, Msndadero, Miss Jean 6702 Juarez 51 f 1:08 good 6 115 2 122 8* 1 Nicol 6 S Alvescot, Lady Young, Cantem luarez 51 f 1:111 mud 1-3 115 1 11 li L D Nicol 5 Cantem. Edmond Adams. Evelina trez Elf 1:671 test 4 IM E 3 3 2* ! l u Nicol !i R«-.!a. Sir Alvescot, Gold of Opitli ■— Juai B-8 I Hill good 4 IM 7 3 2 2» :. Roa 11 a Dominica, Vlsihle, Lady Young 6630 luarez 3 1 1:171 good 2 M7 7 1 2 L= 5 IGross 7 Pther Duster Frazzle. Hatteras 6268 Denver 51 f 1 :0JJ good — -M9 4 4 4 4 4* W Taylor :, Uorixbt. Dseeit. Fort Johnson Denver 7-8 1:28| slow — Mt 6 5 5 4 S1 4*1 Keogh .Zulu Milt Jones Iprigbt 6M: Denver 61 f 1 :oS slow — M8 4 2 2 2s 11 Keogh 5 1 aeeit, Napa Nick, Scia -Grinder 6017 Denver B-8 IMS slow — 110 3 1 1 l2 l Keogh 9 ft Johnson. NapaNIck. La Veita 5754 Victoria B-8 1:031 alow — 106 2 3 I 3** 3*| Keogh 6 Dotty. H. Canomann. Sal. ODay Victoria 3-4 1:13 fast — 188 6 4 Pulled up. Pickens 8 Ssllie ODay. Dotty. Oswald B. 5481 Victoria 3-4 1:16 fast — 110 3 1 1 li 1** Keogh 8 Sir Fretful. Imprint Cleopat Vancouver 4* f 56 mud — 112 1 3 3 21 21i K.s.gii 7 1 otty, Americas, Franelne 1944 Vancouver 8-4 1:158 mud — HI 1 1 1 ll Is Kederia 6 Sidon. Ed. Adams. Fl. Hamilton M38 Vane uver 3-4 1:161 hvy — 108 2 1 1 p 1J Keogh 7 BkBay, Lsymlnster, Blacksheep 4464 Van* 3 I 1:181 mud — M7 1 111* ll Keogh 5 Laymlnster, R.Wilson. S. Fretful 1415 Vancouver 8-1 1:141 good — 108 4 2 I 21 B«I ■ MeEwen 8 B. Wilson, s iretful. FortJohnson JUST RED. ch. er. 4 106 By Canard— Doris L. A. Denker. luari . : 11:1 - S ME 1 2 2 1* 2 R :. 1, Id tin u Suffragist, Dominica .:i ■" test 5 mi ;, 4 2 -- 2» Gi - 8 G. of Ophir, Mimorioso But. Ball 6900 J uai z 51 f 1 til hvy 65 MM 2 211- 1*1 Gross ii Ince. J. Grav Rose Onell, Gimli 6877 J 1 3 109 2 2 3 L Gi 8 F.G.Hogan Gift, Booger Battle 6852 Juarez 3-4 1:13] fast 7 11! 4 111, iJC 11 Miller 10 Acumen, Venetian. Chantlclor 6S44 Juares 51 f 1 081 fast -1 104 7 s 7 7 B* Kirschm 12 R. Posey, An. McGee Hid. Hand 68 I Juarez 3-4 1:131 tesl 16 hi 3 6 5 5 B« Bobbins 8 Chas. its. Visible. F. «: Hogan ruai z 3-4 1 111 11 Sl C II Miller s Balronia, Mary Emily, Hazel c. 6743 Juarez 61 f 1:061 test 12 105 2 3 4 I • C H Mil r S Mimorso, Chas.Goets, K. Samson Lagoon F C 1:161 mud 8-1 M7 2 1 2 2=1 2s c 11 Miller 5 Balronia. Orimar Lad. Oxer 6103 Lagoon F C 