Water Dog is a Good Colt, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16


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WATER, DOG IS A GOOD COLT. TWICE CUT OFF, HE COURAGEOUSLY WINS LAST RACE AT CITY PARK. The Hayman Party Backs Him Heavily Cousin Kate Too Sick to Start at Crescent Park Lieber Wins Again. New Orleans, La., January 15. With improvement In the track at City Park this nfternoon came improvement in "the sport. Five ot the races furnished close finishes. The winners in four of them were forced to stand long, hard drives to land the Ions end. of the purses. The attendance was large and speculation brisk. A steeplechase over the short course attracted the most attention. The best jf the jumpers that have started at the meeting went to the post in this race, and the winner, Lights Out, won only after a stirring contest witli Golden Link and Itip. These three ran in a close bunch for nearly nil of the trip and it was not until over the ninth jump that Lights Out held the race safe. Elliott, Emergency and Water Dog were the winning favorites. Water Dogs victory marked one of the biggest killings of the meeting. The Hay man party backed him from to 1 to 1 to r. Water Dog ran a good race, but. had to be best at the weights to win. He was unfortunate in being crowded back and apparently out of contention soon after the start and when Perrett moved him up on the turn out of the backstretch he was again cut off and lost another three or four lengths. Entering the homestretch he slipped up on the inside and coming fast got up and passed Polly Prim in the last dozen strides. Water Dog showed great courage whent it came to a drive. He is a grand looking colt and has evidently been underrated. srXierc. wasju.jain in the first race .just as the liorses were rounding "the" nfsffurrTand T6wnMoor stumbled, unseating jockey Obcrt. From the grandstand it appeared as though a couple of horses stepped on Ohert, but fortunately such was not the ease. The boy scrambled to his feet and walked back to the jockeys room. The judges, after au investigation, decided that Hcffernan, who had the mount on Arc Light, was to blame for the accident and suspended him for six days for all but his employer, James Arthur. New Amsterdam was lame when going to the post in the steeplechase and this probably accounted in part for his poor showing. The best Monday crowd of the season, numerically and speculatively was in evidence at the old track this afternoon. The weather was fine and this, father than the merits of the card, probably accounted for the outpouring. With the exception of the mile handicap, Hie program was featureless. Phil Finch had his colors lowered, but not inglori-ously. He was handicapped by a bad ride. His conqueror, Lieber, is at present in remarkably good form and bad the advantage of being well handled, suitable track conditions and lighter weight. Jockey Winktield made his reappearance today in the saddle for the first time In a long while in this ccuutry. He rode Benora in the opening race and finished far back. Cousin Kate, which was coupled in the lietting with Usury, was taken sick just as the horses were about to be called to the post in the second race. A veterinary pronounced her suffering from acute spasmodic colic and gave it as his opinion that if she started In the race she would in all probability die before reaching the finish. She was withdrawn. All bets were declared off and twenty minutes granted for a new book. Budweiscr was withdrawn from the opening raw because the starter had issued an edict against the horse in his last start, prohibiting him from further participating in the racing here on account of his bad behavior at the post. Shipshape, which ran in the opening race.wrenched his aukle after going u furlong and was pulled up. The injury at first was deemed serious, but after reaching the stable a veterinary set the bones in place and the horse showed no ill effects. John W. "Bub" May arrived today from Memphis and applied to Secretary Nathausou for stable room at Oaklawn. Six two-year-olds, including Bound Dance, the supposed crack of the Bennington stable, and Jerry Wernberg, are suffering from influenza. They will have to be thrown out of training for some time.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906011601/drf1906011601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1906011601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800