Fourth Race [4th Butte, Daily Racing Form, 1913-08-01

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FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and ujrward Allowances 4S7S 58 5 97 PRIDE OF LISMORE b g 6 By Galveston Clara White T Goulding 10028 Butte 51 f 108 slow 4 111 4JJ Goulding4JJ Imes J SirFretfuI Simpsilla Mrs Gamp 99SS Butte 51 f 107 hvy 6 106 2 ° urame IarlBoy Americiis B Harwood 9S9G Butte 51 f l08slop 15 105 4J Harwood4J Mulligan G Lady Pauchlta Envr Americim 9S3S Butte 51 f lOGfast 95 107 GlulMulligan AmericimGlulMulligan G PStreak EHarwood ParlBov 9646 Butte 34 l13fast 12 108 44i ParlBov44i Sielaff S FloPark Sir Fretful Parlor Bov 9602 Butte 61 f l07fast 40 112 f Bovf Mulligan G LPanchita DadGip S Fretful SOS4 CdAlene 6S l00fast 8 i Anderson 5 L Pchita MCanomn Platinum 7504 Juarez 34 lllfast 5 112 4 11 5 = 1 Kederis i Kootenay IGeninah Lackrose 7291 Juarez 34 1148 fast 3 105 2 3 3 = 3 Kederis 4 El Palomar IGentlemau Injury 7261 Juarez 51 f 106J fast 185 112 4 1 = 1 1 Kederis 5 PZareta Kootenay LPanchita 7050 Juarez 51 f 1062 fast 4 112 4 1 = 2 Kederis G FRoberts LPchlta MCanomn 700S Juarez 51 t l0ol fast 32 105 1 1s MCanomn1s US Kederis 5 LPanehita Kootenay EBryson 6936 Juarez 51 f 1064 fast 85 105 2 11 31 Kirschm 5 IGentleman FRoberts Furlong 6918 Juarez 51 f 106 good 31 107 4 12 31 Kirschm G RioBrazos ElPaloraar Pawhuska 6840 Juarez 51 f l07i fast 2 102 2 1 = 1 3 = 1 Kederia G F Roberts Upright Luc Allen 6521 Pimlico 34 l14jj fast 4 115 4 I I ederis 2 Bciom Hlmatlon The Rascal 6090 Laurel 34 116 slow 9 107 7 51 Kederis 9 J Knight Chemulpo V Strome 6032 Laurel 31 1131 fast 30 112 5 41 5 Kederis 9 Isidora Rosseaux Hoffman 5S62 Laurel 31 1122 fast 30 117 4 10 10lKederis 10 Back Bay Isidora Rosseaux ENVY b f 3 106 By Kenilworth Mitten Chanticler Stable 9988 Butte 51 f 107 hvy 4 106 l S ier 5 a J PofLmore Americns 9S96 Butte 51 f l08slop 21 105 r S fiicr 5 frPhltJ5 Americus PofLmore 9497 Butte F C 110 fast 215 106 rs n Cr Gi L 5h R S aidy chlta F Park 9389 Butte 58 lXHslow 2 103 S Mlllur 7Boy Americus MCanomauu 5671 Helena 6S 102 fast 115 J111 ° Ivonltc PanZareta P Gannon 4457 Butte 58 102 slow 5 115 3 35S 1 i itl rSCKm BIocb SrIfrlppr ° dAlene 41 4407 Butte 5S 101 slow 186 115 2 21 3 = 1 K r rsch m r G Or Kripp PZareta MKatcham 4259 Butte 5 8 1018 slow Gl 113 2 Ja chm G Or Kripp Moth Katcham 4203 Butte 12 472 fast G 109 4 oJ 5em y 5 PZareta Al Bloch M Katcham Truly 4097 Butte 41 f 544 mud 4 111 4 s fH J 5 5He He y Sat Gannon Al Bloch Bells 39SO Salt Lake 12 472 fast S 106 3 1121 Kirschm 5 Truly Orlin Kripp CdAlene 3716 Salt Lake 12 472 fast B 1 1 Buxton 8 KNelson MrsGamp PrettyDale PAJAROITA ch g 8 By Rey del Sierras Aunt Bird W S Heath 9S71 Butte F C 110 good 8 44J K ilcEwen C Simpsilla Mlmorioso Goldlinu 9672 Butte F C l09rast 1S5 103 3l E McEwen i Mlmorioso Daddy Gin Goldfinn 9627 Butte 51 f lOS 4fast 65 109 14 E ajeEwen G TightBoy Clara W iFilstlcItS S 9516 Butte 5S 101 fast 3 110 F IcEwcnll Kdua New Haven Parnell G6SO Helena 51 f 107 fast 107 11 A Murray 8 Passenger