1:08* fast 5 M 5 4 4 4J 4* Forsythe 7 Pay Streak, Truly Batwa igoon test 1 168 1 1 1 1«* 2*1 C H Miller .. L.J.ine. F.G losan. O.Cunaham I igoon 3-4 163 hvy 21 105 2 1 1 1»| I* C II Miller 7 Sweet. laic. Bniwn. S. Shsplro 1169 Ana mda 51 f 1:081 fasl 8 111 2 1 2 :- 2*1 D Bound 6 Chas. Goeti Msndadero. ilfrim 5115 Anaconda I 1:121 good 36 105 2 11 li ••-: II Miller:* Pajaroita, Engraver. Definite 6019 Ana o.ida F C 1:131 good 16-6 108 2 1 2 4- 47 C II Miller 5 Cha ti Hugh Gray, HsseIC 1774 1 e F c Lllg fast 11-20 in.". 2 2 11" 1« c 11 Miller 6 Q.Rutb, Judge Ssle. Gold.Sbower 176 Butte 3-4 1:14 Li.-t 40 110 4 2 1 1 5" C II Miller 7 Visible, LI. Fashion. L. Sawver 1 Sail like 8-4 1:14 fast 11 105 4 1 1 ink 4-3 Kirschm 7 Ora McGee, Queen Ruth. Hadad ttsa Stall Ike F CI :11 slow 41 IM 6 6 5 4"" 4»3 C H Miller 7 Al.surl. Alhert.Iones. Aunt Alice FTJRLONG. b. h. 5 116 Bv Ber. Howard— Georgie M. J. Wilkias. 3-4 1:121 fasl |l: 105 4 2 7 Kirscl S G. .if 0| iiir. Kootenai L.i. k 1 - . fast 18-5 114 Kirscl i . Rbtbts. R Llovd 108 5 .. 5 1 Est"- p b, F.Robts, P ofLnK ■ ! luan . ! 1:071 :a-t 9-5 120 5 3 1 Moleswh H Ceo.Oxnard, Colquitt. B..l.vCuok 6781 Juarez :: I 1:128 good 7 M8 1 ill: ;.i 1 awh fi Upright, Pawbuska, Jim Ba v 3-1 1:1 ! slow 7 108 1 1 2 ::- p Qrnth 5 Irish Gentleman, Enfield. Batwa 3 1 1:131 fast 15 113 5 3 3: »*j U leswh H Ella Bryaon, Console, Cili.v 7-8 1:27] good SO 186 3 1 1 1 i- 3* Moleswh 6 Meadow Console Melton Street 1 rez :. f 1:081 good U-S IM 4 3 2 2* 3-2 Moleswh t laekrose, Chas. Goets, Beda DADDY GIP, ch. k. 6 106 Bv Prinze Eshcr— Mamie Lou R. A. Leieh. 2 14 it CManhmt. V. Rights. R. IJoyd s i"» ■ 1 : I I I K - ■ !■ t s G. of Ophir I id nse s. , rhT " 1-4 1:121 fast 28 III 1 4 I Burgami K J.B.Robson. Mimorioso Goldfn , ■"- ■■ ::iLi::r. 2 3 4 B* 21 Burgatne K Suffragist. Love Day. F. Duster ; ltlir;st T Ti "I :: ! I " • ■■« - CMsrcbmont, Meadow -tl» Anaconda 1 1:431 alow E ill 2 2 ] 3 5 5** B Cotton 5 Uncle Ben laek Lsxson stirilrr Ana.. .tela F r Mljilmv 12 ion 2 2 3 8* 3 B Cotton 7 Pav Streak NapaNIck Hnnteln 11:501 hvy 6 110 2 12 2 7 fl* B Cotton 7 D bougnVrtV Un Ben Jlisson 5105 Anaconda 11:11 fast 44. 184 3 11 1 ]h 1h K Cotton i J. Lantern J Laxson B IGettv » Anaconda 3-4 1:14 test * 188 1 1 1 1«* 2» E Cotton K J. F.Crow™v. 1. CloSr « 5*n:2 * S ;s 1 " ~ ** 2*1 B Cotton I T.Trick. F.Footsteps. DV.Dherty «U I. . • -;l •!