untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16


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THE ILLINOIS w5" Room 623, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 1876. LIEBER - - - 5 2 Won BRUSH UP - - Scratched Jan. 13 Llebr 5-1 Won Collector Jessup 2d Jan. 12 Van Ness Won GuIdingStar... Scratched Jan. 11 Paul Clifford 2d St. Joseph 2d Jan. 10 J Wernberg... Scratched Florizsl Lost Jan. 9 Alma Duf our . . Scratched Sincerity Belle Lost Jan. Phil Finch 9 5 Won Adare Left at post Jan. 6 The Regent 8-1 Won Sincer. Belle .Withdrawn Jan. 5 Alma Dufour 8-6 Won Stoner Hill 3rd Jan. 4 Paul Clifford 8-1 Won Keynote. 3-1 Won Jan. 3 Sincerity Belle... 8-1 Won Lieber 13-20 Won Jan. 8 Listless 9-5 Won Bad News 6-5 Won Jan. 1 Phil Finch 3-5 Won Hannibal Bey 7-1 2nd Dec to Formaster. 4-5 Won Marvel P 2nd Dec 28 King Cole 1-5 Won Jack Lory 2nd Dec 27 Columbia Girl.... 2-1 Won Calabash 4-6 Won Dec X Bryan Scratched Echo Dale Lost Dec 25-SimplIclty.L. S. Sp1..3rd Pant Clifford 2nd Dec 23 Calabath 2-1 Won James Reddick . . 3-5 Won Dec 22 Azellna. 3rd Hadur Scratched Dec-21 ChietHayes......5-l Won EchoDale.... Withdrawn Dec 20 Collector Jeamip.7-5 Won Hallowmas Lost Dec 19 Marvel P 8-5 Won Gamara 2nd Dec IS Mayor Johnson . . 2-1 Won Calabash 7-5 Won Dec 18 Lady Ellison 3-1 Won Athena 3rd Dec 15 Macbeth 8-1 Won Augur tand Won Dec 14 Mayor Johnson ..7-1 Won Lady Ellison 9-5 Won Dec 13 Calabash 6-5 Won Hannibal Bey. . Scratched Dec 12 Pancreatls 12-1 Won Bullfinch 8-5 Won Dec 11 The Regent 4-1 Won Phil Finch 2-1 Won 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED 8-I Tuesdays Special 8-I Go to it we have got the race skinned by a block. We Show Daily "Record," Win or Lose TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. .00 PER MONTH Room 312, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. Tuesdays Special: No. 852 Buffalo. Kutry List: 2-80-840-84:-84S-S40-S.".2-S54-8r.ti. National Racing Reviews Special, No. 434 Xoom 37, 71 Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. Yesterdays Special, Withdrawn. One months subscription and 2 Free Specials, .00. READ Some day this week I will give out to my clients a trick that they can get down for a good bet and feel reasonably safe. The price should be from 5 to 20 to 1, according to the company. This is the one which was the subject of my letters of December 1H and January 1. The horse Is at New Orleans and the clique are getting ready for a coup. It is very Imperative that my clients hold In readiness that they may avail themselves of this affair. In the event of your address changing, kindly notify me by wire immediately. 14 Out Of 19 Occasional Win Jan. 10 DB. GARDNER ... 6-5 WON Jan. 8 USURY 5-1 WON Jan. 3 ROUND DANCE .. 3-1 WON Jan. 2 BIG BOW 7-2. WON Dec. 31 ROYAL LEGEND. 8-1 WON Dec. 29 MINT BOY 3-1 WON Dec. 25 ATTILA 6-5 WON Dec. 23 ECKERSALL 4-1 WON Dec. 21 WEDGWOOD 5-1 WON Dec. 19 YO SAN 7-2 WON Dec. 15 BELDEN 4-1 WON Dec. 13 SHEEN 6-5 WON Dec. 12 PANCREATIS 12-1 WON Dec. 10 BELDEN 5-1 WON ,000 the above summary is correct. Only two losers this month January t! and 12. 5-1 TOMORROW One Weeks Trial - $ 3.00 One Month - - - 10.00 GEOT OTIS Suite 84, 119 La Salle Street CHICAGO BRANCH. TELEPHONE MAIN 3645. 0. PEflBODY and SONS DIRECT ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT "THE BALLANTIHE METHOD" has met with but three losing days the past year, judging the season from January 1, 1005, to yesterday, Monday, January 15, 1000, inclusive, period covering o25 actual racing days. SAME MUST WIN DAILY. This is the only system sold under a positive GUAUANTKK. The above record speaks for the value and solidity of the System. The purchase price of "The Ballautlnc Method" is Ten Dollars. Prospectus and details upon request. The Dallantiue Method, does not depend uiwn our selections. It is a complete system in itself. Facts such us the above are the only plausible things which constitute the strength of an argument. We ask the public in general not to conflict system play with hazardous gambling methods, nor to compare proven facts with illusions. 22 West 33d Street, NEW YORK CITY, Directly Opposite Waldorf-Astoria. Our MR. ARTHUR PEABODY, Jr. . WILL REMAIN AT THE GRAND PACIFIC, CHICAGO, Until SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st. 1 YESTERDAY OUR ONE BEST BET WAS SirrS LITTLE ELKIN - 2-1 Ran 2d everyday. Saturday MINT BOY ..7-1 Lost V Friday it was BARON ESHER Withdrawn Kp. Thursday it was ST. JOSEPH Ran 2d rtflKOjkafiik Wednesday it was . . . .ARAB Lost jMMKmS Tuesday it was MONET 3-5 Won trSlHP Monday it was .GRACE WAGNER. ... 3-1 Won MfJflF Saturday it was BAD NEWS 1-1 Won flf REYNOLDS and CO. andfiay Hone Owners and Kxpert Haiadlcappera, n m Sixth Floor, 119 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO if- Phn 2877 C.ntral. repr,1nt- Si. 00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906011601/drf1906011601_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1906011601_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800