Decency Marsaud Girl 115 Anaconda F C 1124 good 85 10G 3 2 Ji A Murray 9 Engraver Just Red Definite 932 Butte 51 f 1094 slop 12 109 6 51S ol A Murray 7 NapaNick OrimarLad FFashlon 410 Butte 51 f l07j slow 235 109 6 Sh Spray Napa Nick 335 Butte 58 100 fast 135 104 2 2RANSPARENT 1L Nick1L to 2 Selden cei4cn TKnight 7 Little Jane Chas Goetz Oxer OxerBy RANSPARENT 118S41 ch gr 6 118 By Smile Little Pearl M Kennedy S41 Butte 34 l14fast 5 1UU ° S ii K KcoviV Duncraggan Mary Emily Rue 603 Butte 1 l42fast 5 104 coviV KniilyLee nii1 + TallowDip StarBluo 519 Butte 34 114 fast 12 IOS 3J E 1 Smith 7 Chaiiticlor M Emily my Dwencv 8345 Tulsa 34mGOy l20fast 8 109 4 R Brooks G Dominica Cordova The Wolf eicii 8211 Tulsa 61 f 124 good 2X 114 114S050 32J 2 F Prior r RMcGill DomVa Wof theJIn S050 Tulsa 34 l18slow 8 119 11976S4 Gore 0 Diineraggiin Dominica ca Cordova 76S4 Tulsa 61 f 123 good 65 111 11175S4 AVoShear lMc lH LMKckirt Phil orova orovaA ifohr 75S4 Juarez 34 J13fast 4 112 4 A i I sna 3P eak I A A G Hogan Hazel C 7030 Juarez 1 139 fast C 93 3 6i 8lulHalsey 10 Colinct Compton Wicket 7505 Juarez 34 113 fast 31 109 C C74SO ICSabe V cnmell SirBarry Butter Ball 74SO Juarez 31 114 fast 135 IOS 5 3 = 1 33i J McCabe 11 Colinet Eck Davis Glmll 7441 Juarez 34 l15slow 2 112 S 7 C41 Gross 10 Faneuil Hall Gift Zinkund TYREE br f 3 93 By Broomstick Ethel Pace Field Bros 9471 Butte 34 l14fast 5 104 55 Ormes 7 Inquictu F Fashion C Brow 9233 Latonia 34 lKfast 24 87 7 7 = 421 W W Tlor 9 Merrick The Reach Royal 9163 Latonia 34 l19mud 1G5 1051 3 Estt p H Adelaide T La Mode Paiuplnoa Dolly 9074 Latonia 34 l13Vfegood4910 105 9 4 3JEsteP i M Katcham La Mode G Post 8930 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 395 105 8 8SS94 CU G iE Martin 4 9 Jimmie Gill Verenn Prospect SS94 Latonia 34 113 fast 8 100 G W W f Ior12 APatricla BeulabSIWBriggs 6121 Latonia 61 f 110 hvy 4 100 2 G G JJ i Callahan G Gowell S of Danube Donemi7 5577 DouglasPk 51 f 1064 fast 64 109 2 Ji J oftus 7 o Womau Madelle Daisy Plait 5445 DouglasPk 51 f 1078 fast 31 1091 4 4G377 J PlaitJ if I oftua 11 Carpathia Luria Katrine G377 Douglas Pk 5S 104 hvy 3310 111 G 31 21 Loftus 8 Ma Salaauie Ask Ma Ella Curr CurrBy EDNA b f 4 100 By Nasturtium Hope On S Cameron US9S Butte 5 f l09i slop 15 IOS IOSrJ 814iE Cotton S FFashiou JIKifliards G Friar C71 Butte rJ f l07fast 7 113 1135S Volffurth rartn f Decency Clara 9316 Butte 5S 101 fast C 110 2J t S Martin 11 t Pajaroita New Haven ParnGirl W 9431 Butte 51 f lOSVfslow 5 104 9 Ormes 12 Decency Newllaven Sixteen 3193 OkIaCity 34 1174 fast 12 95 78i Sixteen78i L Jackson i Lt Knight Ftrroua JobnUClay 3381 OklaCity 34 11C4 fast 2 107 1 li Jackson 11 DbgStar YngPausy LaUyXount 3330 Ok City Ab5S 105 slow 18 101 C21 Ormes 11 P Electric Cordova Caroudolet 32C5 OklaCity 61 f 132 hvy 21 105 G1L Jackson G Ochre Court Pitapat The Wolf 3193 OkCity Ab5S 104 slow G 107 I2 L Jackson 7 Til Thomas J Latnar YPausy

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Local Identifier: drf1913080101_4_2
Library of Congress Record: