Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Thursday. February 3. 1921. — Sixty first day. Lowei California Jockey Clnb. Winter Meeting "f 125 or aaarc day-. Weither clear. Presiding Steward. Frami- Nelson. Associate Steward-. J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, llarn Morrtasey. Kacing Secretary. Leon Wing. Baring starts n l:3g p. in. Chicago time 3:30. 52 74-C u First Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Kpiiv. Odd-. Did. Hone Wt Fin Jockey. Straight. 537M*Aunl Annie MS 1 i: Martneili 500-100 5S01S*Capon 195 -■ B Taylor lr.a-ion glS77*Vera Wood. M$ ■■• G rearjrln in i «i "c;." 8:: George JameutM 4* C Grose I2K0-10 52503 : w. M.dr.is.- w S| V Parka 1450-1O0 .-.•i.- 83 Barber m B1 X Paden l l- mo Bgg73*8iatcr Polly •! :- 11 Bowe To -ion SggltFuIl Moon lu- 8*1 c Miller 16O -108 5-i4K3 rowii -: V Taylor tgP-lM |S liiiiiuiN paid. Aunt Annie. 3.00 straight. S3.su place, -S3. -Mi -how: Capon. S3. hi place, 32.80 ■boa ; Vera W I. 33.03 show. Hgaliall III Looking odda — Aunt Annie. .".Kt to 100 straight, 30 t.. loo place. 70 to loo show; Capon, TO to 100 place. -10 to 1IHI show: Vera Wood. SO to 100 -how. Time. 1:15. Track fast. Winner J. A. Paraoas i.. f, b Cade Qaallfy, I by sir Dixon trained by -I. A. Paraaa; bred by , Messrs. Headley A Miller. Went to post at l:Sg. At po-t 1 minule Start ; good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Beratched ."l:7j:i sharp Bqairrel, 38. Overweights Crowa, 3 poaads. uuiuu 9 7 0 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yard.;. Feb a 1920— 1: 43 j— 6— 122. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. i: piiv Odds. j lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. .-70.- !.. Innocence no l II Rettig L.oioo StOSd* Mary Fuller l»r, p* B Mnrinelii to80-I0fl .-.•;i;ii i.. m l- i Powell ■■ ■• ion 3glSI*Buckbora 11. l"7 1 E Taylor .- »»!» Prevaricate .1- "-1 R McCrat u t 53083 Anna Star I0S 8 Poden 13*3-109 53088 a Tours 11 VI W Iliiiphv L-9a0-100 53338 Ill.- Ciallant !IL «• P Martin./. 120-101 ." «84 Lnvaga MS a 0 Teargbi 863 lW tMutu-l li.ld. mutiiei- paid. Lady laaoceace, #7.00 straight. S3. Co place, 33.20 -how : Mary Fuller, field 33.43 place. 33.40 show; iva. si 1 . to show. Klnivalent booking odd- I. ad.-, innocence. L".o lo loo straight, si, ,,, ion place, 33 to ion abow; Mary Fuller, field. 170 1.. loo place, jo to loo ahoa . Viva. J7o in inn -h,,w Time. 1:47. Track fast. Winner J. A. Morgans I,, m. lo. bj BalvathM Mi-Reina, by Santiago trained bj J. A. Morgan: I bred l.y Messrs. Lawrence »v Coaistock. Went to po-t at L:lt;. At po-l 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won driving; second ami third the same Scratched— SS883 Belle of tin- Kitchen, loo. "•l,".I Handy Van, 107; 5S70S A! Wick. 112, 271 Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. .Feb. ■»«••* 1. 1920— 1:43V0— 6—122. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wim.er 50: second. 00: third, 0. Eqair. odd-. In, I. Herat Wt. Fin Jockey. Straight 53834 May worth in:, I] R Taylor Z70-10Q .vjoTO-iiore.i- IU I i Martlnea I NM 33300s* Von Lady IK :• II Rowe isntm 5i.-.H» Prophecy iJ li. C Cross 2350-108 52381 Hickory rul 113 51 Q Yeargln B09-100 53SO0*Nel. Witw.r 137 Bs C Wblttlngton »10 100 53873 Miaa Welia vr, ~ O Willis pinion 53885 Ken, ice B. IN B« .1 Kowe IS43-10U 53358 Red William 17 " W Taylor I8K» loo 53883 fol. Xorfonl 107 M X Poden 1235*1 loo 32 mutiiei- paid, Mayworth, s7.lo straight, 33.00 place. 33.08 show: Boreas, 38.83 place. $:.»! -how; oii I. adv. S3.su wbow. Bqaivaleal booking odd- Mayworth, 270 to ion straight, mi to khi place. 80 t.. loo show; Boreas. 30 lo inn place. 50 to loo -how: Von Lady, 00 to 103 -how. Time. 1:47. Track fast. Winner San Diego stable- I,, m. ■" . by Braauael Kimla. l.y The Bard trained l.y W. T. Aaderaaa; bred l.y Mr. I.. A Lyae. I Weill lo pe-t at 2:80, At po-t 1 minute. Start , y.iod and slow. Won driving: second and third die same. Scratched 32381 Sadie Btroap, loo; 531782 Jim j Winn. 102. Overweight- Nellie Wltwer, 2 paaada. 97 9 Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. waiawai 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to , winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Bqulv. Odds. ; lad. Horse. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Btraiaht. 