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SOME FISH THAT CANNOT SWIM It is a fact that there are fish which cannot swim ! A Brazilian fish called the maltha can only crawl or walk or hop. It has a long, upturned snout, and resembles to an extent u toad. Tim anterior fins of the maltha are quite small, and are not able to act ou the water. They are iu reality thin paws, which are of no service for swimming. The starfisli is another fish unable to icrform the aquatic art. Another fish, which, although unable to swim, does not get drowned, is the seahorse. It is a most peculiar shaped inhabitant of the sea, and, unlike most non-swimmers, loves, the water. Then, although not strictly fish, it is interesting to note that such Crustacea as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps, etc., which live in the sea, cannot swim. But the wonder is that they have not tried to emulate their briny brothers and sea sisters which constantly pass them by. Certain other fisli of South American tropics aro known to leave the small lnmds to seek larger ana cooler stretches of water when the sun threatens to drv up their late habitations. They spend whole davs and nights upon their- march and travel by hundreds through the moist undergrowth of the forests.