• B 82 I ? :• 4«J 6*4 »1 INell ,; .1 |-., ■■„ 1. , . | |--. ! , , . D.Oghty "s 581 fast ". 104 . .. E .. »1 Sflden .". I. Panrhita r Trick Th Links 1. Butte 1-4 1:131 fasl 18-6 109 2 2 2 2 li-L | J.P.Crowley FinnigiL t»r n"es 1563 Butte 11:40 fast U 104 4 111 rapMn I Enfield, Hncle Ben Meadow , j;";" * " • « * 5 4 4 4*j SeMen 5 Th.Links. KootenaV. I. Lanchlta •"," S* J Jl2S* *■»**■ 2 " -! • - : tndemon S Tb. Links. CghHIU. J.F.Crowley . Hf 1:061 faat 20 N« 4 4 1 4 4*1 Anderson 5 Caugb Hill. Eufield I. Psnehlta i li4Ut i Q 1:11 mua i Hf 1 6 6 and Is Uf-iU 5 Jioot«iav; i Uree Links Amo9t SUFFRAGIST, ch. h. 6 110 By Voter— Noonday J. Mastergonl. i096 Juarea " I 121 fast 7. uu J ;, ;. .;- Loftus ". ColdtUin. Juxl Red, 1 ■•■ ■ i n i • .- ;9K Juarea 3 1 1:LM faat :. 113 l I S I1 l" Loftus J" Angelas. Mandadero. si t. Spray I • :. ; Juarea l r.*»Jl fast 3 m 5 11 I lh «»» Small 7 MaisJntSirt, Kl Pato, Flying WW. I uarea 7-8 1:211 teal h 11 7 y : 13 2* 3*1 Small H thaatk-lor. Eye White, tolii.ol K807 Juarea 3-4 1:14| atow 3 ill 1 ." I 44 4 | Small 7 Oakland, Parlor le . Mis eai 6871 Juarea 3-4 1:14 fast 8 1H* I 4 4 7.3 B* .1 Henry :» Ymir. I:ii lor B..v. Sii Alvoseo. 6Eo9 Juarea t-4 1:1V fast 6 i m fi :i 3 I* 1| Fuxton s Daddy Gip, Lare Day, K. Duster 6M1 Juarez ll:41gfast VI 315 2 11 1 l-i 2" Buxton lO MalsteGirl. I rsulal.niina. K.IMI •k- Juarez 3-4 1:13* fast 20 115 2 9 8 9 9" Small 10 Rogoa. Parlor Boy, EthelSanison 630C Juarea 1 1:39 fast 15 107 6 4 2 4 43 4J Small ti ;. Mar. umont. 1-iv. Feet. Ralcliff 077.; .luarez 7-3 1:-M law 16 107 6 6 4 5 »■* fi "il Callahan • G.Marcumt. R.Brazos. F.Duater 6734 Juarea 11:398 fast 9-6 108 1 3 2 1 1* 21 Buxton 11 J. Louis. Lov- Dav. Bhu Northern 742 .luarez 1 1 :39j! fast 4-6 131 4 3 1 1 Ill" Loftus 7 L. Creed, L M.hinont. O.McGee 3713 Juarea 3-4 1 -Mil good 8 109 11 11 io 10 in" Schwebig 13 Blk. Mate, RyeWhlte, Godfather 334 Juarea :j. 4 1:141 slow 11-5 110 3 4 3 S* fi8 Small H B.I.vneh. Swede Sam. I Warti -Id 6313 laurel lmToy 1 :44| fast 4 11:112 10 6 e 6" 6"J Bruce 12 Henry Hutchiaoa. Anavrl ohm ,•"4 laurel 1 1-16 1:47| fast 3 IK. 7 4 1 1 V* 3*3 Small -.» NadSU, » Em. Fred Muluolland C829 laurel 11-13 1:43 fast 8 lit; 6 4 3 3 2J 2 Small