52818 Ki v.lo H 13 C Whittington 233-1M 38708x*Loaia ul ." B Taylor 130-109 52585* Mar. Council 10:» :: B Marlaelll S» 100 88888 it Ha Lee 112 -I- I Martlnea GO9-1O0 52707*Iriah Maid IK II. Ion. s S353-133 58878 Weinlaml 111 i C Cross 3750-100 sl muHiels paid. Keydo. 36.00 straight, 32.83 place. 32,40 -how: I.oui-. 33.88 place 82.40 show; Marie C nil. .20 show. Kniivaleiit booking ...id- Beydo, 288 Ie 103 straight, lo to 100 place. 20 to 188 -how: Loots, -40 to ion place. JO to 10n i-how ; Marie COBDell, 83 to 130 sh,,w. Time. 1:4745. Track fast. Winner .1. Ilumlirecht - b. g, 7. l.y Key llindoo — Trint:i. by Sain trained l.y G. II. Koland: bred by Meenre. Lawreace A Coaistock. Went to p.-t at 3:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third dn lag. Overweights I.oui-. 3 paaada, K07K9 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. uiuu 1916—1:45—3—110.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third, 0. Eqair. odd-. lad. Hois.. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Straight. .V»087 Veteran HO |k n Willis 1233-100 52881 Sailor to;, -ni. v Taylor 350-100 523871Regreeo : »; :;■ r. Marinelll 70-101 52888 Ii-dra :.7 I- c; V.argin :;uii-ino .-i.MiH: Thrift 102 .", I. Qangel 1233-133 52837 Sbort stop ill »; P Martlnea t fCoapted in betting as c. it. Irwbi eatry, Si mutiiels paid. Veteran. 328.03 straight si 1 Hi place, 38.00 Rbow; Sailor. 38.08 place, sj.su show; c. it. Ira in i ii 1 1 sl.uo -how . Eaalvaleal booking odd- Veteran, 1288 to loo -traight. 170 to 100 place, 50 to loo show: Sailor. 33o to loo place, io t.. loo show: c. B. Inria eatry, 10 to loo show. Time. 1:46V Track fast. Winner F Dalmki n - I., h. :.. l.y Hi- Majeet Nectary, by Maaeford trained l.y J. J. Marpay; I. nil in Baghtad bj Mr. J. J. Karkin-oii I. Went to post al 3:Js. t po-t 1 niinute Stall good and -low. Won driiiig: lecoad and third the same Overweights Veteran. 1 piinnd: Sailor, "_. 59 7 " 4 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1920— 1:1125— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqair. odds. lad. lloi-, wt. Fin. Jockey. Strath!. 5281 1 Clear Lake ,1" Is* E Taylor 360 ion 52582* Yukon NM jj i; .M;,rineili 373-PM 52381 Viva cul.a US P Martlnea 2S8b-M0 1 52888 Hi" Way ill I. Poden 1128-188 .vr;7K Miss Sedalia no :. -j. .1 Low. 230V188 52832 : John Jr. 113 6s C Wblttlngton 30-1W : i: i: Mkiia Wl 7 D Powell BSM-M 32 in 1 1 1 in I- paid. Clear Lake, sti.jo straight, s:.i:i plact S3. on show; Takoa, 34.28 place. 38.20 -Low: Ira ciiii.i. 88.88, show. Equivalent bookiag odds clear loke. 388 la loo straight, so t,, 100 place. 50 to loo shea : Yukon, llo to loo place. 83 In 188 show: Via Cuba. 240 t. 100 -how. Time. 1:14. Track fast. Winner O, Kellys b. in. 7. by Fountain Bqaare Clear Night, l.y Free Knight trained by K 1 Wright; br. d by Mr. William Diets. Went to po-t al 8:58 At po-l !l minute-. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the came. Scratched— r 2728*July Fly. lot. Overweights Mi-- Sedalia. J pound-. xjuivv 59 7 Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 191G _1:113._3_U0/ plir3e 00. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqair. odd-. lad. Iloi-e Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52427 K K Owen US l W Taylor won yo 52g32"Neg HI .. II Bowe 730-100 i 52812* W. Mgini7 3 ] C Wblttlngton 428-lOn 82882 Hon Jos,- 111 4, H Rettig 300-100 52084* Hap. Valley 112 .v. E Taylor 398-100 52882 *Manncben 115 3] B Marlaelll 349-100 52401 *Concha 18 7; D Prible MSO-PM 52812 Delancey 11 HI 11 .McCranu 12333-183 80188 Sweet Apple p»j ;i x Foden 5188-188 SL iniitiiels paid. Koliert K. Owen. 322.03 Straight, 38.88 place. |4.20 -how: Neg, 311.28 place. 35.80 show: Wooijie Moatgoatery, 34.28 show. Equivalent booking odd- -Robert K. Owen, Utoo to 108 strahrht, 288 to lo i place, llo to 1im» show; N.g. 483 to 100 place, lso to 183 show: Woodie Montgomery. 110 to loo show. Time. 1:18%. Track fast. Winner — W. Hargans eh. g. •■ l.y Klin- I.cnion Ciil. l.y Mad-tone trained by w. Gargaa; bred by Mr. Keii.j.imin A. .lone-1. Went to po-l at 1:24. At po-l 1 minute. Stall good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights -Woodie Montgomery, l poaad.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020501/drf1921020501_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1921020501_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800