lo Brkr B»v Tal««-. Roval Meleor Mvl laurel lm70y 1:481 fast 6 1M 9 6 8 7 8J 8«J Small 12 Harduer O Km, Mousieur X. UA H.deGraee 3-4 1:1:54 fast 8-6 Ho 6 2 3 3J 4» McTagrt 11 Ku. Deck, Towtou Field, Oaajtet C1G7 H deGce lm70y 1:46 good 8 114 1 1 1 1 1» Is Glass 8 Tactics. Accord. Yorkshire B.v 4360 Hamilton 1 1:41 fast 20 106 2 4 1 1 lBk 74| Byrne 9 Jacquellna. Ivabel. Cora. Touch 4070 Fort Erie 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 110 6 6 4 4* 3J Loftus it Sal Volatile. Thrifty. Detroit KM FttTt Erie 6J f 1:061 fast 6 110 9 11 11 11 11«* McTajrrt 11 Malitine. Carrillon. B.of Pleasur* 14oo Fort Erie 1 1 16 1 :46g fast 30 112 11 10 9 11 12» 11 « Wolf 13 Caliph. Patou. F. Mulbolland *:-2X Hamilton 7-8 1:261 faat 6-3 113 7 f 4 3 3ll 3 McTagrt 10 0 Em. ttiepontuc. Shelby PRINCE CONRAD, ch. c. 4 104 By Kismet— Kate Campbell G. Summers. .• 4 Juarea l I : las; S MG 3 3 S 4 CHKfrschm 7 Roy. Meteor, s.-n.a.k. Mm. I.i:... . •£» Juarea 3-4 1:1and| fast 17-10 134 s I 4 Zl 11 Buxton 8 Lookout, Auto Girl, Loving lloac 3793 Juarea r, r i :07# fast 40 MS 6 7 7 7 5* Klracnm 7 Oakland. Rocoa, Orbed Lad SULasoon ]•" C 1:132 mud 7 9H 4 8 8 fi4 6" Forsythe g Char. Brown. Dr. Neuter. K. Lear 6304 Lagoon 5-S 1:021 mud 4 10t 10 M 9 8s 5" J McBride 10 G. Intent. Gol.lPoint. Cb. Brown KI95V Lagoon 34 1:13 last 25 107 3 7 3 6= 7»i .1 McBride 7 F. G. Hocun. Laura Clay Kiora OH lagoon P C 1:4* fast 60 106 1 6 6 6 «««|J McBride 8 Chas. Goeta, Visible. Mandadero 3339 Lagoon P C 1:11 good 25 133 4 4 5 5 5-: J McBride ,r. Jack Stryker, Stare. Oxer 1IADAD. b. c. 4 107 By Solitaire II.— Elminetta W. M. Neeser. M* Lagoon 1 1:531 mud 20 IM 4 4 4 3 7 7 ; Hill 7 J.oLantera, Mycenae. Mandadero • *•■: Lagoon i 1:433 mud I 189 II.; 7 7" Iorsvthe 7 First Star Mycenae. Miami SSSft Lagoon P C 1:131 mud 28 189 8 7 .; 5« 47, sieiort H Batwa Laura Clay. Balroaia ■ .1 Lacoon I I t 29 tasL lo ur 4 11 2 21 23 Oraaea .; Sir John. Eoroas ter. Mycenae 2979 Salt Lake 34 1:14 fast 89 188 6 t, :. :. ::- Corey 7 OraMcGee. QueenRnth, J list Red Salt Lake Oi f 1 :07 fast 40 193 9 lo 10 33 10-«jorev 10 Nello. Valbal. Colonel Cook 2831 f. dAlene f.J f 1:08J fast « 1U 3 8 8 8 Ss- Post 8 Ltticiii-y. Hand Satchel. Calla ■3733 Salt like 44 f 06 fast 6 in 11 12 12 12*«JA Walsh 12 Sanel, Naila Mas. Vallial.